View Full Version : fey archer?

2012-11-02, 03:01 PM
I know that archery is subpar, so lets get that out of the way. I also know well the soulbow, cleric archer, swifthunter, and arcane archer builds. I am curious as to how the playground would build a fey archer using the feat charming the arrow as a base? Assume that Charisma is more than tripple the modifier of str or dex.

I had thought about racking up as man TU uses as possible (without breaking things through infinite nightsticks) and using them to fuel divine might, maybe using law+travel devotions for better to hit and the ability to move and full attack.

Any other ideas?

2012-11-02, 04:41 PM
It works quite well. Having Cleric-casting and some Strength-boosting doesn't hurt as Charisma comes in addition. You can make a base-Bard (Sacred Exorcist into Divine Might), base-Cleric (perhaps Dynamic Priest) or even base-Favored Soul or Archivist and work off that basis.

If you go warrior-route, ToB maneuvers (especially Dancing Mongoose, Raging Mongoose and Time Stands Still) are of course worthy of consideration. But Charm the Arrow is definitely a nice way to go more SAD on Archers but in and of itself it's only a tool; it still needs a framework to go with.