View Full Version : Help! Feat that allows casting while holding a charge?

Seraph Evereach
2012-11-01, 10:10 PM
Ok, I have been scouring messageboards looking for an answer and I am starting here.

I remember reading a feat (or it might have been a spell, but pretty sure it was a feat) that allows you to cast a spell and still hold the charge on another spell without it being discharged.

I thought it was a skill trick, but nothing.

I know WotC never published such a feat, I have a listing of all feats from them I put together myself (including feats from Dragon Magazine).

I know it's not from Pathfinder, for the same reason as above.

Which means I definitely saw it in a d20 product. Which one, I cannot remember. It might have been a Metamagic feat or not. I am barely recalling this feat after first seeing it many years ago. I distinctly remember thinking how great that would be for a touch-caster melee type, or someone playing Duskblades or something similar.

I checked my Complete Book of Eldritch Might, but nothing there.

Can someone help me? Or was I truly imagining such a feat existing? I know I saw it in a product, but where I do not know?

2012-11-01, 10:41 PM
There's the Spell Flower spell. I'm not sure about any feats.

Seraph Evereach
2012-11-05, 05:06 PM
I am sure it was a feat. It might have been a class feature from some PrC, but I am pretty sure it was a feat. I saw it in a d20 product, I just can't remember which.

2012-11-05, 05:11 PM
I remember reading something related. Hmmmm.
Sounds like something related to a concentration check. Maybe it was something in a skill description? DM guide maybe?
I'm grasping at straws but I vaguely do remember what you are talking about.

It might have been in that Ultimate Feats guide, if it was a feat. It was a third-party book though.

2012-11-05, 08:08 PM
All i can think of is Spellflower too.

Realmshelp has a pretty good list of feats you can look through. If it's a meta-magic feat you can select just those to shorten the list.