View Full Version : PF Kingmaker NPC Kressle

2012-11-06, 09:37 AM
So, my party is doing kingmaker. They went to the bandit fort and fought against Kressle. Before they even got into it, our tripper readied an action for a trip against a charger, and being fair I had planned for kressle to charge in and wreck house. Well...long story short they took her hostage, took her weapons (ONLY her weapons) and chained her up at olegs. They interrogated her and left her chained in one of the guest rooms oleg has given them.

The question: Do you think it's unreasonable for her to escape, level up a bit, and continue to harass the PC's for the remainder of the series?

I was thinking of dropping 4 levels of fighter into her since she is handaxe twf. I'd spec in them and possibly take two weapon rend or something similar. I would have progressed her ranger more but over half the party is half-orc. her favored enemy is human but the PC party only makes up one human, one dwarf and two halforcs.

Thoughts or suggestions are welcome and greatly wanted!

Morbis Meh
2012-11-06, 10:09 AM
Personally I wouldn't DM fiat an escape, they went in smart and should be rewarded for it. If she is chained then she will have a hell of a time getting out without keys or anything to pick a lock with. As for using her as a reocurring villain, it is entirely unnecessary since their are still 3 other Lieutenants and the Stag Lord himself to contend with. This module has a pretty high death rate so no need to make it harder, just play the NPC's smarter, which in most cases isn't hard since they are usually at a major advanatge over the party.

So as a long story short: Yes it would be unreasonable since she is chained probably has little to no lock picking ability and there are already enough dangers in this campaign that throwing her back into the mix at a higher level would just be unfair. Don't rob your PC's of a well deserved victory!

2012-11-06, 10:18 AM
If they wandered off and left an enemy chained up, but unsupervised, I would let them do the session normally until they return:

Then you tell them they will need to help you figure out what they return to.

In front of them, roll
- A check to escape for every hour or so unsupervised
- A check to bluff and diplomacy her way out for every NPC that she could attract

If you find a victory in that rolling - then let them play friendly NPCs, as you play her trying to break out with nothing but the gear she can steal.