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2012-10-28, 01:33 PM
Book of Madness
Don't Rest Your Head

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14128836#post14128836)

Basic Die Roll Rules:

Dice are only rolled when a conflict arises. Conflicts may be between players and other characters, or between players and environments.
When a conflict arises the player states what they are trying to accomplish and I state the forces opposing you.
When rolling players must roll all discipline dice, all current exhaustion dice, and however many madness dice you would like to use (please use the vroll function).
All 1s, 2s, and 3, are all called successes, and the number of successes equals the degree of the roll. The side with the highest degree wins the conflict. Players win ties.
Within any given pool the strength of the roll is the highest given die roll within that pool.
Whatever pool has the highest strength overall dominates.

Hope and Despair Points:

Despair points are gained whenever Pain dominates, and are usable by GM only.
Hope points are gained after a despair point is used, and are usable by players only. May be used in several ways:
They are used for reducing your current exhaustion rating by one, removing one check from fight or flight.
May replace a permanent madness die with a discipline die (each time this is done the cost in points is five minus the characters current discipline level.
On any roll any player may spend one or more points before results are narrated. Doing so adds a 1 (equates to adding a success roll to your side of the conflict) to the main protagonists discipline pool.

{table=head] Hope | Despair
0 | 1

2012-10-28, 05:05 PM
Zachary Pruitt and Jeremy Rogers slowly trudge their way back through the catacombs to the sanctum of the Wax King. He asked them to see to three private vintners asking his aide, and have done so admirably. Though in the process of driving away their foes, they may have managed to alert an even greater evil to your presence in the darkness.

After slogging through an indeterminable liquid that may or may not be water, the two wanderers eventually see a dim light up ahead with what looks like a body supporting it. They have made it back and head towards the familiar Blind Guard of the Wax King.

As they draw closer they soon realize that these knights are a tad more stoic than normal, and as the final gap between them is closed, the two wanderers see the two foot long sewing pin piercing his heart and sticking each of them fast to the wall behind on either side of the entrance way.

The two Awakened walk cautiously into the main chamber of the King of Wax and witness a gory scene. At each point of the clock there is a Blind Knight dead and pinned to the wall, and above the only other doorway, at twelve o'clock is the Wax King, crucified with a pin through each hand and each foot. The candle on his bald pate has fallen dim but has yet to be snuffed out.

They see that the blood flowing from his seeping wounds has a rusty orangeness to it and a faint luminescence as well. As they approach they see that his eyes are still open, and have been following them since they entered the room.

It seems I had to pay my taxes whilst you were away.. They have never come down here in such numbers before, with such force! ..There will be reckoning for this..oh there will be indeed.
And yes traveler they took your precious Opus as well, for that is why they came here at all.
Do not fret, for I thank YOU for this. If not for you and your loquacious bird, I would not have known about this threat to my kingdom until it was too late.
I shall remember you, and when my rage boils up into the streets above, and when my reckoning comes to purge the streets of those who have committed these monstrosities, I shall do my best to pass you over, as unharmed as is possible, and I'm afraid I may offer you no more than that.
If you wish to see it ever again, follow my blood, and it will show you the way back to the surface.
After these words, a few more droplets of blood fall into the ankle deep water. Then finally, blood, breath, and speech all stop.

As the Awakened slip beneath the body of the King of Wax to leave, Zachary feels heat rise behind him and sees on the far wall a great light as if a forge of the gods is being struck alight behind him. In unison he hears the voices of the dead Blind Knights and the Wax King himself screaming..
At the end of these words the light and heat fades, he turns and behind him sees nothing but a bare stone wall where his previous comrade once stood in a carved archway. He turn again and see a staircase leading up to the light, where there was only darkness before, its steps coated in the glowing orange blood of the fallen king.

2012-10-28, 09:37 PM
Goodbye Jeremy. Your chapter in this will not be forgotten when all is done. You may have failed to solve your problems in this world, just as you did in the world above, but know that you have aided me in my mission. And you, ruler of candles and the dark places you sought to illumine. I hope we never meet again, but you're a sight better than any other in this metropolis of madness. Best of luck with that revenge, burn that Tacks Man for me. But now, I must find my Opus.

Zachary walks up the stairs, following the glowing blood of the Wax King. He has new resolve to find his great work and return to the waking world, having seen the brutality of the Mad City first-hand. He pauses for a moment on the stairs, then shakes his head, unhappy with a realization. He continues on, muttering it aloud.

I'm going to need allies.

2012-10-29, 03:26 PM
I'm going to need allies.

Zachary emerges once more into the Mad City as he knew it. The great silk awnings of the Bizarre Bazaar rustle faintly in the far distance, with many people running to and fro beneath them peddling their various wares. Beyond that are the twisted spires of District Thirteen looming over the city. On either side he sees more people, some more people-y than others, running, walking, jostling eachother, narrowly missing one another, all seemingly scrambling with no real sense of order or direction. From somewhere within the district a steady stream of black smoke is rising into the sky and beginning to black out the sun. A great deep whistle blasts twice through the cityscape around him and then falls silent.


2012-10-29, 03:41 PM
A short, mousy-haired girl named Jessica Johnson sits aboard a subway train, waiting to be taken home. The way back is long, and she settles in to relax the rest of the way back after a long day in the city. As the train progresses through its many stops and starts, stranger and stranger characters begin getting on and off of the train. That woman's tattoos look scalier than they should, and the man four seats down has what appears to be a tail flicking beneath his long coat. After a while the journey is too long, and Jessica begins to nod off. And the last thing she notices is that the one with scales appears to be staring in her direction.

Everything goes fuzzy, and slowly fades to black.

Not long after she awakens to find something truly different, for starters she is now alone in her own old-timey train coach. She sees humanoid shapes wandering up and down the central passageway outside her fogged windows. All of them appear to be wearing either all white, or all black, and a few are carrying things.

Suddenly a portly green and white shape stops in front of the door to the coach and a bleating voice calls out..


2012-10-29, 09:46 PM
A train? I suppose that actually makes more sense than most things here. Odd.

Zachary starts heading for the Bizarre Bazaar, certain he'll find a stall around there for "Allies". Maybe I'll check in on that strange man and his djinn while I'm there. Halfway across the street, however, Zachary gets an idea.

Wait, train stations have maps. Like it or not, I may be here a while; I should have a plan of action beyond attain allies, retrieve Opus. And this city is dangerous. Acquainting myself with it might save my life. The Bazaar can wait.

Zachary changes direction, and strides off towards the plumes of smoke.

2012-10-29, 10:50 PM
Jessica freezes as a deep feeling of dread takes over. I knew I shouldn't have thrown away that ticket, she thinks. She recalls that man who handed it to her seemed unduly smug but had written it off as a sort of perverse schadenfreude at all the machines being down at the station. There's no transfers on the way home and it seemed useless at the time. Who actually looks at tickets these days anyway?

She looks around as if to find a way to escape, but sees nothing that could potentially be useful. She even casts a look outside the window, not that it helps. The train is moving much too fast for her to actually exit the train without getting injured, and even then the view isn't remotely recognizable to her. Running out of options she huddles in the corner, closes her eyes tight, and desperately wishes to blend into the background for once.

2012-10-29, 11:33 PM
Running out of options she huddles in the corner, closes her eyes tight, and desperately wishes to blend into the background for once.

The panel slides open, and a sheep stands in the doorway wearing a ticket-takers hat and waistcoat.

Tickets please! it bleats.

The sheep looks down at Jessica in the corner, but then casts a cursory glance around the compartment as if nobody was there at all. He looks out the window confusedly and suddenly catches glance of a slip of paper poking out from the fold in the cabin seat. Immediately he snatches it up and tears it in half, he then puts one half in his vest pocket and the other back down on the seat. He turns to leave and begins muttering about how unsafe it is for tourists to be leaving their compartments. As he closes the door behind him a six foot silver ferret dressed in a black tuxedo can be seen passing by carrying a violin case. Just before the gap in the door is closed two words make it through..

..The Shadow.

2012-10-30, 01:59 AM
Jessica cautiously lets herself relax. That was strange, but so was everything else this night. Maybe this was all just some horrible dream. As if to test this out, Jessica slips into the corridor and glances around. When nothing happens she breathes a sigh of relief.

I don't want to push my luck with that sheep thing again. And what was up with that Shadow thing? Could that have anything to do with why I'm here?

With that last question lingering in her mind, she gains new resolve. Careful to avoid touching the few creatures milling about, she follows the ferret.

2012-10-30, 11:27 PM
In a dank basement, in a dark house, on a lonely hilltop, during a rainstorm on Halloween, six priests of Cthulhu gather and begin the ritual to summon their master to this world. They circle a bonfire that burns a strange greenish hue and chant their mysterious eldritch words. Meanwhile a black haired, bespectacled girl sits in the corner painting the scene on an easel. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the tower and there is a blinding light throughout the chamber. When the light clears a shapeless writhing tentacled mess of a creature. It gurgles twice and starts trying to crawl towards the door. One of the priests pulls out a large automatic pistol and shoots it twice, it falls to the floor and goes silent and still. He pulls back his hood and reveals a mutilated face missing chunks of flesh from ears and nose. He looks over at the girl in the corner with lidless eyes and yells YOU THERE! What are you painting? That last ritual should have worked. What are you painting?! I don't understand why it didn't work this time! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! He makes as if to lunge at the girl and suddenly she grabs the painting and is up and running, fleeing for her life.

Eventually she works herself into a dead end and is found cornered by her pursuers. Having been caught she throws the painting on the floor and jumps upon it, hoping to destroy it and crush the chance for the priests to retry the summoning without her. However her feet slip as they hit the canvas and she is sinking into the scenery with incredible speed. The painted cloth swarms up around her and she is suddenly alone in a dark forest.

2012-10-31, 03:00 PM
Nadia stands, shocked in the forest.

What is this? I feel like I have been saved from a cruel fate, but this darkness speaks to a fate possibly worse.

Her heart is beating rapidly and she is still sweating from the chase that brought her here. She looks around for any paths or lights which might guide her away from the darkness.

2012-10-31, 06:00 PM
Zachary changes direction, and strides off towards the plumes of smoke.

Zachary begins walking toward District Thirteen, slowly winding his way through the crowded streets. He passes by the extravagant silk canopies of the bizarre bazaar and keeps heading deeper and deeper into the heart of the city. Eventually he makes it to the gates the edge of the district. As he passes through them a clock chimes the eleven times in the distance.

2012-10-31, 06:16 PM
Her heart is beating rapidly and she is still sweating from the chase that brought her here. She looks around for any paths or lights which might guide her away from the darkness.

Nadia lands in a small clearing and casts about for some sort of sign to follow. Off in the distance their appears to be a faint light off in the distance, and nothing else but darkness. She picks herself up out of the dirt and begins heading towards it. Ever so slowly the darkness fades until the barest impression of a footpath can be seen beneath her feet. Eventually two smaller lights appear far away, one seemingly to the left of the greater light, and one to the right. There appears to be no footpath leading either of these directions.

2012-10-31, 11:47 PM
Eleven? Have I only been in this city for an hour? Or 13 hours? Or has it been more? Time passes oddly here. Too much has happened for it to be only the same night, I guess it must be morning by now. This is troubling, I need to get to that train station and reorient myself.

Zachary increases his pace, taking long strides through District 13 towards the source of the black smoke.

2012-11-01, 12:51 PM
With that last question lingering in her mind, she gains new resolve. Careful to avoid touching the few creatures milling about, she follows the ferret.

Jessica slips out the door of the compartment and starts following the ferret-man towards the back of the train. He winds his way between a few other animal-people (all wearing tuxedos of white or black) and comes to a door, opens it and crosses into the next carriage.

She crosses through a small gap of open air, through the door he left open behind him. He continues walking, still seeming to not notice the woman tailing him. Sitting throughout this car are more animal-people, all eating at booths set into the wall or at a small bar.

Behind the bar appears to be a rabbit-man taunting what appears to be a man about two feet tall, who also happens to be a mouse. Jessica continues to follow and at the end of the bard sees the only other full-humans thus far, a small boy talking to a small girl about something that can't quite be made out. Beside them on the floor lays a man, unnoticed, wearing a rather large green top hat with a tarot card inserted into it's ribbon. Many people and not quite people walk over and around this man, none of whom notice him or say a word about him.

As she wanders through this compartment Jessica notices that this group of animal-people seem slightly more..unkempt than the ones in the previous carriage.
The ferret-man continues walking to the back of the train.

2012-11-02, 12:15 AM
Jessica pauses her pursuit of the ferret, becoming distracted by the strange man on the ground.

He seems to be just like me. What if I'm not completely alone after all....

Deciding that as long as the train continues to run she has the chance to find the ferret again, she tries a new approach to her predicament. Crouching down she attempts to gain the man's attention.

Excuse me sir, can you see me?

2012-11-02, 01:41 AM
Nadia lands in a small clearing and casts about for some sort of sign to follow. Off in the distance their appears to be a faint light off in the distance, and nothing else but darkness. She picks herself up out of the dirt and begins heading towards it. Ever so slowly the darkness fades until the barest impression of a footpath can be seen beneath her feet. Eventually two smaller lights appear far away, one seemingly to the left of the greater light, and one to the right. There appears to be no footpath leading either of these directions.

Nadia walks toward the strongest light, following the only path.

This feels like a trap.... Pulled from the world and put here with only lights to follow.....

2012-11-03, 07:20 PM
Nadia walks toward the strongest light, following the only path.
This feels like a trap.... Pulled from the world and put here with only lights to follow.....

Nadia continues following the solitary path through the woods. When she has moved far enough ahead to have one light directly on either side an one ahead, and earsplitting cackle splits the air. The light on her left goes out. On the right the other still twinkles in the darkness.

As she walks the trees start to become thinner, and walking becomes easier. There is a bit more light here, and ahead in the distance Nadia sees a large wooden gate, seemingly unmanned. As she draws nearer the word CHECKPOINT stands out across the top of the gate.

Suddenly, from nowhere she hears..

HALT! Who goes there?!

2012-11-03, 07:31 PM
Crouching down she attempts to gain the man's attention.
Excuse me sir, can you see me?

Jessica crouches down and tries to get the attention of the fallen man in the funny hat. She reaches out, grabs his shoulder, and gently tries to roll him over to look at him. Laying on his back he reveals a literal ear to ear grin that appears to have been made with a makeshift shiv or a rusty spoon. He says nothing but stares up at her with cold eyes.

After a moment she hears an almost inaudible raspy voice.

Beware the shadows...hide if you can, you cannot run.

A clock begins ticking somewhere in the car, barely audible over the crowd. Soon it begins to speed up.

2012-11-04, 03:47 PM
Frightened, Jessica jerks away from the man. She runs towards the back of the train and attempts to find an exit.

2012-11-04, 03:49 PM
HALT! Who goes there?!

My name is Nadia, I don't know how I got here. Where am I?

2012-11-04, 04:06 PM
A skinny man named Larry Oswald tells his last employee to go home for the day, and begins closing down his gas station for the night. It's not much, and it may have taken all he had to his name, but the freedom of running your own business was well worth it.

He counts the register, sweeps up, and shuts off the lights before retiring to the back room to watch something on the little black and white television in the back while he finishes up. He flicks it on, sits down behind the desk and opens its bottom drawer. Out comes his trusty golden machete and a small jar of gun-oil. He dips a rag into the jar and begins polishing his machete. A commercial with a jaunty tune comes on the television and Oswald hums and whistles along in time.

Suddenly a great crashing noise comes from the front of the store. Oswald runs to the office door and peeks through it cautiously after flicking off his own light. He sees five men in expensive suits all standing in a line in front of his broken glass storefront. Each of them holds a machine gun

At once all five of them open fire blindly, sweeping every inch of the gas station they can find. When they finish the place lies in ruins, every bottle burst, every container cracked, and every box smashed. After a short sweep of the place one of them pipes up..

I don't see him anywhere, maybe we're getting a bit rusty at this...maybe we should have sent the goons along to do it instead.
We didn't come here to kill him you idiot. We came here to scare him, to let him know he can't get away from us, and that he can never escape his debt.

The man who responded smacks the other upside the head and they all turn to walk out.

Oswald is angry, not scared.

He watched as all his hard work, the very thing he has striven years to achieve, was blown to smithereens in front of his eyes. As they all turn to leave he sneaks out of the office as quietly as he can, machete in hand.

As he draws up behind the men in suits he lashes out at them in rage. In mere seconds the five men lay on the floor covered in blood, each of them no longer attached to their heads.

As the barbaric rage fades Oswald hears sirens in the distance. Suddenly remembering the silent alarm he had installed last week for just this sort of thing, Oswald starts to laugh.

2012-11-04, 10:52 PM
Frightened, Jessica jerks away from the man. She runs towards the back of the train and attempts to find an exit.

Jessica bolts for the door at the back of the train carriage and passes through the open air gap to the next. In the next car is the ferret-man, she runs past him and keeps going, hoping for some sort of escape. As she runs farther down the train the animals become mangier looking, and more sickly. Each car she runs through seems darker than the last, the ever-present ticking grows slightly louder, and slightly faster.

She makes her way through another dining carriage and then through a kitchen-car.

As she opens the door to the seventh carriage Jessica feels a great wind on her face, as if the train car in front of her were open to the elements. What she sees is half a carriage, slowly being eaten away by a great shadowy monstrosity. Its darkness overwhelming and consuming all in its path.

Barely visible through the darkness of the beast Jessica can make out that the train is travelling along a cliff side, in the distance appear to be trees.

Just to the left of the door she entered is a ladder and an escape hatch with a green sign spelling out the words Emergency Exit.

2012-11-04, 11:06 PM
My name is Nadia, I don't know how I got here. Where am I?

Hold on there Leeroy, I don't think she's one of them whatcha callits...zombies!

A short fat man wearing overalls and no shirt steps out from behind the checkpoint. He is brandishing a shotgun, while wearing a straw hat and a large glowing amulet. Another man follows him, this one tall and skinny, wearing a long striped nightshirt with matching cap. This one is also carrying a weapon, a large revolver. In his other hand is a lit candle and he too wears a large glowing amulet. Neither of them have shoes.

The tall man called Leeroy speaks..

You can't be too careful these days Melvin, what with all sorts of strange folk walking through our neck of the woods.

What in tarnation are you on about? The only ones we've seen in two weeks is us, and them zomboozles!

Leeroy bops Melvin on the head with his candle, almost setting his companions straw hat alight.

How might we be of service to ya little miss?

2012-11-04, 11:32 PM
Well, Curly, I just kind of... um, woke up in the woods back there. I have no clue where I am and i'm just trying to figure out what's going on right now. Also, did you say zombies? I hate zombies.

Nadia glares at them, irritated at the rednecks.

The Coot
2012-11-06, 12:29 AM
...remembering the silent alarm he had installed last week for just this sort of thing, Oswald starts to laugh.

Hah. Hahaha. Ahahahaha!... All gone is it? Well now you're gone too. Sweet, merciful riddance.

Larry touches the blood still on the machete, which he turns back and forth. Within the span of a few seconds, his face turns from vicious to blank, and from blank to worried, and from worried to angry. He raises his machete, pointing it at no one in particular.

It would be very inconvenient if there were any snitching witnesses here!

He kneels down and searches the corpses.

These bastards took everything from me. No use staying here. I can't get locked up; I guess I'm against the law now. I'll take anything I can get my hands on. They won't be needing any of it now. But where can I go to stay free? Who else is after me?

Satisfied with the search, Larry wipes his machete on the jacket of one of the eviscerated and stands up. He closes his eyes and listens intently, getting a feel as to where the sirens are coming from.

That way.

Head high, he turns away and walks speedily down the street.

2012-11-07, 01:13 AM
Satisfied with the search, Larry wipes his machete on the jacket of one of the eviscerated and stands up. He closes his eyes and listens intently, getting a feel as to where the sirens are coming from.

That way.

Head high, he turns away and walks speedily down the street.

Larry Oswald starts walking away from the sirens. He walks past the little park a couple of blocks down just as the police are pulling into the gas station parking lot. The sound of officers shouting cuts the night air, though Larry can't quite make out what's being said.

Just behind the park, there is a small forest where children are taken on nature hikes, and where they feed ducks at the pond that sits at its center.

The shouting stops and there is the sound of car doors slamming, sirens going off and tires peeling out.

Larry sees light from the squad cars high beams flood around him only moments later.

You there! Halt Citizen!

2012-11-07, 04:27 AM
As she opens the door to the seventh carriage Jessica feels a great wind on her face, as if the train car in front of her were open to the elements. What she sees is half a carriage, slowly being eaten away by a great shadowy monstrosity. Its darkness overwhelming and consuming all in its path.

Just to the left of the door she entered is a ladder and an escape hatch with a green sign spelling out the words Emergency Exit.

Jessica's jaw drops. A primitive fear takes hold of her, overriding all rational thought. Every nightmare, every forgotten childhood fear seems contained in the shadow. All she knows is that she has to get away as fast as possible.

She dashes for the emergency exit and scrambles up the ladder.

The Coot
2012-11-07, 02:58 PM
You there! Halt Citizen!

More assailants... more guns... less class.

Oswald does not stop his pace but continues forward into the darkness of the woods, ignoring the calls. He begins walking still faster, looking for proper cover which could be used to lose his pursuers, or...

Perhaps tonight these trees will live up to their name.

2012-11-07, 10:12 PM
Well, Curly, I just kind of... um, woke up in the woods back there. I have no clue where I am and i'm just trying to figure out what's going on right now. Also, did you say zombies? I hate zombies.

Nadia glares at them, irritated at the rednecks.

Yessir maam, zombies.

That's why we have these here shiny amulets. A witch sold them to us and said they would keep us safe.

We haven't seen her in weeks either though.

She used to come round every coupla days with her potions.

She cured some of us, but others got worse, and some died.

She lives just up the path, if you find her she might have an amulet for you too.

We don't actually know if she's there, but it's a better place to look than here.

If you follow this path, it will eventually fork, the left will take you to the witches house.

The two rednecks turn, and start back for their Checkpoint shelter. They disappear into the ramshackle structure, Nadia can hear them bickering.

2012-11-07, 10:26 PM
Jessica's jaw drops. A primitive fear takes hold of her, overriding all rational thought. Every nightmare, every forgotten childhood fear seems contained in the shadow. All she knows is that she has to get away as fast as possible.

She dashes for the emergency exit and scrambles up the ladder.

Jessica rushes up the ladder and through the trapdoor in the ceiling and comes out on top of the train.

The train is just leaving the cliff face it was traveling along and is now rolling on a very tall bridge, barely wide enough for the train itself. Below is barren wasteland. The windswept crags devoid of all signs of life. Jessica looks forward and sees a wall about a mile high, just over the the top she can see spires and the tips of towers.

The train appears to be heading directly at a black speck about halfway up the wall.

The ticking speeds up and Jessica can feel it reverberate through the metal of the train. She also notices that the train is picking up speed.

Jessica begins running towards the front of the train, trying to escape the shadowy horror.

The wall draws ever closer and soon its own great shadow looms over the train

2012-11-07, 10:39 PM
Zachary increases his pace, taking long strides through District 13 towards the source of the black smoke.

Zachary walks towards the black smoke. The buildings in District Thirteen all look vaguely like courts. Many of the people in this district can be seen walking to and fro either in great glossy white wigs, or in uniform.

He makes it to the far side of the district and finds the source of the smoke and noise.

On an upturned crate sits what appears to be an orphan, he holds a wooden whistle and blows it again, as he does the whole district booms with the sound of a train.

TRAIN'S COMING! he shouts.

Behind the boy is a small ramshackle train station and some tracks. However the tracks end only a few feet past the station, and at the end of the tracks a vast black pit opens into oblivion. Thick plumes of black smoke rise from these dark depths.

Around the pit people are gathering in great excitement. Wigs and uniforms mix in a great writhing mass of people, but none of them appear to be getting within ten or so feet of the pit.

2012-11-07, 10:49 PM
If you follow this path, it will eventually fork, the left will take you to the witches house.

The two rednecks turn, and start back for their Checkpoint shelter. They disappear into the ramshackle structure, Nadia can here them bickering.

Wow I hate rednecks. But those amulets seem fascinating. I wonder if it's a real witch or just someone lying about it. I'll have to look at that.

Nadia follows the path, and takes the left fork. As she walks away from the Checkpoint shelter, she scoffs.

HA.... Zombies.... Ridiculous.

2012-11-07, 11:02 PM
More assailants... more guns... less class.

Oswald does not stop his pace but continues forward into the darkness of the woods, ignoring the calls. He begins walking still faster, looking for proper cover which could be used to lose his pursuers, or...

Perhaps tonight these trees will live up to their name.

Larry wanders deeper into the woods. Rains earlier this year have made the ground muddy and marshy. Soon he is treading through ankle high water.

He hears the all too familiar bark of bloodhounds behind him. One of the officers calls out in the darkness.

He has to be in here somewhere, the lady at the scene said she saw a man run out of the gas station with a machete! That has to be our guy!

2012-11-07, 11:45 PM
Yawning chasm of doom? Of course it is. Why can't this bloody city just do anything normally? Still, might check that out when there's less of a crowd. Now, map, map, where's the map....

Zachary scans the station for anything that might help him getting around the city.

The Coot
2012-11-08, 03:53 AM
Splash! Splash! Splash!

The hell? Since when was this place a marsh?

Bark! Bark!

Larry clenches his teeth. These damn dogs need to shut UP.

...the lady at the scene said she saw a man run out of the gas station with a machete! ...

The splashing stops abruptly as Larry comes to a halt. I TOLD you not to, lady!! His fist tightens around the machete. He marches slowly, deliberately toward a thick grove of redwoods. He can hear the dogs and the voices and see the lights, but what is most acute to him about the pursuers is their growing malice, their increased thirst for blood. He leans behind one of the trees in waiting.

2012-11-10, 07:45 PM
Jessica begins running towards the front of the train, trying to escape the shadowy horror.

The wall draws ever closer and soon its own great shadow looms over the train

With some space finally between her and the shadow, Jessica continues forward at a slower pace but brisk pace. With the train moving even faster, the winds are pushing at her precariously making her hyper aware of the fall that would await her should she slip. Pushing away the vertigo she feels, Jessica carefully regards her environment as she continues on.

2012-11-11, 06:38 PM
Yawning chasm of doom? Of course it is. Why can't this bloody city just do anything normally? Still, might check that out when there's less of a crowd. Now, map, map, where's the map....

Zachary scans the station for anything that might help him getting around the city.

Through the half open blind of a window in the station, Zachary sees what appear to be boxes and filing cabinets of some sort. As he starts towards the station a train appears from behind the station and starts careening towards the abyss in its path. Zachary can just make out a mousy looking girl standing on top of it, and an unnatural darkness rising from the train's rear.

2012-11-11, 06:43 PM
Wow I hate rednecks. But those amulets seem fascinating. I wonder if it's a real witch or just someone lying about it. I'll have to look at that.

Nadia follows the path, and takes the left fork. As she walks away from the Checkpoint shelter, she scoffs.

HA.... Zombies.... Ridiculous.

Nadia walks the path to the witch's hut. About fifty yards past the the fork in the path she sees three corpses hanging from a tree, they appear to have had their legs chewed off, and their midsections trail intestines a couple feet off the ground. Another fifty or so yards down the path she notices the same thing again, more bodies hanging off in the distance. Eventually Nadia comes to an empty moat around a small shack. At the bottom of the moat are what appear to be spikes, and entangled within the spikes are dead, half-rotten bodies. The stench of spilled blood fills the night air.

In the distance Nadia hears a scream followed by a gunshot. One of the bodies in the pit starts to move, it groans a hollow noise and reaches a mangled arm skyward, the rest of its body pinned in place by the assortment of spikes.

2012-11-11, 06:48 PM
He can hear the dogs and the voices and see the lights, but what is most acute to him about the pursuers is their growing malice, their increased thirst for blood. He leans behind one of the trees in waiting.

Oswald ducks behind a tree and waits for his prey. He sees that he is apparently being pursued by three officers of the law. One holds a flashlight and a gun, the others hold guns and billy clubs.

Coot, I believe this qualifies as a conflict. If you wish to fight these officers (or make yourself known to them) they are each worth 2 pain dice for a total of 6. You may choose however many dice you want of your pool to combat them. Or if you choose not to fight them, I assume it's probably not a conflict.

2012-11-11, 06:54 PM
With some space finally between her and the shadow, Jessica continues forward at a slower pace but brisk pace. With the train moving even faster, the winds are pushing at her precariously making her hyper aware of the fall that would await her should she slip. Pushing away the vertigo she feels, Jessica carefully regards her environment as she continues on.

Jessica sees the wall looming ever closer and soon it is upon her. As the train plunges into the tunnel everything is cast into darkness. The sound of the monster eating the train is magnified in the tunnel and the smoke from locomotive wells up around her and she starts to choke. Jessica continues forward and just as she thinks the darkness will never end the train emerges into light. Ahead of her Jessica see's the great gaping maw of the earth waiting to swallow her, the train, and the monstrosity behind her. As the train emerges the crowd of people surrounding the pit let out and almighty cheer and the piper blows the train whistle again, and it's earsplitting whine cuts the air.

I'm going to call avoiding the pit a conflict, it is only a pain rating of 3.

2012-11-11, 09:38 PM
In the distance Nadia hears a scream followed by a gunshot. One of the bodies in the pit starts to move, it groans a hollow noise and reaches a mangled arm skyward, the rest of its body pinned in place by the assortment of spikes.


Not knowing where to run, Nadia is struck by an idea. She screams at the top of her lungs to get the witch's attention.

HEY!! Let me in there are zombies out here! I need protection!

Nadia runs around the edge of the moat, looking for a draw bridge or some other means of crossing to the hut.

2012-11-11, 10:32 PM
Zachary can just make out a mousy looking girl standing on top of it, and an unnatural darkness rising from the train's rear.

Zachary glances between train and station. He looks at the girl. Damn. I'm probably going to regret this.

The poet shoves his way through the crowd. 'Scuse me. Pardon me. Out of my way. He pushes to the front, breaking free of the masses to get closer than anyone else dares to the pit.

Jump, girl! You have a friend here ready to catch you!

She looks like she needs one, and I do too.

2012-11-18, 12:33 AM
As the train emerges the crowd of people surrounding the pit let out and almighty cheer and the piper blows the train whistle again, and it's earsplitting whine cuts the air.

As the pit comes into view, Jessica feels her stomach drop. Not only is there certain doom awaiting her in that pit, but her last few moments of consciousness would be spent with the shadow. It's the latter prospect that truly frightens her. Desperate, she looks around the crowd of spectators attempting to find a way off the train that doesn't end in death or worse. Then a voice jumps out at her.

Jump, girl! You have a friend here ready to catch you!

She glances over, and sees a weird looking man in bohemian clothes offering his assistance.

Oh god, there are hipsters even here? Don't any of them have jobs or something? But he's the only one who seems remotely willing to help, and I don't exactly have a lot of options. I really can't see it getting better than this....

Pushing any lingering doubts to the back of her mind, Jessica jumps towards the arms of the waiting stranger.

Combined Discipline: [roll0]

2012-11-18, 08:09 PM
Pushing any lingering doubts to the back of her mind, Jessica jumps towards the arms of the waiting stranger.

Train Rolls [roll0]

Jessica leaps from the train towards Zachary. She lands beside him on the platform with as much grace as can be mustered. They stand together and watch as the train plummets into nothingness. As the train touches the blackness dozens of great fiery hands reach up from the chasm and pull it deeper.

The whistle-blower lets out one last great BWOOOOOOOOOOP! And the pit snaps closed.

The crowd begins to disperse in silence.

2012-11-18, 08:56 PM

Not knowing where to run, Nadia is struck by an idea. She screams at the top of her lungs to get the witch's attention.

HEY!! Let me in there are zombies out here! I need protection!

Nadia runs around the edge of the moat, looking for a draw bridge or some other means of crossing to the hut.

On the other side of the moat Nadia sees a single sturdy looking rope leading across the moat to the hut.
Pain: 2.

2012-11-18, 09:08 PM
Nadia braces herself and takes a breath of courage. Firmly grasping the rope with her arms and legs, she begins to scoot along the rope to get to the other side.

Oh god, I should have just let the Cultists tear me aparrt.....

discipline: [roll0]

2012-11-18, 09:20 PM
The whistle-blower lets out one last great BWOOOOOOOOOOP! And the pit snaps closed.

The crowd begins to disperse in silence.

There we are. Crisis averted. No thank yous necessary. Now, you can tell me who you are and why you were up there as we go. Come along.

Zachary starts up a brisk pace back towards the station.

Now, what are all those files about...

2012-11-18, 11:10 PM
Nadia braces herself and takes a breath of courage. Firmly grasping the rope with her arms and legs, she begins to scoot along the rope to get to the other side.

Oh god, I should have just let the Cultists tear me aparrt.....


Nadia shimmies across the gap safely. A voice comes from the hut.


A short plump woman with a big nose and witches hat runs out of the hut and promptly falls on her face in front of Nadia. Then a very fat cat with matted fur wanders out, jumps on the witches back and falls asleep.

Wait just one minute here. You aren't a zombie, who the hell are you? The witch exclaims from the ground.

The Coot
2012-11-21, 01:57 AM
Oswald ducks behind a tree and waits for his prey...

Beyond hearing them approaching, he can also feel them. Three masses of walking malevolence, wanting his blood. The first will appear in three... two... one...

The officers were in the precise formation he expected. From the darkness, from the silence, not a moment wasted, Larry lunges toward them, determined to blot out that which would have him killed.
Discipline: [roll0]
Madness: [roll1]
Exhaustion: [roll2]

2012-11-21, 02:48 AM
OH THANK GOD!!! A witch, something I can handle. I need an amulet to protect myself from zombies. I really hate zombies, can you help me?

Nadia reaches down and scratches the cat behind the ears, her fondness for felines evident.

My name is Nadia. Nice shack you've got here, certainly filled with wonderful reagents for all manner of spells. I assume you have some understanding of the cause of the zombie infestation?

2012-11-22, 03:22 AM
The officers were in the precise formation he expected. From the darkness, from the silence, not a moment wasted, Larry lunges toward them, determined to blot out that which would have him killed.

[roll0] Oswald succeeds and Pain dominates.


The officers walk past Oswald's hiding spot and he jumps out at them just as they pass. Oswald begins hacking at them with his machete and they turn on him. Two of the officers fall and there is a gunshot. The golden machete is hit and explodes in Larry's hand, fragments fly and cut him deeply. In a blind fury Oswald finishes his last opponent by ripping his head off his shoulders.

It is only then that he notices the gears laying on the forest floor, and the oil spilling from the severed head. Oswald casts a longing gaze at the fragments of his golden friend littering the ground. He then notices the blood from his own wounds flowing into the dirt.

From back towards the town Larry hears the sound of more sirens and shouting.

2012-11-26, 11:40 AM
There we are. Crisis averted. No thank yous necessary. Now, you can tell me who you are and why you were up there as we go. Come along.

Zachary starts up a brisk pace back towards the station.

Hey, wait up!

If he's this rude to everyone he saves, I'd hate to see how he treats people he hates.

Jessica hurries to catch up with the stranger.

I'm Jessica Johnson, and thanks anyway. I honestly have no idea what's going on. I started going home on the subway, but ended up in this nightmare instead. What is this place? Why is it so... strange? Who are you?

How do I know you're not one of Them...

2012-11-26, 05:02 PM
I am Zachary Pruitt. Don't worry if you haven't heard of me, I'm not that famous, yet.

As for what this place, where this place, when, why, how, or maybe even who this place, I can not tell you anything with much confidence, merely that this place is. This is no dream, no figmentive nightmare. The wonders and horrors of this city are just as real as the world we know.

Zachary turns to face Jessica, locking eyes with her and giving a soul-piercing stare.

Get used to the Nightmares quickly, miss, or find out what happens to those who stumble. An ally is no guarantee of safety, but it helps. It also just so happens that I'm in need of an ally myself. Come along.

Zachary strides into the station with purpose.

2012-11-26, 05:21 PM
Zachary strides into the station with purpose.

The inside of the train station is quite small and cluttered. All the windows are boarded up and rubbish litters the floor. Against the far wall there are crates and files stacked haphazardly. Forgotten broken furniture lines the other walls. A faint ticking noise begins to sound.

2012-11-27, 11:58 PM
Oh good, maybe I can find something of use in all this. A map, hopefully.

Zachary walks over and starts shuffling through the files and crates. He mutters to himself.

I need to find Opus. To do that, I need a better handle on this city. Some allies would be useful too...

2012-11-28, 08:06 PM
Jessica glances around the small room as she steps in after Zachary. Upon hearing his comment, she rolls her eyes.

Uh, hello? I know all that "experimenting" you must have done at whatever liberal arts school you went to must have addled your brain a bit, but it hasn't even been 10 seconds. Whatever. Is there a clock hidden somewhere in that junk? That ticking noise is driving me crazy.

2012-11-30, 01:12 PM
Zachary glances over at Jessica, puzzled for a moment.

Hm. Temporary mental incongruence. He shakes his head slightly. Yes, that incessant sound is rather distracting, isn't it? Funny how that works; the more one focuses on the noise, the louder it seems. Here, help me look through all this. We should try to find a map, or at least something to figure our way around this city.

2012-12-01, 08:30 PM
OH THANK GOD!!! A witch, something I can handle. I need an amulet to protect myself from zombies. I really hate zombies, can you help me?

Nadia reaches down and scratches the cat behind the ears, her fondness for felines evident.

My name is Nadia. Nice shack you've got here, certainly filled with wonderful reagents for all manner of spells. I assume you have some understanding of the cause of the zombie infestation?

Why yes indeed dearies. I've been studying it for a few weeks now and I think I'm almost at a conclusion.

The witch walks back towards the hut with cat in tow, beckoning Nadia to follow.

2012-12-01, 08:36 PM
Is there a clock hidden somewhere in that junk? That ticking noise is driving me crazy.[/COLOR]

Yes, that incessant sound is rather distracting, isn't it? Funny how that works; the more one focuses on the noise, the louder it seems. Here, help me look through all this. We should try to find a map, or at least something to figure our way around this city.[/COLOR]

As Zachary begins sifting through the piles of junk he eventually finds the corner of a wooden frame. Digging deeper he finds that the wall was covered by a large framed map. The map appears to be in fair condition with a few spots that have been eaten away by moths over the years. When enough of the rubble has been cleared away to see the entire map, it flashes with light and changes to a different map.

2012-12-04, 06:08 PM
Why yes indeed dearies. I've been studying it for a few weeks now and I think I'm almost at a conclusion.

The witch walks back towards the hut with cat in tow, beckoning Nadia to follow.

Nadia rubs her hands together, giddy with excitement. She follows the witch and the cat, momentarily forgetting about the zombie scourge waiting just across that moat.

Oh goody, witchcraft! If only I had my sketch book, I certainly would love to paint this....

2012-12-04, 11:01 PM
When enough of the rubble has been cleared away to see the entire map, it flashes with light and changes to a different map.

A mercurial map for a capricious city. Fantastic.

Zachary drags the frame out into a clearer space.

Hm. Jessica, help me get this out of its frame.

2012-12-06, 01:46 PM
Jessica moves to the corner opposite of Zachary and begins fumbling with edge of the frame, absent mindedly rambling all the while.

I hope you're good at reading maps. I mean I'm not horrible, but geography wasn't really my thing, you know? I didn't exactly get any brownie badges for scouting either, so that's out. At least it sounds like you know way more about this place than I do. I don't think it should be that hard to find an exit so we can get out of here though. We can meet up with that person you mentioned on our way out. Opus, was it? Is that your girlfriend? Boyfriend maybe? Whatever, I don't judge. Weird name though.

2012-12-08, 12:07 AM
Nadia rubs her hands together, giddy with excitement. She follows the witch and the cat, momentarily forgetting about the zombie scourge waiting just across that moat.

Oh goody, witchcraft! If only I had my sketch book, I certainly would love to paint this....

As Nadia enters the hut, a strong smell of ginger and lemon greets her. She sees that the cottage is just as small and cramped as it looked from the outside. All if contains is a moth-eaten bed in the corner, some miscellaneous furniture, and a bubbling cauldron in the center.

The witch walks over to the cauldron and stares deeply into it.
I'ts almost complete it is. So very close indeed and it will all be clear.

2012-12-08, 12:20 AM
All clear? What will be clear? The future? Oh wow, this is so exciting!! I think I've heard of these potions. Some form of clairvoyant visions?I drank a potion once and had some visions. Later I found out it was Absinthe but still.....

2012-12-08, 12:33 AM
Hm. Jessica, help me get this out of its frame.[/COLOR]

Jessica moves to the corner opposite of Zachary and begins fumbling with edge of the frame, absent mindedly rambling all the while.

As the two awakened move to open the maps frame, the ticking suddenly stops. Trying very carefully they manage to open it. Upon touching the map itself an earsplitting alarm begins to sound. From outside Zachary and Jessica hear screams and shouts. Rapidly, the sound of hobnailed boots approaches. The sound grows louder and faster, and suddenly stops. A police whistle sounds.


2012-12-08, 01:05 AM
Damn. How can there even be authority in this city? No time to ponder that now though, have to work out a plan. If only I had allies. Wait, that woman holding the other end of the frame. When did she get here? Right, Jessica. Train-girl. So scatter-brained today. Focus.

Zachary stands, rolling the map. He glances to the ceiling for a moment, then back to the mousy-haired girl.

Jessica. Come with me, and follow my lead. We probably have one shot at this working out. If it doesn't... well, at least our dilemma of survival in this city would be solved. Let's see what awaits, shall we?

As his companion lingers by the empty frame, Zachary strides peremptorily into the open air outside the station.

The Coot
2012-12-08, 02:26 AM
From back towards the town Larry hears the sound of more sirens and shouting.

Larry blinks with bewilderment. Not wanting to engage pursuant robots with no weapon and injured hands, he jogs away from the sounds. Feels like hours since I left the station... He checks his watch and looks for anything of note in the woods as he goes.

2012-12-10, 08:44 PM
All clear? What will be clear? The future? Oh wow, this is so exciting!! I think I've heard of these potions. Some form of clairvoyant visions?I drank a potion once and had some visions. Later I found out it was Absinthe but still.....

Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh...Just come over here and stare deeply into my cauldron dearie. Only then may you see as I see.

2012-12-10, 08:56 PM
Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh Sh...Just come over here and stare deeply into my cauldron dearie. Only then may you see as I see.

OK! Let me take a look.

Nadia rushes over to the cauldron, stumbling in her hurry. Once she reaches the cauldron, she slowly gazes deep into the cauldron, anticipating incredible visions of forgotten times on worlds beyond imagination.

2012-12-10, 08:57 PM
As his companion lingers by the empty frame, Zachary strides peremptorily into the open air outside the station.

Outside the train station are what appear to be multiple ranks of Victorian English constables. Though upon closer examination they are far more ragtag than they appear. Every other person has something wrong with their uniform, a missing shoe, a backwards shirt, or a bowler hat. A few of them carry billy clubs to match their uniforms, nut just as many carry odd items like fire-pokers and frying pans, and one large one at the back appears to be carrying a torn out fence post. One man stands at the front of the horde in full glorious uniform, with a whistle hanging from his heavily mustached lips.

Oi! I said hands in the air you two!

2012-12-10, 09:26 PM
Larry blinks with bewilderment. Not wanting to engage pursuant robots with no weapon and injured hands, he jogs away from the sounds. Feels like hours since I left the station... He checks his watch and looks for anything of note in the woods as he goes.

Oswald walks deeper and deeper into the forest. A mild rain makes the water at his feet swell, and within minutes he is stumbling through knee-deep muck. By the time it reaches his waist Larry is nearly passing out from his loss of blood. He notices lily pads on the water, and the croak of bullfrogs begins in the distance. Soon everything goes black and cold. Larry can feel himself sinking but cannot move. Just as panic sets in he feels a warmth around his wrist and a pulling sensation.

When Oswald breaks the surface he sees a man-sized bird on a raft pulling him aboard and squawking loudly in some incomprehensible manner. The raft is being tossed about on what seems to be a turbulent ocean with no land in sight. Suddenly a great vortex opens in the water, spinning down into blackness at the bottom of the sea.

He can see great trees and ships slowly circling to their doom, and even a farmhouse. The Bird-man tries desperately to push out of the vortex with a pole but finds no purchase and the raft begins to spin towards its unmaking. As the darkness consumes Oswald he lets out a bloodcurdling scream, using up the last of his energy before death.

He opens his eyes and sees a skinny old man covered head to toe in feathered garments. The old man is holding a bowl of soup and a long spoon, and has apparently been trying to heal Oswald, from the looks of the leaf bandages covering Larry's body. The feathered fellow smiles to reveal a cut and cauterized tongue with no teeth. He squawks at Oswald.

2012-12-10, 09:40 PM
Nadia rushes over to the cauldron, stumbling in her hurry. Once she reaches the cauldron, she slowly gazes deep into the cauldron, anticipating incredible visions of forgotten times on worlds beyond imagination.

Nadia stands above the cauldron, looking down into its bubbling golden glory. Soon the surface begins to clear, and a picture starts to form beneath a faint mist. From within her own head Nadia hears...

...Silly girl, I suppose she hasn't heard enough stories about witches in woodland huts to know not to trust us. OH well, have to learn sometime I suppose...

Nadia stands paralyzed by some magic, stuck staring at the surface of the glowing cauldron. Suddenly a great wind rises around her and she flies into the air above the pot. Nadia then feels herself shooting towards the cauldron, and just before hitting the surface of the liquid she realizes what the picture is. It's a city, but a city from above.

The world goes dark for a split second, and then there is a sudden flash of light. Nadia now finds herself falling through the air towards the cobbled streets of a Mad City. From her birds eye view she sees a great colorful tent, larger than any circus tent she had ever heard of. She also sees dark spires and towers off in the distance, as well as all sorts of odd ended buildings.

In moments Nadia lands on her feet amongst the passers by unharmed. Nobody takes any heed of her, as if strangers fall from the sky on a regular basis around here.

2012-12-10, 10:24 PM
OH MY GOSH THAT WAS ALCHEMICAL PROJECTION! That was so cool! I wonder why that witch sent me here?

Nadia picks herself up and looks around the city, taking in the wonderful images and mysterious people. She sees so much opportunity for paintings as she wanders the streets getting her bearings.

I wish I had a sketchbook.... I wonder if there are any shops around?

Now with some purpose, Nadia begins scouring the streets looking for a shop. She walks into the first shop she sees.

The Coot
2012-12-10, 11:49 PM
Oswald can process nothing at all. For a full ten seconds, he stares expressionlessly at the man in the chicken suit. Then a single thought finally comes into his mind.

The hell? Larry looks around, absorbing his surroundings and the state of the place he now finds himself.

2012-12-11, 02:25 PM
Oi! I said hands in the air you two!

Jessica casts a wary glance between her companion and the assembled opponents while hesitantly raising her hands.

He better know what he's doing. I mean, he seems nice enough I guess. No, that's a lie. I'm not sure if he could be more pompous if he tried. He helped me out when I needed it, but I'm not going to let myself be put in danger because of him. Hopefully, if things go sour they'll be too focused on him to notice me getting away. I can worry about guilt later.

She hangs back as Zachary steps forward and turns to the constables.

2012-12-12, 01:03 AM
Ah, gentlemen, I'm glad you're here. The rascals just escaped out the back door. Three pin headed blokes, very tacky outfits. I'm sure you can still catch them if they haven't hopped a train yet. And don't worry, no need to thank us, we managed to safely keep this wonderful map out of their grasp.

Zachary gives a deep bow, and rises with a wide grin.

2013-01-02, 04:34 PM
Now with some purpose, Nadia begins scouring the streets looking for a shop. She walks into the first shop she sees.

Nadia looks up and down the street and sees many houses crammed in together on either side. Most of the houses are packed so tight that very few have enough space between to fit a person. All of them tower above at least three stories tall, and some have flags and banners to mark their purpose. The nearest building with one of these appears to be about five stories tall, and green with purple furnishings. This building is marked with a picture of a sheep in front of a crescent moon waving on a flag above its door.

When Nadia enters the small shop she sees all of the walls and are lined with books, at the far end is an old-fashioned cash register, with a small greenish man standing behind it.

2013-01-04, 11:46 PM
Ah, gentlemen, I'm glad you're here. The rascals just escaped out the back door. Three pin headed blokes, very tacky outfits. I'm sure you can still catch them if they haven't hopped a train yet. And don't worry, no need to thank us, we managed to safely keep this wonderful map out of their grasp.

Zachary gives a deep bow, and rises with a wide grin.


Zachary watches as over half the horde moves away seamlessly and starts chasing a figment of his own imagination.

Now as for you two, why don't you hand over that paper nice and pretty-like. Our boss would sure like to get his hands on it, and if ya don't make a fuss over it I'll even tell 'im we found it ourselves. No complications-like. He wont even have to know it was you who done had it afore us.

The constable takes a few steps forward and stands there staring at Zachary, his left hand outstretched.

2013-01-10, 02:49 AM
When Nadia enters the small shop she sees all of the walls and are lined with books, at the far end is an old-fashioned cash register, with a small greenish man standing behind it.

Nadia takes her time walking to the far end of the shop, observing the titles of the books. Her mind is still on the strange events bringing her here and she does not fully register the meaning of any of the titles. Once she reaches the register she smiles.

Excuse me sir, I'm looking for a sketchbook and some drawing tools. This place is so wonderful and strange, it gives me such inspiration.

2013-01-10, 01:56 PM
Now as for you two, why don't you hand over that paper nice and pretty-like. Our boss would sure like to get his hands on it, and if ya don't make a fuss over it I'll even tell 'im we found it ourselves. No complications-like. He wont even have to know it was you who done had it afore us.

The constable takes a few steps forward and stands there staring at Zachary, his left hand outstretched.

Zachary hesitates for a brief moment, and then moves as though to hand over the map.

Yes, of course, that would only be proper. Here it is, I'm handing it over... right... now.... Good Lord, WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOU?!?

Before there's any time to react, Zachary spins, grabs Jessica by the arm, and pulls her in the direction he starts running--back into the streets of the Thirteenth District.

2013-01-16, 09:06 PM
Oswald can process nothing at all. For a full ten seconds, he stares expressionlessly at the man in the chicken suit. Then a single thought finally comes into his mind.

The hell? Larry looks around, absorbing his surroundings and the state of the place he now finds himself.

Larry sits up and looks around, finding himself in a large tent. There is a small fire burning I the middle of the dirt floor, the smoke winds up through a hole cut into the ceiling. Amidst the smoke hundreds of blackbirds sit on perches. Strewn about the tent are various furnishings, a bedroll in the corner, a small bookcase, and a spit and kettle near the fire.

Quor?!? the feathered man squawks at Larry brandishing a tin cup and what appears to be a roasted bird on a stick.

2013-01-16, 09:15 PM
Nadia takes her time walking to the far end of the shop, observing the titles of the books. Her mind is still on the strange events bringing her here and she does not fully register the meaning of any of the titles. Once she reaches the register she smiles.

Excuse me sir, I'm looking for a sketchbook and some drawing tools. This place is so wonderful and strange, it gives me such inspiration.

Well little miss "Oh So Young And Pretty" WE AINT GORT NONE OF THAT HERE!!! the man nearly screams at Nadia, This here shop-o-mine sells dreams of the finest quality! Though business has slowed down a bit since that bazaar opened up down the way...

The man starts rambling to himself and seems to forget Nadia is there, occasionally she can hear a grunt or other strange noise as he paces behind his counter.

2013-01-16, 09:31 PM
Zachary hesitates for a brief moment, and then moves as though to hand over the map.

Yes, of course, that would only be proper. Here it is, I'm handing it over... right... now.... Good Lord, WHAT IS THAT BEHIND YOU?!?

Before there's any time to react, Zachary spins, grabs Jessica by the arm, and pulls her in the direction he starts running--back into the streets of the Thirteenth District.

As Zachary dashes through district thirteen with Jessica in tow, he can barely make out the voice behind him..
Man acts as though he's never seen a clock tower befo..NOW WHERE THE HELL HAVE THOSE MISCREANTS RUN OFF! YOU LOT FALL IN AND GET READ....
The voice trails off in the distance and Zachary now finds himself winding and wandering through the cramped streets of district thirteen.

2013-01-16, 11:14 PM
Well little miss "Oh So Young And Pretty" WE AINT GORT NONE OF THAT HERE!!! the man nearly screams at Nadia, This here shop-o-mine sells dreams of the finest quality! Though business has slowed down a bit since that bazaar opened up down the way...

What do you mean? "you sell dreams?" how is that possible?

Nadia steps back from the counter slightly, her face showing her displeasure with being mocked for her looks.

The Coot
2013-01-17, 03:48 AM
Quor?!? the feathered man squawks at Larry brandishing a tin cup and what appears to be a roasted bird on a stick.Hey uhh... is that meat for me? Thanks for what you've done, by the way. I owe you.

Larry tries to stand, looking hungrily at the roasted bird.

2013-01-27, 11:26 PM
Zachary now finds himself winding and wandering through the cramped streets of district thirteen.

Zachary pauses to catch his breath for a moment. Well, that almost worked as well as possible... Hang on, what's this I have in my hand. Oh, it's a girl's arm. When did I grab a girl? Jessica. Her name is Jessica. Why do I keep blanking out while thinking about her?

Zachary releases the young woman.

Jessica. I don't really hear them anymore, but I think we're not safe on the streets just yet. We need somewhere to take a look at this map and plan our next move. Since I instigated our last course of action--and I sincerely apologize for the suddenness of said action--I believe I will leave our choice of refuge to you.

2013-01-28, 01:16 AM
Jessica blinks in astonishment.

Wow, I haven't gotten this much attention in ages.

She casts a wary look around before speaking.

I suppose this is as good a place as any. We want to be out of sight in case they catch up, and I doubt they could pick us out of one of these. Let's try one of these emptier shop-like buildings. We could get a floor to ourselves or something, and we'd have an excuse for not getting kicked out. You're a hipster after all, you should be an expert lurking in these kind of stores.

Jessica starts wandering toward a suitable shop.

2013-01-29, 06:49 PM
What do you mean? "you sell dreams?" how is that possible?

Nadia steps back from the counter slightly, her face showing her displeasure with being mocked for her looks.

How oh how oh how indeed. he says, now with a gleam in his eye like nothing could bring him more pleasure than to talk about his business. He begins pacing again as he talks. It's all in the process you see. It doesn't matter how vivid or how extraordinary the dreams are, because if they aren't extracted properly they can lose so much. But through the correct process even a mediocre dream can be incredible. It's because it makes them so much smoother, as if you were dreaming it yourself.... His voice eventually drops and he seems to be talking to himself more than to Nadia again. His pacing begins to speed up slightly and he continues to mumble to himself, lost in his own head.

2013-01-29, 07:10 PM
Hey uhh... is that meat for me? Thanks for what you've done, by the way. I owe you.

Larry tries to stand, looking hungrily at the roasted bird.

QUOR! The feathered man squawks loudly as he thrusts the roasted bird and cup into Larry's hands. The man then steps back and bows deeply, he then begins in a series of extravagant mimes, gestures, and sound effects. He seems to be retelling how he saved Larry from imminent doom, possibly involving a dragon or some such creature. After what appears to be a mimic of some gratuitous fight scene, he makes rowing gestures and then crouches on the floor, staring at the blanket on the floor that recently covered Larry. Quor? The bird-man squawks finally and turns his head to look at Larry.

2013-01-30, 09:15 PM
Jessica starts wandering toward a suitable shop.

Jessica begins walking towards a likely looking building with Zachary in tow. Only its first floor appears to have signs of life, the remaining four floors above it are all dark and seemingly deserted. As the pair of them approach the door they hear a faint swooshing noise from inside. They crack open the door and peer in, the only visible life form is a lone old janitor pushing a broom and humming softly to himself. Suddenly behind them the sound of hobnails on cobblestones becomes audible and grows louder with each passing second. Zachary and Jessica decide to sneak inside and hurry up the closest staircase as quietly as possible. They do so and see no sign of being noticed by the old man. They go up to the thirs floor and find a window, giving themselves extra space between themselves and the now unsafe streets. Looking out the window they see throngs of the constables from before marching past, shouting and looking every which way but up.

2013-02-01, 08:33 PM
Tired of fighting for the strange man's attention and the lack of writing tools, Nadia leaves the shop. She is very disgruntled and for the first time her mind is sober enough to realize that she is in a strange place. She's alone, and for the first time since she got here, genuinely scared.

She begins walking down the street, avoiding eye contact and slipping into her head, thinking about what she's seen, and what the man said about dreams.
That man.... he was stealing people's dreams.

2013-02-01, 11:24 PM
That man.... he was stealing people's dreams.

From within the top floor of the dream shop, there is a great explosion. After a thunderous roar the sound of glass hitting the cobbles fills the air, and then a large thump. About twenty feet from Nadia a large bundle of rags now lays in the street, smoldering slightly.

2013-02-03, 08:07 PM
Nadia rushes to the smoldering pile.

Please don't be a body....

Kneeling over, she checks what it is.