View Full Version : List of negative effects help [Pathfinder/3.5/any d20]

Tanuki Tales
2012-11-03, 02:44 PM
So, I'm in the middle of devising a campaign setting for my IRL/online group for a game I will eventually be putting together (which I hope will last a few years, the powers willing) and I'm planning for Arcane magic to have a corrupting influence on those who use it (they'll need to make an easy save when casting spells that slowly increases with the more magic they cast until they fail. They then get Corruption points equal to the failed spell's level and the DC resets. Once they have more corruption points than their HD+Wisdom score, I roll for a negative effect and their corruption points either reset or decrease or something).

My issue is that all I can really think of for the list so far is 6 slots for -2 to a different score and luck penalties to AC or attack rolls or skill checks or something. But I also want interesting things that are more than just "hey, I just need to lower X number by Y amount, let's keep rolling." Does any know of a good printed list I can use or maybe help me come up with one or something?