View Full Version : Changing my casting stat

2012-11-01, 08:12 PM
I'm working on a Wiz/ Druid/ MT/ AH build, and I remember someone mentioning a feat that could change your casting stat. After an extensive search, I still can't find it. I was wondering if anyone here could recall where it is.

2012-11-01, 08:18 PM
Nothing particularly official, being 3.0 content rather than 3.5, but Lost Tradition from Bastards and Bloodlines is a dirrect and complete swap to any stat. Alternatively, there were a few in one of the Dragon Lance books, depending on exactly what about the casting needed to be changed and to which stat.

2012-11-01, 08:21 PM
Nothing particularly official, being 3.0 content rather than 3.5, but Lost Tradition from Bastards and Bloodlines is a dirrect and complete swap to any stat. Alternatively, there were a few in one of the Dragon Lance books, depending on exactly what about the casting needed to be changed and to which stat.

I believe I would be allowed the one from bastards and bloodlines, but I think I would prefer the Dragon Lance ones.

2012-11-01, 08:33 PM
The Dragonlance ones where Academic Priest and Dynamic Priest, and both of them come with some drawbacks. The first, that they can only be used to casting swap for divine spellcasting classes, which means your first level class WILL be druid(B/C both of these feats MUST be taken at first level). The second, and worst of the drawbacks, is that while everything else becomes keyed to your new stat(bonus spells, what spells levels your allowed to cast ect...) your spell DCs remain wis-based. Essentially, your casting stat is not completely swapped, but only partially. Your casting becomes like that of a favored soul, more or less.

For a pure divine caster, these feats are essentially a major nerf since it basically means you kiss offensive casting goodbye. However, on a theurge they are excellent because you can reduce a LOT of MAD and the fact that you have crappy druid spell DCs doesn't matter because you have another caster class with good DCs that can offensive cast. if you focus your divine side on buffs, utility and spells that don't require saves and use your arcane side for offensive casting you won't feel the sting of the crap DCs that these feats give you.

2012-11-01, 08:40 PM
Any Idea which book they are in?

2012-11-01, 08:42 PM
Any Idea which book they are in?

I just found them. Legend of the Twins. But he's right, it only works for your Divine Spells, must be taken at 1st Level, and only changes spells per day and max level, not Dcs.

2012-11-01, 08:49 PM
Yeah. I believe I will use the Bastards and Bloodlines feat, but if my dm should choose to not accept it (which would be strange) I will use the Dragonlance feat. I don't mind my first level being divine (druid), higher hit die anyways haha.