View Full Version : Cool little refluffs

2012-11-02, 11:52 AM
Last night in my game, a player asked me if he could refluff his Lunge feat as attacking with the air (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RazorWind) dislocated by his sword swings (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SwordBeam).
That was pretty cool and didn't change the dynamic in my game world, so I'm rolling with it.
Any examples like this?

2012-11-02, 11:59 AM
We had a heavy psychic themed campaign and refluffed the crap out to make a psychic warlock.

2012-11-02, 12:00 PM
As far back as first edition, I've loved the idea of magic missiles from each wizard having their own characteristic look and feel. I've had casters whose missiles looked like burning leaves, tiny Thor-hammers, booted dwarven feet, bursts of rainbow colours, and skulls that said 'nom nom nom' as they flew towards the target.

2012-11-02, 12:07 PM
As far back as first edition, I've loved the idea of magic missiles from each wizard having their own characteristic look and feel. I've had casters whose missiles looked like burning leaves, tiny Thor-hammers, booted dwarven feet, bursts of rainbow colours, and skulls that said 'nom nom nom' as they flew towards the target.

We do something similar, but with the way the missiles are fired. So one wizard might point, another might make a "hand pistol," another might throw them like thunderbolts, etc. This generally extends to all of the ray spells, or really any spell that requires a ranged touch attack.

2012-11-02, 12:27 PM
Yeah we always re-fluff magic effects. I played with a guy who had a (Mr. Freeze) Ice mage. His grease spell was like sub zero's floor ice deal. Any other spell was Icy too.

Good one-liners for that guy.

2012-11-02, 02:03 PM
I often end up doing this for characters of mine. A few examples:

-A girl who had some sort of magical crystal embedded in her and was taken away to be studied for most of her life. She developed powers due to the energy of the crystal and the others she was around. Warlock, with invocations like the Spider Climb one refluffed as semi-solid energy forming talons that grip the wall.

-A desert tribesman who found a temple in his youth, then became fascinated by the enigmatic Red Sand which gave him immense physical and supernatural powers. Cleric, with spells like Water Walk refluffed as the Red Sand being used to push against the water hard enough to keep him floating above it.

-A priestess of a strangely twisted church of Erythnul who fights with a pair of unusually large scythe-like weapons and uses blasts of wind to aid herself or hinder enemies' movement. Gish, probably Swiftblade, I haven't actually worked out what build I'd use.

2012-11-02, 02:49 PM
I had a Monk character with a splash of Sorcerer for Draconic Feats (I really wanted to match the flavor of the character over optimization and didn't have access to anything but core at the time), with her Monk class's (Su) abilities and Sorcerer spells being flavored as a result of Draconic heritage.

In addition to the example above of making grease the result of freezing the floor, I had a spell that buffed grapple rolls flavored as forming icy talons, and Ray of Enfeeblement was flavored as draining the heat from around someone and causing minor shock from the rapid temperature change.

In a pathfinder game, I had used the Ninja Alternate Base Class for a Gentleman Thief-style character, though I'm not sure if that counts.

Jeff the Green
2012-11-02, 03:21 PM
I'm playing a dryad archer who has a climb speed, so I like using Girallon's blessing to fire from the top of a ceiling, and when I'm out, a spider kit. I refluff the former as growing branch-like limbs and the latter as growing sticky vines.

And does refluffing for a homebrew campaign setting count? If so, I've got a ton:

Wu jen get their powers from an ancestor spirit.
Sorcerers get their powers through pacts with elementals or outsiders.
Warlocks' powers are the result of unfortunate birth defects caused by in utero exposure to high levels of ambient magic.
Binders' vestiges are non-conscious impressions of powerful outsiders left on the ambient magic field when they died.
Incarnum is shaping raw magical energies, not soul magic.
Elves are humans who were abducted by the fay and warped by their time in faerie.
Gnomes are decadent slave-takers and merchants.
Halflings are farmers, pirates, and knights-errant
Dwarves are the most magically capable race, and the only artificers.
Kobolds worship a kobold who is yet to be born but will turn into a dragon god and subjugate the world.
Half-orcs are natural equestrians.
Outsiders and elementals don't come from other planes (since there aren't any), but are instead sponaneously generated from magical energies.

That's just off the top of my head; there are more.

2012-11-02, 03:40 PM
One of my players wanted to play a Steam-Punk Cowboy for his wizard.
I said go for it.

The imagery is thus:

*He cracks a whip and from his pack a bunch of scrapmetal is whisked into the air and thrown together to produce some sort of gadget. He fires it off once, like a gun, and it falls apart. (or he tucks it into his belt depending on if it's a one-use effect)

*For summoning, he merely whistles and fast as the wind itself his summons come a running.

*With polymorph he summons the Star of the West, shining light upon him. He is seen within the body of the transparent 'spirit' that he summons, as though it had possessed him. (obviously if he wants to use polymorph for disguise purposes I do something else)

There's more but I think you get the idea.

2012-11-02, 06:00 PM
One of my players wanted to play a Steam-Punk Cowboy for his wizard.
I said go for it.

The imagery is thus:

*He cracks a whip and from his pack a bunch of scrapmetal is whisked into the air and thrown together to produce some sort of gadget. He fires it off once, like a gun, and it falls apart. (or he tucks it into his belt depending on if it's a one-use effect)

*For summoning, he merely whistles and fast as the wind itself his summons come a running.

*With polymorph he summons the Star of the West, shining light upon him. He is seen within the body of the transparent 'spirit' that he summons, as though it had possessed him. (obviously if he wants to use polymorph for disguise purposes I do something else)

There's more but I think you get the idea.

That's pretty cool, but what does it happen if the tries to summon something in a closed area or if he is away from hid backpack?

2012-11-02, 06:14 PM
In a steam-punk zombie campaign, I played a war vet who was discharged from the army for losing a leg (he cut it off himself after getting bit). His origin story involved being part of a science experiment by the government; they were implanting power crystals in to soldier's heads in an attempt to create supersoldiers - thus, he was a warblade/wilder gish. Since he was an early "model," his powers sometimes gave him problems (psychic enervation).

Not terribly creative I know, but he was a badass; him and his PTSD sniper war buddy trashed a whole lotta zombies.

I also played a changling warlock that was an actual demon. His true form was a classic horns/wings/cloven hooves individual, and even though he often assumed mature human forms, he was only 6 years old (great fun to play).

2012-11-02, 06:52 PM
I've also thought about playing a warforged psychic warrior or polymorph focused gish that refluffs the changing shape spells/abilities as transforming ala Transformers.

My original build was focused on chain tripping, with a "battle mode" of enlarge person.

2012-11-02, 10:49 PM
Last night in my game, a player asked me if he could refluff his Lunge feat as attacking with the air (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RazorWind) dislocated by his sword swings (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SwordBeam).
That was pretty cool and didn't change the dynamic in my game world, so I'm rolling with it.

Its a pretty niche situation, and could probably be handwaved without too much effort, but how do you intend to handle the character wielding a weapon made of a special material?

2012-11-03, 07:20 AM
Its a pretty niche situation, and could probably be handwaved without too much effort, but how do you intend to handle the character wielding a weapon made of a special material?

I think I'll just not allow the special material to bypass DR. We've been talking about homebrewing a feat so he could use it as a ranged attack, so it should even things out.

2012-11-03, 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Jeff the Green
Kobolds worship a kobold who is yet to be born but will turn into a dragon god and subjugate the world.

Xeelee much?


Also, great warlock concept. Worthy of pillaging.

2012-11-03, 10:44 AM
I made this sorceress with fire hair once, and in the same thread come up with a single-classed rogue played as a conjuration specialist.

....Oh god now I'm remembering the thread, I'm remembering the thread it burns arghlargharghl!

2012-11-03, 10:49 AM
I made this sorceress with fire hair once, and in the same thread come up with a single-classed rogue played as a conjuration specialist.

....Oh god now I'm remembering the thread, I'm remembering the thread it burns arghlargharghl!

No examples you actually played?