View Full Version : Sneak up from Hiding question

2012-11-04, 09:05 AM
Rules Compendium, pg 92:

Sneak up from Hiding: You can sneak up on someone after emerging from a hiding place. For every 5 feet of open space between you and the target, you take a –5 penalty on your Hide check. If your Hide check succeeds, your target doesn’t notice you until you attack or perform some other attention-grabbing action. Such a target is treated as being flat-footed with respect to you.

English is not my native language, but I read the target is flat-footed until the attack excluded. It seems there are no benefits from Sneak Up from Hiding...

Of course it is weird and in my party we follow the same idea of the surprise round, so the target is flat-footed (only with respect of the attacker) for one standard action and until its initiative turn.

How do you read the rule?


2012-11-04, 09:55 AM
If you succeed your roll thise who failed are unaware of you. As such they are flat footed.