View Full Version : Psions, Armor Check Penalties, RAW/RAI + logic. :)

2012-11-05, 06:12 PM
My question is, if a Psion, in complete Full Plate, casts Levitate, Psionic, on them self, and move with it, do they move silently? Do they actually take their armor check penalty?

I always figured you got nailed with armor check when trying to move silently and hide, because you are moving with your muscles, your joints, causing the armor to move, shuffle and make noise.

If you are just moving everything as a whole, where is the sound? Is there sound? Do you have to declare you are moving silently?

2012-11-05, 06:26 PM
You could simply apply a circumstance modifier since you aren't trying to move. That being said I think it's plausible that simply wearing armor you aren't proficient at makes it likely that you didn't attach a strap tightly enough, or something and make a squeak or clank.

2012-11-05, 07:36 PM
My question is, if a Psion, in complete Full Plate, casts Levitate, Psionic, on them self, and move with it, do they move silently? Do they actually take their armor check penalty?

I always figured you got nailed with armor check when trying to move silently and hide, because you are moving with your muscles, your joints, causing the armor to move, shuffle and make noise.

If you are just moving everything as a whole, where is the sound? Is there sound? Do you have to declare you are moving silently?

Since it requires effort and concentration to hold yourself still (especially if focusing on levitating), I'd say you still have to make a check, although you could reasonably assign a moderate circumstance bonus because you're not actually walking. (For example, +4, +6, or perhaps even +8 at the most.)

To see why this is, you can do an experiment*. In a dark room, set up a light source to cast a shadow from a standing volunteer onto a wall; outline the edges of the shadow with a marker or something (presumably using a sheet of butcher paper or the like to ensure you don't mar the wall). Then, stand back and watch the shadow for a while. It is almost certain that any but the most practiced volunteer will be unable to remain perfectly still: their shadow will move around by several millimeters at least.

*This experiment reproduced from memory of one of my childhood textbooks on the body.

2012-11-06, 01:12 PM
What kind of movement? The vertical motion should probably be soundless or very quiet. The "walking along the ceiling" with his hands would likely be quite loud/jangly.

2012-11-06, 03:48 PM
What kind of movement? The vertical motion should probably be soundless or very quiet. The "walking along the ceiling" with his hands would likely be quite loud/jangly.

Levitate applies cumulative attack penalties, doesn't it? I always thought levitate made you wobble around.

Personally, I've never been a fan of circumstance bonuses to moving silently for flying, as I feel it makes something that's already pretty OP even better.

2012-11-06, 04:20 PM
Personally, I've never been a fan of circumstance bonuses to moving silently for flying, as I feel it makes something that's already pretty OP even better.

A gliding owl is a DC 30 Listen check; I don't see why a person floating (at least, without armor) would make much more noise than that.

Speaking of "gliding," that's the same term used to describe the Elocater's Scorn Earth ability, and it's also considered to be akin to constant levitation.