View Full Version : What Scares an earth elemental.(PF)

2012-10-29, 05:54 PM
I'm trying to build an encounter that has terrified a small earth (mud) elemental in the past...

Every had a small rp encounter come back to bite you with short notice XD

edit: Clarification, preferably something from bestiary 1-3

2012-10-29, 06:00 PM
I like to think that earth elementals have an enormous fear of flying.

2012-10-29, 06:29 PM
Perhaps Ice and cold would make sense. I don't think fire would bother them, but if you were made of mud and you were froze.....

Well, imagine having the blood inside your human body freeze. :smalleek:

That certainly scares me.

2012-10-29, 06:34 PM
Earth elementals often have stones and gems for eyes. You could say someone/something wanted them. There are plenty of monsters that would, and obviously people would.

2012-10-29, 06:51 PM
If it were more metallic than muddy: a Rust Monster.

Otherwise Air opposes Earth; so a creature of the Air elemental type.

2012-10-29, 06:51 PM
I second the flying thing. Nothing would seem more unnatural for an earth elemental than not being in contact with the earth.

2012-10-29, 06:53 PM
You can also use taint.

2012-10-29, 07:03 PM
hehe ok thanks for the advide

the encounter is hashed out.

As the mud elementals were hashed out in the rp encounter as childlike and described the area as "smelling bad" with a hint of fear I went with a young templated thunderbird that was trying to "play" with them by picking them up and flying with them as a "ride" heh

It won't end up being a combat encounter at all. That will throw my group for a loop heh

2012-10-29, 07:50 PM
the cleaning power of oxygen!

2012-10-30, 12:00 PM
Honestly...I think waterboarding would scare an earth elemental incredibly bad. Erosion is an awful thing (the grand canyon used to be a tiny trickle remember)

2012-10-30, 12:06 PM
Does the Delver exist in PF?

If so, use that.

2012-10-30, 01:56 PM
Does the Delver exist in PF?

If so, use that.

This or flying. I remember this thing. DID YOU WANT A TUNNEL? GOOD CAUSE I MADE 8.

2012-10-30, 03:36 PM
Murder of loved ones

Being imprisoned and either forced to dig the earth and rape it for minerals or power a golem in constant agony

something acidic that destroys rock

something that burrows

a thoqqua? melts earth and stone away to nothing

2012-10-30, 03:38 PM
What scares an earth elemental? Nothing. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0VxGRWPh28):smallwink:

2012-10-30, 07:35 PM
What scares an earth elemental? Nothing. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0VxGRWPh28):smallwink:


2012-10-30, 08:01 PM
Though an earth elemental moves slowly, it is a relentless opponent. It can travel though solid ground or stone as easily as humans walk on the earth’s surface. It cannot swim, however, and must either walk around a body of water or go through the ground under it. An earth elemental can move along the bottom of a body of water but prefers not to.

Someone was "drowning" it into a lake or ocean, perhaps in a sinking ship, slowly dispersing it's mud form into the water (I know it's not RAW, bear with me here). Imagine watching pieces of your body slowly drifting off into the infinite nothingness as you frantically struggle for a solid surface which just doesn't exist. Imagine, through a child's mind (Int 4), drowning when you are literally physically unable to swim. That's real fear.

A bully was intentionally torturing the elemental by submerging him. The elemental encounters that person.

2012-10-30, 09:10 PM

Thank you.:smallwink:

2012-10-30, 09:27 PM
What about the Thoqqua?
Its a fire elemental that is known to inhabit the elemental plane of earth (old 'family' feud?), it can "burn trough solid rock" including your mud elemental, and if I remember correctly, in the official adventure 'The Sunless Citadel' it is mentioned that they like to eat gems; like the mud elemental's eyes (if you use that idea). so the Thoqqua might have a special taste for elemental eyes.

2012-10-31, 03:47 AM
Theres something about this exactly in the Ultimate Magic book.. let me find it for ye.

These are mainly for binding elementals, but since you need to include things it hates in the binding to make it easier.. it works out.

Earth Elemental: Prepare the summoning chamber
with swirling wind- and air-based spells to prevent the
elemental from touching the floor. Maintaining this state
for 5 rounds demonstrates the binder’s superiority over the
elemental, and grants a +4 bonus on the Charisma check.

Mud Elemental: While mud elementals vary in
consistency, all of them fear becoming too watery or too
dry, as both conditions have adverse effects on them.
Using air spells and petrification spells as punishments
for noncompliance usually makes these elementals more
willing to take direction and enter into negotiations for
appropriate gifts for services rendered.

2012-10-31, 03:55 AM
Cleric with Air domain?

2012-10-31, 04:11 AM
Someone was "drowning" it into a lake or ocean, perhaps in a sinking ship, slowly dispersing it's mud form into the water (I know it's not RAW, bear with me here). Imagine watching pieces of your body slowly drifting off into the infinite nothingness as you frantically struggle for a solid surface which just doesn't exist. Imagine, through a child's mind (Int 4), drowning when you are literally physically unable to swim. That's real fear.

A bully was intentionally torturing the elemental by submerging him. The elemental encounters that person.

Keep in mind that its a Mud Elemental not a straight up Earth Elemental. I would think a Mud Elemental would be fond of a bit of water, what with adding water to earth being how mud is made in the first place.