View Full Version : Wizard variant question(s)

2012-11-05, 04:12 AM
So I have been looking at some variant wizard things, just for the sake of seeing, and maybe choosing one for my character.

He is a Druid 1/ Wizard 1 at the moment, and I want to know what variants you would recommend.

More info:

Wizard is Focused Specialist: Transmutation
Banned Schools: Evocation, Enchantment, Necromancy.

Edit: I forgot to mention that DM houserule: Spells for wizards and/or Archivists do not need to be spellbooked, provided the spell is core. Any outside must be spellbooked.

Jeff the Green
2012-11-05, 04:15 AM
Some more info would be nice. What race? What are your plans? (I'm guessing Arcane Hierophant?)

2012-11-05, 04:17 AM
Some more info would be nice. What race? What are your plans? (I'm guessing Arcane Hierophant?)

Human. And yes, Mystic theurge early entry stuff, and Arcane Hierophant as soon as able.

Feats so far:
Lost Tradition (int)
Versatile Spellcaster
Theurgic Bond (companion)

Jeff the Green
2012-11-05, 05:42 AM
You know you need Trackless Step and +4 BAB to qualify for AH, so MT may not be your best bet. Plain old Druid 4/Wizard 2 might be better.

For ACFs, you could take either Eidetic Wizard, Aligned Spellcaster (both Dr357) or Immediate Magic (PHB2) to replace your familiar, and then take Obtain Familiar to get the benefits of Companion Familiar based off of your CL rather than your Wizard level.

2012-11-05, 06:32 AM
I would end up taking Mystic theurge levels anyways, to finish out, and this way I get 9th level spells from both.

Do you know of any that replace scribe scroll and such? I'd rather not give up my familiar just yet.

2012-11-05, 07:04 AM
Martial Wizard- fighter feats in exchange for wizard feats. Pick up Improved Initiative.