View Full Version : [PF] Mysterious Stranger Kitsune with a Bazooka

2012-11-01, 07:27 PM
Mysterious Stranger Kitsune with a Bazooka (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=464341)

Why? Because I hadn't designed a Gunslinger yet. I don't care much for Wis-based characters, so I decided to go with Mysterious Stranger (despite sundry downsides). The image of a diminutive Kitsune lady toting a giant oriental hand-cannon was far too good to pass up, so I made one and gave her a Culverin. Built at level 11, because Mysterious Stranger doesn't have much point before that.

There's a fair amount of min-maxing on the equipment to pull it off, but I like the result.

Key ingredients:
Heavyload Belt (from UE, grants permanent Ant Haul so she can wear armor and carry a 40lb gun. For anybody who wants a stronger Dex build, using Darkleaf armor and a Mithral weapon will get weight under carrying capacity of Str 11)
Deep Red Sphere (Dex bonus without the belt)
Headband of Alluring Charisma (duh)
Wand of Unseen Servant (necessary, since a single round of firing goes through almost all of a powder horn)

+1 Distance Culverin (Culverins fire in a cone of size equal to their range, and Distance doubles range. Ouch. This monster fires four shots at a time, consuming 17.6 gp per round at craft prices.)

How firing works:
Ranged attack with +1 Culverin is +16/+11/+6
•Firing a Culverin gives -2 right off. +14/+9/+4
•Brace against a wall, stand, or something like that, unless you want to be prone and eat another -4.
•Rapid Shot grants an extra attack, with -2 to all attacks. +12/+12/+7/+2
•Against anything within 30 ft., Point-Blank Shot gives +1.
Result: If you're braced, the attack is +13/+13/+8/+3 in a 30 ft. cone, with +12/+12/+7/+2 for the rest of a 60ft cone. This resolves against touch AC.

2d8 + 8 per hit, crit for x4 on 2d8 + 1 of that on a 20. If something absolutely must die, spend one grit to get have a shot hit for half damage. Damage is totalled before DR on a full attack, and ignore Blur, Invisibility, Fog, Mirror Image, and any other similar miss chances.

What about my friends?:
This is not a melee-friendly build. Buddy up with a Wizard to lock enemies in place with control spells (and cast Reloading Hands on you), but you will be blowing things to smithereens in a huge cone of destruction.

Remaining feats will pursue the Magical Tail line for limited spellcasting to complement party face skills. Combat feats will improve odds on critting and boost attack.

What else?
Well, there's another 1985 gp lying around. That's good for two first-level wands. (Wand of repair is useless on a 40lb gun, and not that useful anyways- it only misfires when if it rolls a 1 on every attack roll for a given shot, and the first seven misfires can be ignored.)

2012-11-01, 09:19 PM
Built at level 11, because Mysterious Stranger doesn't have much point before that.

I'd say Stat-to-damage at level 1 is PLENTY worth it before level 11.
Yes, starting at level 11 it stops costing Grit, but with how often you should be killing things with your Hand-Cannon, regaining Grit shouldn't be much of a problem anyway.

since a single round of firing goes through almost all of a powder horn)

I'm hoping you meant Reloading Hands (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/reloading-hands), as Unseen Servant will not be all that much help to you, especially seeing as how it would die in the first Area Attack that would hit it.

How firing works:
Have them wear lots of armor or stand behind you. Why armor? Startling Shot lets you choose to not hit anybody with your attack (free with 1 grit), and instead make them flat-footed until the start of their next turn.

Startling Shot does not work that way.
You have to "spend a standard action to purposely miss (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/gunslinger)", which means you only get to make _1_ attack for the round, and ALL targets would be effected the same (allies AND opponents).

Lastly, you may want to consider going Shieldmarshal, it stacks 1/2 for Deed progression, and gets Judgement abilities, which can further enhance your Damage potential. It's other abilities are quite nice as well. It's only real loss compared to straight Gunslinger is the lack of Bonus Feats, but I think the Judgements make up for that.

2012-11-01, 11:29 PM
I'd say Stat-to-damage at level 1 is PLENTY worth it before level 11.
Yes, starting at level 11 it stops costing Grit, but with how often you should be killing things with your Hand-Cannon, regaining Grit shouldn't be much of a problem anyway.

Oh, I forgot about that method of recovery- you're right. I was thinking of Grit as being fixed for the day.

I'm hoping you meant Reloading Hands (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/reloading-hands), as Unseen Servant will not be all that much help to you, especially seeing as how it would die in the first Area Attack that would hit it.
Unfortunately, Reloading Hands is 1 round/level. As a second-level wand, that would mean waving it around every third round. If you've got a Wizard to cast it on you, that's fantastic, but casting Unseen Servant for an hour (or until the next AoE) is a lot more effective. The servant is just refilling your powder horn every round.

Startling Shot does not work that way.
You have to "spend a standard action to purposely miss (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/gunslinger)", which means you only get to make _1_ attack for the round, and ALL targets would be effected the same (allies AND opponents).

Ah, you're right about the standard action at least. It would only miss and flat-foot one creature according to the wording, though. (It does not, however, say whether the spread shot hits anybody else.) It did seem like a considerable abuse as I misread it. XP I'll go edit that.

Lastly, you may want to consider going Shieldmarshal, it stacks 1/2 for Deed progression, and gets Judgement abilities, which can further enhance your Damage potential. It's other abilities are quite nice as well. It's only real loss compared to straight Gunslinger is the lack of Bonus Feats, but I think the Judgements make up for that.
I'm generally disinclined to go into prestige classes, even where there's a solid mechanical advantage. I appreciate the advice!

2012-11-02, 12:21 AM
Unfortunately, Reloading Hands is 1 round/level. As a second-level wand, that would mean waving it around every third round. If you've got a Wizard to cast it on you, that's fantastic, but casting Unseen Servant for an hour (or until the next AoE) is a lot more effective. The servant is just refilling your powder horn every round.

A: You can buy Wands with better Caster Levels worth of spells. And while Reloading Hands is only good for 1 shot/round (additional castings only do Duration, blah blah...), it gives you the Shot/Powder for FREE, so it may still be worth looking into.
B: As I pointed out before, Unseen Servant only has _6_ HP. That's why I pointed out that come the first Area Attack of any kind and it's dead.

I'm generally disinclined to go into prestige classes, even where there's a solid mechanical advantage. I appreciate the advice!

Even when it is pretty much a Gunslinger Archetype more than it is a PrC?
Because it still (partially) progresses the ONE thing that's (mostly) unique to the Gunslinger, Deeds.