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View Full Version : Sniper [3.5 Base Class] (PEACH)

2012-10-25, 10:51 PM
Originally posted on MinMax. (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2759.0)


Cool Pic (http://i46.tinypic.com/2v9didy.jpg) (Unsure about copyright)

”One Shot, One Kill”
-Famous Sniper Axiom

A Wisdom-based Archer.

Abilities: Wis>Dex>Con=Int>Str>Cha
Races: Any.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: as Rogue.

Class Skills
The Sniper's class skills are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography, Nature)(Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6+IntMod)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6+IntMod

Hit Die: d8

{table]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special
1st|+0|+0|+2|+0|Aim, Precise Shot, Trackless Step
2nd|+1|+0|+3|+0|Close Quarters Ranged Combat, Light Step, Rangefinder, Trick Shot
3rd|+2|+1|+3|+1|Keen Perception, Light Step (Spider Climb), Practiced Shooter
4th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Rangefinder, Trick Shot
5th|+3|+1|+4|+1|Fast Aim, Improved Snipe
6th|+4|+2|+5|+2|Darkstalker, Trick Shot
7th|+5|+2|+5|+2|Cunning Veil, Light Step (Water Walk)
8th|+6/+1|+2|+6|+2|Rangefinder, Trick Shot
9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+3|Powerful Aim
10th|+7/+2|+3|+7|+3|Greater Snipe, Trick Shot
11th|+8/+3|+3|+7|+3|Hide in Plain Sight, Veteran Shooter
12th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Rangefinder, Trick Shot
13th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+4|Accelerated Aim
14th|+10/+5|+4|+9|+4|Light Step (Fly), Trick Shot
15th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+9|+5|Superior Snipe
16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Rangefinder, Trick Shot
17th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+5|Mighty Aim
18th|+13/+8/+3|+6|+11|+6|Sudden Aim, Trick Shot
19th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+11|+6|Fire All
20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+12|+6|One Shot Kill, Trick Shot[/table]

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Sniper is proficient in all Simple and Martial Weapons, and with Light Armor.

Aim (Ex): When a Sniper uses a full-round action to make a full attack with any ranged weapon (including thrown weapons), she adds her Wisdom Modifier as a bonus to her attack rolls (on top of her Dexterity Modifier). In addition, these attacks each deal 1d4/level additional damage. This damage increase is not considered Precision Damage for the purposes of creature immunities. If she does not take a full attack, a Sniper does not gain these bonuses. This ability counts as Point Blank Shot for the purposes of prerequisites.

Precise Shot: A Sniper gains Precise Shot as a bonus feat.

Trackless Step (Ex): A Sniper leaves no trail in any surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if she so desires.

Close Quarters Ranged Combat: Snipers trust their lives with their ranged weapons, and have trained to use them in any situation. Beginning at 2nd level, a Sniper does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity by using a ranged weapon in melee.

Light Step (Ex/SpL): A Sniper of 2nd level can move through difficult terrain at her normal speed without incurring any penalties. In addition, she may move at her full speed with no penalty to Hide or Move Silently, and only takes a -10 penalty while running or charging. At 3rd level, a Sniper can use Spider Climb once per encounter per two Sniper levels, with a caster level equal to her class level. At 7th level, a Sniper can use Water Walk once per encounter per three Sniper levels, with a caster level equal to her class level. In addition, she gains Climb and Swim speeds equal to half her base speed. At 14th level, a Sniper can use Fly once per encounter per four Sniper levels, except with a duration of 10 minutes per level, and with a caster level equal to her class level. In addition, her Climb and Swim speeds increase to be the same as her base speed, and she takes no penalty to Hide and Move Silently
while running or charging. Uses of Spider Climb, Water Walk, and Fly may target willing allies in addition to the Sniper, and are spell-like abilities. All other benefits of Light Step are extraordinary.

Rangefinder (Ex): Shots at any range may be attempted; a ranged weapon's maximum range limit does not apply to a Sniper. At 4th level, the range increment of all ranged attacks is doubled. For example, a longbow's range increment becomes 200 feet instead of 100, a -2 penalty applies from 200 to 400 feet, and so on. At 8th level, the range increment is tripled, and at 12th level, the range increment is quadrupled.
At 16th level, a sniper may attack anyone she can see with no range penalty, and no maximum range. This does not allow a Sniper to attack between planes (i.e. Scry to another plane), ignore Cover or Concealment, or shoot through solid objects without the appropriate Trick Shots.

Trick Shot: Starting at 2nd level, and again every even level after that, a Sniper may select a Trick Shot from the list below.

Keen Perception: Beginning at 3rd level, a Sniper adds 1/2 of her Sniper level as an Insight bonus to her Listen and Spot checks.

Practiced Shooter (Ex): By 3rd level, a Sniper has put enough practice shots downrange to know how best to conserve ammunition. All non-magical ammunition from a failed attack is recoverable. In addition, magical ammunition from a failed attack has a 75% chance of being recoverable.

Fast Aim (Ex): At 5th level, a Sniper may make a single ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as a Standard Action.

Improved Snipe (Ex): At 5th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may make a single ranged attack and then immediately Hide at a -10 penalty. A full attack incurs a -20 penalty as normal.

Darkstalker: A Sniper who reaches 6th level gains Darkstalker as a bonus feat.

Cunning Veil (Ex): A Sniper of 7th level may apply her Wisdom modifier as a bonus to her Hide check.

Powerful Aim (Ex): At 9th level, the damage dice from the Sniper’s Aim ability increase to d6’s.

Greater Snipe (Ex): At 10th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may make a single ranged attack and then immediately Hide at no penalty. In addition, if a Sniper who has successfully hidden uses a full-round action to attack with a ranged weapon, the penalty to the subsequent Hide check is decreased to -10.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): A Sniper of 11th level can use the Hide skill even while being observed. She can hide herself from view in the open, without anything to actually hide behind.

Veteran Shooter (Ex): At 11th level, all of a Sniper’s ammunition from a missed attack is recoverable. In addition, magical ammunition from a successful attack has a 50% chance of being recoverable. Non-magical ammunition is still destroyed in a successful attack.

Accelerated Aim (Ex): A Sniper of 13th level can make a single ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as a Move Action.

Superior Snipe (Ex): At 15th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may take a full attack action (as long as all are ranged attacks), and then immediately Hide at no penalty.

Mighty Aim (Ex): At 17th level, the damage dice from the Sniper’s Aim ability increase to d8’s.

Sudden Aim (Ex): At 18th level, a Sniper can make one ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as an Immediate Action.

Fire All (Ex): A Sniper of 19th level, once per encounter, may take a Full-Round Action to make a single Aim attack against all opponents she can see.

One Shot Kill (Su): A Sniper of 20th level has become a master of taking down her targets with a single blow. She may make a single ranged attack, with her Aim bonuses, as a standard action. If this attack hits, it deals damage normally, and the target must make a Fort save or die. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Sniper’s class level + her Wisdom Modifier. The Sniper must declare that she is using this ability before the attack is rolled.

2012-10-25, 10:52 PM
Alternate Class Feature: Demoralizing Shot
Replaces: Light Step class feature.
Benefit: At 2nd level, any enemy the Sniper hits with a ranged attack must succeed on a Will Save, DC 10 + 1/2 CL + WisMod, or be Shaken for the next round. In addition, the Sniper gains a +4 bonus to resist Fear effects. At 3rd level, all enemies within 10’ of the target are subject to the same effect (each person rolls their own save). At 7th level, all who would be Shaken on a failed Will save are instead Frightened for the next round, and are unaffected by a successful save. In addition, the Sniper becomes immune to Fear effects. At 14th level, even enemies who are successful on their Will saves are still Shaken for the following round. Also at 14th level, enemies who are immune to Fear effects are affected by this ability, but are only Shaken on a failed save, and suffer no effects on a successful save. If a creature is already affected by a Fear effect of the same strength or greater, these abilities have no effect. All Demoralizing Shot abilities are Supernatural.

Trick Shots
{table]Trick Shot|Prerequisites|Description
Distance Marksman|Precision Damage from Class Feature|Increase Precision Damage Range
Distracting Attack|-|Flank From Distance
Energetic Shot|BAB +8|Ranged Attacks Count As Energy Types
Lights Out|-|Make a Ranged Stunning Attack
Martial Shot|Sniper Level 4|Martial Study Adapted for Sniper
Oh, Were You Walking There?|-|Make a Ranged Trip Attack
Penetrating Shot|-|Ignore Damage Reduction
Sharp Focus|-|Increase Critical Threat Range
Called Shot|Sharp Focus|Auto-threaten Crits
Critical Shot|Sharp Focus|Crit Normally Immune Creatures
Deadeye Shot|Sharp Focus|Increase Critical Multiplier
Dread Shot|BAB +5, Demoralizing Shot ACF, Sharp Focus|Increase Critical Multiplier vs. Frightened Creatures
Weak Spot|Sharp Focus|Normal Attacks Become Touch Attacks
Sneak Attack|-|Increase Sneak Attack Damage
Stay Riiiight There|-|Make a Ranged Grapple Attempt
Thread the Needle|-|Ignore Cover, Lower Miss Chance
Skip Shot|Thread the Needle|Ignore Total Cover
Dimensional Shot|Skip Shot, BAB +8|Ignore Force Effects, Attack Incorporeal
Improved Dimensional Shot|Dimensional Shot, BAB +10|Attack Ethereal
Perfect Dimensional Shot|Improved Dimensional Shot, Sniper Level 16|Attack Across Planes
Phase Shot|Skip Shot, BAB +8|Shoot Through Solid Objects
Two Birds With One Arrow|-|Hit Multiple Targets With One Attack
Vital Shot|Precision Damage from Class Feature|Auto Sneak Attack
Whites of Their Eyes|-|Threaten Squares with Ranged Weapon
Double Jeopardy|Whites of Their Eyes|Threaten Targets At Range
And Your Little Dog Too|Double Jeopardy|Threaten Squares At Range
You Don’t Need That|-|Make a Ranged Disarm Attempt [/table]

Ability Descriptions

And Your Little Dog Too:
Prerequisites: Whites of Their Eyes, Double Jeopardy
Benefit: This trick allows a Sniper to threaten any squares threatened by creatures she hit in the previous round. If anyone moves through those squares, the Sniper may make an Attack of Opportunity against them with her ranged weapon.
Special: This does not allow a Sniper to take more than one Attack of Opportunity per round unless she has some other ability granting this (e.g. Combat Reflexes).

Called Shot:
Prerequisites: Sharp Focus
Benefit: A number of times per encounter equal to the Sniper’s Class Level or Wisdom Modifier, whichever is smaller, a Sniper may designate a ranged attack as a “Called Shot.” This attack is an automatic critical threat (make one attack roll; if the roll is successful, deal damage as a critical hit). A use of this ability must be declared before the attack roll is made, and the use is expended regardless of the result.
Special: This trick does not allow a Sniper to make a critical hit against a creature that is normally immune to such hits. This trick can only be taken once.

Critical Shot:
Prerequisites: Sharp Focus
Benefit: A Sniper may make a critical hit with a ranged attack against creatures that are normally immune (or partially immune) to such attacks, regardless of the source of that immunity.
Special: If the Sniper has a source of precision damage (such as Sneak Attack), this Trick Shot allows her to apply that damage to creatures normally immune to such damage. The target must still be in a situation where precision damage would normally apply.

Deadeye Shot:
Prerequisites: Sharp Focus
Benefit: The critical multiplier of a Sniper’s ranged attacks increases by 1.
Special: This effect stacks with all other multiplier increases, but is added last. This trick can only be taken once.

Dimensional Shot:
Prerequisites: Thread the Needle, Skip Shot, BAB +8
Benefit: A Sniper’s ranged attacks ignore Force effects. In addition, a Sniper may attack Incorporeal creatures at no penalty and with no Miss Chance. The Sniper must be able to see or otherwise sense the Incorporeal creature to attack it.

Distance Marksman:
Prerequisites: Precision Damage from a Class Feature (e.g. Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, Skirmish)
Benefit: The maximum range at which your Precision Damage can be applied is equal to one Range Increment of your chosen weapon.

Distracting Attack:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Any opponent a Sniper hits with a ranged attack is considered to be flanked for the subsequent round.

Double Jeopardy:
Prerequisites: Whites of Their Eyes
Benefit: This trick allows a Sniper to threaten any square (or squares) occupied by creatures she hit in the previous round. If anyone moves through those squares, the Sniper may make an Attack of Opportunity against them with her ranged weapon.
Special:This does not allow a Sniper to take more than one Attack of Opportunity per round unless she has some other ability granting this (e.g. Combat Reflexes).

Dread Shot:
Prerequisites: BAB +5, Demoralizing Shot ACF, Sharp Focus
Benefit: Your Critical Multiplier increases if attacking a creature suffering from a fear-related condition. If targeting a Shaken creature, your critical multiplier increases by +1. If targeting a Frightened creature, it increases by +2. If targeting a Panicked or Cowering creature, it increases by +3.
Special: This effect stacks with all other multiplier increases, but is added last. This trick can only be taken once.

Energetic Shot:
Prerequisites: BAB +8
Benefit: Choose one of the following energy types: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic. Half of the damage dealt by all of your ranged attacks is considered to be of that energy type.
Special: This trick can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, choose an additional energy type and divide the damage an additional time. For example, if Energetic Shot is taken twice, with Electricity and Sonic types chosen and dealing 60 points of damage, 20 points are Electricity damage, 20 points are Sonic damage, and 20 points are normal damage.

Improved Dimensional Shot:
Prerequisites: Thread the Needle, Skip Shot, Dimensional Shot, BAB +10
Benefit: A Sniper can attack Ethereal creatures while on the Material Plane. The Sniper must be able to see or otherwise sense the Ethereal creature to attack it.

Lights Out:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A number of times per encounter equal to her Wisdom modifier, a Sniper may substitute a Ranged Touch Attack for a normal ranged attack. If this attack succeeds, instead of dealing normal damage, the target must make a Fortitude Save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. The Save DC for this ability is 10 + 1/2 Class Level + Wisdom Modifier. A use of this ability must be declared before the attack roll is made, and the use is expended regardless of the result.
Special: This trick does not affect creatures normally immune to Stunning. This trick only works on creatures with discernible anatomy. Using this trick does not count against uses of the Weak Spot trick.

Martial Shot
Prerequisite: Sniper Level 4
Benefit: Choose one of the following martial disciplines: Diamond Arrow (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?193578-Bo9S-Archery-schools), Falcon's Eye (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8103296), Falling Star (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10640971&postcount=7), Heaven's Arc (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=7219.msg110653#msg110653), Solar Wind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193295), Striking Eagle (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8364949&postcount=3), or True Arrow (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7780236&postcount=379). Select one maneuver from the chosen discipline for every 4 Sniper levels (round down), ignoring all prerequisites except Initiator Level. Sniper levels count as full Initiator Levels for the purposes of maneuvers gained with this Trick Shot only. You can use each of these maneuvers once per encounter. If you later gain levels in a class granting a maneuver recovery mechanism, that mechanism cannot be used to recover maneuvers gained with this Trick Shot.
Special: This Trick can be taken multiple times, each time choosing a different discipline. Maneuvers learned with this trick may be used to satisfy prerequisites.

Oh, Were You Walking There?:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A number of times per encounter equal to her Wisdom modifier, a Sniper may make a Trip attempt with her ranged attack. She makes a normal ranged attack. If the attack hits, it does normal damage. In addition, the Sniper makes a trip attempt using her Wisdom instead of her Strength, and with a bonus equal to 1/2 CL. This attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The target may not make an attempt to trip you if your attempt fails. You may attempt to trip targets of any size. A use of this ability must be declared before the attack roll is made, and the use is expended regardless of the result.
Special: This trick can be used in conjunction with the Sniper’s Aim ability. This trick counts as the Ranged Trip feat for the purposes of prerequisites.

Penetrating Shot:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: With this trick, a Sniper’s attacks become harder to resist. All of a Sniper’s ranged attacks ignore 2 points of Damage Reduction. In addition, choose two of the following Special Qualities: Adamantine, Bludgeoning, Chaotic, Cold Iron, Evil, Good, Lawful, Magic, Piercing, Silver, Slashing. All of a Sniper’s ranged attacks are considered to have the chosen qualities for the purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction.
Special: This trick can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken after the first, ignore 2 additional points of damage reduction and choose one additional quality. In addition, you may change one of the qualities previously selected to a different one from the same list.

Perfect Dimensional Shot:
Prerequisites: Thread the Needle, Skip Shot, Dimensional Shot, Improved Dimensional Shot, Sniper Level 16
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier, a Sniper can attack a creature who is on a different Plane. The Sniper must be able to see or otherwise sense a creature to attack it.

Phase Shot:
Prerequisites: Thread the Needle, Skip Shot, BAB +8
Benefit: With this trick, a Sniper can shoot through solid objects. The maximum thickness through which a shot can pass is 5 feet for every 2 Sniper levels. If a shot reaches the maximum distance without exiting the solid object, it stops, and remains inside the object. The shot can exit a solid object and enter another in its path as long as the total thickness does not exceed the maximum. The Sniper must be able to see or otherwise sense the creature on the other side of a solid object to attack it.

Sharp Focus:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: The critical threat range of a Sniper’s ranged attacks increases by 1.
Special: This trick may be taken multiple times, and its effects stack with all other effects that increase threat range, but are added last.

Skip Shot:
Prerequisites: Thread the Needle
Benefit: This trick allows a Sniper’s ranged attacks to ignore Total Cover.

Sneak Attack:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This trick grants +1d6 Sneak Attack Damage.
Special: This follows all of the normal rules for Sneak Attacks. This trick may be taken multiple times, and its effects stack with all other sources of Sneak Attack. If the Sniper has the Skirmish or Sudden Strike abilities, she may instead choose to apply this damage increase to that ability. This damage is independent of the bonus damage from the Sniper’s Aim class ability (under the correct circumstances, both apply).

Stay Riiiight There:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A number of times per encounter equal to her Wisdom modifier, a Sniper can perform a ranged grapple attempt against an opponent by pinning it to a nearby surface. The target must be within 5' of a wall, tree, or other surface in which a projectile can be stuck. She must succeed on a ranged attack (not a ranged touch attack) – which deals damage normally – and then win an opposed grapple check using the Sniper’s Wisdom modifier instead of Strength modifier (your size modifier and the target's size modifier still apply). To break free, the victim must make a Strength check or an Escape artist check (DC 15 + Wisdom mod + 1/2 CL) as a standard action. A use of this ability must be declared before the attack roll is made, and the use is expended regardless of the result.
Special: This trick can be used in conjunction with the Sniper’s Aim ability. This trick counts as the Ranged Pin feat for the purposes of prerequisites.

Thread the Needle:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This trick allows a Sniper’s ranged attacks to ignore anything less than Total Cover. In addition, if the Sniper’s target has a Miss Chance, the Miss Chance is decreased by 10%. Any creature whose Miss Chance is reduced to 0% is considered to not have Concealment.
Special: This trick can be taken multiple times, and its effects stack.

Two Birds With One Arrow:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: A Sniper may use this trick to make an attack against multiple opponents at the same time. The maximum number of opponents attacked this way is equal to the number of iterative attacks the Sniper has, plus 1. All opponents must be in a direct line from the Sniper. The Sniper rolls one attack at a -4 penalty. The attack may hit any, all, or none, depending on each target’s AC. Damage and critical confirmations are rolled separately for each target.
Special: This trick can be used in conjunction with the Sniper’s Aim ability. Aim damage is applied to all successful attacks.

Vital Shot:
Prerequisites: Precision Damage from a Class Feature (e.g. Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, Skirmish)
Benefit: A number of times per encounter equal to the Sniper’s Class Level or Wisdom Modifier, whichever is smaller, a Sniper may declare her next single ranged attack roll to be eligible for Precision damage, even if her target is not flat-footed or flanked. A use of this ability must be declared before the attack roll is made, and the use is expended regardless of the result.
Special: This trick can only be taken once. This trick does not allow you to apply Precision damage to creatures which would normally be immune.

Weak Spot:
Prerequisites: Sharp Focus
Benefit: A number of times per encounter equal to the Sniper’s Class Level or Wisdom Modifier, whichever is smaller, a Sniper may make a ranged touch attack instead of a normal ranged attack. A use of this ability must be declared before the roll is made, and the use is expended regardless of the result.
Special: This trick can only be taken once.

Whites of Their Eyes:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: With this trick, a Sniper threatens all squares in her normal reach, and can use her ranged weapon to make Attacks of Opportunity.
Normal: Only melee weapons can be used to make Attacks of Opportunity.

You Don’t Need That:
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: This trick allows a Sniper to make a Disarm attempt with her ranged weapon at no penalty, and with a bonus equal to 1/2 CL. This attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The target may not make an attempt to disarm you if your attempt fails.
Special: This trick cannot be used in conjunction with the Sniper’s Aim ability. This trick counts as the Ranged Disarm feat for the purposes of prerequisites.

Sniper Feats
Alert Reaction|-|# of Attacks of Opportunity = WisMod
Improved Alert Reaction|Combat Reflexes, BAB +8|Make Multiple AoO’s Against the Same Target
Extra Trick|Trick Shot Class Feature|Learn an Additional Trick Shot
Insightful Action|Improved Initiative|Add 1/2x WisMod to Initiative Roll
Pinpoint Aim|Precise Shot|Ignore Size Modifiers
Studied Killer|Int 16, Aim Class Feature|Replace WisMod with IntMod for all Sniper CFs[/table]

Feat Descriptions

Alert Reaction
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Wisdom bonus. You may also make attacks of opportunity while flat footed. You can still only make one attack of opportunity per opportunity.
Special: This feat counts as Combat Reflexes for the purposes of prerequisites. This feat does not stack with Combat Reflexes; only one ability modifier may be used to determine extra attacks of opportunity. This feat does not allow you to threaten any areas or make attacks of opportunity with a ranged weapon.

Extra Trick
Prerequisites: Trick Shot Class Feature
Benefit: You learn an additional Trick Shot
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. The Sniper must meet all prerequisites of a Trick Shot to learn it.

Improved Alert Reaction
Prerequisites: Combat Reflexes, BAB +8
Benefit: You can make a number of attacks of opportunity against the same target for one opportunity equal to the number of iterative attacks you have. This feat does not allow you to make more attacks of opportunity per round than you would otherwise be able. For example, your Wisdom (or Dex) modifier is +2, so you get 3 attacks of opportunity per round, and your BAB is +9, so you get 2 iterative attacks. Two creatures move through the area you threaten. You can make 2 attacks of opportunity against one creature, and one against the other.
Special: This feat does not allow you to threaten any areas or make attacks of opportunity with a ranged weapon.

Insightful Action
Prerequisites: Improved Initiative
Benefit: A Sniper adds 1/2 times her Wisdom modifier as an Insight Bonus to her initiative roll. If the modifier is an odd number, round down if the Wisdom score is even, up if it is odd.

Pinpoint Aim (courtesy of Garryl)
Prerequisites: Precise Shot
Benefit: When making a ranged attack, you may ignore your size modifier to attack rolls (if negative) and your target's size modifier to AC (if positive).

Studied Killer
Extensive analysis has provided the Sniper with intimate knowledge of all types of bodies, and their weak points.
Prerequisites: Int 16, Sniper's Aim ability.
Benefit: All of a Sniper's class abilites based on Wisdom are instead based on Intelligence.

*Suggestions for other Feats or Trick Shots are welcome.

2012-10-25, 11:01 PM
Rangefinder (Ex): Shots at any range may be attempted; a ranged weapon's maximum range limit does not apply to a Sniper. At 4th level, the range increment of all ranged attacks is doubled. For example, a longbow's range increment becomes 200 feet instead of 100, a -2 penalty applies from 200 to 400 feet, and so on. At 8th level, the range increment is tripled, and at 12th level, the range increment is quadrupled. At 16th level, a sniper may attack anyone she can see with no range penalty, and no maximum range. This does not allow a Sniper to attack between planes (i.e. Scry to another plane), ignore Cover or Concealment, or shoot through solid objects without the appropriate Trick Shots.

Fire All (Ex): A Sniper of 19th level, once per encounter, may take a Full-Round Action to make a single Aim attack against all opponents she can see.

one archer versus an army, deals 20d8+arrow damage to 95% of the army in 1 round, just saying, you may want to limit it to 1 target/level or something

2012-10-25, 11:08 PM
Rangefinder (Ex): ...

Fire All (Ex): ...

one archer versus an army, deals 20d8+arrow damage to 95% of the army in 1 round, just saying, you may want to limit it to 1 target/level or something

Well, it IS 19th level...

2012-10-25, 11:12 PM
but an army, because you can shoot everything within 18 miles for a minimum damage that kills all of the infantry, not even WIZARDS can do that, i don't believe, i'd understand you making it powerful, but thats a bit ridiculous.

and don't think i dislike the class, i like it a lot, i just noticed that and couldn't NOT mention it

2012-10-25, 11:16 PM
but an army, because you can shoot everything within 18 miles for a minimum damage that kills all of the infantry, not even WIZARDS can do that, i don't believe, i'd understand you making it powerful, but thats a bit ridiculous.

Well, it's still limited by your Spot check...

...but, I guess I could limit it to 1/level. (WisMod/level?????? :smallbiggrin: )

2012-10-25, 11:18 PM
Well, it's still limited by your Spot check...

...but, I guess I could limit it to 1/level. (WisMod/level?????? :smallbiggrin: )

i would say level+wis mod, cause choosing like 24 people to do massive damage to isn't too overpowered in my opinion

2012-10-26, 05:14 AM
”One Shot, One Kill”
-Sniper Axiom

Aim (Ex): When a Sniper uses a full-round action to make a full attack with a ranged weapon, she adds her Wisdom Modifier as a bonus to her attack rolls (on top of her Dexterity Modifier). In addition, these attacks each deal 1d4/level additional damage. This damage increase is not considered Precision Damage for the purposes of creature immunities. If she does not take a full attack, a Sniper does not gain these bonuses. This ability counts as Point Blank Shot for the purposes of prerequisites.

If it's a full attack it's presumably "One or more shots, nought or more kills".

Adding both your Wisdom modifier and a die bonus to damage in one level seems a bit much to me, particularly when the dice apply to damage for all attacks so long as you're shooting (rather than, say, Rogue where you have to meet the Sneak Attack conditions, or Scout where you have to move 10 ft. and get less of a bonus). Adding 1d4/level, also know as "More than the damage dealers with specific conditions to meet", is rediculous (also, how many people have 20d4?). I'd remove the damage dice and allow them to come in later when making a single shot (much like the traditional view of a "One shot, one kill" sniper).

How are you justifying an ability called Aim, fluffed as being extra precise and hitting vital areas, as not being precision damage? Is it just because you don't want to have to deal with enemies that ignore it? It really should be precision damage.

Light Step (Su): A Sniper of 2nd level can move through difficult terrain at her normal speed without incurring any penalties. At 3rd level, a Sniper can use Spider Climb (as per the 2nd level Spell) a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus, with a caster level equal to her class level. At 7th level, a Sniper can use Water Walk (as per the 3rd level Spell) a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus, with a caster level equal to her class level. At 14th level, a Sniper can use Air Walk (as per the 4th level Spell) a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom bonus, with a caster level equal to her class level.

This seems like it should be two separate abilities (one with the difficult terrain, one with the spells).

The spells seem to have far too many uses per day - a 14th level Sniper can spend the entire adventuring day in the air. As a class specialised in dealing lots of ranged damage, and one fluffed as trying to get in the perfect hiding position before taking the shot (which probably isn't "the sky"), I'd suggest cutting the number of uses per day (so you have a pool of Wisdom modifier uses, each ability uses one use), and having Air Walk only function for one minute per level (otherwise functioning as the spell). This leaves enough utility for getting about, but means that it can't be maintained for the entire day, and that Spider Climb and Water Walk are still relevant in cases where the time period exceeds 1 minute per level.

Rangefinder (Ex): Shots at any range may be attempted; a ranged weapon's maximum range limit does not apply to a Sniper. At 4th level, the range increment of all ranged attacks is doubled. For example, a longbow's range increment becomes 200 feet instead of 100, a -2 penalty applies from 200 to 400 feet, and so on. At 8th level, the range increment is tripled, and at 12th level, the range increment is quadrupled.
At 16th level, a sniper may attack anyone she can see with no range penalty, and no maximum range. This does not allow a Sniper to attack between planes (i.e. Scry to another plane), ignore Cover or Concealment, or shoot through solid objects without the appropriate Trick Shots.

Why is there no range limit? Just increasing the range increment seems bonus enough.

You've also given an Epic feat to a 16th level character, and it will result in silliness ("Wait a minute, we know that the BBEG on the other side of the world likes to take afternoon tea on his battlements at this time! Quick, scry him!" 6 seconds later the BBEG has 6 arrows jutting out of him and the world is saved).

Trick Shot: Starting at 2nd level, and again every even level after that, a Sniper may select a Trick Shot from the list below.

This class has far too much going on (4 abilities at 2nd level?). You can safely remove half of the bonus Trick Shots and still have a character with new things to do every level. It also means that the character might have to make a difficult decision about which Trick Shot to take, rather than just being able to get all of the ones they like. I'd take out the ones at level 2+4n (n=0,1,2,...).

Fast Aim (Ex): At 5th level, a Sniper may make a single ranged attack with her Aim bonuses as a Standard Action.

I would allow bonus dice to damage to come in here (so as a standard action can make a shot adding perhaps 1d6/2 levels as precision damage).

Powerful Aim (Ex): At 9th level, the damage dice from the Sniper’s Aim ability increase to d6’s.

Do you really think a 9th level Sniper making ranged attacks out to huge ranges with no penalty shooting into melee dealing something like 1d8 + 2 (Strength modifier) + 4 (Wisdom modifier) + 3 (Enhancement bonus) + 1d6 (flaming/shocking/cold) + 9d6 damage (Aim) (average 48.5 damage per shot) on 3 shots per round is balanced?

Superior Snipe (Ex): At 15th level, a Sniper who has successfully Hidden may take a full attack action (as long as all are ranged attacks), and then immediately Hide at no penalty.

This is getting a little silly, with Hide becoming a better method of remaining undetected than Invisibility when True Seeing becomes available (although I suppose Invisible Invisibility trumps Hide).

One Shot Kill (Su): A Sniper of 20th level has become a master of taking down her targets with a single blow. She may make a single ranged attack, with her Aim bonuses, as a standard action. If this attack hits, it deals damage normally, and the target must make a Fort save or die. The DC for this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Sniper’s class level + her Wisdom Modifier. The Sniper must declare that she is using this ability before the attack is rolled.

I'd limit it to a number of uses per day.

2012-11-03, 08:10 AM
Phase Shot:
Prerequisites: Thread the Needle, Skip Shot, BAB +8
Benefit:With this trick, a Sniper can shoot through solid objects. The maximum thickness through which a shot can pass is 5 feet for every 2 Sniper levels. If a shot reaches the maximum distance without exiting the solid object, it stops, and remains inside the object. The Sniper must be able to see or otherwise sense the creature on the other side of a solid object to attack it.

Is that 5ft in total or continuously?
If I have a lvl20 Sniper who can see (through a mirror on the roof) an enemy on the other side of a small hedge maze. Each hedge is 5ft deep. There are 15 hedges between Sniper and the Enemy.
Can he take the shot? There is no 51+ft deep object for it to fail to penetrate but the combined solid objects add up to 75ft but they are not continuous.