View Full Version : [3.x] Teamwork *Hoorah!*

2012-10-28, 12:50 PM
Ok, so hear is the deal that I'm trying to work on.
I want to suggest to my group playing some sort of teamwork orientated classes so that teamwork *might* actually happen. I play with a group of guys that like to optimize, but nowhere near the levels seen in this forum at all.
between the bunch of us we have damned near every book but only access to some at a time as we collectively share the books.

So long story short, I'm looking to find book and class that grants multiple bonuses of some sort to allies/team members.
Ex: nightsong enforcer/infiltrator(complete adventurer) grant teamwork bonuses, dread fang of lolth/eye of lolth(drow of the underdark) also grant teamwork bonuses.

Are there any others out there that will grant teamwork bonuses that are legit WoTC books and not splatbooks or 3rd party/homebrew?

I would really like some help with this please guys and gals of the boards.

so to date we have:
nightsong infiltrator (complete adventurer)
nightsong enforcer (complete adventurer)
dread fang of lolth (drow of the underdark)
eye of lolth (drow of the underdark)
dread commando (heroes of battle)
bard with dragonfire inspiration feat (dragon magic)

2012-10-28, 01:01 PM
If I recall correctly; DMG2, PHB2, and Heroes of Battle all have rules for teamwork benefits (read; bonuses to your crunch) that apply to the group as long as they meet the prereq's regardless of class. They don't even require that you expend any resources beyond actually meeting the prereq's and doing a bit of training together.

2012-10-28, 01:03 PM
thank you kelp, but i was more so looking for classes that would do this sort of thing since a lot of the teamwork feats don't work with my group all that well :(

2012-10-28, 01:09 PM
thank you kelp, but i was more so looking for classes that would do this sort of thing since a lot of the teamwork feats don't work with my group all that well :(

Oh. Those weren't feats if I'm not mistaken, but the nightsongs are the only classes geared that way to my knowledge. Sorry.

Btw, why do people keep calling me seaweed? :smallconfused:

It can't be a typo, B and P are at opposite ends of the right home-row.

2012-10-28, 01:14 PM
You've made a contradiction, and I need a clarification before I can make a suggestion:

What is the difference between 'Official WoTC material' and 'Splatbook', because I think we have different definitions of the word 'Splatbook'.

In my view, a Splatbook is anything that isn't PhB/DmG/MM1. If that's the case, then none of your examples are valid.

Because if Core + Completes + Dragon Magic is allowed... Bard. So much Bard. DFI + IC to give the party enormous damage boosting.

2012-10-28, 01:17 PM
@shneeky: splatbooks to my knowledge has been 3rd party books. those are books my group doesnt use or any interested in using as they are to "broken"

@kelB: human nature will mess things up when reading based on assumptions.

2012-10-28, 01:20 PM
@shneeky: splatbooks to my knowledge has been 3rd party books. those are books my group doesnt use or any interested in using as they are to "broken"Okay, the general usage of 'splatbook' is 'official WoTC books that aren't core'. So with the definition you are using of 'splatbook', then I would definitely say Bard with DFI. Don't forget Bards also get Haste, which is also a party buff.

Dragon Magic is official WoTC material, so is everything you build a DFI bard with.

2012-10-28, 01:21 PM
Sorry if this lists me as n00b, but what is DFI?

Uncle Pine
2012-10-28, 01:23 PM
thank you kelp, but i was more so looking for classes that would do this sort of thing since a lot of the teamwork feats don't work with my group all that well :(

Teamwork benefits aren't feats: you can use them as soon as all the characters meet some easy prerequisites while a single character (the "team leader") has to meet additional prerequisites. These usually are skill ranks or feats that most builds already have. The party also needs to train for a couple of weeks and them *BOOM*! They gain a bonus! :smallbiggrin:

Aside from teamwork benefits, the only thing that I can come up with is the dread commando PrC from Heroes of Battle. It has 5 levels and it adds his class level to the whole party's initiative checks.

Uncle Pine
2012-10-28, 01:25 PM
Sorry if this lists me as n00b, but what is DFI?

It should mean Dragon Fire Inspiration, or something like that... I can't actually remember what it does, but it's usually pointed out as a really good alternative class features for bards.

Kyuu Himura
2012-10-28, 01:26 PM
Sorry if this lists me as n00b, but what is DFI?

Dragon Fire Inspiration. A Bard thingie that lets them add xd6 energy damage to all of the party's attacks, where x is their Inspire Courage Mod. it's Awesome.

As for Teamwork... White Raven. Seriously, have a White Raven focused Warblade or Crusader, watch as everyone start working as a perfectly sinchronized unit.

2012-10-28, 01:27 PM
Sorry if this lists me as n00b, but what is DFI?

Dragonfire Inspiration. From Dragon Magic, it lets you replace traditional Inspire Courage with xd6 fire damage instead of +x to all allies.

Taking Draconic Heretage feat from the same book lets you change the flavor to Sonic, if you are worried about fire resistance.

Then what you do is 'twist' songs (old Everquest term, for those who used to play it back in the day), using Lingering Spell feat from Complete Adventurer.

Round 1: Cast Inspirational Boost (from Spell Compendium) for a +1 to IC, use Badge of Valor (from Magic Item Compendium) for a +1 to IC, use a Masterwork Mandolin (from Complete Adventurer) for another +1 to IC use Dragonfire Inspiration.

Round 2: Use Inspire Courage. You have to stop singing Dragonfire Inspiration, but thanks to Lingering Song, you've got plenty of time before it actually expires.

So now the whole party has a bunch of bonus on to hit and damage, and a bunch of extra d6's on their damage rolls.

2012-10-28, 01:27 PM
Uncle pine, where might i find this ACF so i can see if i have access to that book please

2012-10-28, 01:29 PM
As for Teamwork... White Raven. Seriously, have a White Raven focused Warblade or Crusader, watch as everyone start working as a perfectly sinchronized unit.

Yes, this works very well, from Tome of Battle.

In fact, you can do both DFI and this using White Raven Song feat to synergize Inspire with Warblade or Crusader going heavy focus on White Raven as mentioned.

2012-10-28, 01:30 PM
Technically most of the support classes.

So that would be things like Dragon Shaman, Marshal, Bard, or any T1/T2 caster whose built to Buff (Traditionally principely Cleric).
Now DS and Marshal are a bit dull so the answer is really Bard because T1s can do anything any time and T2s can do anything if they are built for it.

2012-10-28, 01:31 PM
well, damn, i have dragon magic and never read taht part... I guess because I'm not really a bard player... ever.
ok, thats pretty cool. as for ToB stuff, we don't use that but I own that book as well so will read up on that.

Uncle Pine
2012-10-28, 01:33 PM
Uncle pine, where might i find this ACF so i can see if i have access to that book please

I doublechecked, and DFI isn't an ACF but a feat from Dragon Magic. You can check what it does here (http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=Dragonfire_Inspiration).

2012-10-28, 01:47 PM
thanks every one!
this is great, 5 prc's, a base class with a feat and some pointers at the teamwork abilities. any other ideas?
*going to update/edit OP*

2012-10-28, 01:52 PM
You can dabble in Pathfinder.

Pathfinder has teamwork feats that do stuff as long as two or more characters have the feat. The Cavalier class gains bonus teamwork feats and can temporarily grant one to party members. The Inquisitor class gets bonus teamwork feats and can benefit from them even if others do not have the feat as long as they otherwise meet the condition the teamwork feat requires. Since you'll probably just want to stick with 3E, just porting over the teamwork feats would be fine.

Also encourage better tactics, even something as simple as buff spells. The cleric casts Bless. The fighter can then power attack for 1 for +2 damage and still have his original attack roll. The fighter flanks with the rogue so that the rogue can get sneak attack. Meanwhile, fighter also gets +2 to hit. He power attacks for two more for four more damage while still at his original attack bonus. He's now +6 damage to all attacks at his original attack roll total. The wizard casts Haste on the party allowing the rogue and fighter to attack once more with their extra damage on a full attack. Oh look, fighter gets another +1 to hit he can use for Power Attack for +2 damage instead and is now at +8 damage for all attacks while still at his original attack roll.

2012-10-28, 02:06 PM
navar100, as to dabling in pathfinder, seems my group doesnt see pathfinder as a viable option yet since I'm the only one that seems to know anything about it and they are to stubborn to learn/read.