View Full Version : My Attempt at a Cooking Skill

2012-11-03, 07:14 PM
So right now am working on monster manual 1, thinking of what you could do with a slightly magical cooking touch , to try and make a food item revive the value it was towards the original creature to the eater. Some of these may be unbalanced and unexplained, this is a first try and am open to suggestions.

Item Use: Food Container Everlasting Bottle: Any Food Item put in this, no matter the shape or style of matter, is preserved for 24 hours, and can be withdrawn as a free action, but if dranken from or the withdrawn item eaten , takes a standard action to consume the full amount and gain the benefit.

The letter A

Aboleth Eyeball Soup DC 25 One time Enslave Another use Dc 17
You feel the power of Mind fish flow through your stomach and the urge to control something.

Achaierai Liver DC 15 One Time Stink Cloud 2d6 Damage
The stench of the bird comes from your pores as you feel gassy, letting out a large fart of noxious fumes.

Angel Wing Toothpick DC 20 Heal 1d3 per challenge level
You clean your teeth from one of the few feathers on the wing that is not bloody. Good Hygine is the closet to god most enjoy.

Ankheg Fried Mandible DC 15 2d3 Object Damage
This fine made item provides when eaten properly, if you spit onto an object or person, it does 2d3 acid damage and ignores object hardness.
Aranea thorax shiskabob DC 17 One time 25 Foot Web
This fried delicious item makes you have slightly sticky hands from handling the object and tasting the food, you feel empowered to create a web of your own.
Archon Ground Tooth DC 15 Electricity Resistance Per Dm Choice
You lick your palm clean of the white substance, filling up as you feel yourself well-grounded against other affects.
Assassin Vine Jellied Jam DC 10 +4 Grappling Insight
With a little bit of this tart jam on your favorite biscuit and you feel as if you want to wrestle someone.
Athach Third Finger Special DC 20 No TWF Penalty for 3 rounds
You feel somewhat more useful, as if you control all your limbs with equal skill.
Azer Chili DC 10 Fire Resistance 10
Some hot stew and a quick jug, brings out a spicy flavor to your mouth that makes you want some water, yet everything else seems less hot compared to your mouth.

The Letter B

Barghest Furry CoughDrop DC 10 +2 Insight Bonus on Concentration
Your throat is scratchy and itchy, eating this provides some relief and makes vocal actions easier.
Balalisk Hard Candy Dc 20 Make your Target Fearful Fort Dc 13
You feel grumpy after eating this candy, giving a person or thing you hate the death glare causes it to turn your foes stiff with terror.
Beholder Beholden Bubbly Booze DC 30 Anti Magic Aura 1 min Dc 20
You drink this heady and slightly slimy liquid, granting you with a slight glow of menace towards mages who can’t hold their drink.
Blink Dog’s Energy Drink Dc 15 One Time Blink
With a sudden rush of energy as you eat this flavored cube, you feel yourself sudden lurch forward 30 feet, with excited feelings.

Buleete Sizzling Tongue Dc 10 Stomp 1/use DC 15
When a sudden rush of power, you feel the urge to jump for joy, as you leap towards your target with renewed and earth shaking vigor.

The Letter C

Carrion Crawler Feel Good Juice DC 15 Slow Affect DC 13
You feel slightly euphoric as if the world could take a break, with a simple touch after eating this, you can make others feel the joy of slowing down for a bit.

Centaur Hearty Soup Dc 15 Carrying Compactly Increased by 100 pounds
With a few hearty gulps, you feel yourself having stronger backbone, and sturdy feet, letting you carrying your load easier then before , for a few hours.

Chimera Split Personality Split pea Soup Dc 20 Breath Weapon Affect Dm choice
Gulping down this rather, nasty soup, you feel yourself a little burpy as strong gouts of energy expel from your mouth.
Chuul Fish and Chips Dc 15 +4 Insight on Damage roles while grappling
Stinky, Fishy, and Offending breath to anyone that gets close to you.
Cloaker Shifty Sauce DC 20 Blur for 1d4 rounds
Slather this black bbq sauce on your favorite meat, to hide the flavor of any bad cooking.
Cocktrice Howling BBQ Thigh Dc 10 2d4 Sonic Damage
This lip smacking good food, makes you howl how delicious it is, with such fond flavoring and unbelievably good flavor.
Coutal Chatty Catty DC 15 Telepathy 20 mins
Slightly unseemly stew mixture of both feathers and lizard flesh goes down with a harsh gag, as you tell everyone how bad it taste with your new found metal powers.

2012-11-03, 08:18 PM
The biggest problem here is that I can't seem to find the durations for these things (or the price/stats of the bottle). That is probably the most significant part of the power (or lack thereof). :smalltongue:

2012-11-03, 08:24 PM
Hmm Touche, Name an Item and give me an idea of what you would pay for it, and I will work to adjust myself, right now honestly these are " make it yourself" items, not something you would buy or sell.

Durations though is something I will finish up when I am done with the letter E

2012-11-03, 08:31 PM
Hmm Touche, Name an Item and give me an idea of what you would pay for it, and I will work to adjust myself, right now honestly these are " make it yourself" items, not something you would buy or sell.

Durations though is something I will finish up when I am done with the letter E

Pricing is more for WBL purposes than actually buy/sell, although this would be a pretty useful item.

The bottle seems like a (limited) constant purify food and water, with the special effect stacked on. I'd price it at... 1500 gp, with a faint (CL 3) aura of transmutation. With a requirement that you have to have ranks in Craft (cooking) to use it.

2012-11-03, 09:13 PM
Hmm I agree, but maybe not such an expensive level of cost. This is sort of a extended looting effort, among rangers/fighters/druids maybe even rogues and wizards, of making use of things that you kill , for a need to be used soon sort of buffs.

2012-11-03, 09:18 PM
Well, I based it off of the fact that you can get some pretty useful effects, usable as a full-round action pretty much whenever. I guess it would depend on the campaign (the usefulness) and what monsters are consistently faced.

Also, I somewhat based it off of a similarly useful item, the spool of endless rope. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Infinite rope. Literally. :smallsmile:

2012-11-03, 09:27 PM
Hmm if a permenat thing I could see that, but if let us say, 24 hour "stasis " of whatever food item is inside it, and is a one time used item, I would say 50 gold per container.

Then we can do the price cost of ingridents besides skinned item or whatever or a general survival check to find things along the way that are generic herbs and such.

I would like to try and avoid the brew potion mentality Gold plus XP = item, and more along the lines of ..Skill X plus fighting Y = Displacer Biscuts

2012-11-03, 09:41 PM
Well, if it's one time use, 24 hour limit item, I would say 50 gp is about right. Maybe even less.

If you're going off of skill based things, maybe make it a subset of Craft (cooking), and give the bottle a certain DC to make.

2012-11-03, 10:31 PM
Hmmm well let us see...

Survival Check to find "cooking" supplies

DC 5 = 1 Cooked Item
DC 15 2 Cooked Items
DC 25 3 Cooked Items
DC 35 4 Cooked Items

Example: Jack rolls DC 22, Jack has enough cooking supplies to make two cooking attempts for the night/meal period.

Craft Cooking
Item DC -10 Item is Poisoned or burnt beyond use ( DM's choice)
Item Dc -5 Succeed with chance of poisoning
Item DC +o Item is Made
Item DC +5 Two Servings MAde
Item DC +10 Duration If has one Extended by 1/2 or effective DC for item to take affect is +2 plus +1 per DC +5 rolled after +10DC of Item
DC +15 Three serving sizees
DC + 25 four serving sizes

Jack has decided he wants to make a Magical Steak, and a Magical Jam. So he rolls 10 above the needed DC for the steak but -7 needed for the jam. Jack made two yummy steaks that include bonus affects, but his jam became poisoned but he does not know it.

Spoilage Levels
Cooked Items DC - Time Passed = Results DC 0 Spoiled DC 5 Off Color/Taste DC 10 Juts Fine

1 Day/- 5
2 Day/-5
3 Day/ -10
4 Day/-10
5 Day/ -20

Jack stores them away with each day he subtracts against what he rolled for the item originally. Day one is -5 from the DC from both the steak and jam, while day two, is another -5, making a cumulative -10 against the items. If with no magical assistance to maintain the items quality day 3 comes around with -10, making it all add up to -20. Spoiling both the items, if they are eaten Jack needs to make a fortitude check or be sicken for an hour.

Non Magical Ingredients Creation
5 DC for Meal
10 DC +1 Moral Boost on Social Interactions
20 DC 1 GoodBerry Affect (2d4 healing)

While Jack makes magical items, Jill is not a wide traveling hunter or skilled slayer of monsters, but makes great homecooked meals. Her village has common supplies but Jill is so good with cooking that when she makes a meal, she does a Craft (Cooking) DC check, where here cooking sometimes boost the moral of those in the village she lives with, sometimes seeming to heal all those that eat her food.

2012-11-03, 11:29 PM
Subscribing to thread until he gets to the Book of Exalted Deeds and makes Saint's Flow describing it as "Ass tastin energy drink" :smallamused:

2012-11-04, 02:33 AM
Angel Wing Toothpick DC 20 Heal 1d3 per challenge level
You clean your teeth from one of the few feathers on the wing that is not bloody. Good Hygine is the closet to god most enjoy.

I must say, this typo put a smile on my face. Is the closet a magical portal that takes you to God, or is god actually in the closet?

2012-11-04, 02:37 AM
Depends if he ever comes out of it