View Full Version : Savage Warrior

2012-11-02, 10:22 AM
So, my friend is going to start out at level 3, and he wants to be a savage warrior.

Pathfinder, of course.

Now, the only problem we've ran into is that a generous amount of the core races have little-to-no natural weapons, and we're kind of just struggling to make his character work.

Core Rulebook and Advanced Player Guide only. Any ideas?

EDIT: We fiddled around with the idea of a Gnoll, but I have no idea how often it would gain levels.
EDIT 2: We're against the gnoll idea now, they just have regular unarmed strikes.

2012-11-02, 10:59 AM
Is that a prestige class or something?

2012-11-02, 11:08 AM
Gnolls only get a bite attack through the Gnoll Ferocity feat in Races of the Wild, a 3.5 book. However, to obtain it, you need to already have a rage or frenzy ability.

The best "savage warrior" classes or prestige classes I've seen are in 3.5. The Bear Warrior from Complete Warrior wildshapes into a bear and mauls people.

In homebrew, the "Ravager" archetype for the Brawler class in Gnorman's E6 variant has Whirling Frenzy, Rend, and slashing damage with unarmed attacks. Only goes up to level 6, though.

In conclusion, I'm guessing you might have to travel outside Pathfinder to find exactly what you're looking for.

2012-11-02, 11:13 AM
It's a Fighter Archetype that replaces a few things that fighters get for the upper bonuses of being able to hit stuff remarkably hard with natural weapons, including claws and bites.

It sort of seems like it should just be used on things like trolls, and whatnot, though.

2012-11-02, 11:15 AM
If you want to find something with natural attack, you should ask your dm to look into the monster manual to find something.

Kurus (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/kuru) have a bite attack.

Lizardfolk (https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/lizardfolk) may be fine too.

2012-11-02, 11:19 AM
Lizardfolk is perfect.

The only question I have is how often does he gain levels?