View Full Version : Character Art request.

2012-10-28, 09:57 PM
Alright, Looking for a Artist that would Work for free, Does B/W or Color, And Would be willing to Do a few of these That are Slightly complicated, To Extremly complicated....
Thanks to any Brave soul who Responds!!
Cookie up for grabs... (::)!

2012-10-28, 10:26 PM
Um... you'll need a better description than that to make something happen here. Something to give the artist a indication as to what he/she's getting into here beyond slavery. :smallwink:

2012-10-29, 12:17 AM
Yeah, I'm a bit curious about this too.

2012-10-29, 12:37 AM
Eh..Slavery Is not so....bad...I give cookies! :smalltongue:
Okay, I have a Discription for a Lizard-Thing That I really would like.

The creature standing before you at first appears to be a Lizardfolk (http://walakanomm.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/lizard.jpg), But the subtle diffrances make themselves known.
One of the first things that you see is a Killer Claw (http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=np&biw=1280&bih=633&tbm=isch&tbnid=zDV4-5jOpneLdM:&imgrefurl=http://blog.hmns.org/tag/velociraptor/&docid=FkgvfTt5WLJb_M&imgurl=http://blog.hmns.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Raptor-claw.jpg&w=3872&h=2592&ei=iROOUKyUJIqo8QTJyYHICw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=36978&sig=115949512670225572475&page=5&tbnh=135&tbnw=175&start=88&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:77,s:20,i:364&tx=120&ty=22) on each of his feet, while His talons (Hands) are much longer then they should be.
His tail Ends In a bony, Scythe shaped protrusion, with small drop-lits of acid falling from its tip, And A poison sac is just before it (Think Wyrven Tail)
His head however, has many sharp, bone spikes running the length of his back, down to the tip of his tail.

What style?: Realistic.
Color?: B/W Helps, or If you color...
What are you intending to do with it? : I intend to use it as a portrait of a creature in a game...
What kind of background do you want?: Soild white.
Regarding your description: What clothes is it wearing? Is it wearing clothes? What color is it (assuming you want color)? What pose is it in? Loin Cloth, Color is greenish (think dark, Jungle green) Scales, Pose is Relaxed, But standing.


I would also ask that I have Edit-ing permisson for it, If not then never mind, Just something I would like.

2012-10-29, 10:33 PM
Whoever volunteers is still going to need more information. Some things to think about:

What style? OotS? Realistic? Cartoony? (If so, what style of cartoon?)

Color? Black and white?

What are you intending to do with it? Print it? Use it online? What size do you need it?

What kind of background do you want? Detailed? Solid color? None at all?

Regarding your description: What clothes is it wearing? Is it wearing clothes? What color is it (assuming you want color)? What pose is it in?

On a purely grammatical note, I'm having a very hard time reading your description due to all the random capital letters -- I keep thinking you're starting a new sentence when you're not. For the artist's ease, you might want to take those out.

2012-11-02, 01:36 AM
Whoever volunteers is still going to need more information. Some things to think about:

What style? OotS? Realistic? Cartoony? (If so, what style of cartoon?)

Color? Black and white?

What are you intending to do with it? Print it? Use it online? What size do you need it?

What kind of background do you want? Detailed? Solid color? None at all?

Regarding your description: What clothes is it wearing? Is it wearing clothes? What color is it (assuming you want color)? What pose is it in?

On a purely grammatical note, I'm having a very hard time reading your description due to all the random capital letters -- I keep thinking you're starting a new sentence when you're not. For the artist's ease, you might want to take those out.

Alright, Questions awnseard, And Capitol letters...I do that normally IRL Writing as well >.<
Fixed the letters

2012-11-14, 01:58 PM
I may be interested in drawing Mr. Lizard....

2012-11-20, 12:03 AM
Yipee! *Bounces Around*
