View Full Version : Rainmen

2012-11-05, 08:41 PM
Alexis Harrison
The West Precinct is falling. While the officers in the southern end of Queen Anne and Magnolia have had better luck with keeping some semblance of order, the proximity to what people have begun to dub ‘No Man’s Land’ has placed heavy strain on the Seattle Police Department. Collateral damage from the worst of the storm has left hundreds of people in the northern part of the district homeless, while others are looting freely. Combined with this are reports of a man with super-human strength specifically targeting police in the area.

There are thirty men left in Alexis’ squad. Most of them have clustered together after being split from riot control group. They still have access to short-range radio, which occasionally spit out activity reports. The storm seems to be interfering with the signals, however, and it’s an imperfect system. At the moment all of them are taking shelter in an abandoned building, patching up and awaiting further orders.

As for Alexis herself, nobody is looking at her quite the same since her death. Not many people are talking to her either. She has, however, become designated as some sort of asset in the meantime. The man in charge of the squad, Sargent Adam Sariff, has taken to consulting with her.

Such is the case now. An hour ago the following radio signal was received:

SPD Stationed in Magnolia and Queen Anne, begin to evacuate citizens to South Lake Union. Repeat, begin evacuation to South Lake Union.

The second message came several minutes after:

21st avenue overrun. Mobs in the streets. Requesting assistance. They’re being led by-Can’t get outside. Requesting backup. Requesting-…

Sariff and two other senior officers have been talking over their options, and he finally turns to Alexis and asks, “What do you think?” He points to the map they’ve spread out on a table. “We can get to 21st. If we split up we can get there to help them out, and still evacuate.”

“If we split,” One of the other men chimes in, “We’re not going to be as effective. And if there’s something out there…”

“We need to follow orders,” The last man says, “Leave them to handle themselves, we need to get to South Lake.”

((What do you think? Go help out your fellow officers, or continue to the evacuation? Or a mix of both?))

Jenna Suzuki/Black Rabbit
Nu’ro’s main corporate office is located in Downtown Seattle, near the center of the city. It, like a scant few other buildings in the area, has managed to retain power so far. Mostly because of an obscene amount of backup generators in the facility. It can’t last forever, but Downtown has yet to fall into complete chaos thanks to Seattle police and corporate security. The building has been reduced to a skeleton crew since the outside world has effectively ceased to exist, but it still stands.

At the moment the lobby is being used as an outreach shelter, a base for police and refugees. Employees have been allowed to remain on the premises temporarily. Jenna, not being a regular employee, is not relegated to the lower levels. At present she’s been relegated to one of the lounges near the top of the tower, told simply to wait. The whole floor seems to be empty, but at least there’s a few magazines, water, and food. The huge glass windows are smeared with raindrops, and it’s almost impossible to make out the street below through the haze of water.

Break time, however, is coming to an end. It starts with a dim rumbling, and then something louder, a sharp pop that reverberates through the building. The lights dim for a second, then flicker back to life. Over the intercom a voice pops up, crackled and distorted: “Attention. There is an incident in the building. Please remain calm and proceed to the nearest exit.” Several more polite warnings are made, instructing employees and visitors on the finer points of exiting or finding the nearest security.

A second voice comes on over the intercom while the first drones on.

“Breach on 47th floor, marketing. Breach on 23rd floor, finance. Breach on rooftop. All available security personal investigate. Targets are hostile.”

At present Jenna sits on the 53rd floor, and the building has 60 altogether. She knows the roof is next to the important corporate offices, and that while all of those places might be important, things that are actually worth stealing are buried below ground.

((Where would you like to go?))

Edward Rothchild
It’s been not even a full day since escape. Edward can still vividly feel the dark, the slow dribble of water leaking down from the ceiling. That’s all gone now, though. So is most of Sunset Hill. By the time Edward hit the light most of it was gone, smashed into wreckage by the fury of the storm and the bay. As he picks his way through crumbled suburbs he can see the people combing through the wreckage, some seeking shelter, others looting whatever remains.

He stands now in a maze of half-standing buildings, an old strip of crowded shops and business with nobody in sight. His choices at the moment are faily simple. Head south across the river toward the government district, east toward other shelter, or north out of the city. Anywhere is better than here. There’s also the lingering sensation that something is WRONG in this area. Like something is following him, no matter how he moves through the hazy shadows of the early evening.
And one last thing. As he moves he begins to get a slow throb in the back of his head. As minutes pass words begin to form, echoing back and forth in his head: “Here.” Just that word, repeated over several times. Sometimes it grows in intensity, sometimes it fades, it seems to depend on what direction he’s moving.

((So. You can investigate the voice, or pick a direction and start walking. Or do something else in No Man’s Land if you want!))

Conner McDonnell
It’s been a crazy few days. Ever since the bar things have gone to hell. The rain hasn’t stopped, streets began to floor, police have come out in masse. The wireless around the area has dropped like flies, one signal after another dying out. The bar has remained open at least, though there isn’t terribly much left. There are candles though, and a few rather surly individuals who’ve kept out anyone looking to sack the place.

Things outside are less pleasant. It soon becomes apparent that there’s a way on in the streets. Police and every criminal that can crawl out of the woodwork are duking it out. Strangely, all of the seedier elements in the district seem to be coalescing into some sort of hive-organization intent on taking as much of the city as possible.

What might be more interesting, though, is a new signal that pops up in Connor’s mind. It’s heavily encrypted, but he can tell it’s coming from somewhere south of him. There’s another that crops up, shorter range and unencrypted:

Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. Laurelhurst, North 33rd.

((You can do stuff. Investigate crime, investigate signals, whatever else!))

2012-11-06, 10:06 AM
Edward took a moment to stop and lean against an house. How Long Has It Been Since I Slept? Rubbing His eyes, He realized just how exhausted he really was. Here... There it was again. God Im tired. Edward, knowing it wouldn't be safe here began walking south, if any government is left, its down there, and they might know about Eric's "device."

OOC: Did the voice start as I walked into this area or did it start when I escaped?

2012-11-06, 02:35 PM
Conner McDonnell

It had seemed so simple to Conner. If he could access the Net, he could return to the Banshees. He had shaved his beard and his head, prepped for a triumphant return, headed out the door...and ended up here. At the bar. Again. It wasn't that he was afraid, exactly. It was just that he didn't know how to explain what had happened to him, or why it mattered. With the whole world going to hell, why would his abilities matter at all? Why would the Banshees need him? And so here he was, at the bar, hiding.

"Another old-fashioned, Eric," he ordered, "I'll be damned if I don't need one to make sense of all this."

"Sure," replied Eric.

As he nursed his drink, Conner noticed that something had changed in the Net. From the south came a heavy signal, fulls of knots and code. Whenever he tried to get a good look at it, the information seemed to swerve out of the way, refusing to form for his surveillance. He smiled, it had been a long time since he'd been able to wrestle with code.

Along side this came a simpler signal, "Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." After a moments concentration, he was able to determine that this signal was transmitting from Laurelhurst and North 33rd. "Interesting," thought Conner. "I wonder who their Malvolio is. Poor sap, I hope he doesn't buy it. Nobody likes being cross-gartered, no matter that cause."

Dismissing this signal, he turned his attention to the code. "Perhaps, if I can decipher this, I'll have something to bring to Banshees. Something that will make them take me back."

I don't know which skills you want me to roll to try and decrypt the code, so I'm going to just roll a whole mess and let you decide which are relevant.

Mind: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Knowledge (Computer Systems): [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]
Security Systems: [roll10][roll11][roll12][roll13][roll14]
Plugged In: [roll15][roll16][roll17][roll18][roll19][roll20][roll21]

2012-11-06, 06:44 PM

A low glowing ember dots the powerless lobby, as the lights flicker on and the first announcements shriek onto the air Jenna releases a poof of smoke from her lips. Then when the second announcer overlaps the first she takes a deep puff of her thin cigar, it's embers quickly burning away at the stub. Her hand returns to its usually spot over the ashtray then snuffs the ember out, releasing a wisp of smoke.

Liza, her physical attendant, would most likely bitching at her right now if she knew she was smoke again. Well maybe, even Liza probably has more important things to do than gripe at her since everything has gone to hell. Another issue for another time.

She picks herself up off the lounge chair and starts moving full speed out away from the center of the building. Though this floor was mostly empty she's careful to avoid crashing into anyone or anything. Up ahead she spots the window she was looking for and continues running until she slams into it, completely ignoring it as if it's not even there. The shattered glass cutting into her as grabs onto the fire escape. A quick swear escapes with the falling glass, not because of the pain but because they are going to take that out of her next paycheck.

Hand over hand she continues up the fire scape till she reaches the top. While on the ladder she pears over the edge of the roof looking for whatever breached the rooftop.

OOC: What floor is ground level?

2012-11-08, 08:33 PM
Edward took a moment to stop and lean against an house. How Long Has It Been Since I Slept? Rubbing His eyes, He realized just how exhausted he really was. Here... There it was again. God Im tired. Edward, knowing it wouldn't be safe here began walking south, if any government is left, its down there, and they might know about Eric's "device."

OOC: Did the voice start as I walked into this area or did it start when I escaped?

Here. Here. Here.

The voice begins to fade as Edward moves further south, becoming fainter, a low whisper. In the meantime as he picks his way across the wreckage he catches slight of a few people here and there, though most of them are taking shelter as the rain comes down in a particulary violent burst. He comes eventually into a ruined suburb, old, fancy houses all bent and smashed.

It's halfway out into one of the streets that he can see figures moving through the mess of water. There are about four of them, police, all dressed in SWAT gear. This is the serious stuff, matte black armor with visors, high-mobility stuff built for squad combat. It is very effective, to say the least. They seem to be moving down the street at a rapid clip, weapons at the ready, visored heads turning. They will probably be intersecting Edwards path soon, unless he mades a beeline through the suburbs for cover in one of the remaining buildings.

Conner McDonnell

It had seemed so simple to Conner. If he could access the Net, he could return to the Banshees. He had shaved his beard and his head, prepped for a triumphant return, headed out the door...and ended up here. At the bar. Again. It wasn't that he was afraid, exactly. It was just that he didn't know how to explain what had happened to him, or why it mattered. With the whole world going to hell, why would his abilities matter at all? Why would the Banshees need him? And so here he was, at the bar, hiding.

"Another old-fashioned, Eric," he ordered, "I'll be damned if I don't need one to make sense of all this."

"Sure," replied Eric.

As he nursed his drink, Conner noticed that something had changed in the Net. From the south came a heavy signal, fulls of knots and code. Whenever he tried to get a good look at it, the information seemed to swerve out of the way, refusing to form for his surveillance. He smiled, it had been a long time since he'd been able to wrestle with code.

Along side this came a simpler signal, "Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." After a moments concentration, he was able to determine that this signal was transmitting from Laurelhurst and North 33rd. "Interesting," thought Conner. "I wonder who their Malvolio is. Poor sap, I hope he doesn't buy it. Nobody likes being cross-gartered, no matter that cause."

Dismissing this signal, he turned his attention to the code. "Perhaps, if I can decipher this, I'll have something to bring to Banshees. Something that will make them take me back."

I don't know which skills you want me to roll to try and decrypt the code, so I'm going to just roll a whole mess and let you decide which are relevant.

Mind: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Knowledge (Computer Systems): [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]
Security Systems: [roll10][roll11][roll12][roll13][roll14]
Plugged In: [roll15][roll16][roll17][roll18][roll19][roll20][roll21]

He can't get all of it. He can barely get any of it, the code is secure. Some parts, however, he can break through the static in his mind to catch snipets of it:

Meadowsbrook bunker...report to the safehouse...-able to procure a power source...the source of mutations, extremely dangerous...consolodate operations in immediate area...get to the power grid and rewire it we'll have full control...

The stream continues, but nothing more of interest can be gleaned of it at the moment.

In the meantime, there are several loud bangs at the bar door. The second bartender moves for the door, cracking it open a few inches. A small conversation begins there, which begins to grow a bit more heated over time. He can overhead: "No, we don't have anything left. There's no profit to be made here, so you can go the hell on back."

((For future reference, rolls are Stat+Skill. However, this is probably a Plugged In roll since you're using your power. So you get 2 sets, which is not bad. You get some info, but not all)


A low glowing ember dots the powerless lobby, as the lights flicker on and the first announcements shriek onto the air Jenna releases a poof of smoke from her lips. Then when the second announcer overlaps the first she takes a deep puff of her thin cigar, it's embers quickly burning away at the stub. Her hand returns to its usually spot over the ashtray then snuffs the ember out, releasing a wisp of smoke.

Liza, her physical attendant, would most likely bitching at her right now if she knew she was smoke again. Well maybe, even Liza probably has more important things to do than gripe at her since everything has gone to hell. Another issue for another time.

She picks herself up off the lounge chair and starts moving full speed out away from the center of the building. Though this floor was mostly empty she's careful to avoid crashing into anyone or anything. Up ahead she spots the window she was looking for and continues running until she slams into it, completely ignoring it as if it's not even there. The shattered glass cutting into her as grabs onto the fire escape. A quick swear escapes with the falling glass, not because of the pain but because they are going to take that out of her next paycheck.

Hand over hand she continues up the fire scape till she reaches the top. While on the ladder she pears over the edge of the roof looking for whatever breached the rooftop.

OOC: What floor is ground level?

It's quite a long way up, but it probably helps that she's physically augmented. When she does reach the roof, a relatively flat surface, she'll find that a large chunk of it is missing. Something tore a hole in both glass and metal, making an entryway into the large offices below. It's dark below, the power to this part of the office apparently having been shut down. Gunshots can be heard, shouting voices, and several sharp screams afterward.

((If by group level you mean the basements, they go to -10.))

2012-11-09, 01:36 AM
Here. Here. Here.

The voice begins to fade as Edward moves further south, becoming fainter, a low whisper. In the meantime as he picks his way across the wreckage he catches slight of a few people here and there, though most of them are taking shelter as the rain comes down in a particulary violent burst. He comes eventually into a ruined suburb, old, fancy houses all bent and smashed.

It's halfway out into one of the streets that he can see figures moving through the mess of water. There are about four of them, police, all dressed in SWAT gear. This is the serious stuff, matte black armor with visors, high-mobility stuff built for squad combat. It is very effective, to say the least. They seem to be moving down the street at a rapid clip, weapons at the ready, visored heads turning. They will probably be intersecting Edwards path soon, unless he mades a beeline through the suburbs for cover in one of the remaining buildings.

Not Quite Sure he wanted to be seen just yet, Ed made a rush for the buildings, Trying to find a spot where he could still observe the "Police" without being seen. With all the chaos, you never know who they really are or what their intentions are. Hiding In the shadows next to a house, Ed waited for the patrol to pass...

OOC: Voice Gone or no? Not sure if you wanted a stealth roll or not but ill give you one anyway.

2012-11-09, 07:48 PM
Not Quite Sure he wanted to be seen just yet, Ed made a rush for the buildings, Trying to find a spot where he could still observe the "Police" without being seen. With all the chaos, you never know who they really are or what their intentions are. Hiding In the shadows next to a house, Ed waited for the patrol to pass...

OOC: Voice Gone or no? Not sure if you wanted a stealth roll or not but ill give you one anyway.

He can find a mostly standing home, the door broken down, the inside dark. The police slowly move by, seeming to be actively searching for something. They do not, however, see Edward in the shadows.

But he isn't alone. He'll hear the man before he can get too close, though he doesn't seem hostile. It's an older fellow, a little over middle aged, gray haired and dressed in torn clothing. His face is pale, hair matted, several ugly looking purple sores around his exposed skin. He seems to be moving for the door, leaning to look out of it.

"Been coming around like that a few hours now," He wheezes, chuckling softly. "Tell people to get out. Don't help 'em, though. But I know. I know why they're here."

((The voice is very faint now. It seems to be only in a certain area. You'd have to play hot/cold with it. Also, stealth is good.))

2012-11-09, 08:03 PM
He can find a mostly standing home, the door broken down, the inside dark. The police slowly move by, seeming to be actively searching for something. They do not, however, see Edward in the shadows.

But he isn't alone. He'll hear the man before he can get too close, though he doesn't seem hostile. It's an older fellow, a little over middle aged, gray haired and dressed in torn clothing. His face is pale, hair matted, several ugly looking purple sores around his exposed skin. He seems to be moving for the door, leaning to look out of it.

"Been coming around like that a few hours now," He wheezes, chuckling softly. "Tell people to get out. Don't help 'em, though. But I know. I know why they're here."

((The voice is very faint now. It seems to be only in a certain area. You'd have to play hot/cold with it. Also, stealth is good.))
Ed turns to the old man and asks "Why? They Looking for something?" Waiting for the old man to reply, Ed turns back to watch the police move down the street.

2012-11-09, 09:26 PM
Conner McDonnell

The source of the mutations? thought Conner. That is interesting. He finishes his drink, wondering about the code and Meadowsbrook Bunker. Sure, it had been a few years, but would the military have really put in a new bunker without his knowledge? He hadn't been that unplugged...had he? Maybe the code itself would be a clue, if he could just recognize its origin.

His musings were interrupted by loud banging at the door. Uh-oh. It might be time to move on. Conner fingers his gun, while scanning the room for alternative exits. No need to get caught in a dispute over a powerless pub.

My interrupted attempts to identify the code:
Mind: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Knowledge (Computer Systems): [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]

My attempt to locate another way out of the bar:
Sense: [roll10][roll11][roll12][roll13]
Perception: [roll14][roll15][roll16][roll17][roll18]

2012-11-11, 12:38 AM
Alexis Harrison

Off to one side, Alexis sat on a bench, her small form encased in a ragged police uniform, and a bulletproof vest that would do no one any good. Her dirty blond hair was damp, and hung down over her eyes. She heard what was going on. She knew what people were saying about her. But she would be strong. She was alive, and she was going to stay that way. That gave her the power to do what needed to be done.

Like take down another super.

Standing up slowly, Alexis picked the heavy Maglite off the seat next to her, and checked her pistol. When she spoke, her voice was low, in a monotone.

"I'll deal with the guys on 21st. Send a few with me if you need to. Focus on the evacuation, though. Get those people out."

2012-11-11, 11:40 AM
Ed turns to the old man and asks "Why? They Looking for something?" Waiting for the old man to reply, Ed turns back to watch the police move down the street.

He laughs, a wheezing sort of sound that requires a few coughs for him to finish. "Of course they are,” He rattles, “They’re looking for monsters. The toxic man, and whoever else. You seen ‘em? Not human. Not at all. Covered the whole place in a cloud, I was there. It just keeps spreading.” His fingers move to the sores on his face, beginning to scratch furiously.

Conner McDonnell

The source of the mutations? thought Conner. That is interesting. He finishes his drink, wondering about the code and Meadowsbrook Bunker. Sure, it had been a few years, but would the military have really put in a new bunker without his knowledge? He hadn't been that unplugged...had he? Maybe the code itself would be a clue, if he could just recognize its origin.

His musings were interrupted by loud banging at the door. Uh-oh. It might be time to move on. Conner fingers his gun, while scanning the room for alternative exits. No need to get caught in a dispute over a powerless pub.

My interrupted attempts to identify the code:
Mind: [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]
Knowledge (Computer Systems): [roll5][roll6][roll7][roll8][roll9]

My attempt to locate another way out of the bar:
Sense: [roll10][roll11][roll12][roll13]
Perception: [roll14][roll15][roll16][roll17][roll18]
The code seems military in nature, but it’s not immediately recognizable. There’s some similarities, but it’s not exact. Either way, it’s somewhere north of where he is now.

More pressingly, the conversation at the door seems to be getting more heated. The man is shoved back, the door pushed open after. Two men step in, both dressed in fairly drab but decent clothing, especially considering the storm outside. The few people still in the bar turns head up, along with the bartender.

“We’re here for a drink,” One of the intruders comments. “We’ll take all of it.” Which doesn’t seem to sit too well with the establishment on the whole.

Connor can see a fairly large window near the back, streaked with rain. That might be a good way out, if he can pry it open.
((Body+Athletics to pry it open!))

Alexis Harrison

Off to one side, Alexis sat on a bench, her small form encased in a ragged police uniform, and a bulletproof vest that would do no one any good. Her dirty blond hair was damp, and hung down over her eyes. She heard what was going on. She knew what people were saying about her. But she would be strong. She was alive, and she was going to stay that way. That gave her the power to do what needed to be done.

Like take down another super.

Standing up slowly, Alexis picked the heavy Maglite off the seat next to her, and checked her pistol. When she spoke, her voice was low, in a monotone.

"I'll deal with the guys on 21st. Send a few with me if you need to. Focus on the evacuation, though. Get those people out."

"Alright, take four guys and go ahead. That's all we should spare." The consensus is reached shortly, and the Sargent adds, "Good luck."

Once her small squad is assembled, she's off into the streets. It's a few blocks walk, and there's a large swath of train tracks and train yard that separates her from the street in question. She has been given one of the radios, though nothing but static is coming off of it.

When they arrive at the first street that crosses above tracks they find it destroyed. Like something huge hit the middle of it, caving it in and reducing it to a mess of rubble on the tracks below. Proceeding further will either require moving down the slope and through the mess of stopped train cars, or traveling further north to the next street that crosses over.

While she considers that decision, one of men assigned to her, a younger gentleman, moves up. "So-" He asks hesitantly, "Did it hurt?" And then he scoots back a bit, as if he might need to flee from whatever response would come.

2012-11-11, 01:25 PM
Thinking of his escape, Ed knew that he too, was a monster. No longer human. Turning to the old man he asks "How do they know if someone is a monster? And Where are all the normal people going?" Ed had no intent on being hunted down like toxic man.
Seeing the old man scratching his face, he realized he didn't have many questions left.

2012-11-11, 06:08 PM
Alexis Harrison

She stood, looking over the mess that had been made of the train yard. It didn't look good. Going through that would be faster, but there was a lot of risk there. If she had come alone, she would've just run straight through, but she had to look out for her brothers. Her head snapped over to look at the one who had reminded her of their presence, her eyes narrow, instinctively scanning for any sign of trouble. Then she processed his question.

"Not really. Besides the bullets beforehand, it didn't hurt, that I noticed." She answered him quietly, before turning her attention to the others. "We're going around, I'm on point. Keep your eyes open. If anything attacks, I draw their fire, you back me up. Also, you're the communications officer." Alexis tossed the radio to the officer that had questioned her. "Keep that safe. Keep us in contact with base as you can. Move out."

2012-11-12, 07:30 PM
Thinking of his escape, Ed knew that he too, was a monster. No longer human. Turning to the old man he asks "How do they know if someone is a monster? And Where are all the normal people going?" Ed had no intent on being hunted down like toxic man.
Seeing the old man scratching his face, he realized he didn't have many questions left.

"S'pretty easy to tell." The man replies. "Saw one guy when the waves were comin', the water didn't even touch him. Not even a bit. Just walked on through like the owned the place. Other one was just breathing this smoke-" A cough, and he continues, "Smoke, got everywhere. In the lungs. Poison. Got me, too." He laughs, a sharp wheeze.

Then he steps back, sinking back into the shadows of the living room. "Everyone who can get out is going to Queen Anne, where they're supposed to have power. People been trying to loot the place, too. You hungry? There's food here. They left it. Won't need it." He laughs. "Not at all."

Alexis Harrison

She stood, looking over the mess that had been made of the train yard. It didn't look good. Going through that would be faster, but there was a lot of risk there. If she had come alone, she would've just run straight through, but she had to look out for her brothers. Her head snapped over to look at the one who had reminded her of their presence, her eyes narrow, instinctively scanning for any sign of trouble. Then she processed his question.

"Not really. Besides the bullets beforehand, it didn't hurt, that I noticed." She answered him quietly, before turning her attention to the others. "We're going around, I'm on point. Keep your eyes open. If anything attacks, I draw their fire, you back me up. Also, you're the communications officer." Alexis tossed the radio to the officer that had questioned her. "Keep that safe. Keep us in contact with base as you can. Move out."

He doesn't seem to have much to say to that, though he might have worked something up if not placed on duty. They all nod and fall in line, and the whole group begins to move carefully down the slope and onto the tracks below. The beating of rain on the metal of the stopped cars filled the air, making it hard to hear anything else. The ground underfoot is muddy and provides unsteady footing.

As Alexis and the rest of her crew move around cars they soon spot something vaguely concerning. There's a body, half-submerged in mud, wrapped in a raincoat and lying nearly in the middle of the stretch of tracks. Next to it, also half-burried, is what appears to be a shotgun.

Alexis, though, will notice other things. They're making an effort to not be seen, but several people seem to be hidden under traincars or in half-open compartments. Looks like around four people actively watching the area, mostly around the body. There could be more, but she doesn't see any other obvious threats.

2012-11-12, 09:16 PM
Turning from the doorway, Ed steps further into the house. He takes a long look at his surroundings. After taking a through look at the place, he comes over to the man. "Sure Ill take some food, but I'll be leaving after though. Where is this Queen Anne? And thanks for your help. Nice to know that while the worlds going to hell, there are still kind folks."

2012-11-12, 09:48 PM
Conner McDonnell

This doesn't look good. Definitely something I don't want to get caught up, especially not now.

As the men enter the room, Conner notices a window in the back of the pub. That might be my way out of here. He considers inching for the window, but then his self-preservation begins to kick in. Don't be an idiot, McDonnell. No need to draw attention to yourself like that. Wait for a distraction, then escape.

2012-11-13, 07:29 PM
EDTurning from the doorway, Ed steps further into the house. He takes a long look at his surroundings. After taking a through look at the place, he comes over to the man. "Sure Ill take some food, but I'll be leaving after though. Where is this Queen Anne? And thanks for your help. Nice to know that while the worlds going to hell, there are still kind folks."

"Queen Anne," He repeats. "Southeast of here." The nearest city district. "I hear they set up a shelter there. Can't trust 'em, though. Don't want to be out in this." He shambles back with a a few cans of beans, a box of maracoronni and cheese, and two bottles of water to offer over.

"Good luck. You'll probably get farther than me." He laughs again, breaking into a fit of coughing soon after.

Conner McDonnell

This doesn't look good. Definitely something I don't want to get caught up, especially not now.

As the men enter the room, Conner notices a window in the back of the pub. That might be my way out of here. He considers inching for the window, but then his self-preservation begins to kick in. Don't be an idiot, McDonnell. No need to draw attention to yourself like that. Wait for a distraction, then escape.

A distraction comes soon enough. After several requests to leave the patrons move to simply do what they've done before: throw their guests out of the bar.

That doesn't go quite as well as they'd hoped, though. After a few moments of struggling between the parties there's a gunshot, and one of the men who'd been drinking before falls back. There's a moment of panic, and Conner can catch sight of the bartender reaching for his own weapon under the table.

It's probably a good time to go.

2012-11-13, 07:52 PM
Accepting the food, he puts it in a backpack he found on the road after his escape. Zipping Up the bag, he turns back to the man. "You know, I dont really know this part of town, and out there its safer to have someone to watch your back. You should come with. I'm sure they have doctors who can help you."
He awaited the man's reply, starting to get restless from staying here this long.

2012-11-13, 10:40 PM
Conner McDonnell

Gunshots? That does it, I'm out of here. Might as well figure out what that military code's all about. Conner begins to sneak to the window, praying that he hasn't forgotten too much of what they were taught in basic.

2012-11-14, 05:46 PM

As soon as she saw something that might require her attention, she raised a hand to stop the guys behind her. Even through the rain, her sharp eyes could pick out the guys waiting in ambush(or possibly just hiding?), at least four of them. There could be more. This was something that probably deserved her attention. These guys could be trying to slow down police response to the riots on 21st. It was worth checking out. This was what she had come along for. To set off traps.

With several more hand signals and quick, quiet words, she indicated the four men that she had spotted and told her brothers to stay behind and back her up while she went ahead. Which she did. Drawing her flashlight and pistol, Alexis made her way cautiously up to the man in the mud. She tried to act like she didn't know the watchers were there, so as not to tip her hand.

2012-11-15, 02:48 PM
Accepting the food, he puts it in a backpack he found on the road after his escape. Zipping Up the bag, he turns back to the man. "You know, I dont really know this part of town, and out there its safer to have someone to watch your back. You should come with. I'm sure they have doctors who can help you."
He awaited the man's reply, starting to get restless from staying here this long.

The man considered for a second, then nodded. "Ah-sure. Why not." He chuckled again, moving back to stuff his supplies into a bag before heading for the door. "I'm Paul. If we can get to the shelter they set up, maybe they have some medicine, or something."

"Come on, I know the quickest route." And it's a good thing he's along, since Edward quickly finds himself lost in the twists, turns, and fog of water. They travel for several hours, generally southwestward, with little signs of life. Everyone is either holed up or moved out, only broken and looted buildings in their wake. Several more police teams sweep by, but none of them spot the two travelers.

It's growing dark when they cross into East Ballard. Paul is having a tougher time, occasionally have to rest, but he's doing his best despite whatever illness he's contracted. "We need to cross the bay to the south," He explains, "We could try the bridge, but I don't even know if that thing would still be up. We could try to find a boat or something too, which do you think?"

They find shelter in a tiny football stadium of a High School along the way, hiding out under the bleachers. It's there that Edward can hear the screaming. Loud enough to cut through the rain, shrieks of terror that seem to be coming from the school nearby. The source is soon obvious. Even through the rain he can see a thick, black cloud slowly rolling down the street, beginning to swallow up the building.

Conner McDonnell

Gunshots? That does it, I'm out of here. Might as well figure out what that military code's all about. Conner begins to sneak to the window, praying that he hasn't forgotten too much of what they were taught in basic.

Things seem to be going south as Conner slides toward the window. Nobody have noticed him yet, but the thing is stuck pretty good, made mostly of wood. Now the men are drawing guns, moving to duck under tables as bullets begin to fly around the room.

He can sense a few people in the bar have minor augmentations. One of the thugs has some sort of neural enhancement, while the other doesn't seem to have anything that's putting out any kind of signal.

((No window for you! Try again?))


As soon as she saw something that might require her attention, she raised a hand to stop the guys behind her. Even through the rain, her sharp eyes could pick out the guys waiting in ambush(or possibly just hiding?), at least four of them. There could be more. This was something that probably deserved her attention. These guys could be trying to slow down police response to the riots on 21st. It was worth checking out. This was what she had come along for. To set off traps.

With several more hand signals and quick, quiet words, she indicated the four men that she had spotted and told her brothers to stay behind and back her up while she went ahead. Which she did. Drawing her flashlight and pistol, Alexis made her way cautiously up to the man in the mud. She tried to act like she didn't know the watchers were there, so as not to tip her hand.

The other officers do just that, halting and glancing between one another before they simply unholster weapons and keep them trained in Alexis' general area.

It's a good bet the figure half-buried in mud is not alive. It's very still, it's weapon cast off to the side, a bag on its chest. It's when she moves closer, though that the four people hidden in the immediate area around reveal themselves.

"Don't move!" One of them shouts. They're all armed, though not very heavily. A shotgun seems to be the best weapon they have. "Put down your weapons!"

2012-11-15, 05:48 PM
"Jesus Christ..." Seeing the black cloud, Ed scrambles out from the bleachers, Grabbing the old man by the arm, He made a swift pace on the road, trying to out run the menacing blackness enveloping the school. The sound of the wheezing man behind him was the only thing stopping Ed from hiding in the shadows. He ran as fast as the Man could toward the bridge, praying that the thing would still be standing.

2012-11-15, 08:09 PM
Conner McDonnell

Ok. This is ok. Just open the window and I'm out of... Conner pulled and pried as hard as he could, to no avail. "Oh f%&#."

Alright soldier, think. Your out is iced. Have to double back. What's the plan? Hearing gunshots, Conner instinctively flinched and moved for cover behind the bar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14197564#post14197564). Take out the meats. Then get out of here. Conner smiled and whispered, "Let's see what I can do with your tech, buddy."

2012-11-16, 02:59 PM
"Jesus Christ..." Seeing the black cloud, Ed scrambles out from the bleachers, Grabbing the old man by the arm, He made a swift pace on the road, trying to out run the menacing blackness enveloping the school. The sound of the wheezing man behind him was the only thing stopping Ed from hiding in the shadows. He ran as fast as the Man could toward the bridge, praying that the thing would still be standing.

The bridge was still about a mile off, but almost directly south. A straight shoot down 15th Avenue. The other many doesn’t seem to have too many qualms about following, putting on a renewed burst of speed. The street is, like the others, a mess of stopped cars and empty or ruined buildings.

However, there is a small difference. Along with the cars are also rows and rows of riot fences, the long lines of wired barriers making it impossible to traverse in a completely straight line. Paul is lagging behind now, attempting to scramble over barricades and losing ground rapidly. Behind the black cloud is moving, rolling behind, as if giving chase. It’ll engulf them soon enough, if they aren’t fast enough.

((Roll me a Body+Athletics, at a -3 penalty if you want to try and get through the obstacle course of parked cars and barricades on the street. -4 if you want to help drag Paul along. If you fail the roll you’ll be caught in the cloud.))

Conner McDonnell

Ok. This is ok. Just open the window and I'm out of... Conner pulled and pried as hard as he could, to no avail. "Oh f%&#."

Alright soldier, think. Your out is iced. Have to double back. What's the plan? Hearing gunshots, Conner instinctively flinched and moved for cover behind the bar (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14197564#post14197564). Take out the meats. Then get out of here. Conner smiled and whispered, "Let's see what I can do with your tech, buddy."

The crack of gunfire is filling the air, one bullet striking the bar alarmingly close to where Connor is taking cover. Everyone has found a place to duck under, mostly tables or booths, and the whole place is going to hell fairly quickly.

He did find out, however, that the device the head of the assailant is, basically, a calculator. It speeds thinking, and enhances awareness. Tampering with it would probably make focusing on things around him particularly difficult.

((Basically, if you want to you can give him penalties to his actions if you roll Tech Control against him. You could also try to overload it and do damage instead, which would also be a Tech Control roll.))

2012-11-16, 05:11 PM
Weaving through the parked cars and barricades slowed Ed down, and bringing the sick man with him only made him slower. The black cloud was only a few feet away when his footing slipped a slick piece of metal, then suddenly the cloud enveloped them in the blackness...
Didn't make it :/

2012-11-18, 04:01 PM

Glancing back and forth between the four men, she very slowly holstered her gun. Alexis was trying to be non-threatening, but she knew she was still in control here.

"Police." She stated loudly as she pulled out the badge around her neck. Like everything else she wore, it was battered, a bullet hole clean through it. "What's the problem?"

2012-11-18, 10:37 PM
Conner McDonnell

I really don't have time for this. Conner began to talk to the calculator, encouraging it to overload. He didn't particularly want to kill, but it was better to end this sort of thing quickly. Maybe his friend would learn and settle down.


2012-11-19, 08:00 PM
Weaving through the parked cars and barricades slowed Ed down, and bringing the sick man with him only made him slower. The black cloud was only a few feet away when his footing slipped a slick piece of metal, then suddenly the cloud enveloped them in the blackness...
Didn't make it :/

It’s dark. The smoke billows around Edward, catching the man fleeing behind him, and then swallowing him up in inky black. It becomes nearly impossible to see, only to glimpse the faintest outlines of things just in front of his face. It clogs the lungs, choking and burning as it does. After a few seconds pass he can see something, a faint light from somewhere in the distance. It’s tiny, but certainly there.

You take 1 shocking damage to the chest. You can either make for the light, or keep going forward. Either one is going to require a Body+Athletics, -1 penalty this time.


Glancing back and forth between the four men, she very slowly holstered her gun. Alexis was trying to be non-threatening, but she knew she was still in control here.

"Police." She stated loudly as she pulled out the badge around her neck. Like everything else she wore, it was battered, a bullet hole clean through it. "What's the problem?"

“Police?” The men seem to hesitate a moment, glancing between one another. Eventually their apparent leader speaks up again. “What’re you here for? Did you bring supplies? Did you bring anything? Give them to us. We need them.” Weapons are still leveled at the woman and the other officers in the meantime, most of the group looking greatly agitated.

Conner McDonnell

I really don't have time for this. Conner began to talk to the calculator, encouraging it to overload. He didn't particularly want to kill, but it was better to end this sort of thing quickly. Maybe his friend would learn and settle down.


The man visibly shakes, his head suddenly jerking back as the circuitry inside begins to overload. This means he doesn't have time to focus on moving out of the way of bullets, and a shotgun shell sends him to the floor. The other man fires a few more shots into the general vicinity, then he's darting out the door.

A few men quickly move to ensure that the downed man isn't going to be getting up and ready to fire again.

2012-11-19, 08:09 PM
Its dark, and moving through the debris on the road, and he stumbles yet again on the way to the light.

2012-11-20, 06:21 PM
Conner McDonnell

Conner rose shaking to his feet. It had been a long time since he'd seen action, and never in such a vulgar, physical way. Surveying the carnage, he fought down the urge to vomit and turned to the bartender. "Listen...Eric, man. I've got to go. This ****, man. It's...it's just too much. I know some people. They can help, maybe. And, anyway, they might need my help. This is all, you know. ****." He paused, not knowing what to do or what to say. There was a dead body on the floor of his bar. A body he had helped make. "Take care of yourself, man. I expect this place to be standing when we're through all of this. I have a feeling I'll need a hell of a stiff drink."

With that Conner went to the bouncer at the door. "Hey Mike, he gone?"

Assuming the answer is yes, Conner leaves the bar and heads north, after the military seeming code. Somebody has to know what started all of this, and they seem as good a possibility as any.

2012-11-26, 09:29 PM
Its dark, and moving through the debris on the road, and he stumbles yet again on the way to the light.

It’s a hard path, the black smoke continuing to choke Ed as he moved. Eventually, though, he makes it to the beacon. It’s a building, though the outside is hard to see, and the inside filled with blinding light. It seems to be coming from a hole in the floor, and it takes a minute to focus on it. When he does he sees he’s in some sort of fast-food restaurant, a place thoroughly deserted. A chunk of the floor seems to have been torn open, however.

He can see a long set of steps leading down, and catch a glimpse of what appear to be several large computer screens of the level below.

((Give me a Sense+Perception roll.))

Conner McDonnell

Conner rose shaking to his feet. It had been a long time since he'd seen action, and never in such a vulgar, physical way. Surveying the carnage, he fought down the urge to vomit and turned to the bartender. "Listen...Eric, man. I've got to go. This ****, man. It's...it's just too much. I know some people. They can help, maybe. And, anyway, they might need my help. This is all, you know. ****." He paused, not knowing what to do or what to say. There was a dead body on the floor of his bar. A body he had helped make. "Take care of yourself, man. I expect this place to be standing when we're through all of this. I have a feeling I'll need a hell of a stiff drink."

With that Conner went to the bouncer at the door. "Hey Mike, he gone?"

Assuming the answer is yes, Conner leaves the bar and heads north, after the military seeming code. Somebody has to know what started all of this, and they seem as good a possibility as any.

Mike nods affirmative, and Connor is let pass. There’s nobody outside now, just more sheets of dark rain. There area Conner is moving through is, at least, not a wreck. There are still people holed up, most business are closed but not raided yet. There are very few signs of life, however, besides the occasional glimpse of the law around these parts.

They aren’t what you’d think. Mostly it’s men on motorcycles, since the roadways are somewhat clogged. There are a few cars, though. They don’t look official, but there seem to be an awful lot of cars going in an awful lot of circles.

((Two things. First, make a Mind+Tactics roll. Second, if you want to keep moving without being seen, make a Body+Stealth))

2012-11-26, 09:42 PM
Ed Peers down the stairwell trying to get a glimpse of any movement or the source of the blackness.


2012-11-28, 01:45 PM

Keeping her hands up, Alexis fixed the leader with a stare that might have been a little intense.

"No supplies. I'm responding to reports of a riot on 21st. If you can make your way to South lake union, there is a refugee camp there. If it is possible, we will escort you back with us after we have accomplished our task."

2012-11-30, 12:05 AM
Conner McDonnell

"Well this looks appropriately desolate," muttered Conner to himself, "Nothing to do except keep moving and stay out of the way." He flipped the collar of his jacket up and continued to head north through the rain.

Rolls: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14302462#post14302462