View Full Version : First time PF converting (wizard)

2012-10-31, 10:27 AM
So I've messed around with 3.5 for a while and now I'm planning on going into a PF group. I enjoy power gaming but more so that way I can keep my options open and not so I can win. Right now I'm torn between Wizard and some for of "Face" character (face meaning get all the social skills). I know everyone gets Able Learner now so I'm just thinking of combining both and being a social wizard.

Any ways I was just wondering people ideas for wizards in Pathfinder only campaign. Just basic tips and tricks (I'm reading Treantmonk's guide right now).


Edit: Oh we are currently only 3rd ish but I'm willing to hear more mid-high level stuff.

Edit: Edit: Since I just found out why I won't be a generalist as usual I'm planning on being a diviner (or conjurer), which spell school should I ban.

2012-10-31, 10:57 AM
As a Diviner... evocation.

Or as in another guide from LogicNinja described:
Pick one of the 3 "worst" schools. This means: Evocation, Illusion and Enchantment. Never give up both Enchantment and Illusion.

If you want to really be a talker-non-diviner give up on Evoc and Illusion else Evoc and Enchantment (or as diviner just evoc).

This is at least how I would choose it.

More General Advice: ignore my posts (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259420)

2012-10-31, 03:35 PM
So I've messed around with 3.5 for a while and now I'm planning on going into a PF group. I enjoy power gaming but more so that way I can keep my options open and not so I can win. Right now I'm torn between Wizard and some for of "Face" character (face meaning get all the social skills). I know everyone gets Able Learner now so I'm just thinking of combining both and being a social wizard.

Any ways I was just wondering people ideas for wizards in Pathfinder only campaign. Just basic tips and tricks (I'm reading Treantmonk's guide right now).


Edit: Oh we are currently only 3rd ish but I'm willing to hear more mid-high level stuff.

Edit: Edit: Since I just found out why I won't be a generalist as usual I'm planning on being a diviner (or conjurer), which spell school should I ban.

First off, you don't ban schools anymore. When you choose a school specialization, you pick two opposition schools (Yes, even for Diviners). You get some kind of penalty to spellcraft checks towards these schools, and it costs two spell slots to prepare spells from that school, though they're not banned.

As for the school specialization:

Diviners are gods of the initiative rolls - they generally go first in a fight. Period. That being said, its hard to fill your specialization spell slot for every spell level with a good divination spell, AND you have to pick a divination spell as one of the 2 spells you gain upon level up. Personally, while I do love the +1/2 Wizard level to Initiative rolls and always acting in the surprise round, I'd highly recommend Conjuration instead, with Teleportation Subschool. They're just so awesome in so many ways..

Now, if you're interested on being a Face for the party as a Wizard, you should try out Enchantment, as its all about manipulating humanoids. Its not a great school, but for your choice it might work out. You'll of course need higher-than average Charisma (Which most wizards don't have, as you can guess).

Treantmonk's Guide to Wizards is awesome, but he's also focusing entirely on optimization. Sometimes its more fun to be less optimal.. so even if he says certain spells are horrible, they may have their uses. Its just that you could be doing better (but less fun, maybe) things. I mean summoning 1d3 celestial crotch-biting weasels isn't too useful, but its hilarious. Especially when they Smite Evil on someone's evil nuts.

2012-10-31, 04:00 PM
go with a sorcerer and take traits that make the social skills you don't have into class skills.

that's my best suggestion, and you can make some very powerful sorcerers in pathfinder, although they are typically more focused than a wizard.

if you aren't against learning words of power, they might make the sorc even more versatile.

edit: and the human option to add more spells known can make them even more versatile.

edit edit: and a good feat for a face sorc is cosmopolitan