View Full Version : Rogue/Scout Possibilities

2012-11-04, 07:58 PM
Hello. First time poster here. Referred here by friend.


I am playing a 3rd level Elven rogue in a d&d 3.5 campaign. This is my first campaign and thus I know nothing of the realms of optimization or synergies. So, having taken a few levels in rogue, I am enjoying the class but I'm starting to see all the other possibilities that are available. (ex: Shadowdancer,Scout, Etc.) But it is currently Scout, and the associated Skirmish ability that interests me. I am planning to be a ranged combatant, and after looking at the scout's Skirmish ability and various other features,I am wondering what sort of builds/synergies are available for a rogue/scout multi-classer. Thanks for the consideration, GiTP Forums.

New to this. Thanks for the help. :D

2012-11-04, 10:11 PM
There's a feat called Swift Ambusher in Complete Scoundrel which definitely fits the bill. It allows Rogue and Scout levels to stack for determining the bonuses you get from Skirmish. This means you can take a couple levels of Scout, continue taking your Rogue levels, and get full Skirmish progression.

2012-11-04, 10:27 PM
Well Rogue and Scout are quite analogous, so you normally choose one or the other.
That said there is the Swift Ambusher feat from CSco which adds your Rogue and Scout levels together to determine your Skirmish dice, plus another minor benefit.
Ed: Ninja'd, but you actually need 3 levels of Scout.

2012-11-04, 10:28 PM
Yep, Swift Ambusher.

Rogue 17/Scout 3 gets you +9d6 sneak attack and +5d6/+5 AC skirmish. Add in the Improved Skirmish feat to up it to +7d6/+7 AC skirmish if you move 20 feet.

Going Rogue 16/Scout 4 instead gets you a bonus feat to use to get Swift Ambusher or Improved Skirmish, but would cost you one die of Sneak Attack. It would also net you a 1 higher BAB.

Edit: The one problem that you might run up against is that neither Rogue nor Scout is a favored class for you. If your DM uses multiclassing penalties, then this will not work very well for you.

You could still go Rogue 10/Scout 10, but would be losing out on several sneak attack dice.

2012-11-04, 10:48 PM
thank you! that really helps

Piggy Knowles
2012-11-04, 11:18 PM
First off: Whoa, ksbsnowowl, how long have you been on these boards? I haven't seen you around in years! (I was Faithless the Wonder Boy on the old 339 boards, many years ago... You've helped me out with several builds and a guide I worked on, IIRC.)

Anyhow, on topic, it dilutes your sneak damage a little bit but you might even consider dipping a level or two into ranger and picking up the Swift Hunter feat. That can give you a neat way to keep from being useless against normally immune enemies, as well as the ability to use wands off the ranger list and some other nice bonuses.

Only worth considering if your DM is ignoring multiclass penalties, because you really don't want more than two levels in ranger, but it's an option. Scout 3/Ranger 2/Rogue 15 gives you +8d6 sneak attack, two favored enemies (pick the two most common from your campaign out of constructs, plants and undead), +5d6/+5 skirmish, and +15 BAB.

2012-11-04, 11:48 PM
First off: Whoa, ksbsnowowl, how long have you been on these boards? I haven't seen you around in years! (I was Faithless the Wonder Boy on the old 339 boards, many years ago... You've helped me out with several builds and a guide I worked on, IIRC.)I spend most of my time over with the Brilliant Gameologists (minmaxboards.com) - Lots of old 339'ers over there.

Only worth considering if your DM is ignoring multiclass penalties, because you really don't want more than two levels in ranger, but it's an option. Scout 3/Ranger 2/Rogue 15 gives you +8d6 sneak attack, two favored enemies (pick the two most common from your campaign out of constructs, plants and undead), +5d6/+5 skirmish, and +15 BAB.
Not too terrible an idea, especially if your DM throws lots of undead or the like at you. Also note that Elementals are a good option too (though depends upon your DM's style).