View Full Version : Necromancer PrCs?

2012-11-02, 07:24 PM
What are some good ones? I know of true necromancer, but what might complement a dread necro? (It's a gestalt, BTW)

2012-11-02, 08:37 PM
Evil cleric with persist spell and DMM is pulling from 2 turning pools and a very high charisma which seems good...

Make the cleric prestige into a a walker in the waste and see if you can get the dry lich and a lich template added on top of each other by the end :smallyuk:

2012-11-02, 10:08 PM
Almost any of the classes in Libris Mortis will do well for you, as long as you're looking to empahsize a particular aspect of necromancy. Some of the works from Heroes of Horror might also suit your fancy.

2012-11-02, 10:27 PM
If your a wizard on one side and are allowed homebrew, I'll plug my own class the Monarch of the Damned (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246930). It's made primarily with wizards in mind, and turns them from a poor minionmancer into an amazingly awesome one. Another homebrew class of mine I'll plug is a colab based on the Edo Tensei jutsu from Naruto, the Soulslave Sovereign (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247020). Just a warning, this class was primarily made with BBEGs in mind and MAY not be suitable for PC use. Ask your DM before building towards this one. Luckily, unlike the Monarch this class is perfectly viable for a Dread Necromancer to take so you can have lots of fun with it provided it's not too unballanced for the game....

2012-11-02, 10:27 PM
Anything that advances CL, full stop. Also, True Necromancer is made of fail. :smallyuk:

2012-11-02, 10:55 PM
Are you focusing in undead minions, or necromancy debuffs?

2012-11-02, 10:57 PM
Are you focusing in undead minions, or necromancy debuffs?

This, and what is the other side of the gestalt?

2012-11-02, 11:01 PM
When you say Necromancer, do you means hordes of the undead, eating souls, debuffing the crap out of stuff, or something else?

2012-11-02, 11:14 PM
Dread Witch is good for bypassing immunities to Fear. Incantatrix is also good. Ban something you don't use (like Evocation), and get free metamagic reduction.

True Necromancer is generally seen as cheesy, because it's a dual progression PrC, which is usually a no-no in Gestalt.

2012-11-03, 09:27 AM
When you say Necromancer, do you means hordes of the undead, eating souls, debuffing the crap out of stuff, or something else?

Lots of undead.

2012-11-03, 09:35 AM
If you want lots of undead then you shouldn't be a wizard, UNLESS you can use homebrew, like the Monarch of the Damned class I linked above. I'd be a Dread Necromancer or a Cleric, or if pathfinder classes are allowed an Oracle before a wizard if I was looking for lots of minions.

2012-11-03, 09:44 AM
This, and what is the other side of the gestalt?

Some kind of caster. Whatever would complement the Necromancer side.

And I'm already going Dread Necromancer.

Man on Fire
2012-11-03, 10:00 AM
What are some good ones? I know of true necromancer, but what might complement a dread necro? (It's a gestalt, BTW)

Not a PrC, but Paladin of Tyranny/Slaughter later going into Blackguard may be pretty hot for other side of Gestalt. I mean, Charisma to saves, good hit dice, abilities compeling Dread Necro and spells that mix pretty well too - what's not too like?

2012-11-03, 11:55 AM
Evil cleric. Go into master of shrouds (LM) for extra baddies. You advance your cleric spells (1 level loss) and keep full rebuking.

You'll have desecrate on the cleric side, more rebuke than you know what to do with (hint take divine metamagic and make all your spells awesome). Extend/persist and maybe pick up chain spells to buff all your undead with clerics.

You can start animating undead earlier on your cleric side than the DN. It's the best of both worlds.

Pally of tyrn/slaughter into blackguard isn't a bad idea--though blackguard takes a bit too much of a feat tax for my liking. Getting the good saves is nice, and if you keep going in pally of tyrn/slaughter, you'd get more rebuke too.

2012-11-03, 12:11 PM
Horned Harbinger from Faiths and Pantheons gives some huge benefits for hordemasters (allowing up to 10*CL in HD controlled) and Animate Dead/Create Undead-users (free daily uses, adds Charisma+PrC level to CL). Its normal downside is lack of CL progression, but in gestalt, that's not so much of a hangup.

2012-11-03, 12:49 PM
Some kind of caster. Whatever would complement the Necromancer side.

And I'm already going Dread Necromancer.

What level are you starting at? Pale Necromancer can be pretty good if you start at a high enough level. The free undead + corpsecrafting sounds like what you want. Plus, you can apparently get an infinite number of undead.

2012-11-03, 01:07 PM
master specialist necromancer has some neat stuff

2012-11-03, 01:09 PM
master specialist necromancer has some neat stuff

Mostly for debuffing, also the Necromancer specialist is for Wizards, in this case Sub-par in terms of undead which the OP is going for. That said, there is a fair bit of variety since he's Gestalt.

2012-11-03, 01:14 PM
If your a Dread Necro on one side, that's a good start right there. I second cleric, but with this disclaimer. Don't go regular cleric. Go cloistered cleric. DN can't cast in any armor hevier then light, and the cloistered cleric reduces itself to light armor and loses some BAB in return for a slew of passive benefits that are highly useful(mainly, LOTS of skill points) Pick the deathbound and undeath domains. Also, one of your first level feats WILL be dynamic priest. Why? Dynamic priest makes your cleric casting based on cha for everything except spell DCs. Normally, this is a nerf. In gestalt however, it's not since you have your dread necro side for offensive casting. This means you can basically focus solely on charisma and not care that your wisdom is meh because you can just focus your cleric side on buffs, utility and stuff like desecrate while you use your Dread Necro side for offensive casting.

So yeah, Dread Necro//Cloistered Cleric with the Deathbound and Undeath domains and Dynamic Priest feat would be good if you want to be casty and know a lot of stuff.(You also can make a good face since you get bluff, diplomacy and intimidate among your class skills)...If you prefer melee I will second the Dread Necro//Paladin of Tyranny/Slaughter. Maybe throw in some hexblade levels on the Paladin of Tyranny/Slaughter side for some more debuffing power, as a Paladin of Tyranny/Hexblade can make for a nasty debuffer.

2012-11-03, 01:15 PM
saveboost and turnresistance plus the late 5 rnd fasthealing 10 for your undead allies in 60ft for a swift cast lvl1 spell might be sub par ya

2012-11-03, 05:44 PM
Right now I'm at: Warlock 1/Cloistered Cleric 2/Master of Shadows 5//Dread Necromancer 8 (pale master thereafter). Starting is 8 as you can see, and I was planning to take Master of Shadows and Pale Master all the way through. Any other options other than/after that? What about feat choices?

2012-11-03, 06:30 PM
Keep in mind non caster stuff if your gestalting. Warlord and war master from the pathfinder 3rd party classes as well as bard would all compliment your minionmancy. Personally I'm a fan of Warlord. I just like the rp value of my army becomming GREAT when I'm around and meh when I'm not.

2012-11-04, 12:40 AM
Heartfire Fanner (Dragon Magazine #314) might be of interest as well, since it will progress casting and give bardic music as a dip, though it does eat up 2 feats for qualifying. Probably better to get a cohort or make a suitable candidate into a dread warrior.

2012-11-04, 08:42 AM
Right now I'm at: Warlock 1/Cloistered Cleric 2/Master of Shadows 5//Dread Necromancer 8 (pale master thereafter). Starting is 8 as you can see, and I was planning to take Master of Shadows and Pale Master all the way through. Any other options other than/after that? What about feat choices?

Unlike the others, I suggest the necromancy domain rather than undead. Also, ask your DM ahead of time how Deathbound stacks with the DN level 8 'capstone'. Remember that your undead pool will now be based on your DN level, rather than caster level.

I suggest taking at least one or two corpsecrafter. Perhaps Fell Drain with some metamagic reducers is good. Rather than burn a feat on Tomb Tainted Soul, try to just become a Necropolitan. Otherwise its a manditory feat. Don't forget about the feat requirements for Master of Shadows.

Also, I personally prefer Archevist instead of CC for Master of Shadows, but they're pretty equal.

2012-11-04, 09:31 AM
The Bone Knight is my favorite necromancy type PrC. It isn't your typical necromancer, but the class gains several necromancy related abilities and turns a divine spellcaster into a pseudo-undead paladin type character. They get a ton of immunities over the levels and gain pretty much all the immunities that undead get as their capstone (note: they do not turn into undead themselves, which is a pretty nice boon). You also get a Skeletal Steed that functions in the same manner as a Paladin's Mount.

The immunities you gain by the time you hit level 10 in the PrC include:

Immunity to stunning, extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks, nonlethal damage, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, death effects, fatigue, exhaustion, ability damage to your physical ability scores, ability drain, energy drain, and death from massive damage.

The class also gets 9/10 divine spellcasting progression. It may not be what you're looking for, but I think it may be the best cleric melee PrC.