View Full Version : Can I get some advice? (Satyr Bard character)

2012-11-06, 01:05 AM
So I've made this character for a level 10 homebrew campaign. She's a 3.5 Satyr, and a Pathfinder Bard. However, she has 3.5 skills(because that's how the homebrew setting is set up.) She has 5 racial hit dice and a +2 level adjustment, giving her 3 levels in Bard.

Things she has from Pathfinder: Base Class, Spells, Feats.

Stats: Str 14, Dex 20, Con 17, Wis 16, Int 18, Chrs 23

Feats: Practiced Spellcaster, Alertness(bonus feat for being a Satyr), Spellsong, Weapon Trickery

Relevant Items: Circlet of Persuasion, +1 Leaf Plate armor, +1 Keen Rapier, +1 Light Crossbow, Gloves of Dexterity +2, Vest of Charisma +2, Ring of Resistance +2

Anyway, she's in a 10th level party and she's a bit underpowered compared to the other characters, none of whom have level adjustments. Her role in the party is the talker, and she also has skill ranks in Search and Disable Device, since we lack a Rouge. So I was wondering if anyone has some ideas to make her a bit better?

Also, she has a Hippogriph Mount, so anything that could make them better together in combat would be interesting.

Additional information about can be provided if anyone thinks it's needed.

2012-11-06, 02:45 AM
Wait...satyrs can be female?
Anyway, an important thing to note is that Bards are going to be underpowered if you're trying to do damage with them. Bards excel in the field of support magic. Although not as good as the 3.5 incarnation (allegedly, I don't have much experience there) the PF Bard can still be very good at aiding allies through standard support and battlefield control, with Grease, Summon Monster, Haste, plus all of their Bard songs and such. Your charisma is high enough that you should have plenty of spells.

2012-11-06, 06:24 AM
Have you checked out Super Genius Game's race "The Piper (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/super-genius-games/piper)"? They're the offspring of Satyrs that weren't born full-Satyr.

Granted, it's 3rd party material. But, it let's you be a female and doesn't have a level adjustment.

2012-11-06, 08:34 AM
Well, try and increase the Inspire Courage bonus is a sure bet. I'm not familiar enough with PF, but a Badge of Valour (Magic Item Compendium) is a fairly cheap item no bard should be without.
Are your abilities including the stat boosting items? In any case your attack roll bonus will be high thanks to your weapon trickery feat (attack roll of +10 is ok for a caster!).

Also, to shore up your lack of spells, you have your pipes now at DC 18 (at will 60' radius powers). I mean, seriously, at will Fear? What more exactly do you want?

You could perhaps take a flaw, if allowed, and grab the mounted combat feat. That will be useful if you plan on fighting from the back of the griffon a lot. Looking at your build though, I'd rather be finding some way of getting more higher level spells sooner, like versatile spellcaster, if that's available in PF.

2012-11-06, 05:02 PM
Losing 7 levels off a caster is always going to hurt, and Bards are not the strongest casters to begin with. More levels of Bard will help, but you are so far behind already that I bet its not even funny.

2012-11-06, 05:22 PM
Wait...satyrs can be female?

This was my instant reaction.

Anyway, an important thing to note is that Bards are going to be underpowered if you're trying to do damage with them. Bards excel in the field of support magic. Although not as good as the 3.5 incarnation (allegedly, I don't have much experience there) the PF Bard can still be very good at aiding allies through standard support and battlefield control, with Grease, Summon Monster, Haste, plus all of their Bard songs and such. Your charisma is high enough that you should have plenty of spells.

They can be decent gishes in PF, so there's damage potential there. Not quite on DFI/SWD levels but good.

2012-11-06, 07:02 PM
Female satyr is like a male nymph....

Fey HD kinda suck, unfortunately. Optimize inspire courage: wand of inspirational boost, song of the heart feat, a couple badges of courage, a MW horn from song & silence. That should net your party +5 hit and damage. Grab dragonfire inspiration to get +5d6 fire damage with bard song. If you spend the first couple rounds of combat blowing your horn, the party gets +5 hit, damage, and 5d6 fire damage. Pick up grease as a spell known. Detect magic, presto, and stick are all pretty decent. Blockade is awesome.

Get UMD as a skill. Beg your DM to let bard skills be class skills for satyr HD. Buy some scrolls of wind wall, gust of wind, remove disease, restoration, wand of lesser vigor, scrolls of fly, and so on. You have the WBL to do it.

Go with a bow to shoot things. A whip for disarming could be useful, but fey HD suck, so your CMB will be bad. Unless bard song increases CMB (I have no idea). If you want to disarm, grease will be more useful.