View Full Version : Three Goddesses (IC) Thread #3

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2012-11-04, 07:11 PM
I defy anyone to list a game on this board that has 3 IC threads.

2012-11-04, 07:18 PM

"Considering what has happened, Drisae, what you are suggesting might be the only plausible and humane approach."

She looks at the ground glumly.

2012-11-04, 08:00 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna wriggles closer to Sera, then smiles at Drisae. "Wonderful. Then, once Carlita-san is brought here, please do so."

She pauses, then quirks an eyebrow over at her friend. "Eh... Sera-senpai? What's wrong?"

2012-11-04, 08:31 PM
Drisae says, "It is an Amazon Nocticulan priestess ritual that will keep her inactive and in a deathlike state, make her mind and body all but impossible to find from outside sources, and even ease the pain from which her mind might suffer.

"This ritual I have learned courtesy of the Nocticulan Amazons of my birth, and absolute secrecy on its form and exact measure is required; the only one who may witness this ritual is Taleira. Demon servitors do not count ... they are not necessarily Nocticulan nor Amazon. Melinda even cannot witness this ritual - she is not amazon, despite being the first priestess of the unity.

"Until such time as the Unity has passed, then these secrets must be honored. Ask what you will, this is all I will tell you. If the sense of what I offer is fair to you all, as I am the only one in this group that has that level of divine power, then I will sequester myself into a room .... with Taleira or without, as she desires. I recommend she come with, if only because she may never see the like again."

2012-11-04, 08:36 PM
"Well, so Carlita problem is not a problem anymore, I belive."

"So, is everyone ready to our next step, then?"

2012-11-04, 08:36 PM

"I just wish there was something more we could do for her... This whole thing rubs me the wrong way. We can talk about in private, later, if you are so inclined..."
She wears a tired, mile-long stare.

2012-11-04, 08:43 PM
Atareth eyes Drisae suspiciously, but she chides herself internally. There was a major verbal and telepathic exchange about things she only knew about somewhat. She didn't know how Melinda's priestly power worked, but even then the First Priestess didn't quite have Drisae's raw divine power, even if Melinda had more of the divine "trust."

"I'm willing to accept Drisae's proposal. There are secrets I am sworn to keep and protect - Tishtinian and otherwise - so I understand this."

2012-11-04, 08:48 PM
Those going to visit the temple of Kasia draw close together, and moments later, a woman pops into the room, those of the faith of Sabrina know her to be Desiria Tynalon, right hand woman to Zanthia Bindar. She teleports again, and you find yourself just outside the Golden Rose.
With an almost apologetic look, she holds up several blindfolds
Im sorry, but its policy, I hope you understand.
The blindfolds are applied, and then you are lead through a long journey, filled with so many twists and turns that your sense of direction is completely disoriented. Further, you feel the lurch of a teleport effect several times, making it completely impossible to tell where you are. You feel like you are being lead into a room, and finally the blindfolds are removed.
You find yourself in a small room, while the room appears to be empty of anyone else (except for one other figure), you still get the feeling you are being watched by many eyes (and associated weapons). However, for now, your attention is on the man(?) in the room.
First of all, he is sitting in shadows, they shift enough to let you see that he is there, but not enough to get a good look at him. He seems to be of average height and build, and really, there is nothing distinguishing about him. Which is probably just the way he wants it.
You question him about the Tomb of Dantilus, and he basically tells you that while the guild long knew of it, they have never made an effort to explore it. There are almost no religions in Daystor that believe in the practice of burying riches with the deceased in a tomb (it might have been practice in the Ishharrah Empire during the reign of the Elder Gods but that is no more) and with no riches as the target, the thieves guild has no interest in it. As well, the tomb was not dedicated to any one person, and so any potential bounty in there would be of little value. Normally, undead have no interest in hoarding and collecting wealth and thus the risk/reward of the tomb just doesnt justify itself. You are more than welcome to undertake any sort of looting mission, the faith of Kasia has no interest in it, and cannot provide you with any intel about it, they just havent ever been interested.
With this conversation finished, Desiria gathers you together once again, and teleports you back to Paramibo, just to make sure that you dont attempt to figure out your path to this spot again.

2012-11-04, 09:02 PM
Selena is still a bit disoriented with recent events.

"Got to respect the Kasian's, they are very efficient in hiding their place.
Anyway, it's just relieving that we are in good therms with them. One more enemy is the last thing we need.

But personally, I find their total disregard to this tomb confusing. Maybe they aren't really interested, maybe they are bluffing. Maybe they are interested in gems and gold, while scrolls and some artifacts might be found in this tomb*.
He is a lich, afterall. Hoarding gold and other possessions high value by mortals might not be his thing, but by no means he doesn't have any kind of resources."

Sense Motive check to see the man in the shadows second intentions towards the tomb, if he has any.

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-04, 09:14 PM
Coquika is formally welcoming when the others teleport back, and she listens to their report, nodding carefully. There wasn't much that had led her to hope the Robbers would be forthcoming with help, and this seems like verification.
She stands and claps her hands, like the ringing of marbles.
"Then I suggest those of you that rest take this chance to prepare. Once we have our everyday helpers in place... then I think we can begin this rescue in earnest!"
She looks around, smiling anxiously.
"Peridot, have we forgotten anything?"

2012-11-04, 11:00 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna has a rather annoyed look on her face as she shakes off the slight confusion of recent events. "So... what did we learn? The mountain fortress doesn't actually have any riches worth stealing. Or, they don't think it does."

"Ah well," she mutters, shrugging. "It's not as if we're worse off than before."

With a smile towards Coquika, Setsuna bows slightly. "I believe I shall take this opportunity to prepare myself. It will be the first time I leave this place for any significant time since I came."

She glances at Sera and smiles faintly. Waving, she calls out, "I have some things I need to get from my room, senpai! I'll see you in a bit, okay?"

With a nod towards Hakkera, Setsuna steps into her enveloping pit, and the shadowy archon whisks it away.

She's just going to go to her room, pick up her hat, umbrella-bow, lightstones, flashlights, and miscellaneous trinkets.

A few minutes later, Hakkera returns, and Setsuna glides out of the hole in the ground. She looks relatively the same, save for a new boater hat with a red ribbon and a curved-handle black umbrella which she carries with practiced ease. She winks and laughs, spinning around. "So. How do I look?"

2012-11-04, 11:18 PM

Seraciel gives Furude a cursory glance but makes no comment on her appearance. She's going over her spellbook, reading the various entries on spells she rarely uses, but that familiar look on is still on her face. This day has given her a lot to think about, indeed.

"To be honest, if anyone else were to do this, they would ask a king's ransom." She snaps her spellbook shut with one hand. An impressive feat, considering the book's considerable girth. She stows it away in a trusty extra-dimensional space.

2012-11-05, 12:57 AM
"Peridot, have we forgotten anything?"

Dot has put away her books and stood to receive the others. She listens carefully to their report, and nods regretfully that there is no detailed information about the caves. She repeats the image of the few areas that she caught a clear glimpse of during her initial scrying.

"Coquika, as long as you've maintained the enchantments to block this area from outside divinations, we should be about as prepared as we can be. The ancient and static nature of this tomb of theirs may be our greatest strength. If they've been unopposed and secure for this long, they may be slower to respond to our arrival."

She hesitates for a moment, then continues.

"In preparing ourselves, we should think about how we will deal with different kinds of undead. Clearly, Drisae and Melinda have the possibility of being able to take control over the weakest. But how will we deal with ghosts and others that might come at us out of the floors? How will you deal with a mass of flying undead? There's no need for us to have a unified strategy for these - in fact, having a variety of tactics at our disposal serves us better, I would say."

She falters, and her voice becomes a little less brisk and professional.

"I, um, appreciate all of you agreeing to help with this. Even if you're only doing it because of the quest, it still means a great deal. Um, I, um. Thank you."

She smiles faintly, then returns to a scowl of contemplation.

"I should go rest, in order to be ready for the morning."

2012-11-05, 01:59 AM
"Our best bet against incorporeals are force attacks. Don't know if we have an evoker between us, but that would be really cool. I have Shadow Evocation spells, that might help a little, depending on how much incorporeals we will face. My shortbow is able to infuse force into my arrows, so we can still *slowly* kill them."

2012-11-05, 02:07 AM

"Hmm... I haven't done this in practice, but a Blink spell connects you to the Ethereal plane. Perhaps a Greater Blink would allow me to strike the incorporeal creatures more easily."

2012-11-05, 02:14 AM
"I guess a normal blink would determinate how you affect incorporeal creatures the same way you affect corporeal ones, ie, ramdonly. But if you have the greater one, than it's fantastic! You can simply control which plane you want to be. This though didn't occur to me, but sounds great!"

She then gives a further though.

However, do delving in the Ethereal plan briefly necessarily mean you can interact with it?"

2012-11-05, 02:42 AM

"Another incorporeal creature, in reality any creature in the Ethereal Plane, should be able to interact with another in the same way creatures on the Material Plane do. A ghost would be just as vulnerable to my morning star as it would be to another ghost."

2012-11-05, 02:45 AM
Drisae says to Dot, "I, too, will take some rest before prayers. It seems that the simple, temporary solution of a succubus gaoler will do Carlita well. Having been told a measure of what the rest of you can do, I will set my spells to some sense for the threat."

2012-11-05, 03:22 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Given that we seem to have skipped to the group re-convening after the diplomatic trip, I guess Tali is back to be hearing this conversation.

"Well, Atareth and I can both fly, so that takes care of fliers. I can be ethereal whenever I want, so I can fight ghosts and the like, too."

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-05, 08:56 AM
Coquika nods, agreeing to ward her sanctuary. When the topic of the incorporeal arises, she says,
"I can harm the incorporeal, to some extent, but few of them can harm me."
She shrugs, and then moves off to continue her meditations and studies.

2012-11-05, 02:23 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna plops down next to Sera, placing her umbrella and hat on the floor in front of her. With a shrug, she says, "I can fly, and I can deal with incorporeals and ethereals with my shadow force spells."

"...actually, I can deal with a lot of random stuff with my shadow spells."

2012-11-05, 03:02 PM
"I believe I might be able to harm the undead," says Drisae, "but it's not anything I've ever done before."

2012-11-05, 11:27 PM
At the conclusion of the meeting with Kasia's representatives, Melinda has little to be ecstatic about. Her disappointment is mitigated by the lack of any real expectation going in. They did, after all, get -some- intelligence. The construction of a large complex dedicated to no one in particular suggested that the tomb's defenses lay in depth and in numbers, not in strength.

"I, um, appreciate all of you agreeing to help with this. Even if you're only doing it because of the quest, it still means a great deal. Um, I, um. Thank you."

"Anything for family, Dot." The usually verbose bardess has no more to say, with the whole truth having been so simply acknowledged. Melinda's abashed glance darts left and right, then returns to her mentor's face. The bardess is a bit tongue-tied with her own appreciation for Dot's earlier support.

Melinda will call upon Syndra Keldith to divine a possible course of action regarding Thorbald Volkskraag. He and Telgar don't seem to be natural allies, which prompts her to ask the Goddess of Intrigue for advice.

Can a block of incense of meditation be bought in Paramibo?

2012-11-06, 11:33 AM
Dot nods silently to Melinda's simple comment, and heard some of the nuances behind that. Family. Huh. It had been a long while since she'd had family.

Dot glanced around the group. There was more homicidal frenzy in her family than she remembered. But she supposed that, tomorrow, that's exactly what she'd need.


As the group gathered again after a decent rest - or perhaps an indecent rest, in the case of some present - Dot nodded and clambered up onto Clyde's shoulder.

"Once we appear at the doors, we've got to keep moving quickly, to keep them from having an opportunity to do something with prisoners."

She pauses, and pulls out a copper three-sided statuette, working in the faces of the three goddesses as best she could represent them.

"Ladies, I've done right by you these last few weeks. If you'd care to return the favour now, I'd really appreciate it."

Tucking the figuring away, she turns to the others.

"Very well then. Breakfast, a mess of preparatory magics, and then let's go storm the castle.

Nodding to the group, she begins weaving a set of preparatory spells.

Timeline wise, I'm assuming that someone's probably got Heroes' Feast on hand, which would be a GREAT thing to have when we're about to face a bunch of undead. Mechanically, all of our short-term buffing will probably happen after that, but for the sake of style, Dot's starting now.

We probably have enough people in the group with True Seeing, Arcane Sight and the like floating around that I'm just going to post my buffs here. It would be lovely if others could do the same, but that's your call.

Buffs on offer to the group (write em down if you want em):
Resist Energy, Acid (CL 27)
Resist Energy, Sonic (CL 27)
Fly (CL 15)
and, at the last moment, Haste (CL 27) and Cloak of Chaos (CL 15)

Spells active on Dot at the end of this spree:
Arcane Sight
Greater Arcane Sight (yes, duplicated. Long story)
Anticipate Teleport, Greater
Cloak of Chaos
Ectoplasmic Armour
Elemental Body (Air)
Energy Immunity (Electricity)
Energy Immunity (Cold)
False Life
Heart of Air, Earth, Fire and Water
Mind Blank
Moment of Prescience
Reduce Person
Superior Resistance
True Seeing

And on the menagerie:
Cloak of Chaos, Mage Armour, Mind Blank, Fly, Resist Energy (Acid), Resist Energy (Sonic) and Superior Resistance, plus whatever other group buffs they're eligible for.

2012-11-06, 11:55 AM

Sera barely eats anything for breakfast. She has been quiet lately, and even her normal amount of fidgeting has died down. She quietly retrieves Larry from Melinda.

She does her fair share of casting as well.

Assuming our short term buffs at last second as well.
She start by using her Prayer Beads' Karma Bead fist.
On Selena:
Mindblank, Extended (CL23)
Superior Resistance, Extended (CL23)

On the Party:
Mass Conviction, Extended (CL23, +5 Morale to Saves)
Shield of Faith, Mass Extended (CL23, +9 Deflection to AC Total)
Resist Energy, Mass Extended (CL23, Electricity)
Resist Energy, Mass Extended (CL23, Cold)

On herself (Superior Resistance and Mindblank are still active):
Elemental Body, Air (CL21)
Unicorn Heart (CL21)
True Seeing (CL21)
Armor of Darkness, Extended (CL23)
Mage Armor, Greater (CL21)
Shield (CL23)
Arcane Sight (CL21)
Superior Invisibility (CL21)
Energy Absorption, Extended (CL23)
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (CL 21) (Dimensional Anchor, Dispel Magic, Resist Energy)
Familiar Pocket (CL21)
Absorption (CL23)
Greater Magic Weapon (CL21)

I am not done yet, gotta go RQ. I have Shield for +8 AC if anyone wants it, and an unused Iron Guard.

2012-11-06, 03:17 PM
Using the co-ordinates gained from Dot's scrying, the group manages to teleport themselves to a rocky ledge in the Komath mountains, a barren, windswept and snowy ledge at that. The amazons of the party are not best impressed by this spot, hot and steamy jungles are more their thing.
The ledge is right at the mouth of a cave, and as the group cautiously explores their way in, they find no occupants and are also now out of the wind, which is far more in keeping with their manner of dress. Its still cold however.
The cave is not all that big, and after about 15 minutes of searching, the party is able to find a passageway leading deeper into the mountain. Unlike the cave, this passage is clearly not of natural erosion, its been dug out of the mountain. The passage is about 10 feet wide (marching order can be 2 abreast) and varies between 10 to 12 feet high (flying is nearly impossible and if you are winged instead of spelled, it is impossible). The corrider goes 50 feet straight east, and then ends in a door.

OOC: Marching order needed, and then actions.

2012-11-06, 03:30 PM
Selena and Oscar eat to their heart content, ononoming everything in their sight.

"So, the fates of these undeads are sealed, eh? This lich shouldn't mess with Nena friends!"

Says Oscar, barely able to speak and occasionally spitting part of his breakfast when trying to do so. He never dismiss an opportunity to look manly.

Readied Spells:
Lvl1: Inhibit/Silent Image/Neverskitter x2/Enlarge Person/Benign Transpositionx2/Grease

Lvl2: Ray of Stupidity/Mirror Image/Glitterdust x2/Fog Cloud x2/Web x2

Lvl3: Suggestion/Invisibility Sphere/Unluck x2/Haste x2/Halt x2

Lvl4: Greater Rebuke/Greater Mirror Image x2/Heart of Earth/Celerity x2/Solid Fog

Lvl5: Hold Monster/Shadow Evocation x2/Overland Flight/Teleport/Prying Eyes/SMA V

Lvl6: Greater Heroism/Permanent Image/Freezing Fog x2/SMA VI

Lvl7: Heightned Greater Heroism/Project Image/Energy Immunity/Glass Strike/Elemental Body/Reverse Gravity

Lvl8: Binding/Superior Invisibility/Heightned Reverse Gravity/SMA VIII x2

Spells in effect

Elemental Body (fire) 16hours
Overland Flight 16hours
Energy Immunity (acid) 16hours
Heart of Earth 16hours

Mindblank, Extended (CL19) Sera casting
Superior Resistance, Extended (CL19) Sera casting

2012-11-06, 04:42 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna barely eats anything, only a few pieces of bread, some various drinks, and a peach. Afterwards, she casts her spells with a flurry of bright motes, Hakkera also going around to send a spark of light into each of the party.

Mountain Fortress, Komath Mts.

With a raised eyebrow, Setsuna's face breaks into a determined grin. "So... here at last. I will be flying above, to provide mobile support."

She glides up, hovering just under the ceiling, outside of the door.

Spells in Effect:(short-term buffs that are cast at the last second)

Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Cast on the party by Hakkera:
Aid: 21 min
HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 14 (12) 8 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-06, 05:56 PM
The statuesque Coquika abstains from breakfast altogether, and she invokes only a few enchantments before joining the group in teleportation.

She wears more gear abroad than in her sanctuary: items obviously chosen for their magical effects rather than the effects of fashion.
She moves with surprising quiet though, as she walks at the fore of the party, her green featureless eyes scanning the darkness. She does not approach the door, but glances at Seraciel inquiringly.

Active spells (In descending spell level)
Mind Blank
Energy Immunity: Sonic
See Invisibility
Mage Armor

Additional effects:
Ring of Counterspells: Disintigrate

2012-11-06, 05:57 PM

Sera feels the battle is imminent. She puts up a Duelward for doing anything else.

My spell provides perfect movement in air, so I'll be able to get around freely. So. Who's going to open the door or should I blink through it?

OOC Spellnotes:

Duelward Extended (CL19 3.8 minutes/38 rounds)

Ring of Greater Counterspells: Greater Dispel
Keep in mind she has Conviction (+5 Morale to saves) and Shield of Faith (+9 Deflection AC) and that Dot up the Cloak of Chaos (Most Notably the 25 SR versus Lawful).

Mikela, I am using the Absorption spell. It kind of works like spell turning, so roll 1d4+6 and don't tell me the result. If it captures spell levels ,give me a heads up as I can use the spell levels to cast my own spells.

2012-11-06, 10:03 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna blinks once, and glances at Sera. "Um, senpai, when you say 'open', do you mean 'open' in the literal sense, or do you mean 'open' as in 'remove'?"

Hesitantly assuming the latter, she raises a magically sparkling hand in preparation to "open" the door.

Assuming that Sera does mean "remove" rather than "open", Setsuna will tell everyone to move back, move back herself, and cast disintegrate at the door, removing the door. This assumes the door is less than 10 ft thick. If it is more than 10 ft thick (:smalleek:) then it will remove 10 ft worth of it's thickness.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 14 (12) 8 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-06, 10:46 PM

The people who can see Sera see her place her hand against her face.

It would be better to be discreet in my opinion, but that seems fine.

2012-11-06, 11:20 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna stares, inner conflict apparent on her face. After a few seconds, her visage calms, and she grins faintly at Sera, the trigger-happy, show-offy side of her having won out. "And now, get ready folks. Here. We. Go."

"®¡≥æ∂≈!" With this single whisper-shouted Word of Power, her hand slashes down, a beam of crackling green shooting forth to strike the door.

DISINTEGRATE! :smallwink:

Again, removing 10 ft of thickness from the door (likely the entirety of the door).
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 14 (12) 8 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-07, 01:06 AM

As they prepare for teleportation, Dot's appearance changes to that of a wizened imp-like creature. She pulls a slender grey steel rod out of her shoulder bag. At her direction, Tasha, Zippy and Clyde all take on the form of pallid, lean figures - simulating vampires. Tasha takes her bow out to test again.


Dot follows the group, glowering impatiently, as they head down the tunnel. She and her menagerie drift a few inches off the ground as they lean forward to see what is beyond.

About 130' of blindsense and 120' of True Sight, refreshed as needed as we go.

2012-11-07, 01:19 AM

The Abjurer takes one look at Dot, and gives another Furude. She shakes her head.

"Caution to the wind? I feel that none of you will have the patience to have this done quietly."

She places a Rod of Chain, Lesser in her Spare Hand. It will come in handy if she needs to take out a large number of magical items of traps at once. She scans the area ahead of her, looking for any auras that might betray an enemy caster.

2012-11-07, 01:53 AM
"Quietly? I don't think so. We are a large group, doing anything 'quietly' is much harder."

She glances at Ly'kalia, now at her habitual, fearsome demonic form.
"One hell of a bodyguard..." She thinks to herself.

Readied Spells:
Lvl1: Inhibit/Silent Image/Neverskitter x2/Enlarge Person/Benign Transpositionx2/Grease

Lvl2: Ray of Stupidity/Mirror Image/Glitterdust x2/Fog Cloud x2/Web x2

Lvl3: Suggestion/Invisibility Sphere/Unluck x2/Haste x2/Halt x2

Lvl4: Greater Rebuke/Greater Mirror Image x2/Heart of Earth/Celerity x2/Solid Fog

Lvl5: Hold Monster/Shadow Evocation x2/Overland Flight/Teleport/Prying Eyes/SMA V

Lvl6: Greater Heroism/Permanent Image/Freezing Fog x2/SMA VI

Lvl7: Heightned Greater Heroism/Project Image/Energy Immunity/Glass Strike/Elemental Body/Reverse Gravity

Lvl8: Binding/Superior Invisibility/Heightned Reverse Gravity/SMA VIII x2

Spells in effect

Elemental Body (fire) 16hours
Overland Flight 16hours
Energy Immunity (acid) 16hours
Heart of Earth 16hours

Mindblank, Extended (CL19) Sera casting
Superior Resistance, Extended (CL19) Sera casting

2012-11-07, 07:39 AM
The disintigrate spell hits the wooden door and it is instantly vapourized in a small puff of brown smoke. Looking inside, the party sees a perfectly square room, 50X50, with doors in the middle of the north, east and south walls. (you are entering on the west wall).
The room is devoid of occupants, however the floor is littered with bones. Lots and lots of bones. They are all very old, as there isnt even any marrow left in them, and whatever flesh and sinew might have been on them at one time has long since rotted away. You would venture a guess that most of them are humanoid, humans, elves and dwarves most likely, but by the length of some of them, there are a few larger creatures entombed here.

2012-11-07, 08:00 AM
"Given the nature of this tomb and the enemies we are about to face, those corpses could be a latent army waiting to be raised. Of course, they could be just dead stuff, but a little paranoia serves well right now."

Selena will fly whenever flying is an option in a room. Otherwise she'll just hover above the ground. If flying, she'll stay above Ly'kalia, ocupying the same square but in different heights.

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-07, 08:52 AM
Coquika glances at the bones, and then at Dot. Her thoughts cast,
Unless there is input from Dot, Coquika will point at the Southernmost door.
And here?

2012-11-07, 08:59 AM
None of the people able to see magic or illusions note any in the room so far. As well, all three doors appear to be mundane.

2012-11-07, 10:45 AM

Sera floats to the middle of the room cautiously, keep her eye out for anything that might get caught on her. After looking around, she'll move to the South door if she doesn't see anything.

"Quickly now. It's bad enough we already broke these poor souls' door, she should not linger and desecrate this place any further."

2012-11-07, 12:48 PM
Furude Setsuna

Her wings slowly flapping, Setsuna floats over to the south door next to Sera, a dejected look on her face.

"Hauu... but senpai... you said it was okay..."

Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 13 (12) 8 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-07, 01:20 PM
There seems to be nothing else (other than the bones) in the room, and the south door, like all the others, has no magic aura on it.

2012-11-07, 02:50 PM

Sera gives Furude a sorrowful look, but she wasn't about to have her melancholy ruin her friend's fun.

"How about this. Can you conjure us some creatures to open these doors for us?

2012-11-07, 05:12 PM
Furude Setsuna

With a faint smile, Setsuna flickers her gaze over at Sera. "H- hai. I will do so."

She folds her hands together, and suddenly pulls them about a foot apart. A small tetrahedron of shadowy grey slowly spins between her hands, and a splash of shadows strikes the ground. A single figure slowly emerges from the ground. It is easily identifiable as a bralani, although it lacks it's normal colors, these being replaced by a motif of grey and blue.

"Welcome back, Kamikaze. Would you take down that door for us? Standard tactics, if you will.
It nods with a determined look. First, it tries to just open the door manually. Failing that, it will transform into a whirlwind and strike the door with its whirlwind blast. At this point Hakkera will also join in with his light rays.

Major shadow Summon Monster VII (8th).

[roll0] bralanis.

Can't edit in rolls, so these will be rolled in the OOC thread. Damage from the bralani is 3d6 untyped. Damage from Hakkera is 2x 2d6+2. Both of these are per round.

Wording Legend:
"Shadow" indicates that I'm using my shadow illusion class feature.
"Major" indicates that I'm using major image as the base spell.
"8th" indicates the (heightened) spell slot used.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow Summon Monster VII (8th): 36 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-07, 06:26 PM
I love doing this after all the prep work and making a big deal out of it

The door opens to the manual attempt of the bralani, revealing a corridor that goes straight south. It appears to go about 30 feet, and then ends in another door.

BTW, I didnt bother to look, what book does a bralani come from?

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-07, 07:17 PM
Shrugging at the use of arcane might to open possibly unlocked doors, Coquika advances down the hallway.

2012-11-07, 07:48 PM
Furude Setsuna

The bralani places a hand on Coquika's shoulder to halt her. It smiles and chuckles before speaking in Celestial.

"I believe it would be best if I were to go first, what with the possibility of traps, and such. After all, if you die, your resurrection would be extremely difficult and costly. If I am destroyed, then Secchan will merely have to remake me, and I shall return."
It floats over Coquika before striding through the hallway and, assuming that it is not impeded, opens the door at the end. Again, failing that, it will break it down with Hakkera's fire support.

Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow SM VII: 35 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-07, 08:08 PM
Once again, the bralani is equal to the terrifyingly dangerous task of opening a door. Beyond the door, the party can see there is a room, but they are not close enough to make out any details.

2012-11-07, 08:23 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna flies over to her creation's side and glances into the room. "Hey, hey, anything interesting in there?"

Should have put this in my last post, but bralani is from the MM. :smallbiggrin:
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow SM VII: 35 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
40% miss chance.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-07, 08:29 PM
The room is 30X50 (entering in the middle of a 30 foot side) and there do not appear to be any doors in the room. There are numerous bones in the room (not nearly as many as the first room) and large piles of filth, dirt and garbage.

2012-11-07, 08:40 PM

Sera opens the North door without comment. She seems eager to be done with this place.

2012-11-07, 09:06 PM
Furude Setsuna

Having stayed back for a second, Setsuna narrows her eyes at the piles of debris. She communicates her suspicions to her bralani, who shrugs, and blasts apart the nearest few piles of garbage on her mistress' whim.

If nothing particularly spectacular happens, Setsuna and her creation will rejoin the group. If something does pop out, she will send out an alarm via rubynet.

Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow SM VII: 34 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-07, 11:51 PM
Dot? Melinda's telepathic voice rings through the necklaces. I don't like the idea of haphazard exploring. This place is dedicated to no one in particular. Everyone...-everything-'s piled in here. There's no telling what we might run across. Taking the most direct route seems most conservative. We can divine to find that pit, go there first, and proceed from there.

Melinda has a rhyme prepared for the invocation.

"O Queen of Night, Lady of Love-in-Pain,
prithee speed my friend unto her swain
Into Death's house she descends now, uninvited,
that might he who is to live, to her be reunited.
Bring now to an end her love's long lament.
Guide her to this dreadful pit of torment..."

[Find the path, keyed to Dot.]

2012-11-08, 02:27 AM
Atareth flies over top the middle of the group, she is bathed in a powerful glow of holy light, and has a stern countenance.

When battle occurs, her best tactic will be to cover as many friendlies as possible while at the same time staying on the opposite side of a battlefield than Taleira. Otherwise, Atareth's holy power may well protect her targets (even if they are evil) - and since Taleira likely has the deflection bonus, the aura does little for her.Supersized magic circle against evil
- 20' radius, vice 10'
- +4 deflection AC from evil attackers
- +4 resistance to saves vs evil attackers (shouldn't matter)
- normal summoned creature hedging
- no mental command of person in circle (communication is fine)
- barriers of aura act as lesser globe of invulnerability

Separately, she has an aura of resolve that provides a +4 morale bonus against compulsion effects.
Before going in, she calls forth her armor, warhammer, and shield.

The armor was described. (Mithral Heart)

The warhammer she wields, an impressive weapon by any standard, is highly stylized. One end is a big fist with a lighter relief of a broken spear. The other end is also a fist, but a skeleton being blasted.

The top of the warhammer is Tishtina's symbol, traced with silver and cold iron. One side is the golden rose, and the other side a unicorn (denoting pure love). The rose is gold, but chased with cold iron, the unicorn is chased with silver, and the top symbol with mithral. The handle is wrapped with an unknown hide bound against platinum wiring.
Captain Arborea
- (Yes, you heard that right ... it is a fantasy game, y'know. :smallbiggrin: )
This shield is a heavy adamantine affair with a fantastically beautfiful affair, fully painted with multi-level embossing, contrasted with upper reliefs, all showing Tishtina's holy symbol (with all manner of detailings, in the manner of some sort of heavenly heraldry).

The shield has only a slight concave to its perfectly round shape. Though thick in the center and thinning only slightly towards the middle, the edge is quite thin. In fact, the actual edge of the shield is made up of countless hearts in staggered profile. (One heart has the bottom point to the shield, the next one is pointed out, and so on around the shield.) This makes it almost interlinked multipe hearts, each about the size of a grown man's thumb. The hearts are razor sharp, and the shield is completely aerodynamic despite normal shields being an object of defense, not attack.

2012-11-08, 02:57 AM

The conjuror and her entourage drift just above the piles of garbage into the second room. She nods her emphatic agreement with Melinda's suggestion, and pauses briefly to reorient as the priestess' touch helps to reinforce her previous view of the complex, guiding her unerringly towards Harlan. She opened her eyes and oriented along the path laid out for her.

"This is the way."

2012-11-08, 03:57 AM
Drisae tepes to the group, but for Dot, "Let me know if you see any traps or anything, Dot."
Auto-Search when w/in 10' of any secret door.

Lust in hand.
* She's an adamantine dagger with many small, but expensive, jewels up and down the blade and crossguard. The pommel gem, larger than any of the others, is strange in contrast. It seems to sport a faint, pulsing light that pushes away some clouding darkness in the gem that cannot get to the light at the center. Lust glows on command like a torch, making a beautiful glow with the gems.

On self (all at CL 17) ...
Delay disease (SC-63)

On Lust: undead bane weapon (SC-226)
* Considering roles, Drisae will also cast the same spell on Atareth's warhammer. Considering the heavenly warrior's role, this makes her the best smashy-smashy against the walking dead. Though normal animosities might apply, this is an example of Drisae's 26 WIS finally showing through.

Word of recall tuned to her room at Dalcar's ...

2012-11-08, 04:56 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Tali idly prods some of the bones with her foot while she waits, keeping Dancer ready at her shoulder on the off-chance something happens. Just in, grab Harlan, and out, yes?

Taleira's sword is a two-handed sabre, four and a half feet from tip to pommel. The adamantine blade is plain, save for etched script declaring the name of the weapon. The pommel is sculpted in the form of a bard and dancer, with the ruby stone set between the pair. For no apparent reason, an octagonal electrum coin dangles from a cord tied to the hilt.

2012-11-08, 11:58 AM
When the bralani first blasts one of the piles of garbage, nothing happens. However, seconds later, the mud and garbage seems to rise up off the floor, forming into a humanoid creature, stinking of carrion. The bone bits form teeth and a dirt encrusted skull. It moves to attack those in the room.

2012-11-08, 01:20 PM
Furude Setsuna

"Ah..." Setsuna's eyes widen in surprise. She tepes, "Senpai! Selena-san! Get over here! We have contact!"

Talking is a free action. :smallbiggrin:
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 18 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
(Mirror Image, Greater): 18 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow SM VII: 34 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (15) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-08, 01:28 PM

"Hai, we'll be right over."

She draws her morning star and turns to the other side of the room (towards the South door).

2012-11-08, 02:39 PM

When Dot sees the Carrion creature form out of the garbage, she grits her teeth. So the occupants were not completely devoid of sentries. Well, best to deal with this quickly and move on.

She nods, and a pair of stony hands reach up through the garbage towards the creature. The rest of the now-familiar living clump of rock follows up out of the ground, and swings at the back of the creature's head. Dot drifts up from Clyde's shoulder towards the ceiling.

"Let's deal with this quickly and move on."

Debbie, did the Find the Path spell work? Can Dot tell which way to go to get to Harlan's cell?

Standard action: use Summon Elemental feat to bring in a large earth elemental behind the creature, relative to the majority of the group. Flanking buddy, present and accounted for! It full-attacks the creature.
Slam 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Slam 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

Knowledge religion to try to identify the creature: [roll4]

2012-11-08, 06:28 PM
Dot's elemental slugs the golem with its first fist, connecting, but its nowhere near enough to slow the beast down. His second attack misses, the golem is big but manages to avoid the shot. Meanwhile, Dot herself is temporarily disoriented as a red ribbon suddenly materializes to her sight, leading to a spot on the wall where there is no door. She manages to recover, obviously going through this room is required.

@ Dot & Atareth
This construct is a Grave Dirt Golem

Atarath up, Setsuna on deck, Clyde in the hole.

2012-11-08, 10:59 PM
Catching the telltale lurch and scent of the thing, Dot sends off a quick mental missive to her companions here:

"Ah, the thing is not undead, as I'd expected, but a golem formed of the graveyard. Most spells will do nothing against it."

2012-11-08, 11:09 PM

Sera acknowledges the assessment. If Dot is right, then spells that gather matter from the General Elsewhere would do best.

"Selena and Setsuna, dearest, would you kindly show the Golem what an Orb is?"

Whenever Seraciel manages to take the 2 seconds to get across the room, please tell me. :smalltongue:

2012-11-08, 11:47 PM
Melinda simply observes for the time being, concentrating instead on growing familiar with the new team members' responses. If Dot was right, there was little she could do besides swing a magical sword at it, and she knew that if she tried, she'd just be taking up valuable space from others who needed it more and could use it better. Like Atareth, for instance...


2012-11-09, 12:53 PM
"Move earth, earthquake or disintegrate are best ... it heals from electricity. Beware of its dreaded corrupting touch," calls Atareth.

She swoops in to smack it twice, then out again before it has a chance to react.
Spring Attack, Bounding Strike (2 attacks). Fly in smack with her warhammer (adamantine & bludgeoning), and fly 30' away from it.

Attack 1: [roll0], damage [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2], damage [roll3]

2012-11-09, 01:53 PM
Both of Atareths powerful blows connect with the golem, it staggers just a bit but then continues to move forward. Its clear that the blows are landing but not doing as much as would be hoped, and as well, this thing is bigger than any golem you might have faced in the past.

Setsuna up, Selena on deck, Clyde in the hole.

2012-11-09, 04:50 PM
Furude Setsuna

Before Setsuna even moves, her shadowy bralani flies up to the opposite side of the room and blasts the golem with a scathing pillar of wind.

Then, still invisible, Setsuna holds her hand out, five unicorn spectres swirling around her figure. With a snap of her fingers and a Word of Power, she sends them hurtling towards the enemy. Her attack finished, she flies directly upwards, near the ceiling.

Bralani Move: Move up near ceiling.
Bralani Standard: Whirlwind Blast Damage (DC 16 Reflex half): [roll0]

Setsuna Standard: Unicorn Arrow. Arrows bull rush the golem back, opposed Str check against DC 21+(x-1), where x is the number of arrows that hit (DC 29 if all 5 hit). Considering that it's a golem and has a really low touch AC, everything is pretty much going to be an auto-hit.

Ranged touch attack 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Ranged touch attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Ranged touch attack 3: [roll5]
Damage 3: [roll6]
Ranged touch attack 4: [roll7]
Damage 4: [roll8]
Ranged touch attack 5: [roll9]
Damage 5: [roll10]

Total Damage: 56

Setsuna Move: Fly directly up.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 36 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow SM VII: 33 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (14) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-09, 07:01 PM
Selena decides to spare herself for now and just doublemove (doublehover?) towards the threat. Ly'kalia and Oscar following her, as usual.

Readied Spells:
Lvl1: Inhibit/Silent Image/Neverskitter x2/Enlarge Person/Benign Transpositionx2/Grease

Lvl2: Ray of Stupidity/Mirror Image/Glitterdust x2/Fog Cloud x2/Web x2

Lvl3: Suggestion/Invisibility Sphere/Unluck x2/Haste x2/Halt x2

Lvl4: Greater Rebuke/Greater Mirror Image x2/Heart of Earth/Celerity x2/Solid Fog

Lvl5: Hold Monster/Shadow Evocation x2/Overland Flight/Teleport/Prying Eyes/SMA V

Lvl6: Greater Heroism/Permanent Image/Freezing Fog x2/SMA VI

Lvl7: Heightned Greater Heroism/Project Image/Energy Immunity/Glass Strike/Elemental Body/Reverse Gravity

Lvl8: Binding/Superior Invisibility/Heightned Reverse Gravity/SMA VIII x2

Spells in effect

Elemental Body (fire) 16hours
Overland Flight 16hours
Energy Immunity (acid) 16hours
Heart of Earth 16hours

Mindblank, Extended (CL19) Sera casting
Superior Resistance, Extended (CL19) Sera casting

edit OOC
I deleted my previous post since it actually never happened.

2012-11-09, 08:08 PM
Furude Setsuna

Before Setsuna even moves, her shadowy bralani flies up to the opposite side of the room and blasts the golem with a scathing pillar of wind.

Then, still invisible, Setsuna holds her hand out, five unicorn spectres swirling around her figure. With a snap of her fingers and a Word of Power, she sends them hurtling towards the enemy. Her attack finished, she flies directly upwards, near the ceiling.

Bralani Move: Move up near ceiling.
Bralani Standard: Whirlwind Blast Damage (DC 16 Reflex half): [roll0]

Setsuna Standard: Unicorn Arrow. Arrows bull rush the golem back, opposed Str check against DC 21+(x-1), where x is the number of arrows that hit (DC 29 if all 5 hit). Considering that it's a golem and has a really low touch AC, everything is pretty much going to be an auto-hit.

Ranged touch attack 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]
Ranged touch attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4]
Ranged touch attack 3: [roll5]
Damage 3: [roll6]
Ranged touch attack 4: [roll7]
Damage 4: [roll8]
Ranged touch attack 5: [roll9]
Damage 5: [roll10]

Total Damage: 56

Setsuna Move: Fly directly up.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 36 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Major shadow SM VII: 33 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (14) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapours/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

The whirlwind from the bralani hits the golem squarely, damaging it even more. All 5 arrows hammer into the golem, doing more damage, although since its a golem, there isnt the satisfying burst of blood from the shots. Due to the massive strength and bulk of the beast, the arrows are not able to bull rush the creature.

Selena decides to spare herself for now and just doublemove (doublehover?) towards the threat. Ly'kalia and Oscar following her, as usual.

Readied Spells:
Lvl1: Inhibit/Silent Image/Neverskitter x2/Enlarge Person/Benign Transpositionx2/Grease

Lvl2: Ray of Stupidity/Mirror Image/Glitterdust x2/Fog Cloud x2/Web x2

Lvl3: Suggestion/Invisibility Sphere/Unluck x2/Haste x2/Halt x2

Lvl4: Greater Rebuke/Greater Mirror Image x2/Heart of Earth/Celerity x2/Solid Fog

Lvl5: Hold Monster/Shadow Evocation x2/Overland Flight/Teleport/Prying Eyes/SMA V

Lvl6: Greater Heroism/Permanent Image/Freezing Fog x2/SMA VI

Lvl7: Heightned Greater Heroism/Project Image/Energy Immunity/Glass Strike/Elemental Body/Reverse Gravity

Lvl8: Binding/Superior Invisibility/Heightned Reverse Gravity/SMA VIII x2

Spells in effect

Elemental Body (fire) 16hours
Overland Flight 16hours
Energy Immunity (acid) 16hours
Heart of Earth 16hours

Mindblank, Extended (CL19) Sera casting
Superior Resistance, Extended (CL19) Sera casting

edit OOC
I deleted my previous post since it actually never happened.

Selana is able to cover the distance, coming in to the see battle raging on.

Clyde up, Taleira on deck, Zippy in the hole.

2012-11-10, 12:14 AM

Sensing that his claws would do little against the massive construct, Clyde simply hunkers down, growling a challenge to the forming beast. He braces for an onslaught.

Clyde readies an action to teleport across to the far side of the room, taken if the golem or any other new opponent tries to attack Dot or himself.

2012-11-10, 12:49 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Taleira, true to form, launches herself at the monstrosity. An incantation wreathes Dancer's blade in grey mist just in time for her wielder to deliver a devastating pair of slashes to the construct and whirl past.

Swift: Wraithstrike. Standard/Move: Bounding Assault, ending adjacent (flanking, ideally). Power attack -22/+44. Karmic Strike active. Greater Demolition Crystal on Dancer, so crits will still count if I get one.

Attack 1
Hit: [roll0] vs. AC, threat range 15-20.
Damage: [roll1] (adamantine) + [roll2] Vampiric
Critical: [roll3], [roll4] extra damage.
Attack 2
Hit: [roll5] vs. AC, threat range 15-20.
Damage: [roll6] (adamantine) + [roll7] Vampiric
Critical: [roll8], [roll9] extra damage.

2012-11-10, 10:57 AM
Taleira's two blows strike true against the golem, who lets out a huge moan, staggers a bit, and then drops to the ground, unmoving.

2012-11-10, 06:39 PM
It takes a good moment for the room's tenseness to resolve. "Feeling up to your game today, eh?" remarks Melinda, marveling at the amazon battlemistress's work. She absent-mindedly kicks a bit of golem dust around, looking vaguely impressed.

"Which way, Dot?"

2012-11-10, 09:25 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

With no other threat immediately forthcoming, Tali shoulders her weapon with a shrug. "We're here to rescue Dot's prince. I'd be a poor friend to do any less, I think."

2012-11-10, 11:12 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna grins. "Ah, that was certainly quite exhilarating. But now, the lich definitely knows we're here, if he didn't already."

She gestures to the other piles of garbage, and her creation begins blasting them apart as well, just in case. Not actually expecting anything to pop out again, Setsuna turns to Dot with an expectant smile and raised eyebrow.

2012-11-11, 12:12 AM
"Well, I'm impressed, Taleira."

Says Selena, being honest.

"I wonder if there's a living thing, or yet, anything be living or not, able to withstand such fine delivered blows..."

Such praise seems to call Oscar's attention.
"Pfff. There's one right here. Of course that showing my Kung Fu skills to Tali right now wouldn't be in the best of our interests."

"Sometimes I wonder if you really believe in your blabberies or you just try to be funny."

"Actually, I was trying to be funny. Did I suceed?"

"Not exactly, Oscar, and I think you should stop trying."

"Anyway. Dot, I'm awaiting orders. Where should we go now?"
She says that without looking at her, rather staring at the macabre place details.

Some checks, just in case

search [roll0]
spot 33 (skillmastery)
know (arc) [roll1]
know (nat) [roll2]
know (local) [roll3]
know (planes) [roll4]

2012-11-11, 12:22 AM

The Wizard seems content, or rather whatever content seems to be for Sera, with taking her time getting back to the party.

Oscar, the only thing funny about you is what's between your legs.

2012-11-11, 12:45 AM
"I'm glad to know that what I have between my legs pleases you so much, Sera."

Oscar, being such a boaster, is accustomed with this kind of mockery enough to deliver his own answers in a moment of though.
Not that birds carry so much about the size of genitalia anyway, they're much more concerned with how bright their feathers are or how loud one can sing. But he learned that mammals, specifically humanoids, care a lot.

2012-11-11, 01:29 AM

Little does Oscar know (actually, he probably does), Sera cares little for male genitalia. Oh snap! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

... not that Sera would ever admit that. As transparent as her closet can be sometimes, she has a level of normality she believes she maintains.

"Oscar, as amusing as you impotence can be at times, it's your liver that will truly bring me bliss one of these days.

Dot, where to next?"

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-11, 01:50 AM
Coquika rises slowly from her fighting stance. The battle had ended as quickly as it began, but could that really have been it? Perhaps the creature had been the gatekeeper. She certainly hadn't seen its like before.
She gazes thoughtfully at the discarded dirt and bone. Although it had been a thing sculpted from remains and foul necromantic energies, it was hard not to appreciate the peace of its still form. It would never be used to harm again.
The emerald lady half smiles at that thought, and then resumes her place in rough formation, gesturing politely for Setsuna to lead on.

2012-11-11, 01:51 AM

Dot flashes Taleira a relieved smile. She too had been a rock throughout the trials of the last few weeks. The little mage nodded her appreciation. At her pointing, the lumbering elemental started through one of the doors, as it followed the ribbon rolling out in Dot's mind.

"That was impressive, everyone. Now, follow the elemental. Melinda's magic is guiding me. No time to lose now."

She and her entourage follow along behind the earth elemental, trusting the others to fall into line.

Elemental is running forward at 80' per round. I'm going to assume that, between him staying about 20' in front of the rest and the Find the Path spell, and the assorted epic-scale spot checks in the group, we'll take care of any surprises up ahead.

2012-11-11, 10:02 AM
The red ribbon for the Find the Path spell leads to a spot on the wall in the former golem's room. There does not appear to be a door there. After about 10 minutes of searching, a hidden lever is found that appears to be the key to opening the door. It has to be pulled down to activate.

2012-11-11, 10:44 AM
Furude Setsuna

"..." Setsuna glares at Oscar for a moment, but refrains from saying anything, merely letting her hands clench into tight fists and slowly releasing them.

Upon the finding of the lever, Setsuna stares blankly at it for a few seconds, then sighs. "I'll open this one, I guess. Could everybody please stand back?"

Once everyone has retreated to a relatively safe distance, Setsuna will follow them, and will pull the lever with telekinetic force.

Using my greater hand of the mage. It's like the original hand of the mage, but can generate up to 40 lbs of force, rather than 5.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 26 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (14) 13 (14) 13 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-11, 08:08 PM
Dot waves off Setsuna's kind and noble offer.

"Not to worry. Melinda's magic old have warned us if there was a trap."

Nevertheless, Dot and Co keep a respectful distance while Dot brings in yet another earth elemental, which she addresses in its own tongue.

"Go pull that lever."

2012-11-11, 08:31 PM
The elemental works the lever, and a secret door slides away in the wall, revealing a passage beyond, leading to the east. The party enters and begins to walk it, finding it to be unbelievably long. As they walk it, Dot can recall seeing this as she "pulled back" in her scan, this passage bypasses the large majority of the tomb which was twisting catacombs.
The party walks for what feels like about 250+ feet, they seem to be approaching a door with the elemental in the lead. Before they get to the door, (the elemental being 20 feet away, the party 20 feet behind him), it opens suddenly and skeletons coming shambling out, your best guess is that there are about 10 of them.
While the party has dealt with skeletons on numerous occasions, it has been quite a while since they have done so, skeletons not representing a big challenge to a party of 17th level adventurers. However, these skeletons were clearly not made from human bodies, giants is more likely the source material.

2012-11-11, 10:27 PM

"Watch out! These are Skeletons! They don't have flesh!"

2012-11-11, 10:38 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna glances at Sera and smirks, muttering dryly, "Yes, very observant of you, senpai. They are also rather resistant to cold. And by 'rather resistant', I mean 'completely unaffected.'"

2012-11-11, 10:45 PM

She raises an invisible eyebrow.

"Do any of us know any Cold spells, Furude-kun?"

2012-11-11, 10:53 PM
Furude Setsuna

Blinking, Setsuna hesitates and tilts her head to the side. "Ah... no, actually. Well, I don't."

She then glares in mock anger at Sera and blushes. "Oh quiet, you."

2012-11-13, 08:55 AM
SELENA (played by DM)

Faced with an opponent that is immune to her enchantment spells, Selena attempts some long range sniping with her crossbow. The presence of the elemental throws off her aim some, but she tries nonetheless

[roll0] attack & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack & [roll3] damage
[roll4] attack & [roll5] damage

Melinda up, Tasha on deck, Setsuna to follow

2012-11-13, 11:44 AM
"Drisae, this looks like our show..." Melinda moves to the front of the party's internal formation and leaves room for others to approach. Her left hand snakes up to her necklace, and she prepares to let loose a blast of positive energy if and when they dare to come within range of her turning.

Meanwhile, Ly'kalia stares briefly at space, and chaos manifests in the corridor ahead of the elemental as it becomes filled with vicious blades of force.

[Blade barrier, oriented lengthwise between the elemental and the door, on the right side of the corridor. I thought Tasha was with Carlita, so Setsuna is up.]

2012-11-13, 11:53 AM
The mindless skeletons continue to march forward, oblivious to their impending doom (I'll roll some damage when they get their attacks on the elemental) while Melinda prepares herself to loose forward positive energy, powered by all three goddesses. (same time for her damage)
(The issue of who was guarding Carlita never got resolved, at least as I saw it, but if you want her there, thats fine. It was pointed out that a succubus, without PC classes, is next to useless vs. undead).

Setsuna up, Drisae on deck, Clyde to follow.

2012-11-13, 03:50 PM
Furude Setsuna

As the skeletons slowly shamble across the corridor, Setsuna drifts up to the ceiling, Hakkera following her. She raises a hand, and gestures at the enemies, forming a floating ball of lighting. It shoots down to strike and hover around the first skeleton in the row.

Almost as an afterthought, she clicks her fingers, sending an expanding blast of fire passing directly over the head-analog of the elemental, striking the entire column.

...and Hakkera shoots the same skeleton with a small ray of light.

Setsuna Move: Fly up by the ceiling and forward about 10 ft

Setsuna Standard: Silent shadow Ball Lightning (6th). Lightning ball of 5 ft diameter, DC 26 Reflex half, DC 26 Will for 80% damage.
Damage: [roll0] lightning

Setsuna Swift: Silent shadow Channeled Pyroburst (5th). 60 ft cone, DC 25 Reflex half, DC 25 Will for 70% damage.
Damage: [roll1] fire

Hakkera Move: Fly up beside Setsuna.

Hakkera Standard: Fire light ray.
Touch Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 26 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
Resist Energy (electricity, acid, sonic): 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 36 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (17) 14 (14) 13 (13) 12 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-13, 06:41 PM
"Well, Mel, it's our show," Drisae tepes, "but there's enough flash in this circus, and we'll need more of that later as the guards get tougher. So let's go old school with trick throwing, huh?"

She takes careful aim, and then throws Lust at the two giant skeletons that are least wounded but adjacent, finding a way - even with their unliving bodies - to strike those sweet spots .... both with one throw ... and as if the hardness of their bones mattered not. After the toss (and any damage/ effect), the dagger appears back in her hand.
Trick Shots
Two w/ One Blow: If Drisae uses a dagger to attack two opponents adjacent to each other, she may take a -4 penalty on the attack roll and attempt to hit both opponents at once.
** The attack may hit either, both, or neither opponent depending on the roll and opponent's AC.
** Damage for each opponent is resolved separately.
** If attack results in a critical hit, roll to confirm each critical hit separately.

Weak Spot: Using dagger against same size or larger, make a ranged touch attack instead of normal.
** No STR bonus to damage.

Lust outfitted w/ greater truedeath crystal
* +1d6 vs undead; ghost touch; crit hits and sneak attack apply! :smallsmile:

Skeleton #1
Attack [roll0] .... crit on a 17-20.
Base Damage [roll1]
Crystal Damage + Sneak Attack [roll2]

Crit confirm check [roll3]
Bonus crit damage [roll4]
Special: Lust is a prismatic burst weapon (as prismatic spray, DC 20 for all effects), and any crit invokes this.
* Prismatic effect [roll5] .... if necessary, [roll6], [roll7], [roll8]

Skeleton #2:
Attack [roll9] .... crit on a 17-20.
Base Damage [roll10]
Crystal Damage + Sneak Attack [roll11]

Crit confirm check [roll12]
Bonus crit damage [roll13]
Special: Lust is a prismatic burst weapon (as prismatic spray, DC 20 for all effects), and any crit invokes this.
* Prismatic effect [roll14] .... if necessary, [roll15], [roll16], [roll17]
EDIT: Drisae catches Lust, nonplussed that her blade wasn't as devastating as the spells from the others. "Hey, it's just a dagger, right?"

2012-11-13, 09:21 PM
The combination of Selena's crossbow, Setsuna's spell and Drisae's dagger finishes off one of the giants. Drisae's dagger also catches the other giant skeleton in the first row, damaging him but nowhere near enough to stop his progress. As the party gets a bit closer, they can see that there were only 8 of the giant skeletons, now down to 7 with one dropped.

Clyde, Zippy delay to Dots turn, Atarath up, followed by Dot, followed by Seraciel.

2012-11-14, 02:39 AM
I'm confused by the blade barrier, but I think it's sideways down one side and doesn't impedge the other side? If that's so, then Atareth flies in to smash-'m' mash-'m'.

Atareth flies 5' off the ground to allow Telasi to come in to lay waste as she does. Power Attack - the most broken core feat in the game for so many reasons, and thankfully redesigned in paizo. She wreaks havoc with Targe-Wrecker, but being careful not to allow herself to be surprised by a possible advanced type of skeleton.
Attack #1: [roll0], damage [roll1], DC 14 Will save or be destroyed outright regardless of damage.

Attack #2: [roll2], damage [roll3], DC 14 Will save or be destroyed outright regardless of damage.

Attack #3: [roll4], damage [roll5], DC 14 Will save or be destroyed outright regardless of damage.

The weapon's base quality for overcoming damage reduction includes a combination of adamantine+bludgeoning+good+magic. On the off-chance that this super-soup doesn't overcome some bizarre DR, then the transmuting property of Targe-Wrecker will take care of that next round.

Combat Expertise @ 5. Dodge buddy set at end of turn, which will be whichever skeleton seems to be the most capable threat.
AC 55 (56).

If movement was not a 5-footer, than only the first two attacks (Bounding Assault) matter, and add 4 to AC above (59/60) for Mobility to get within reach. She doesn't fall back with Spring Attack. This makes the skeleton stop at her advance, force them to deal with the flying bruiser, and it's not likely that they'll have Improved Bull Rush.

2012-11-14, 08:15 AM
Atarath bounds into the situation, laying about with Targe-Wrecker and doing a most satsifactory (but not lethal) pair of blows to one of the skeletons. She notes that her weapon is doing full damage, but the skeleton at least manages to resist its destruction power.

Dot up, Sera to follow, Tali in the hole.

2012-11-14, 08:46 AM

Seeing not much point in getting closer when there was such marvellous confusion already in place, Zippy simply tosses a fireball into the hallway, centred just a bit back to avoid spoiling Atareth's up-do.

The earth elemental, on Dot's command, smashes at the legs of the nearest surviving skeleton, then slides half-way down into the floor to give others more room to see past.

Dot, waiting to see how Zippy's fireball takes hold, then begins her own spellcasting.

Clyde simply hunches forward, as if daring one of the skeletons to try to break through to him.

Zippy casts fireball on the mass of giants, aiming to avoid Atareth. [roll0] fire damage, reflex DC 17 for half damage.

Earth elemental - 2 slam attacks, then a 5' step earthgliding downwards 5', in order to give those behind a better view of the situation.
Slam 1: [roll1] Damage: [roll2]
Slam 2: [roll3] Damage: [roll4]

If Zippy's fireball seemed to hurt the giant skeletons, Dot uses shadow evocation to create another one, similarly focused. [roll5] fire damage, will save DC 28 negates, reflex save DC 28 for half. If Zippy's fireball seemed to have no effect, she will instead cast Glitterdust (Will DC 26 negates) on the giant skeletons in the corridor.

Clyde readies an action to teleport himself and Dot back into the previous room if anything attacks either of them.

2012-11-14, 09:13 AM
Between Ataraths blows, Drisae's dagger and now the elemental's fists, a second skeleton falls. Meanwhile, a pair of fireballs go off in the back rows of the skeletons (Im ruling that in order to avoid AT, you can only hit the 4 skeletons in the back of the formation), the bones of them go black with the blasts but they arent quite down yet.

Sera up, Tali on deck

2012-11-14, 09:37 AM

Sera air-tumbles past Atareth, flying 5' into the air and moving in front of the lead skele.

Power Attack 10, two handing... +5 Unnamed Morning Star.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll]1d6+35[roll] Bludgeoning, Piercing, Magic.

If any skele moves to provoke or some hits the skele she strikes (presuming it does not die instantly.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll]1d6+35[roll]

2012-11-14, 09:47 AM
Seraciel continues the all out attack on the skeletons, attempting to whittle them down, and is able to damage the first that she engages. Hes not dead yet (well, actually he is dead, no wait undead, but not dead-dead) and turns to face her.

Taleira up, skeletons on deck, Coquika in the hole.

2012-11-14, 06:25 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Taleira darts forward under her airborne teammates to deliver a pair of slashes to the nearest of the skeletons, slipping into a ready stance as she finishes the attack.

Standard/Move: Bounding Assault against the nearest of the skellies, continuing to the next if it drops. Power attack -10/+20. Karmic Strike active, maximum possible AoO rolls below for use as needed. AC 51 due to Karmic Strike.

Attack 1
Hit: [roll0] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll1] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
Attack 2
Hit: [roll2] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll3] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)

AoO 1
Hit: [roll4] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll5] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 2
Hit: [roll6] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll7] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 3
Hit: [roll8] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll9] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 4
Hit: [roll10] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll11] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 5
Hit: [roll12] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll13] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 6
Hit: [roll14] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll15] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 7
Hit: [roll16] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll17] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)

2012-11-14, 08:19 PM
Taleira darts forward and slashes twice at the skeleton damaged earlier by Seraciel, her two attacks connect, and together with Sera, the skeleton is felled by the blows.
The skeletons are about to attack, when from the door there is a
and suddenly the whole corridor is filled with dragon flames. All of the skeletons are obliterated, and every member of the party rolls a save.

DC: 28 Reflex, 140 damage/save for half

And by my reading of the spoilers, only Setsuna and Selena are immune to fire.

Coquika up.

2012-11-14, 09:05 PM

Energy absorption absorbs 10
Spot: [roll1]

2012-11-15, 01:37 AM
Drisae, though the party healer, believes that others are there to protect her ... so she can heal them. Something like that. Who cares.

She ducks behind whomever is in front of her, trying to copy their body moves exactly. She succeeds, as she escapes the conflagration unscathed.
Save rolled in OOC. Which is, itself, OOC for me. But there it is.

2012-11-15, 02:26 AM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna sighs and looks around at her group worriedly as the flames lick ineffectually around her and Hakkera. She brightens as she see Sera avoid the fire, but her eyes narrow and she winces at the others who are not so fortunate.

"Show yourself!" Her voice rings out over the roar of flames, defiant and confident.

2012-11-15, 04:48 AM
Atareth's Ref save [roll0]
Atareth sees the flames coming and braces behind her Captain Arborea. Bolstered by her ring, the flames lick around the shield while fully protecting her.

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-15, 08:31 AM
Coquika finds herself wrongfooted by the blast of fire through the giant skeletons. With her immediate targets gone, she takes a moment to cast a spell to take the edge off the damage she's received before striding through the open doorway, confident in her ability to dodge the next blow.

2012-11-15, 09:05 AM
Coquika heals herself and strides into the next room. While she is confident in her abilities, what she sees in there shakes her to her very core. A creature that exists only in legends, or in some sort of demented nightmare resides inside.
The room itself is 8 sided (STOP sign shaped) but that design is not what draws her eyes. Instead, it is the massive skeletal dragon that inhabits the room that takes all her attention, its very presence and gaze attempting to freeze her soul and her actions.

Frightful presence. DC27 Will save


Selena up.

2012-11-15, 11:28 AM
Selena enters the room, but even her steely will is not enough to withstand the awesome presence of the dracolich, and she visibly shakes. She attempts to cast a Greater Shadow Evocation of a Cone of Cold but her spell is poorly cast. It at least penetrates the innate spell resistance of the draco, but he realizes it is only a poor copy of such a spell. It does manage to damage him, but not nearly as much as Selena would hope for.

Melinda up, Tasha on deck (in previous room), Setsuna in the hole
Note to everyone, it will require a move action to get into the room, therefore only standard action vs. dracolich, if you enter.

2012-11-15, 03:42 PM
Shielded by the elemental's hulking figure, the First Priestess was spared the brunt of the fiery assault. Those nonmagical clothes she wears have nevertheless caught fire, but she pays them little heed. Through the breach! she urges, not having a clue what lay ahead, only that the path involved crossing it. Before they pin us in the corridor and reload...!

She darts past the elemental into the room, and her latent gasp at the ancient horror morphs quickly into a grand intake of breath. As if to defy the dragon's reptilian snarl, Melinda lets loose her own voice and tambourine, sending a rattling, distorted, and unearthly vowel echoing off of worked stone.

[Jarring song. Dracolich must make Concentration DC my Perform check result: [roll0] to cast any spells.]

2012-11-15, 03:48 PM
The immediate effect of Melinda's song is not visible, so she has no idea of whether or not the dracolich has been affected. She guesses she will know...soon enough.

Tasha up, Setsuna on deck, Drisae in the hole.

2012-11-16, 01:56 PM

The succubus, currently in the guise of a feral undead creature, is caught full and unawares in the stream of the dragonfire. She is completely incinerated by the blast, unable even to form a facial expression of vague disenchantment with the situation.

The assassin's longbow in her hand is probably also destroyed.

2012-11-16, 04:11 PM
The succubus is blasted by the fire, sending her back to whatever plane of the Abyss spawned her.

Setsuna up, Drisae on deck, Clyde (other room) in the hole.
Dont forget dragon fear roll before actions.

2012-11-16, 10:48 PM
Furude Setsuna

Still invisible, Setsuna flies into the room and hovers near the ceiling. She narrows her eyes down at the skeletal dragon, and a faint grin appears on her face.

Waving a hand, she sends a fuzzy grey bolt of darkness at its head, muttering on the 'net, "Let's see how you do without your powerful strength..."

Cast Ray of Enfeeblement, which does work on undead, as it is ability penalties, rather than damage. :smallbiggrin:
Ranged touch attack: [roll0]
Str penalty: [roll1]

Hakkera shoots it, ignoring DR.
Touch attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 26 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 35 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 14 (14) 13 (13) 12 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-17, 01:23 AM
"Damn," Drisae mutters as Taleira is blasted out of existence. Drisae, no scholar, figures that she was incinerated into some type of fantastic ash. She has no sense of planar creatures other than what summoned ones can do. Not counting Melinda, Drisae is now the only Nocticulan envoy.

She steps into the room to get to 30' of the dragon. "I beg you, Beautiful Bitch, to lash forth at this lustless wretch with a tiny sample of your pure power!"

A black energy blasts forth, with Drisae at the epicenter, at a 30' radius.
Use Turn Attempt to blast its bones for [roll0], Will DC 26 for half

2012-11-17, 10:48 AM
Setsuna's ray strikes true, however like Melinda's spell, the actual effectiveness is yet to be seen. The ray from the lantern archon also strikes, but to the massive dragon, its little more than a mosquito bite.
Drisae's turn power is another matter entirely however, and even though the dragon is able to resist a portion of the blast, its bones cracking and blackening (further) under the power she commands. Its head swivels toward the drow cleric, eyes (or at least the points of light in the eye sockets) burning with malevolent hate.

Clyde (in other room) up, Zippy (did you deal with his damage?) on deck, Atareth in the hole, and Dot to follow.

2012-11-18, 12:02 AM

The faux-ghoul slaad rolled behind Tasha when she took the full extent of the blast, and so escaped with merely hideous burns over half of his body. Although his body immediately began the slow process of recovery, it would clearly be a painful process for him.

Looking down the corridor at the massive dragon skeleton on the other side of the doorway, Zippy gauges the proper distance in order to create a blast behind his colleagues, and lets loose another gout of flame. He quickly mentally relays what's going on back to Dot and Clyde in the other room.

In fairness, I think that Clyde now moves to just before the dragon in initiative, since he used his readied action when the dracolich breathed. So I'll go ahead with Zippy. Who, I think, saved for half, so with his own resistance, and fast healing - there, recorded!

Fireball, focused so as to hit the Dracolich but not us. [roll0] fire damage. Reflex save DC 17 for half. CL check to beat possible SR: [roll1]

2012-11-18, 09:29 AM
Zippy curses as the spell resistance of the dracolich gives him protection against the fireball.

Atarath up, Dot on deck, Seraciel in the hole, Taleira to follow.

2012-11-18, 03:07 PM
The angel flies in like a hammer-headed dart, swinging twice at the dracolich (the first time with a truly righteous fury), before zooming out of any counterattack. As she attacks, she says, "Resist that!"
First attack is a smite
Hammer 1: [roll0], damage [roll1]
- DC 14 Will save or be destroyed outright
Hammer 2: [roll2], damage [roll3]
- DC 14 Will save or be destroyed outright

The weapon's base quality for overcoming damage reduction includes a combination of adamantine+bludgeoning+good+magic. On the off-chance that this super-soup doesn't overcome some bizarre DR, then the transmuting property of Targe-Wrecker will take care of that next round.

Dracolich is dodge-buddy, and Spring Attack and high speed should more than clear me for my Bounding Assault without counterattack. If it moves into range, then AC = 62.

(I had forgotten to apply "Worn" to my Armor in my last post.)

2012-11-18, 03:10 PM
Critical threat on first attack ... but the damage was rolled with wrong dice. So here is total amount of damage, one with and one without crit damage.

Crit threat [roll0]
Initial damage [roll1]

Crit bonus damage [roll2]

2012-11-18, 05:50 PM

Dot launches herself from Clyde's shoulder and zips back down the hallway. Deciding that sometimes a more direct approach is warranted, she fires off a blast of intense green light down the hallway at the massive skeletal dragon in the room beyond. Almost immediately, she gestures again, and there are nine of her clustered in the vicinity of the hallway ceiling.

Move action to get 60' back down the hallway towards the combat. Firing a Disintegrate through the doorway at the dracolich. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1], Fort DC 28 reduces the damage to [roll2].

Swift action to cast greater mirror image to generate 8 duplicate images.

2012-11-18, 06:21 PM
CL check vs SR for disintegrate: [roll0]

2012-11-18, 06:21 PM
The big hammer of Atareth connects twice with the dracolich, one of the blows might have felled a lesser creature, but the bizarre construction of undead gives it immunity to these sorts of extra damage. However, both connections do real enough damage anyway. Dot, hustling to get back into the battle, casts a Disintigrate at the beast, it too does damage (pending a spell penetration roll) but it is still (oh heres that word again) alive.

Setaciel up, Taleira on deck, dragon in the hole.

2012-11-18, 09:08 PM

Seta moves 60 ft. (Through the doorway, into the room). Upon recognizing the Dracolich, she readies a Dispel Magic, Greater to counter any spells.

Immune to Frightful Presence. I might interject the order to counter a spell, but if it is targeted at me and eligible for Absorption, I'll just absorb it.

2012-11-19, 01:29 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

A slightly scorched and now very angry Taleira barrels through the door, casting Wraithstrike as she runs. At full speed, she ducks past the dracolich's defenses to deliver a flurry of powerful blows to the monster. Given the danger posed by the monster, she circles away from the party so it has to choose between dealing with her and attacking her friends.

Full-round: Dervish Dance full attack, Movement Mastery to avoid AoOs. Swift: Wraithstrike, extended w/Metamagic Mastery. Karmic Strike active (AC 52, maximum AoO rolls below). Dervish Dance +5/+5, Power Attack -17/+34. Dot's buff list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14179742&postcount=24) shows Haste among the buffs on the group, also accounted for. If that's inapplicable, -1 to the attack rolls and ignore the extra attack.

Attack 1
Hit: [roll0] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll1] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
Attack 2 (Haste)
Hit: [roll2] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll3] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
Attack 3
Hit: [roll4] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll5] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
Attack 4
Hit: [roll6] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll7] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
Attack 5
Hit: [roll8] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll9] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)

AoO 1
Hit: [roll10] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll11] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 2
Hit: [roll12] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll13] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 3
Hit: [roll14] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll15] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 4
Hit: [roll16] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll17] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 5
Hit: [roll18] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll19] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 6
Hit: [roll20] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll21] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 7
Hit: [roll22] vs. Touch AC.
Damage: [roll23] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)

2012-11-19, 08:42 AM
The massive dracolich might have power to spare, but not even he has enough to take in what Taleira can dish out. By about the third attack, he is ready to fall, and her last two crumble him to dust.
Finally able to take stock of where the party finds itself, they are in the middle of an octagonal shaped room, each wall being about 30 feet long. They entered on the western most wall, and there are two doors, one in the north wall, and one in east wall. The ribbon of Find the Path leads out the eastern door.
The more avaricious members of the party also note a huge pile of gold and gems in the room, the hoard of the mighty dragon.

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-19, 10:36 AM
Once again, Coquika rises out of her fighting stance. The novelty of watching these two valkyries smite everything in their path had begun to dull. And of course, the glitter of gold and gems held very little interest for her. Instead, she devotes a spell or two to repair some of the damage from that initial blast of fire.
Satisfied at the returned lustre of her skin, she listens at the door to the North.

2012-11-19, 11:13 AM
There seems to be no sounds issuing forth from the door to the north.

2012-11-19, 11:36 AM
Furude Setsuna

"Well, that was certainly interesting." Setsuna lands and ripples back into the visible spectrum. "But now we have to find the dracolich's phylactery too..."

Her eyes brighten up at the large pile of coins and gems, and an excited smile appears on her face. "Ah... the best part about dragon hunting... the hoard..." She walks over and begins to sift through the coins and jewels with her telekinetic hand, attempting to gauge the general worth of the golden hill.

2012-11-19, 11:57 AM

Sera dispels her Superior Invisibility. It has proven about as useful as a splinter, and she tired of not being targeted.

"I wonder the value of the dracolich's ill-gotten gains as well, but this is not the time for avarice. I believe we should keep moving."

She gives a small "tut-tut" as she examines the beast. "Hardly worth noting. To think to have lived that long and still amounting to nothing. Maybe it will have better luck in its next life. I doubt it though. This creature reeks of incompetence." She gives the skeletal mass a kick.

The abjurer turns to her friend. "Furude-kun, I seem to have gotten myself burned. It there anything you can do about this?"

2012-11-19, 01:14 PM

As Taleira finishes dismantling the dragon, Dot nods, and drifts forward down the passage into the room where the dragon had been. She pauses briefly near the bubbling remains of Tasha, and glances back at Clyde.

The demon zips forward, landing lightly near the remains of the succubus. He glances up at Dot, then nods as he tosses the slightly scorched gloves to Zippy. He slides the armbands onto his own thick forearms, and tucks the quiver of arrows and greatsword into a bag at his belt.

Zippy experimentally slides the gloves on, and grunts in approval. Both slaad and Demon fly off after Dot. Already, the burn marks are disappearing from Zippy's skin.

As Dot looks around dispassionately, she takes in the horde with an appraising eye, but makes no move towards it.

"Stay to count gold if you like, but we can come back for this later. Melinda's magic is showing us this path."

She gestures towards the east door. As soon as Zippy and Clyde rejoin her in the room, Dot settles onto Clyde's shoulder again. A new earth elemental rises up out of the floor and opens the eastern door. She waits only for a moment for the others to gather themselves before launching herself down the new path.

Redistribution of Tasha's surviving stuff as indicated.

Dot is looking around the room with true seeing and Greater Arcane Sight, to make sure they're not missing any major magical auras or hidden things.

Large earth elemental is summoned to open the eastern door.

Basically, in about two rounds, Dot will head off down this new passage way. She's not particularly patient about pausing for lewt at this point. Maybe someone can open an enveloping pit under the hoard?

2012-11-19, 01:20 PM
Furude Setsuna

"...okay. But we should at least take it with us. It's not as if it'll weigh us down more." mutters Setsuna, and opens her enveloping pit beneath the pile, letting it all fall in to be more carefully counted at a later date. A few seconds of rapidly falling gold later, she snaps closed the pit and grins. "All done!"

Turning back to Sera, a concerned look appears on her face and she begins hurriedly checking over her friend. "Senpai? Where did you get burned? Is it bad?"

2012-11-19, 01:28 PM
The door to the east opens up, and the party sees a hall running to the east. After about 20 feet, there is a branch to the north, while the hall continues on in an easterly direction. The red ribbon of the Find the Path spell turns on the northern passage.
Assuming you follow the ribbon, you see a corridor that goes 30 feet north, and then ends in a door.

2012-11-19, 01:33 PM

"I-it's not that bad." Seeing the look on Furude's face, she seemed to be regretting to have brought it up in the first place. She ceases cradling her broiled right arm. "I don't want to bother you..."

2012-11-19, 02:07 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna cringes as she sees the state of her friend's arm. "Oh... senpai... This should help." She gently lifts the burnt arm and runs her fingers, shimmering with shadows, over the flesh. They pour out from her, and Sera feels Setsuna's essence flow inside of her, healing, calming.

Healing Touch (x2). Heal target for equal amount of damage taken.
Heal/damage amount 1: [roll0]
Heal/damage amount 2: [roll1]
Total Healed: 70

Hakkera's Aid spell will be recast on Setsuna before each Healing Touch, reducing her damage taken from healing by 28 total.

BTW, could we perhaps have about a four minute travel/break time while Setsuna's fast healing runs its course? :smallbiggrin:
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 26 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 33 rounds

HP: 89/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 14 (12) 13 (13) 12 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-19, 02:24 PM

Sera looks away. She looks nothing more than ashamed at what has transpired thus far. "I did not want to be a burden..."

2012-11-19, 02:35 PM

Dot glances back at her new colleagues.

"You're both doing admirably. Time for self-recriminations when we're not on a rescue mission. Let's go."

2012-11-19, 02:42 PM
Furude Setsuna

"..." With a sigh and a faint bemused smile, Setsuna steps forwards and embraces Sera tightly and whispers in her ear. "Sera-senpai. You mean more to me than you know. Never think of yourself as a burden."

She steps back and smiles brightly. Taking Sera's hand, Setsuna pulls her forwards, toward the north. "Dot-san's right. We should get going now. Come on!"

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-19, 02:46 PM
Coquika shakes her head in exasperation as she walks past the simpering duo and joins Peridot at the hallway. Glancing from side to side, she prepares to head down the Northern hall at the branch.
I think we have kicked the hornet's nest now. The next trap will be even worse, I predict.

2012-11-19, 03:21 PM

Sera quietly obeys Furude once more. Upon reaching the door she murmurs a quiet "Peridot is right. Time is of the essence. I don't want this door to be here."

2012-11-19, 05:35 PM
Furude Setsuna

Quirking an eyebrow at her friend's last comment, Setsuna gently tugs Sera slightly away from the door. "Then, ah, in that case, perhaps we should step back and let the earth elemental remove said door..."

2012-11-19, 05:47 PM

Sera looks around, and comes to a realization. She figures that her problems are the fault of the necromancers her. Perhaps she may find a way to make them feel powerless as well...

"... but you could do it faster, couldn't you? Perhaps these people have made one too many transgressions to warrant leaving their facility intact. Destroy the next room as well. I will not protest this time."

The steely glare in her eyes relaxes a little. Entertaining this train of thought may not be productive. She shouldn't be using her best friend for her own gain either. Perhaps she should back down? Be less pushy? It's not like this is Furude's fault...

2012-11-19, 05:58 PM
"We shouldn't lose time," agrees Melinda. She creates water over her own head, unceremoniously quenching herself. Had she been alone, she would have left a token amount for the fifteen steps of safe passage it would have taken to cross the room, and a note in Draconic reading that negotiation instead of halitosis probably would have added to the hoard instead of diminishing it.

Apparently her more quick-fingered companions were prone to disagree. Melinda shoots them a wary glance. "All right, Setsuna. If that dragon comes back and gives our churches any trouble, dealing with it is now officially your problem," she simply says. Friends came and went, but enemies accumulated. The more they stole from the hoard, the more it was guaranteed that the dragon would come roaring back looking for blood. "And don't forget to set aside a portion for Kasia."

2012-11-19, 06:00 PM
Furude Setsuna

Startled at her friend's sudden change in personality, Setsuna stands frozen for a moment. She stares back into Sera's grey eyes, her mouth a baffled 'o'. What had happened? Why the change? Was it something she had done...?

But then her hesitant expression changes into a (mostly) determined one. "...hai. I- I will do so."

She turns her gaze to the door, and slashes her hand down. The sound of nothing happening fills the chamber. Then, from the previous corridor, an orb of silently crackling electricity flies over and crashes into the door, slowly bending it through pure electromagnetic force.

As her lightning does its job, Setsuna turns to Melinda and nods with a slight chuckle. "Don't worry about the dragon. If it comes after us again, we can just take it out. Permanently, next time. As for Kasia's share, I'll do that once we get out of here."

The same Ball Lightning spell from the skeleton part of the fight. Objects (in this case, the door) auto succeed on the Will save for 80% damage.
Damage (w/o 80% adjustment): [roll0]
40 damage, with 80% adjustment.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 25 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 32 rounds

HP: 90/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 14 (12) 13 (13) 12 (12) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-19, 06:49 PM
This group never just opens a door?

The door is splintered out of its frame, revealing the room beyond. The wall that the party is entering on is a 30 foot section, and the room itself is 30 by 40. The find the path spell leads right through a blank section of the wall beyond, however in between that wall and the party are 4 mummies. As one the mummies turn to the party, moving to attack. Many people in the party have seen mummies in the past, but at first glance, they can tell that these mummies are a lot bigger than the ones they have battled in the past.

(Roll initiative, OOC. Remember the order of the party, if you are in the back row, you will not be able to make an ordinary attack)

2012-11-20, 03:03 AM
Drifting up towards the ceiling for a better view, Zippy's lip curls back as he sees the mummies.

"Now THESE will burn! Bandages are great kindling."

Gesturing, he sends another streak of fire toward the far side of the room, aiming to engulf all four mummies in the blast.

5' step up to get a better view, and stay out of the way of others below. Standard action Fireball SLA - [roll0], reflex save DC 17 for half. CL check vs possible SR: [roll1].

2012-11-20, 07:39 AM
Zippy's fireball explodes with great satisfaction. Unfortunately, when the smoke clears, the mummies do not appear to be singed in the least.

Taleira up, Drisae on deck, Setsuna in the hole, Dot to follow

2012-11-20, 03:08 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Mummy Rot is up there on the list of things Taleira doesn't care to experience firsthand, so she opts not to charge in headlong this time. Instead, she produces a blue-white marble from her sleeve and casually tosses it in the air as she moves forward. "Kepesk." A snap of her fingers and a flick of her wrist accompany the word of power, dissolving the glass sphere in a shower of sparks. A thunderclap echoes through the room as the spell completes, sending arcs of lightning lancing out from the center of the shuffling group of mummies. That done, Taleira sets herself in the open guard she's so fond of and waits for the mummies to come to her.

Move: Move to front of party, ideally blocking the mummies from getting to the squishier members of the party. Standard: cast Scintillating Sphere. Karmic Strike active (AC 52), AoOs below as usual. Power Attack -4/+8.

Scintillating Sphere
Damage: [roll0] electrical damage in a 20 foot radius burst, catching as many mummies as possible.
CL check to overcome SR, if needed: [roll1]

AoO 1
Hit: [roll2] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll3] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 2
Hit: [roll4] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll5] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 3
Hit: [roll6] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll7] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 4
Hit: [roll8] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll9] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 5
Hit: [roll10] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll11] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 6
Hit: [roll12] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll13] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)
AoO 7
Hit: [roll14] vs. AC.
Damage: [roll15] (adamantine, slashing, evil, chaotic)

2012-11-20, 03:22 PM
Taleira's electrical blast goes off, and this time the results are far more satisfatory, as all of the mummies take damage. As expected, its nowhere near enough to even slow them down, as they continue to shuffle towards the party.

Drisae up, Setsuna on deck, Dot in the hole, Selena to follow.
Please note that now Taleira has moved to the front row, shuffling the whole order back one rank.


Zippy flying above

2012-11-21, 04:58 AM
Drisae taps Setsuna with the healing wand for 39 healing.

2012-11-21, 07:30 AM
Drisae heals Setsuna, preparing her for the coming battle.

Setsuna up, Dot on deck, Selena in the hole, Seraciel to follow

2012-11-21, 04:07 PM
Furude Setsuna

Smiling gratefully at Drisae, Setsuna mutters a small "thank you" before turning back to the mummy squad.

Setsuna eyes the shuffling group as she absentmindedly directs the dim sphere of lightning towards the nearest enemy, which it does so splendidly. Then she grins, an idea having come to mind. With a small flourish of her hand upwards, a cloud of yellow-green mist begins to coalesce near the ceiling. Bringing her hand down violently, a torrent of acidic liquid falls to cover the bandaged enemy. And as quickly as it appeared, it fades away.

...pulsing twice, Hakkera shoots the electrified one with two rapid bursts of radiance.

Move: Redirect shadow Ball Lightning to strike the closest mummy. DC 26 Reflex half, DC 26 Will for 80% damage.
Damage: [roll0] lightning
CL check for SR (if needed): [roll1]

Standard: Cast minor shadow Acid Storm, 15 ft radius, centered so that it hits all the enemy, but stops short of hitting us. DC 27 Reflex half, DC 27 Will for 90% damage.
Damage: [roll2] acid
CL check for SR (if needed): [roll3]

Hakkera Full-round: Fire light rays at closest mummy. Ignores all DR.
Touch Attack 1: [roll4]
Damage 1: [roll5]
Touch Attack 2: [roll6]
Damage 2: [roll7]

Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 25 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 31 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 14 (12) 13 (13) 12 (11) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-21, 07:46 PM
Acid and lightning rain down on the mummies, damaging them even further, they appear to be slowing down just a little bit, but they arent done yet.

Dot up, Selena on deck, Seraciel in the hole, Clyde to follow.

2012-11-22, 02:36 AM
Like Taleira, Dot's thoughts were on old stories about Mummy Rot, and about how much better it would be if none of them were touched by those creatures. Sometimes, the old solutions were the best ones.

Still perched on Clyde's shoulder, Dot gestures into the room. Her elemental goes plowing into the lead mummy, swinging away. A moment later, Dot's magic fills the area with dense, sticky webs.

Dot's large earth elemental charges the lead mummy, ending its move 10' away and using reach to attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]. Mostly, he's just there to provide a barrier between the rest of the group and the mummies.

Dot then casts web on the room. First priority is catching all four mummies inside, and ideally stopping before it snares the elemental (this is definitely not the first priority. Reflex save DC 26 or entangled, and even if they succeed, they still have to beat a DC 20 strength check to move 5'.

2012-11-22, 08:15 AM
The elemental punches the lead mummy in the head, he's taken the brunt of the party attacks but it hasnt been enough to drop him, yet.
Dots web manages to catch all of the mummies, but the beasts are powerfully strong. Two of them manage to keep plowing forward (the lead one, who has taken the most damage) while the other two are still struggling to free themselves.

Selena up, Seraciel on deck, Clyde in the hole, Coquika to follow

2012-11-23, 09:14 AM
"Well, let's put another warrior in this fight."

A conjuration circle appears just behind the lead and a Vrock pops out of it.

Size/Type: Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Extraplanar, Evil)
Hit Dice: 10d8+90 (135 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 50 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 22 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +11 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+20
Attack: Claw +15 melee (2d6+6)
Full Attack: 2 claws +17 melee (2d6+8) and bite +15 melee (1d8+5) and 2 talons +15 melee (1d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Dance of ruin, spell-like abilities, spores, stunning screech, summon demon
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/good, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and poison, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10, spell resistance 17, telepathy 100 ft.
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +10
Abilities: Str 27, Dex 15, Con 29, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16
Skills: Concentration +20, Diplomacy +5, Hide +11, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (any one) +15, Listen +24, Move Silently +15, Search +15, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15, Spot +24, Survival +3 (+5 following tracks)
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack

Selena: Augmented Summoning

The Vrock is flying, just hovering above the floor, so he isn't affected by the web.

He will full attack the mummy.

claw atk[roll0] dmg[roll1]
claw atk[roll2] dmg[roll3]
bite atk[roll4] dmg[roll5]
talon atk[roll6] dmg[roll7]
talon atk[roll8] dmg[roll9]

Readied Spells:
Lvl1: Inhibit/Silent Image/Neverskitter x2/Enlarge Person/Benign Transpositionx2/Grease

Lvl2: Ray of Stupidity/Mirror Image/Glitterdust x2/Fog Cloud x2/Web x2

Lvl3: Suggestion/Invisibility Sphere/Unluck x2/Haste x2/Halt x2

Lvl4: Greater Rebuke/Greater Mirror Image x2/Heart of Earth/Celerity x2/Solid Fog

Lvl5: Hold Monster/Shadow Evocation/Overland Flight/Teleport/Prying Eyes/SMA V

Lvl6: Greater Heroism/Permanent Image/Freezing Fog x2/SMA VI

Lvl7: Heightned Greater Heroism/Project Image/Energy Immunity/Glass Strike/Elemental Body/Reverse Gravity

Lvl8: Binding/Superior Invisibility/Heightned Reverse Gravity/SMA VIII

Spells in effect

Elemental Body (fire) 16hours
Overland Flight 16hours
Energy Immunity (acid) 16hours
Heart of Earth 16hours

Mindblank, Extended (CL19) Sera casting
Superior Resistance, Extended (CL19) Sera casting

edit: I'm not counting the possible flank bonus granted by Dot's elemental. I think the Vrock and the large elemental are flanking the lead mummy. In this case, it's +2 to each attack.

2012-11-23, 09:22 AM
[roll0] mummy attacked

The vrocks attack against one of the entangled mummies proves to be very efficient as it connects on all of its strikes. Its not enough to finish the undead abomination off, but the beast is now contending with the attacks as well as trying to free itself.

Seraciel up, Clyde on deck, Coquika in the hole, mummies to finally follow

2012-11-23, 11:48 AM

Not wanting to contract Mummy Rot either, she pulls out a Wand of Orb of Acid, steps into the doorway (5' step), and fires an orb at the nearest mummy.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] Acid

2012-11-23, 11:50 AM
[roll0] mummy attacked
Another satsifying splatter results from Seraciel's ball of acid, this time hitting one of the mummies who had managed to break free of the webs. Hes not done for either, the party has now seriously damaged all the mummies but has not managed to finish off one completely.

Clyde up, Coquika on deck, mummies in the hole

2012-11-23, 12:21 PM
Clyde strains against Dot's mental commands, eager to get in there and tear the mummy a new one. Well, an even newer one. But he remains obedient to his binding, and simply hunkers down, ready for trouble.

Readies an action to teleport Dot and himself back to the previous chamber if one of the mummies engages either of them in melee.

2012-11-23, 01:05 PM
Clyde obediently bides by his mistresses wishes, despite his chaotic nature.

Coquika up, Mummies on deck, Atareth in the hole, Melinda to follow.

Barring Coquika launching some area affect spell to obliterate all the mummies, in their turn there will be two of them able to strike. One will strike at Taleira, the other will hit either Coquika or Seraciel, who stepped forward to cast. If Coquika engages a mummy, that option disappears.

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-23, 03:09 PM
Coquika almost smiles. Here were more twisted immortal try-hards. True, they had brute strength, but with no finesse behind it.
Well, she would show them what could be avoided by thinking before you strike.

Coquika takes a few steps forward, circling around the mummy facing her and Seraciel. She insolently turns her back on the other massed mummies even as she picks out the foremost in their ranks for special caution. With a bob and a sway, she ducks behind the mummy caught between her and Seraciel and grasps its stiff ankles in a vice-like grip before heaving to one side!

move alongside Taliera.
Declare Dodge on Mummy behind, then use Force Edge (free) and attempt to trip mummy between her and Seraciel

If successful, then a vicious kick to the ribs follows.
[roll2] Magic, Adamantine, Chaotic

2012-11-23, 04:12 PM
Earth elemental - attack of opportunity on the first mummy to struggle out of the webs and then move around it to attack someone else.
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-11-23, 06:21 PM
The one mummy is able to resist Coquika's attempt to trip him, and will now concentrate its attacks on her. Meanwhile, Dot's elemental attempts another attack on the beast, but is unsuccessful.
The slow moving mummies are finally in position to make their attacks with their dreaded rotting touch. One strikes at Taleira, the other at Coquika.
[roll0] attack: Tali & [roll1] damage
[roll2] attack: Coquika & [roll3] damage
However, the mummies are not able to penetrate their defenses.

Atarath up, Melinda on deck.

2012-11-23, 07:03 PM
Atareth flies above Taleira. "I fear no mummy's curse." she says resolutely.

She whallops the one above Coquika with Targe-Wrecker.
She was further back, so move action to get into position. She doesn't move into room because of Dot's web. :smallsigh: So much for whirlwind attack.

Attack: [roll0], Damage [roll1]
* Adamantine/ Bludgeoning/ Good/ Magic. If like a normal mummy, however, its DR is straight-up and nothing "overcomes" it.
* Will DC 14 or go poof into dust.

Dodge-buddy is the one above Coquika. If Atareth's blow destroyed that one, then it's the one above Tali instead.

AC: 61 (62 w/ Dodge buddy).

2012-11-23, 08:17 PM
The mighty blow from Targe-Wrecker finally finishes off one of the mummys, although the other three are still feisty.

Melinda up to end the round.

2012-11-23, 10:01 PM
It is unusual that Melinda does anything (or anyone) without making a good deal of sound, but she knows that her current aim can only be accomplished by faith alone. Advancing to occupy the space Coquika vacated, Melinda clutches her ruby necklace, closes her eyes, and focuses her determination that no unliving being with neither breath nor passion should stand between Peridot and her love.

She exhales a puff of air. Then she opens her eyes, and seeks for shining faith to banish them from her sight.

[Turn. [roll0], Will half DC...34?]

2012-11-23, 11:08 PM
Holy power blasts forth from Melinda, inspiring awe in the whole party, the first display of power from the unified goddess. The light that emanates from her seems to carry the prefered color of each goddess in perfect combination. What is left of each mummy stands no chance against her power, and they are all blown into complete dust, scattered to nothingness in the room.

@Melinda only
The first channeling of power from the unified goddess seems to have a purging, cathartic effect on you. Doubts about your ability and whether or not you are suitable to be the First seem to flow out of you, along with the power you are channeling.
Im having a bit of a problem putting this into words without sounding overly dramatic, but this is a big deal.

2012-11-23, 11:13 PM
Furude Setsuna

Eyes widening at the massive display of light and power, Setsuna turns to Melinda with an admiring grin. "That... was pretty awesome, Melinda-sama."

She shifts her lightning ball out of the way to allow the party to properly enter the room, and looks to Dot for direction. "Which way now?"

2012-11-23, 11:18 PM
As the mummies crumble to dust before the combined might of the three goddesses, both as embodied by the group and by Melinda's divine energies, Dot pauses only for a moment, to turn to wink at Melinda.

"Nice one."

She turns and waves a hand, and the webs filling the room vanish. She, Clyde and Zippy drift into the room, following the elemental which lumbers towards the far wall. Dot points at the spot where the magic guide disappears into the wall. Her voice is harsh as it speaks in the language of the earth.

"Go in there. When you get to air on the far side, look around, come back here and tell me what you saw."

The elemental nods and plunges into the wall.

Elemental uses earth glide to enter the stone wall. Of course, if the wall is an illusion or somesuch, we'd get a sense of that through true seeing and blindsense.

Dot will also conduct a visual search of the wall in the area where the ribbon disappears. Search: [roll0]

2012-11-23, 11:32 PM
Atareth bows in flight to Melinda, clanging the side of her warhammer to her shield. "You are the quissach-saddarach First One."

2012-11-24, 02:23 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

With the mummies destroyed, Tali returns to the rear of the group. She pauses to whisper something in Melinda's ear, then gives her a peck on the cheek and withdraws into formation.

"Remember how I told you you're special? You just proved it to everyone else. Well done." She punctuates the compliment with a kiss on the cheek. "If you happen to feel celebratory later, just bring that back to me for something better."

2012-11-24, 02:56 AM
That... was pretty awesome, Melinda-sama.

"Nice one."

"Yes," concurs the bardess, with a vindicated smile on her face. "Yes, it was." To say that Melinda is visibly proud is an understatement. She had been a bit shaken ever since the Iron Hall incident had led her to question the prophetic role of zeal. For her to have at last weaved her own agency into the strands of fate ordained by prophecy was breathtakingly exhilarating.

"You are the First One."

She bows, and then as if anointing herself, she raises her left hand and touches its ring finger to her forehead, then to her lips, then to her heart. "I have been Chosen." Unexpectedly, the words seem to fall off of the tip of Melinda's tongue, as if the phrase was a rhyming answer to Atareth's affirmations.

Without a doubt, those four words have been said before. Her robes may be tattered and burnt, and her hair soaked and dripping water on the floor, but Melinda's presence is stronger than the group has ever seen before. The lioness has roared.

"Our path is laid out for us, and our cause righteous," she says, her calm determination turning contagious. "Let us fulfill our mission."

2012-11-24, 09:35 AM
The elemental silently nods to Dot and disappears into the wall where the ribbon leads. While she waits, Dot examines the wall spot, quickly finding that there is a secret door there. A few more moments of searching reveal a clasp to release it.
At that point, the elemental comes back through, replying to Dot in the tongue of the earth
@Dot, and those who can speak what language earth elementals speak
A passage leading east from this door. It continues for about 90 feet east. There are two branches off it to the north

2012-11-24, 04:39 PM
Impatiently showing Zippy how to activate the door, dot relays the elemental's words to the rest of the group. Once Zippy has the door open, Dot impatiently heads far enough down the passage to see where the 'ribbon' is leading. Certainly for Taleira and Melinda, who have been working with the cautious little Mage for a month now, this seems urn characteristically rash. At the point where the tunnel splits, she points down one passage.

"That way. Shall we?"

Her voice, though low and calm, somehow conveyed hat this wasn't really a question.

2012-11-24, 05:23 PM
The passage heads east, and then there is a branch to the north. The ribbon as well turns north, turning the party before all the other options. This corridor goes 30 feet north, and then ends in a door.

2012-11-24, 05:37 PM
Furude Setsuna

Rolling her eyes at yet another door, Setsuna glances questioningly at Dot. "Should I remove this one, or would you prefer your elementals do it?"

2012-11-25, 02:34 AM
Dot shrugs.

"Your way is more certain, and less noisy, Ferude. If you wouldn't mind..."

2012-11-25, 03:12 AM
Drisae looks at the one offering the magic. "I would simply love to be able to get off the first blast. Meanwhile, how is everyone else for healing?"

2012-11-25, 03:19 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Tali raises her hand to draw Drisae's attention. "I'm not badly hurt, but I got a little scorched by the dracolich and wouldn't mind some attention."

2012-11-25, 12:04 PM
Furude Setsuna

Nodding, Setsuna directs the orb of lightning at yet another door.

Silent shadow Ball Lightning, auto-succeed on Will save for 80% damage.
Damage: [roll0]
Damage w/ adjustment: 41
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 25 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 30 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 14 (12) 13 (13) 12 (11) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-25, 09:12 PM
As the door bursts off its hinges, a wave of heat sweeps forward to engulf the party. It deals no damage, for now, but its obvious there is a huge heat source in the room. The room itself is 30x50, with the party entering on the middle of a 30 foot wall.
The lead members (Seraciel, Coquika) are the first to see the source of the heat, a humanoid shaped being, however it seems to be composed entirely of fire, with a body that looks like molten lava. It roars at the party and stomps forward.

(initiative, OOC)

2012-11-26, 06:58 AM
"Uh-oh," says Melinda, bracing for the fray. "Looks like the straightest path isn't the easiest..."

2012-11-26, 09:10 AM

"A lavawight! A wight, but on fire! It's on fire, so stay away from it! It's a wight, so it drains people's lifeforce!"

She also also whirls her her left hand above her head and points her find at Drisae. She snaps her fingers and mutters "Schneid kriechen."

2012-11-26, 11:49 AM

"A lavawight! I've only read a couple of scattered accounts of these things. I wasn't even sure they existed. We need a moment to plan."

She gestures for her elemental to lunge forward and distract the beast. Gamely, Dot's pet elemental dashes through the doorway and slams into the flaming creature. With a wave of Dot's hand, a blank wall of granite abruptly forms a bubble around the entrance to the room, closing it off from the conflict.

Standard action to cast a wall of stone, starting 5' in front of the door and wrapping around to the sides and up towards the ceiling. If the ceiling is insanely high, it just curves into towards the wall after about 10'. Without doing a lot of calculating, I'm estimating that the wall will be about a foot thick. The goal is to create a situation where we still have a little room to maneuver at the front and back of the group, but are otherwise in an enclosed space.

The earth elemental charges the lavawight, using full power attack:
Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2012-11-26, 01:30 PM
A wall of stone forms in the doorway, cutting off the party's view of the conflict as the elemental lumbers into the room. You have no idea if its blows connected or not, or what happens when the lavawight returns its attacks.

Setsuna up, Selena on deck, Atarath in the hole, Seraciel to follow.

2012-11-26, 01:59 PM
Dot quickly flashes a mental image of what she saw in the room: Melinda's magic guiding 'ribbon' turning and disappearing into the middle of the east wall.

"We could probably gather up and teleport over to the other side of that wall right now, if you don't want to have to face this thing."

2012-11-26, 02:07 PM

She gives her 2 copper pieces. "If the Elemental seems an insufficient distraction, perhaps we could produce some illusion to prevent the Lavawight's pursuit?"

2012-11-26, 09:03 PM
Furude Setsuna

Sighing, Setsuna turns to the rest of the party. "I'm going to try to get us across this room without having to fight that lavawight. It'll be too risky to our larger plan of rescuing Harlan."

She mutters something under her breath, and she and Hakkera fade away. Anyone capable of seeing onto the ethereal plane will see the pair fly into the wall.

Emerging from the other side, they quickly fly past the lavawight, being careful to keep well out of its reach, and through the east wall as directed by Dot's description of Melinda's magic. A moment is all it takes for Hakkera to get a mental picture of the area, and they fly back to the larger group.

As she passes back through the wall, the pair's etherealness flickers, and goes away, and they land solidly on the floor. Hakkera quickly pulls out the enveloping pit and expands it to full capacity. Breathing heavily, Setsuna gestures towards the open hole, which has a simple spiral staircase leading down into a gold and gem covered floor, more than capable of holding the entire party. "Get in! I don't know how long the elemental will be able to distract it."

Setsuna Swift: Cast Swift Etherealness, share with Hakkera.

Setsuna Double move: Fly over into the space described by Dot's mental image, letting Hakkera get a sight of the place, and then fly back to the party. The etherealness wears off now.

Hakkera Move: Pull out the enveloping pit from Setsuna's pocket.

Hakkera Standard: Expand enveloping pit fully.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 25 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 29 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 14 (12) 13 (12) 12 (11) 7 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-26, 09:31 PM
Setsuna passes through the room to the hall beyond and then travels back. During the course of her travel, she notices that the elemental is already dead.
She lands back with the group.

Selena up, Atareth on deck, Seraciel in the hole.

OOC: No one can enter the enveloping pit just yet. There is an issue with it that must be resolved with the PC.

2012-11-27, 07:28 AM
Unable to see anything to deal with right now, Selena readies herself for action, but does not cast a spell.

Atarath up, Seraciel on deck, Taleira in the hole, Zippy to follow.

2012-11-27, 12:27 PM
"As soon as this thing comes within 30 feet," says Atareth, "I'm going to open up with a blast of holy energy."
As in, turn undead ...

2012-11-27, 12:53 PM
Atareth holds her action as well, although she does take a firm hold on her holy symbol in preparation for the appearance of the lavawight.

Seraciel up, Taleira on deck, Zippy in the hole, Drisae to follow.

2012-11-27, 11:04 PM

Sera puts on her cutest face. She pouts slightly, and puts a finger a to her lips, and opens her big, grey eyes to there widest and cutest. She then offers the follwoing message telepathically. "Tal, darling, would you mind fighting the Lavawight if it were not able to burn you?"

2012-11-27, 11:44 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Why wouldn't I? It's just a meaner kind of wight, or does that tone mean you're not telling something?

2012-11-28, 12:32 AM

"Well, there is the eeny teeny tiny catch of that it will have an AMF on it."

2012-11-28, 12:47 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Well, that'll be quite the trick. I'll try, but it'll hurt my effectiveness badly.

2012-11-28, 02:08 AM
"Don't worry," tepes Atareth, "I may be heavily magicked, but my pure strength is real and not magical."

2012-11-28, 08:00 AM
(Still awaiting Seraciel's action)

2012-11-28, 09:34 AM

Okay, have fun with this one.

She casts her AMF, designating Larry as the toucher.


Larry squeaks. It was his time to shine.

2012-11-28, 11:10 AM
Seraciel casts her AMF on Larry, readying him to neutralize the wight.

Taleira up, Zippy on deck, Drisae in the hole, Melinda to follow

2012-11-28, 02:20 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

With no target and no real way to get to it, Tali settles in to wait.

Delay. Tali will jump back in as soon as she can get to the Lavawight, preferably before Sera's AMF goes off.

2012-11-28, 03:21 PM
Taleira joins the waiting crew, even though her blade is itching for a taste of lavawight...lava.

Zippy up, Drisae on deck, Melinda in the hole, Clyde to follow.

2012-11-28, 03:57 PM
When I leave the apartment in a few minutes, I won't be back on a computer until midnight or later tonight, so I'm posting my action now.
Drisae can see the positive energy building up inside Atareth. Not to be outdone, Drisae smiles at the angel and says, "A hundred gold between you and I to see who can put the most hurt on that thing with our channeling."

Where Atareth gathers holy energy to blast the creature with positive energy, Drisae will instead use negative energy to overwhelm a creature infused with that same energy, choking the unchokeable and tearing it apart with tendrils of entropy.

2012-11-28, 04:35 PM
Zippy will also delay for the time being.

2012-11-28, 06:12 PM
Zippy and Drisae are both holding, Drisae building up her holy power to blast the lavawight when the wall comes down.

Melinda up, Clyde on deck, Coquika in the hole, that will end round 1

2012-11-28, 09:25 PM
Melinda just takes a breath and follows suit with the others who are prepared to unleash holy hell on their enemy. She had always left tactics up to the others. That pattern wasn't going to break in the middle of this tomb.

She nevertheless winces as she recognizes the gestures and sounds of Seraciel's spell. "What if we need to take the anti-magic down to withdraw? Can you do it, Sera?"

2012-11-28, 10:00 PM

"I could, but the creature is much more dangerous with its fire. I will be ready to remove the spell if the situation becomes dire, but I would recommend against it."

2012-11-28, 11:06 PM
"I don't think my summons will mind the fire. Permanent damage isn't much worse than normal damage to them."

2012-11-28, 11:20 PM

"In that case, summon everything. See if your dime a dozen extraplanars can touch this thing. Either that, or at least get something that can resist the effects of the AMF."

2012-11-28, 11:27 PM
Furude Setsuna

Setsuna shakes her head. "It won't work, Selena-san. The magic that keeps the summons here will be suppressed by the antimagic. And I don't think any of the normally taught summons have abilities that can penetrate antimagic."

2012-11-29, 01:34 AM
"Well, yeah. EXCEPT if you cast an anti magic field into it. I'm just pointing an alternative."

2012-11-29, 07:29 AM
Another member of the group, Melinda, joins the ranks of those awaiting action.

Clyde up, Coquika on deck, end round 1.

2012-11-29, 02:49 PM
Clyde vibrates at the prospect of violence nearby, violence which Dot's orders are preventing him from joining in. Instead, he simple hunkers down and waits.

Clyde readies an action to teleport on either Dot's command or the appearance of the lavawight.

2012-11-29, 03:10 PM
Clyde is holding his action and now the ball passes to Coquika

Coquika up, end round 1

The Great Skenardo
2012-11-29, 08:39 PM
Personally, Coquika didn't see what the big deal was with this monster. She couldn't help but be bemused as a company of incredibly powerful heroines, the favored of the goddess herself, backpedaled and hid in anxious fear from a single creature wreathed in flame. She supposed she must trust that there is some reason why this particular undead creature should pose more of a challenge than the three that came before it, and not instantly vanish in a tsunami of steel. With a shrug of her rather broad shoulders, Coquika rubycasts
If you say so, then I suppose it must be. It escapes me why you do not simply use invisibility magic and cut it down where it stands. But I will abide by Peridot's discretion.

2012-11-29, 09:53 PM
See OOC message for action choices available.

2012-11-30, 12:40 AM
The First Priestess shrugs. "Dot, I leave this decision up to you. We can certainly face it. The Three are with us. And I'd rather not venture into an extradimensional storage space where I might be trapped."

"But you have my spell's sight. Has another way around been revealed to you? If not, I would rather not leave such a creature at our rear."

2012-11-30, 01:49 AM

The little mage stares at the blank wall for a split-second, weighing the danger of several different options.

"We could face it, but we don't have to. If it hasn't come through to us, it's unlikely to explore the area beyond the other door. Your magic isn't guiding me to another route, which means that if a solid stone wall is still the most direct route, then there is no other good way.

"I'll head across to the area that Setsuna has already scouted with Zippy and Clyde. Incidentally, if you go there ethereally again, I'd strongly recommend travelling through the floor. I'll either send back if there's trouble, or else will send Clyde back in a moment to collect another pair. Of course, if others can make it there safely using their own magic, so much the better."

Dot pauses, as if to say something else, but simply winks at Melinda. She disappears with the remnants of her menagerie, with only a whiff of sulphur hanging in the air in their place.

Clyde teleports over to a spot about 10' past the wall where the ribbon was indicating. Dot will then send back a mental image of the place she finds herself.

Dot readies an action to cast Time Stop if the lavawight or another hostile appears before Clyde's next action. Zippy places himself between Dot/Clyde and the direction of the lavawight, and transforms back into his natural form.

2012-11-30, 02:07 AM
Furude Setsuna

Nodding in agreement, Setsuna pipes up, "Okay, so Dot-san has gone to scout things out. If she gives the all-clear, then anyone who wants to can travel across with me, using Hakkera's magic."

She pauses, then adds, "However, If there is trouble, then we need to get over there to help."

2012-11-30, 03:20 AM
Drisae looks to Setsuna, "I was worried you wouldn't pick me up, seeing as most cabbies avoid us drow. 118th and Mountebank, please. Make it there safely in the rain by 9:30 pm and there'll be an extra $20 in it for you."
Interpretation: "Sure, I'll come with you."

2012-11-30, 09:05 AM
Furude Setsuna

With a bow and a flourish toward the staircase, Setsuna replies, "But of course ma'am. Please, enter. We just need to wait for the rest of the passengers."

2012-11-30, 11:25 AM
The various teleports from the various sources are cast, and the party now finds itself in a corrider leading away from the room with the lavawight. The corridor goes north for about 50 feet and then ends in a door.

2012-11-30, 11:27 AM

"Dot, would you kindly seal the path behind us?"

2012-11-30, 11:40 AM

Dot, leaning forward to follow the ribbon of Melinda's spell, seems startled to hear her name.

"Oh, behind us? I'd rather not. But be my guest."

Instead, she forms another earth elemental in front of the door and speaks to it in the language of its people.

"Go through the wall beside the door. When you get to air on the other side, stop, look around, and immediately come back and tell me what you saw and heard."

Snowbluff, I'm not being a **** about your excellent suggestion. Dot's only got one more wall of stone spell prepared, and I'd rather save it.

2012-11-30, 11:55 AM
The elemental slips into the wall and moments later comes back into view.

There are 12 human figures in the room, along with a cell cage holding one humanoid figure. They appear to be very skeletal.

2012-11-30, 12:00 PM

"Very well. Furude-chan, could you erect a barrier or two, then? I would place a Prismatic Wall, but they are distinctly non-solid."

2012-11-30, 12:54 PM

Holding a hand to her lips, Dot quickly sends a message to the others.

"A dozen skeletal figures, and a person in a cage. This could be our destination. Are we ready?"

2012-11-30, 01:41 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Ready as I'll ever be. We're assuming at least one of the skellies is a lich, right?

2012-11-30, 01:45 PM

"If that is the case, could you do me a favor, Taliera? If you keep Larry in your pocket, you can throw him at any lich you encounter. Larry could then deliver his AMF to the lich, without risking any of us. That is, ofcourse, if every is okay with us disabling an enemy caster."

2012-11-30, 03:05 PM
Melinda thought the likelihood that this was the pit chamber was somewhat reduced, given that the elemental had returned and was still in one piece.

We're assuming at least one of the skellies is a lich, right?

At least one, concurs Melinda. Hopefully no more. Drisae - have you prepared a mass death ward for us? Now is a good time, even if it's not Harlan in there. If everyone else gets ready to cast something at the same time, I'll listen for the response from the room.

Melinda sneaks over to the door and puts her ear up to it. Does it look like it's been used recently?

[Move Silently: [roll0]
Listening through a door (@ -5, included) : [roll1]]

2012-11-30, 04:36 PM
Furude Setsuna

A little surprised at Sera's use of her name, Setsuna quirks an eyebrow with a slight giggle and points at the wall behind them. "Ah, senpai? The way already is blocked... by that wall."

Before the door is opened, she begins to summon a small entourage, three figures emerging from the ground, two bralani and one avoral. They fly to the front of the group, ready to act as she commands.

Casting Minor shadow Light of Lunia/Mercuria/Venya two Major shadow SM VI, one Major shadow SM VII, as well as any requested spells.
Aid (entire party): 21 min
Arcane Sight: Permanent
Blur: 36 hrs
Energy Immunity (fire, cold): 24 hrs
Freedom of Movement: 3 hrs
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability (dimensional anchor, dispel magic, glitterdust, solid fog): 18 hrs
Mage Armor: 18 hrs
Mind Blank: 24 hrs
Mirror Image, Greater: 24 min
Moment of Prescience: 18 hrs
See Invisibility: Permanent
Superior Resistance: 24 hrs

Silent shadow Ball Lightning: 24 rounds
Major shadow Summon Monster VII: 36 rounds
Major shadow Summon Monster VI: 35 rounds
Major shadow Summon Monster VI: 34 rounds

HP: 129/129
Spells per day: 12 (16) 13 (11) 11 (12) 12 (9) 8 (0)

Condition and Effects (not including spells):
+5 to saves against death effects, negative energy, energy drain; 1/day reroll failed save.
+5 to saves against poison and disease; 1/day reroll failed save.
+2 bonus to overcome SR.
50% chance of deflecting a ranged attack if move 10 or more ft.
Fast Healing 1.
Resistance to fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5.
Doubled carrying capacity.
Ignore all hostile planar effects.
Breathe in any environment, ignore harmful vapors/gases.
Suppress all confusion, fear and stunning conditions in allies in 20 ft radius.
No need to eat or drink.
Sleep 2 hours to gain effects of 8.

Immune: blinded, confusion, dazzled, exhaustion, fatigue, fear, grappling, mind-affecting, movement penalties, stunning.

2012-11-30, 05:37 PM
Melinda is not as experienced as many dungeon go-ers, and so she does not realize that the undead are near silent in most situations. Even though she knows there are many skeletons in the room beyond, when she presses her ear to the door, she hears nothing in the room beyond.

2012-12-01, 03:06 AM
Drisae casts mass death ward on the party. "Just happened to have that spell, seeing as we were going against a known enemy type."

2012-12-03, 10:06 AM
Furude Setsuna

"Okay then." Setsuna looks around the group, gazin at their three divine figures. "We're up against a number of skeletal figures, one of which is definitely a lich. Melinda-sama, Drisae-san, Atareth-san, turn. Make sure you hit the lich, and as many other as possible. After the first volley, do as the situation demands.

To their party's buzzsaw, she says, "Taleira-san, you are our shredder; go in there and shred." She turns again, and smiles. "Sera-senpai, Coquika-san, make sure they don't hit our casters. Selena-san, Dot-san, and I will provide fire support." Back to the short floating caster, she mentions, "Dot-san, send in one of your entourage to get Harlan-san."

Letting out a calming breath, she grins at her companions. "So, everyone ready?"

2012-12-03, 10:53 AM

Sera mutters some incantation, setting up her Duelward and using Resist Fire, Mass Extended on the party (CL 19, lasts way too long). Finally, she produces a Thunder Lance with a Shadow Evocation (CL 17, Reach 20', 3d6+9 damage, Dispels for effects. Will 27 for 20% damage from the spell. I wish I had not banned Evocation, it synergizes so well with Abjuration).

She also readies herself to cast a Chain Dispel if she spots any auras on skeletons.


Larry squeaks in agreement, and preps to charge a target spellcaster after the initial volley.

2012-12-03, 12:31 PM

Dot nodded as Furude outlines a plan. She was as ready as she was likely to be.


Conjuring a fresh earth elemental, Dot orders it to stand by the wall next to (but not blocking) the door.

"When I give you a signal, run through the wall and charge at the nearest skeleton."

2012-12-03, 12:55 PM
Melinda scrapes the hardened tip of her shoe on the ground in a little dance figure. All of the party's verbal sounds, including Sera's casting of spell after spell, become muffled.

Dot, would you ask your elemental how large the room beyond is?

[Lyric spell-Subsonics-Sculpt sound on everyone in the party - only we can hear ourselves. This includes verbal components of spells.]

"It's my turn to thank everyone here," Melinda says aloud. "We have each made sacrifices for what many would consider this dubious privilege. I wanted to let you know, especially those newer to our Fellowship, that I appreciate your unfailing dedication and unsurpassed zeal.

"Dantilus is an ally of Kotep - I would wager that any lich-priest who guards this tomb is also an arcanist of great study and ancient power. As Kotep has made His will to oppose us clear, I have little hope for our ability to resolve this situation diplomatically. Whatever the outcome, zeal will prevail this day, and zeal will be thwarted. But the symmetries end there.

"We came for Harlan. He has a life to live, and a love to love. He does not belong here in this place meant for the dead. Now we stand for him, and in the future for everyone else like him - those who recognize even against seemingly insurmountable circumstance that passion is life, and drives life, and lives to be shared in love."

[Recitation, Righteous Wrath of the Faithful, and Cloak of Chaos. Everyone, have +3 luck to attacks, saves, and AC, +3 morale to attacks, checks, and damage, +4 deflection to AC and +4 resistance bonus to saves if you don't have it already, and SR 25 (yeah, that's basically nothing) against spells cast by lawful creatures. Anyone who uses a full attack routine also gets one extra attack at full BAB that doesn't stack with Haste.]

2012-12-03, 03:11 PM
As the party continues to debate their plan of attack, their choices are suddenly limited, as the door to the room completely disintigrates under the effect of a spell.
The room that is revealed beyond the door is huge, the party is entering on a wall that is at least 70 feet long, and the room stretches back for at least 100 feet. In the room are 12 skeletal beings. All of the skeletons are dressed in robes, however the robes are faded and tattered, reeking of decay. All of them as well carry morning stars.

OOC: Note that I am not saying they are exactly the same, thus making you think they are using a mirror image which would be negated by true seeing. These are just 12 skeletal beings, and since true seeing or arcane sight doesnt put a sign of LICH HERE over one of them, you have no idea of which one is the lich, and which ones are just skeletons.

To those members of the group that have arcane sight active, all of the skeletons have multiple auras of abjuration on them, however exactly what those auras are will probably take more time than you have right now.

As well, in the far corner of the room, there is a jail cell, barred off from the rest of the room. Inside the cell is a man, to the rest of you he is just a man that you dont know, but to Dot's sight, he is quite familiar. He stands as you enter the room, trying to see what is about to happen.

Roll initiative, OOC. Remember the order that the party group is in before declaring action. The skeletal beings are spread throughout the room, a turn blast will affect about 6 of them from the doorway.

2012-12-04, 08:05 AM

Sera, seeing the door disappear, react quickly. She channels the penultimate level of the Art of Abjuration. Chain Dispel, which is not to be confused with Chain Dispel Magic.

Dispel Checks, CL19, and Minor Esoterica adds 5.

Creature 1

Creature 2











Moderate Esoterica grants me no ill effect on spells I make the save for the next 8 rounds.

2012-12-04, 12:03 PM

As Zippy, still in his normal state as an emaciated humanoid amphibian, prepares to lunge into the room, Dot's mental voice cautions her companions.

"All of them have some kind of protection against fire, cold and electricity. Well, except for that one, that one, that one and that one, whose protections disappeared when Seraciel used her magic. And there are anti-divination magics by the cell."

Guided by Dot's pointing, Zippy flies over the heads of his companions, through the hole conveniently blasted in the wall, and up to the ceiling of the big room. He turns and focuses in on the area Dot had indicated, where more of the skeletons' protections from fire had been removed, and let off a blast of flame.

Move action to go up to 60' into the room and up to the ceiling.

Standard action to use a Fireball SLA, [roll0] damage, Reflex DC 17 for half.

2012-12-04, 03:10 PM
Seraciel's casting is quite successful as many of the abjurations on the skeletal beings wink out
#1-3off, #2-2off, #3-3off, #4-2off, #5-1off, #6-3off, #7-3off, #8-2off, #9-3off, #10-3off, #11-2off, #12-1off
Zippy's fireball goes off, some of the skeletons get toastified, but none of them drop yet.

Atareth up, Enemy #1 on deck, Drisae in the hole, Selena to follow

2012-12-04, 05:40 PM
Atareth flies in and high up to the ceiling, swooping around with Zippy. She calls on her heavenly powers to blast as many skelenemies as she can that are in a 20-foot-radius (40' diameter). Since Tali and Drisae aren't in yet, that keeps them from getting blasted (because they're evil).
Holy Smite vs undead = [roll0] and blinded 1 round
- Will DC 22 to take half damage and negate blinding.
- CL check [roll1]

AC = 64 (28 t, 56 f)

I flubbed BADLY in the last battle. Turning goes off of paladin levels ... and I only turn at 1st level. Wow. I am sooo sorry.

Spells Active
(Mass) Resist Fire + Resist Fire
Freedom of Movement
Aid (full)
See Invisibility

Everyone has +3 luck to attacks, saves, and AC, +3 morale to attacks, checks, and damage, +4 deflection to AC and +4 resistance bonus to saves if you don't have it already, and SR 25 (yeah, that's basically nothing) against spells cast by lawful creatures. Anyone who uses a full attack routine also gets one extra attack at full BAB that doesn't stack with Haste.]

2012-12-05, 07:59 AM
Atareth's holy smite goes off, catching about as many skeletal beings as Zippy's fireball did. All of them take holy damage, however it does not appear that any are blinded by the power, and clearly none of them are finished off by it.

Enemy #1 up, Drisae on deck, Selena in the hole, Coquika to follow

2012-12-05, 03:10 PM
Suddenly beside Atareth in the air, a huge black sword appears, almost as if a rift in the world had just opened. Those with Know:Arcane or Spellcraft DC25 know it as a
Black Blade of Disaster
The blade strikes at Atareth and despite her strong protections, it still connects with her, seemingly unaffacted by her armour
Touch AC attack
The power of blade attempts to literally disintigrate the astral deva
Fort Save, DC:29 123 damage on fail, 23 damage on save

Drisae up, Selena on deck, Coquika in the hole, Clyde to follow

2012-12-06, 01:08 AM
She takes the horrible black sword relatively well. She can take a lot more than that.Spellcraft [roll0] to identify spell ...
"No, befouled and bespoilt creature, there will no quick death for us with your black blade of disaster. If any of us fall, you will have to work for it; and rest assured, you shall not take all of us."

2012-12-06, 07:54 AM
Atarath manages to resist the full brunt of the sword hit, but she still takes damage
Forgot to roll damage from the blade as well [roll0], add that to the 23 taken

Drisae up, Selena on deck, Coquika in the hole, Clyde to follow