View Full Version : character creation help

2012-10-27, 10:28 PM
Hello everyone i have been playing D&D for a while but i am still not great a creating a character. i am good at backstorys and such

I am looking for help in creating two characters with weapons and abilities and everything

The first character i am looking to create is a viking { i am thinking starting out with a fighter or barbarian}
i would like him to have light to medium armor . i am picturing him either weilding a sheild and an axe or maybe two axes or something like that but i cant figure what else to do to make him like a viking and what talents, skills and attacks to give him

the second character well i am a fan of world of warcraft. i would love to create the lich king
now for him i just dont know anything

I would like him to be as close to the lich king as possible
the lich king has and can
-he has a two handed sword
-he can raise the dead and use frost magic , undead magic and death like magic
-he was a paladin but then he became evil and undead..
-he has heavy armor

any help i can get i would love..
my Dungeon master says i can create attacks or abilities for the lich king and such. normaly we would add attacks as we lvl but he says i can get all the attacks now so i can remember them and then we would add them once i lvl

2012-10-27, 10:30 PM
Can you let us know what books are allowed?

2012-10-27, 10:36 PM
For the Lich King, the ideal best way to do that is with some kind of Sorcadin build. I haven't played the game, but it sound like Paladin of Tyranny 2/ Sorcerer 4/ Spellsword 1 /Abjurant Champion 5/ Sacred Exorcist 8. That lets you get a full iterative attacks, and 9th level spellcasting. Make yourself a Necropolitan for the race.

2012-10-27, 11:10 PM
My suggestion for the viking would be a Bjǫrnkarl. (meaning bearwarrior)
human lion totem barbarian3/fighter2/warblade2/bear warrior10/warshaper3

At early levels you will play pretty average, but as you progress you become infinitely stronger, and the bear stuff fits pretty well flavor wise for a viking. Be sure to grab Leap Attack and Shock Trooper. If you want an axe over sword, that's fine, but make sure you two-hand it for the Power Attack bonuses. Also, if you decide to head into Epic levels I suggest War Hulk after 20.

2012-10-27, 11:28 PM
For the Lich King, the ideal best way to do that is with some kind of Sorcadin build. I haven't played the game, but it sound like Paladin of Tyranny 2/ Sorcerer 4/ Spellsword 1 /Abjurant Champion 5/ Sacred Exorcist 8. That lets you get a full iterative attacks, and 9th level spellcasting. Make yourself a Necropolitan for the race.

S'not optimal, but Fallen Paladin would be better than Paladin of Tyranny for flavour appropriateness in LK's case.

2012-10-27, 11:45 PM
Don't discount the Neanderthal from Frostburn for a Viking...a few stat bonuses, easily flavored as a "Northern Frigid-waste Human" and as I recall they even get a +1 atk bonus with....either hand axes or throwing axes...smaller axes anyway.

2012-10-28, 02:06 AM
Can you let us know what books are allowed?

to answer your question we play 3.5 as we dont like the newer version. i am allowed to use all books..
the rulebook i have bunch of rule books. i have all the core rulebooks and all rule books but the dungeon masters one i also have the patherfinder core rulebook witch i am told i can use also