View Full Version : Archivist//Factotum Gestalt Archer....what feats are absolutly nessicary?

2012-11-06, 08:58 AM
As the title asks. In an upcoming gestalt game I am playing an archivist/factotum. Somebody else is going to make an archivist/psy-rogue and as a result to not be "just another archivist/skill monkey" I wanted to take my character in a different direction: being an archer-style character. While I'd still be caster and skill monkey due to my two classes, I was thinking about making my character make use of bows/arrows and use archivist spellcasting and factotum class features to boost my archery power. Factotum allows me to get sneak attack(which can be useful for an archer if the enemy is tangled up in melee) and boost my attack rolls as long as I keep int pumped(which I will), as well as a slew of other things. Archivists also get some really fun spells related to archery thanks to the ranger list, and there is also a slew of buffs on just the cleric list alone, not to mention the druid list, shugenja list, divine bard list ect...

I have a general idea of what my character will be like, but I want help with one thing: the feats. We get a feat every odd numbered level rather then every 3 levels, so I have more feats to spend. However, archery I know takes significant feat investment. Thus, I am making this thread. What feats are essential to an archer character? I have heard of how valuable manyshot is, so should I build towards that feat or is it not worth it due to my BAB being kinda crappy when I don't have Divine Power up? Any opinions and help would be great.

2012-11-06, 09:30 AM
Manyshot is a great feat, but it is clearly BAB-dependent, both for the amound of bonus arrows you get plus being able to hit targets while under the attack penalty.

However, being able to potentially launch 4 heavily-enchanted arrows as a standard action is pretty sweet, even if you have to be using Divine Power in order to fully make use of it.

Assuming you are taking Rapid Shot anyways (always useful, also giving you a very accurate bonus attack as opposed to Manyshots less-accurate shots), AND considering that you have more feats available in this Gestalt, I would absolutely take Manyshot. It'll fill a specific niche for you (lower AC single enemy, you want to do more with your turn than just fire, you are enchanted with Divine Power), but at the same time it enables you to apply a LOT of hits to one opponent, all at a medium-low attack bonus and as a standard action.

2012-11-06, 09:51 AM
Yeah. As of now, the game starts at 8th level. I plan on going Archivist 7/Sacred Exorcist 1//Factotum 8 to start. I won't be taking manyshot right away, and my feats look like the following now..

1st: Academic Priest(NEEDED to reduce MAD)
3rd: Point Blank Shot
5th: Extend Spell
7th: Rapid Shot

My next three feats will be these, in the following order: Persistant Spell, DMM: Persist, and then I'll finally take manyshot. I'm delaying manyshot for DMM: Persist because DMM: Persist will allow me to have fighter-level BAB all day long, which means I'll be able to get more use out of Manyshot and rapid shot. Oh, and just so you know, my race is gray elf.

Morbis Meh
2012-11-06, 01:06 PM
You're definitely missing Precise shot... kind of necessary if you don't want to hit your friends or miss any target that's fighting in melee.

2012-11-06, 02:12 PM
1st: Academic Priest(NEEDED to reduce MAD)
All that Wisdom does for your spellcasting is give you bonus spells. You're going to want a positive Wis anyway, as an archer, for making perception checks, and you'll be doing enough things with your actions that you're in no danger of running out of spells. I'd skip this and start working on your archery feat chains sooner instead.

2012-11-07, 12:30 AM
I would highly recommend going Archivist 8//Cloistered Cleric 1/Factotum 7. Then take elf domain (free point blank shot), planning domain (free extend spell), and exchange knowledge domain for knowledge devotion (massive bonus to damage and attack with int synergy). This delays your Factotum abilities by one level (including cunning surge sadly) but gives you three feats that you definitely need as well as turn undead. If you're dragonblooded or an Azurin you can take the ACF turn undead and then still take Sacred Exorcist on your Archivist side to double your number of turning attempts.

2012-11-07, 01:24 AM
Sneak Attack doesn't do any good for an archer just because opponents are in melee, that doesn't deny them their Dex bonus and it doesn't let you flank them. It doesn't matter how many other characters are flanking an opponent, you have to flank them to do sneak attack damage and you can't with a ranged attack.

I'll agree that Academic Priest is completely overrated, probably not even worth taking at all on this character. As an archer you're not going to be spamming spells every round, so a huge volume of bonus spells isn't even necessary.

Eldaran posted exactly what I was going to suggest, it gets you three feats that are absolutely necessary for your build and it allows you to start with DMM: Persist. With that you can have Persistent Swift Haste from the start of play, among other spells. You should also consider taking two flaws (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/characterFlaws.htm), there are some really good ones (http://alt.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=258440#30) beyond the first batch offered in UA.

Get some +1 Spell Storing arrows, there's a bit of controversy over whether they actually work so check with your DM. Put spells like (Lesser Rod of) Maximized Shivering Touch and Extended Creeping Cold into them. Put some Unguent of Timelessness on a bunch of Bone Talisman (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) (turning) spell foci so it will last about 60 hours/level, and use those whenever you actually need to turn undead. Get a standard Strand of Prayer Beads which has had the Bead of Smiting removed, it should cost only 9,000 gp per the DMG which has not been changed in the errata. Use the Bead of Karma before casting all of your daily buffs, your Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment will be at +3 and last 24 hours (Lesser Rod of) Extended.