View Full Version : [3.5] Riding the Wizard

2012-11-06, 06:21 AM

Now as far as I have read this is all completely legit, although very stupid.
To ride a non-suitable mount is -5 to ride
To ride a non-saddled mount is -5 to ride
To stay on a mount is DC 5

Now my ride is usually 33 as I have +10 from magic items, +13 from skill and +10 from saddleback [Faerun campaign].
This means I cannot fail to ride anything plus I can do most of the ride checks that come with it.

Now our Fighter/Wizard enlarges himself and smashes the enemy with his flail all the time and quite frankly I was wondering whether I can mount him if he allows it.

I mean first off we can ride-by attack past the enemy to escape AoO
I can give him 23 Reflex save or A/C once a round.
I can hide behind him as soft cover
I can spur him on.
Hell I can even give him +2 shield from my riders shield.

I must be missing something here. Seems silly but worth it at lower levels (when we get multiple attacks this quickly looses its punch).
Either way does this seem legit?

2012-11-06, 06:24 AM
The rules clearly do not delineate riding sapient mounts, but I have found people to be quite agreeable that most "rider-to-mount benefits", like substituting ride checks for AC, belong to completely passive mounts. Mounting stuff that take actions on its own gives you only the mobility benefits.

2012-11-06, 06:43 AM
There's also the question of carrying capacity. Unless you're a halfling or something, you probably weigh upwards of 150 pounds, plus the weight of all your own armor and gear, plus the weight of HIS armor and gear; I'd be mildly surprised if you don't end up staggering around at a speed of 10.

2012-11-06, 06:45 AM
Ah found this on the wizards site.

According to the Dungeon Master's Guide, a mount with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher acts like an NPC ally rather than a mount. Riding such an ally works much like riding an aggressive mount in battle (see Part Two), except that you don't have to make a Ride check to act while riding. (If your mount carries you willingly, the ride is smooth enough so your actions aren't restricted.) You also cannot make a Ride check to control the mount's actions, but you can make a Diplomacy (or possibly a Wild Empathy) check to get the mount to accept your direction. If you do, your mount acts just like a mount trained for combat riding.

I guess the bit that says you cannot make a ride-check to control the mounts actions negates the reflex/AC bit...but than again a paladins mount is over 3 int yet I am pretty sure that can gain these abilities.

2012-11-06, 08:55 AM
This can actually be quite broken when you have a Large or Huge beeftank and you have a Strongheart Halfling riding him with the Mounted Combat feat. The beeftank can now safely Shock Trooper with impunity, because his halfling rider can make a Ride check to negate any damage done. It also lets you effectively pounce with him, as his movement does not count against your actions.

2012-11-06, 09:23 AM
I came to this thinking the wizard was going to polymorph into something useful, but what I find is...maneuver 14B!


2012-11-06, 11:27 AM
I came to this thinking the wizard was going to polymorph into something useful, but what I find is...maneuver 14B!


I for one take all my combat advice from The Tick.

2012-11-06, 01:30 PM
Sounds amusing, but why not go the whole hog and get yourself a lance ?

2012-11-06, 02:58 PM
I came to this thinking the wizard was going to polymorph into something useful, but what I find is...maneuver 14B!


Personally, I came into this thread thinking it was going to involve a certain 3rd-party sourcebook.:smallwink:

2012-11-06, 03:02 PM
Personally, I came into this thread thinking it was going to involve a certain 3rd-party sourcebook.:smallwink:

Brings new meaning to the phrase "Down boy."

2012-11-06, 05:55 PM
Personally, I came into this thread thinking it was going to involve a certain 3rd-party sourcebook.:smallwink:

Brings new meaning to the phrase "Down boy."

I was personally expecting some kind of weird magical drug.