View Full Version : [PF only] Advice on a Sorcerer with many archtypes

2012-11-06, 08:09 PM
Tattooed Wild Crossblooded Battle Sorcerer

Bloodlines: Verdant and Sylvan (DM has handwaived the loss of spells known for being crossblooded. Had his reasons.)

This combination of archetypes net me the following at first level:
-Familiar (able to shift into a tattoo as a move action) [Hedgehog for +2 will]
-Versian Tattoo (free +1 caster level to a school of magic, minor spell-like ability 3/day) [Lose Eschew materials]
-Bloodline Tattoos (any bloodline spell gets +1 caster level)
-Verdant Arcana (+# to natural armor for 1d4 rounds, where # is lvl of spell cast)
-Animal Companion (Sylvan Arcana, Druid lvl = Sorcerer -3) [Cheetah/small cat]

Feats that I have in mind to start play:
-Huntsmaster (small cat) = +1 to effective druid level. [Start play with a 3HD cheetah with combat reflexes and light armor prof. Look at that DEX! 21!! Guard me kitty!]
-Experimental Spellcaster: ability to use words of power. Allows for some flexibility with direct damage spells and how they are cast (cone, burst, line, etc) instead of relying on a different spell (and using up prescious spells known). ***Did not start play as a word caster simply because there is no real way of duplicating some of the best battlefield control spells and THOSE deserve to take up a spell known slot.

Feats for later:
-Extra spell = maaaaaaaaybe. Going human to take advantage of the additional spells known each level. Might never need this one.
-Extra Word = Definately yes. Even if only to pick words one level lower than normal (and get two instead of one), the boosted words and way to mix and match words will ensure that I have additional options at each spell level.
-Intensify spell = Yes, yes. Works with word casting. Good enough for me.

Thoughts? Opinions? Given 20 point buy (PF rules), what stat spread would you use?

Starting spell is going to be Grease (1st lvl) and the Word 'Burning Flash. Spell/word picks would be helpful as well.

2012-11-06, 10:37 PM
I believe sylvan sorc gives ya animal companion at (level - 3) effective druid level; (min. 1) ...so that feat you took would only raise that to (level - 2); (min 1) imo. But I am unfamiliar with the feat, but from what you have written, that's the way it seems to me.

I think you would be better off taking boon companion making it a flat even level since boon companion gives you a +3 effective level bonus (max. your character level)

also, I would take scorpion for +4 initiative, or a good animal companion that can get UMD like the raven, and take the feat that gives your animal companion an evolution point, taking the evolution that will give it +8 to UMD, then get it skill focus UMD and a magic item that boosts its UMD. Then you have a little buddy who can wand heal or blast.

also a crow tattoo is cooler than a hedge hog, unless perhaps that hedge hog is very fast and blue.

I think it's pretty nuts that the GM took the only significant draw back to all the extra power crossblooded sorcery affords you.. especially since you are human anyhow and it would be dampened by the human alt favored class option. anyhow, with metamagic feats, you can still utilize those spell slots without having the actual spells know at that level.

I'm no fan of the verdant bloodline arcana, but still it's a good and believable combo (verdant+sylvan).. some elf got a little too friendly with a treant in tree form I guess.

edit: sorry I don't have a good suggestion for stat spread. I suggest CHA > CON > DEX > INT > WIS > STR

I built a crossblooded tattooed sorc as well, and went with the orc+brutal bloodlines, with a focus on magic missile... he's only 4 so far, and I am gonna take him a blasty + battle field control route

1 Spell Focus (evocation)
1B Varisian Tattoo (evocation) (+1 CL school)
1H Spell Specialization (magic missile) (+2 CL spell)
3 Empower Spell
5 Spell Penetration
7 Intensify Spell
7 Greater Spell Penetration
9 Greater Spell Focus Evocation
11 Dazing Spell

Gifted Adept (magic missle) (+1 CL spell)
Magical Lineage (magic missle) (-1 meta magic adj)

gonna take spells like: ear piercing scream, grease, stone call, flaming sphere, etc...

looking forward to using grease in conjunction with stone call, and then rolling a flaming ball around while zapping with magic missiles.

2012-11-06, 11:30 PM
I believe sylvan sorc gives ya animal companion at (level - 3) effective druid level; (min. 1) ...so that feat you took would only raise that to (level - 2); (min 1) imo. But I am unfamiliar with the feat, but from what you have written, that's the way it seems to me.

Well, to be technical, the feat is taken after the abilities, so it would work out like this, Druid level = (Sorcerer Level -3, min 1) + 1. Once you get to level 4, there isnt going to be a reason to be technical, but look at it from the other side. A druid that takes that feat is going to be running around with a 3HD companion as well.

I think you would be better off taking boon companion making it a flat even level since boon companion gives you a +3 effective level bonus (max. your character level)

Yes, that is definately something that i will look into in the future. Pity it doesnt raise it past your cap like Huntsmaster does.

also, I would take scorpion for +4 initiative, or a good animal companion that can get UMD like the raven, and take the feat that gives your animal companion an evolution point, taking the evolution that will give it +8 to UMD, then get it skill focus UMD and a magic item that boosts its UMD. Then you have a little buddy who can wand heal or blast.

also a crow tattoo is cooler than a hedge hog, unless perhaps that hedge hog is very fast and blue.

I think it's pretty nuts that the GM took the only significant draw back to all the extra power crossblooded sorcery affords you.. especially since you are human anyhow and it would be dampened by the human alt favored class option. anyhow, with metamagic feats, you can still utilize those spell slots without having the actual spells know at that level.

Well, there is that pesky -2 to all will saves you have to deal with. I think he waived that cost just because I was taking Battle Sorcerer, which would further decrease my spells known and even spells per day. Also, my choice to use words of power would tie up a few of my feats, so he doesnt see many issues coming from it.

I'm no fan of the verdant bloodline arcana, but still it's a good and believable combo (verdant+sylvan).. some elf got a little too friendly with a treant in tree form I guess.

I took verdant for three reasons. 1st) Its believable and gives my character a tie into a 'druidic' feel of having an animal companion, 2nd) Tanglevine (yes!! Who wouldnt want a ranged trip attack thatuses your level instead of BAB?) and 3rd) Photosynthesis. Always on ring of sustanence, yes please! I like only having to rest for two hours to get my spells back.

Besides, the Verdant capstone is so much better than the fey one. Tremorsense? Yes please.

2012-11-07, 11:18 AM
Tattooed Wild Crossblooded Battle Sorcerer

Feats for later:
-Extra spell = maaaaaaaaybe. Going human to take advantage of the additional spells known each level. Might never need this one.

In regards to your racial choice and the feat extra spell, let me point you to a little trick that I stumbled onto thanks to this forum.
Look up the spell Paragon Surge. In addition to granting you a small bonus to Dex and Int, it also grants you access to any feat you can currently qualify for. So for 15 minutes (per casting) you can have any one spell at your highest spell level, or any two spells at any lower spell levels. It is a fantastic use for a 3rd Level spell slot, or just get a Wand of it, as I don't believe it scales in any relevant way.
Think very carefully about being a Human with a Half-Elf racial heritage, or an outright Half-Elf.
Some DM's might also allow you to use Paragon Surge after you Alter Self into a Half Elf, but that's jumping through a lot of hoops for this trick.
I would run this by your DM first though. It's not game breaking, but it does mean that you basically can have access to any spell you need at any time, which your DM may take issue with.

2012-11-07, 11:54 AM
Look up the spell Paragon Surge....
or an outright Half-Elf.

Half-Elf is not a bad idea anyway.
You can trade away Skill Focus (whatever) for a +2 to Will Saves (note, NOT the Iron Will feat, just a +2), nice with the Crossblood penalty.
And since you're a Single-class Caster, trade away Multitalented for the Arcane Training trait.

They also have a quite interesting Favored Class option...
"When casting wizard enchantment spells, add +1/3 to the effective caster level of the spell, but only to determine the spell's duration."
That could be a VERY long duration spell...too bad it's Enchantment only...but still...

EDIT: Perused through the 0th-2nd level Enchantment spells, found a few worth a look (most of the rest have set durations, or durations that would not benefit much).
Lock Gaze (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/lock-gaze): 1st, 1 round/level, Target must "look at you" for duration, which gives all other targets Concealment against its attacks.
Tactical Acumen (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/tactical-acumen): 2nd, 1 round/level, all allies get increased bonuses from 'battlefield positioning'. Depends heavily on your Allies and the current terrain.
Hideous Laughter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hideous-laughter): 2nd, 1 round/level, Target can do NOTHING BUT LAUGH for the duration. I think we have a winner!
Compassionate Ally (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/compassionate-ally): 2nd, 1 round/level, Target Heals and/or Protects an Injured Ally. Potentially useful to remove a creature from direct fighting for a while, most useful on Melee-types, as the target is still allowed to attack.