View Full Version : Help strip down my BBEG

2012-11-06, 07:08 AM
I have recently started my own campain and it is almost time for my players to meet the BBEG for the first time I know what I want it to be but I am having some trouble with the mechanics basicly the god entropy is breaking free and the BBEG is a aspect of his will I want to moddle it off the gibbering orb but at a cr of like 6 or 7 any advice would be great on how to make this feasable I want it to be able to scale up as well as they lvl up

2012-11-06, 07:32 AM
First things first: please use punctuation. That's one long run on sentence you've got there, and it makes it difficult to read.

As far as your BBEG goes, the first thing I thought of was scaling effects, like fear. What if you did something like that, but with will (as in the will to do something). First touch makes a person despondent, giving a -2 penalty to basically everything. Second touch makes them so complacent they stop taking actions, unless attacked in which case they can respond normally on the following round. A third touch and the character completely loses the will to live; they drop anything they are holding and won't respond to any outside stimuli for X amount of rounds (basically paralyzed).

As far as hit points, armor, saves, etc., it's best for you to determine that - but I can offer some guidelines.
Things to consider:
1) How many players are in the group, what is their expected damage output for a round, and is there going to be minions with the BBEG
-This one is huge. Give a monster great abilities but don't give them enough ways to avoid damage, and they will die so quickly abilities won't matter. This is especially true for a monster with a scaling attack like I outlined, as they need a few rounds to really become dangerous. Generally speaking, if the monster is going to be in the front lines they need at least twice as many hit points as the toughest PC, and their armor needs to be significant enough so that interactive attacks usually won't hit. Other forms of defense, like miss chance, are also extremely valuable.

2) Escape plans.
-If you plan for this to be a BBEG, it's going to need a way to escape. Again, it's best for you to make this, but good places to start is invisibility, dimension door, or hordes of reinforcements to cover a retreat.

My last piece of advice is to look through the monster manual for CR 6-7 monsters and see what they have.

In my experience, a great thing for a villain to have is arrogance. That way, you can more safely make the BBEG strong - if he proves too strong for the PC's, you can always have the BBEG leave them alive as a taunt, rather then do the logical thing of killing them all.

2012-11-06, 11:55 AM
Sorry for the grammer cell phone isnt the best for writing forum posts.

I like the scaling attack but leading to swallowed whole that was the main concept I was going for, I think it will moddle it off a blood pudding with some better ac.

There are 5 players ecl 7, there are gonna be a few cr 4 cultists and a handfull of chump melee guys so its gonna be a particularly hard encounter but my guys can handle it.

This early in the campain the BBEG is basicly slowly marching towards the same goal as the pcs so Im thinking dr 15/alinment (good or evil or lawful or chaotic) and like sr of 17 should keep it alive long enough to be a threat.

As for escape plan is that it is at this point mindlessly moving on towards its goal so it will leave the pcs alone as long as they dont hinder its movement and if they kill it its fine since its the aspect of a god a new one will just spawn as entropy further gets free

2012-11-06, 12:32 PM
At level 7 a sr of 17 is a joke. 17 - cl equals 10 - 2 for a wise spell caster leaves 8. Only resisting 2/5 of spells is three dead bbegs.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-06, 12:40 PM
At level 7 a sr of 17 is a joke. 17 - cl equals 10 - 2 for a wise spell caster leaves 8. Only resisting 2/5 of spells is three dead bbegs.

Not to mention by Level 7 wizards get access to orb spells which are not affected by SR at all and any smart caster will have spells that are not affected by it eg Conjuration school spells. Also DR/ Alignment only works if your entire party has the same sort of alignment. I recommend the BBEG be set up in their own lair of sorts: plenty of exits, buffed up the ying yang with illusion spells for defense, a whole lot of debuffing abilities and mooks to sic on the party. That way the BBEG is relatively safe, will unlikely one shot the party, and will make the mooks last longer since the main party will be debuffed.

2012-11-06, 12:49 PM
Sorry worth mentioning all my players have lvl ajustments so there caster lvl is 4 at best and he has multiple personalitys so the chance he is a wizard at the time they find him its unlikly he will be a wizard.
And they have limited acsess to alined damage.
There in a race to the prize I dont expect them to win

2012-11-06, 02:58 PM
From the sounds of it...you dont even need to bother with reducing anything. They dont even sound mid-optimized. If I were you i'd have them talk to the BBEG from a scrying device or through a portal.

2012-11-06, 03:15 PM
Well there not talking to it (yet anyways) altho the cultist will talk I suppose but even if they leave it alone I cant just drop a epic monster on a group of ecl 7.

This is what I have come up with so far also noting that altho I want it posible to kill its meant to be avoided unless absolutly nessisary

Name: Asspect of Entropy

Size/Type: Huge Aberration

Hit Dice:
10d8+40 (88 hp)


10 ft Unstopable

Armor Class:
20 (-2 size, 12 natural armour), touch 8, flat-footed 20
CMD: 19
Engulf +9 touch
Full Attack:
Engulf +9 touch
Space/ Reach:
15 ft./0 ft.

Special Attacks:
Improved grab, Swallow whole, spell-like abilities

Special Qualities:
All-around vision, unstopable, amorphous, spell resistance 18, damage reduction 15/allighned

Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +7

Str 17, Dex 10 Con 18, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 1
spot +4, search +4

Any land

Challenge Rating:


Always Nutral

The Aspect of Entropy has the ability to consume its foes by engulfing a creature in its space. The aspect can consume any one foe at a time, or a total of two in any given day. At the same time, the legions of eyes have the ability to cast a host of spells at a rapid rate.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the gibbering orb must have an enemy engulfed. If it gets a hold, the aspect can attempt to swallow whole the next round.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A Apect of Entropy can attempt to swallow a Large or smaller creature by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 1 points of constriction Damage and cannot breath. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using claws or a light slashing weapon to deal 20 points of Damage in a single blow (AC 15, damage reduction 15/alighned applies) or Sucseed on an opposed WIS check. Once the creature exits, the fluidlike body structure of the aspect closes the wound; other swallowed opponents must cut their own way out. When a creature dies by being swallowed whole (or when a creature is inside the Aspect of entropy), the Aspect of Entropy may expend creature's known spells, prepared spells, and spell-like abilities. The aspect can use any two of those abilities per round as a free action. Each originates from an eye. Stolen spells and spell-like abilities are lost after 24 hours.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will-Two stolen spells or spell-like abilities per round. Caster level 10th, save DC 14 + spell level.
All-Around Vision (Ex): The gibbering orb's many eyes give it a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks.
Unstopable (Ex): The Aspect of entropy's body is unnaturally moved. This movement cannot be hindered by any means at a speed of 10 feet. This movement will only destroy bariers if they cannot be simply overcome (it will float over a simple wooden fence but destroy a wall of force).
Amorphous (Ex): A gibbering orb is not subject to critical hits. It has no clear front or back, so it cannot be flanked.

Sorry it garbles it a bit I hope its not too hard to read, and a last not we are using the combat manuver system from pathfinder