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2012-11-06, 10:47 PM
OOC : http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=260614

Everything is normal...but sometimes you wish it wasn't normal don't you.

Escapist fantasy is everywhere, and we love it. We would love to be princes, knights, merchants, bard, and maybe even the dashing pirate rogue.

Of course some people take it a little farther.

It's the real world, a basic D&D group of seven has gathered for their monthly game.

"It's a shame this stuff, isn't real, but what if it could be?" Mori the nutjob states, pulling out a book. "Check it out, I found this grimoire at a bookstore. Looks legit too, it's got a nice spell, in it."

He reads from it.

"From the books you read, to the stories you tell, state your wish and there you shall dwell."

"I'd be a merchant." One states.
"A noble." says another.
"What about you?" One ask Mori, but he refuses to answer.

We all have a good chuckle at the book and sigh that it could never be true.

You go to bed in your modern day home, relax and rest in your blankets...but when you wake up...something isn't right..why is your house's walls no longer painted? Where did the curtains go? And where the hell is all my stuff?! Why am I in what looks like (insert profession's place here).

You bolt out of bed, and look around the room, getting your bearings.

2012-11-06, 11:57 PM
Zachary Smith wakes, the cool scent of morning air greets his nostrils. It's a pure scent, unpolluted, reminding him of country air. It's surprising chill.

As the tall, well muscled, and tan man slides his legs out of bed he is assaulted as his toes touch the cold stone for.

"What the hell?!" Zach let's escape.

Where am I? Why am I naked? And who te hell is she?! ..... Though, I've done worse... That's besides the point

His gaze moves around the dimly lit room until his eyes are drawn to a set of shining silver armor, a large glistening sword, and an ornate book left open.

Those are... Mine! Where am I? What has happened to me?! he thinks emphatically.

Using italics for thoughts

2012-11-07, 12:16 AM

You look around the room and get braced with your surroundings. As you pick up your sword, you swing it as if it were second nature. Somehow you just "know" the stance. A young boy walks in.

"Sir Smith." The boy bows. "Are you alright? Do you need anything from your squire? Do not forget that today we are suppose to aid with the festival tournament for the Princess's birthday."

You look at the boy, wondering what in the nine hells he is talking about.

2012-11-07, 03:50 AM
John opens his eyes slowly wincing as the light glares in his eyes.

As he sits up he realises he is not in his own bed.
Where... Where am I?.

He gets out of bed feeling rough wood floors beneath him. As he looks around the room he begins to panick. In place of his computer desk is a simple wooden table.

This isn't my room. Something isn't right.

2012-11-07, 04:02 AM
John opens his eyes slowly wincing as the light glares in his eyes.

As he sits up he realises he is not in his own bed.
Where... Where am I?.

He gets out of bed feeling rough wood floors beneath him. As he looks around the room he begins to panick. In place of his computer desk is a simple wooden table.

This isn't my room. Something isn't right.

You hear a knock on the door as you're going through your belongings which seem to include a large amount of accounting forms.

"Hey are you up yet?" A female voice calls through the door. "We were suppose to go to the market this morning remember? We need to pick up the flowers for the guild's gift to the princess! So get ready!"

You hear her leave mutterings about how odd it is that you've slept in.

You gather your bearings and slowly come to terms with what happened. "Prin...cess..." You think, putting two in two together, along with that receipt for a "Belt of Healing".

2012-11-07, 05:08 AM
As Tabatha awakens and raises her head, a piece of sticky paper loosen from the side of her cheek. She rubs her eyes while a simple thought of recognition crosses her mind. She must of fallen asleep studying again. Well at least that's what she thought. As her eyes adjust her heart skips a beat and starts to pound. Panic sets in as she realizes shes not at her desk.

She gives the room a sweeping glance checking for any signs of another person. Locked to the chair in a state of fear her mind races trying to find the answer. Did she go to the wrong home last night, perhaps a friends, or worse? Her heart continues to race as she slowly edges off the chair.

A quick glance reviles this certainly wasn't a modern home. The walls were made of simple wooden planks, the floor just the same, the furnishings and styles of the items looked archaic. She quietly crept her way towards the door then slowly nudged it open, glancing outside into the hall. Empty. Fearing discovery she closed it just as slow as she opened it and turned back to the room. It had to contain answers or some clue to her location.

Standing near the door she gave the room a thorough look over. A simple bed, a desk with a couple books, and a large chest lined the walls. Nothing too reveling yet. She moved over to the large trunk and tugged at the lid. Her effort was only met with resistance. Must of been locked. Moving over to the desk she peer down at several thick leather bound books.

While they all have locks, the one she woke up on remains open. She moves the chair to the side and quickly flips to the start of the book. Looking for some type of answer to what in the world is going on. Surprise and shock feel her as she looks down on the strange symbols. She drags her finger down the first one and presses it down at the base. Definitely not english.

I really shouldn't be posting since I'm so tired but really wanted to get a post in before I went to bed. Hope I don't wake up in the morning and regret the choice xD.

2012-11-07, 05:09 AM
Lucas wakes up much faster then what he would prefer. Who the hell left the window uncovered, it is my day off!
He struggles for a moment, but even in his half-asleep state of mind he can easily notice that something is different.
Wait did I sleep at student's dormitory? ... or did Kate invite me in?...
He finally opens his eyes and looks around the place...
..."This is not a dormitory"... he whispers...

He stands up, still stunned trying to remember how he got here ... or at least where could be this whole 'here'...

[half conscious thoughts as he walks around]
Quite a comfortable bed they have here... Nice and thick carpet, one I would buy I guess... hmm stone tiles? I've never seen these in a bedroom... nice, stone walls, not painted but they remind me of Tuscany... okay... no lamps, but there are candles everywhere... going back to Kate, she has this type of taste... but unless she drugged me I would remember everything by now... wow, these are interesting!...
As he walks to the other room he notices a desk with a set of high-quality clothes and a huge crystal, lying just in the middle.
Could as well wear this, better than naked, I guess...

2012-11-07, 05:30 AM

As you read the book, you realize although it's clearly not in English you can read it as if it were plain English. "Glitterdust" "Mending" "Detect Magic" this things reads like a D&D book written by tolkien, yet something is clearly off about it. Namely the fact that a few items lying around the room are clearly glowing magical in nature and this place looks like a wizard's quarters. You think back to the wish you made when Mori cast the spell.


You get dressed and hear a knock on the door. "Hey Lucas! Are you up? I got a quick job for you!" The voice is sharp but kind. "I need you to take a letter to the castle. The psionics guild project needs more funding before we can build the necessary items for the project."

'Psi-on-nic... wait WHAT?!' you think as you look at the crystal coming to a conclusion about what it might be, and realize what might has happened.

2012-11-07, 05:47 AM
You hear a knock on the door as you're going through your belongings which seem to include a large amount of accounting forms.

"Hey are you up yet?" A female voice calls through the door. "We were suppose to go to the market this morning remember? We need to pick up the flowers for the guild's gift to the princess! So get ready!"

You hear her leave mutterings about how odd it is that you've slept in.

You gather your bearings and slowly come to terms with what happened. "Prin...cess..." You think, putting two in two together, along with that receipt for a "Belt of Healing".

Could it be...? No this has to be some sort of crazy dream or hallucination.

John continues to mutter to himself as he heads towards the wardrobe. Finding a white tunic, a fine belt and a pair of fine trousers he dressed and headed out of the room into the hallway.

2012-11-07, 05:50 AM
Okay that's... in his thoughts words 'freaky' and 'fun' are fighting for the place in this sentence and as Lucas couldn't decide on one, he just left it as it was...

"Just a minute!" He shouts back.

Okay... I am dreaming. This one is for sure. *Ouch* ...or maybe not... in movies pinching works...
Okay, if I were in a fantasy realm and became a psion... best way to learn anything would be... His eyes are drawn back to the crystal on his desk. He grabs it...

[telepathy] "Okay, assume that I lost my all memories of this place and possibly life. Now, I need to know what is going on and what should I do. Keep talking... and in easy to understand words, I still feel half asleep.
Last coherent thoughts as he holds the crystal and looks at it with expectation was Am I really talking to a rock and expecting it to answer?

2012-11-07, 06:01 AM
Could it be...? No this has to be some sort of crazy dream or hallucination.

John continues to mutter to himself as he heads towards the wardrobe. Finding a white tunic, a fine belt and a pair of fine trousers he dressed and headed out of the room into the hallway.

You walk down the long hallway into a dining room where merchants are gossiping and eating. A woman around your age greets you. "Hey John." She says. "Glad you finally got up. I'll make you some food when we get back, but we gotta get going!" She grabs you arm firmly and starting dragging you anime style towards the door to the laughs of the other merchants.

"Go Mana! Show your boyfriend why you're the next merchant princess!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" She says back, with a visible blush making everyone laugh as she drags you out the door and towards the market.

Okay that's... in his thoughts words 'freaky' and 'fun' are fighting for the place in this sentence and as Lucas couldn't decide on one, he just left it as it was...

"Just a minute!" He shouts back.

Okay... I am dreaming. This one is for sure. *Ouch* ...or maybe not... in movies pinching works...
Okay, if I were in a fantasy realm and became a psion... best way to learn anything would be... His eyes are drawn back to the crystal on his desk. He grabs it...

[telepathy] "Okay, assume that I lost my all memories of this place and possibly life. Now, I need to know what is going on and what should I do. Keep talking... and in easy to understand words, I still feel half asleep.
Last coherent thoughts as he holds the crystal and looks at it with expectation was Am I really talking to a rock and expecting it to answer?

The crystal glows, and speaks to you in our mind. "Well you're Lucas, you're the son of the guildmaster of the guild of psions, the studiers of the art of psionics and the main non-arcane, non-divine, non-mundane, power in the Rosewood kingdom. I'm your psycrystal. You're a Erudite, and your goal in life was to travel the world and discover fantastical discoveries. Also today is the Princess's birthday celebration so you might want to get dressed and go deliver that letter while she's in a good mood.

2012-11-07, 06:17 AM
[telepathy] "Sounds... *long pause* then *shrug* Nevermind. ... Side question, did I drink a lot last night?"

Princess's birthday... I am Erudite... Not bad for a dream...

He chooses better clothes to wear, more suitable when attending the court (How the heck do I know which clothes would be more suitable for attending the court?!?). Black, with arcane/psionic symbols sewn with silver thread. And long black cloak with lots of pockets, which seemed as natural to wear as a part of is own body.
He notices leather straps on his belt, thinks a short while and puts the psicrystal there.
Now ready, he opens the door.
"Okay, talk to me. What needs to be done?"

2012-11-07, 06:17 AM
You walk down the long hallway into a dining room where merchants are gossiping and eating. A woman around your age greets you. "Hey John." She says. "Glad you finally got up. I'll make you some food when we get back, but we gotta get going!" She grabs you arm firmly and starting dragging you anime style towards the door to the laughs of the other merchants.

"Go Mana! Show your boyfriend why you're the next merchant princess!"

"He's not my boyfriend!" She says back, with a visible blush making everyone laugh as she drags you out the door and towards the market.

Merchant Princess?? what's going on? I'll figure it out later better just follow this girl around. In the off chance this is really happening i don't want to be locked up as a crazy person.

Whoa slow down Mana I think I drank i bit to much last night. Where are we going exactly?

2012-11-07, 06:23 AM
As you read the book, you realize although it's clearly not in English you can read it as if it were plain English. "Glitterdust" "Mending" "Detect Magic" this things reads like a D&D book written by tolkien, yet something is clearly off about it. Namely the fact that a few items lying around the room are clearly glowing magical in nature and this place looks like a wizard's quarters. You think back to the wish you made when Mori cast the spell.

She shakes her head, questioning the sanity of her last thought. It's just not possible... though if it were true that would explain a lot. She takes a slow deep breath then slowly exhales. As her racing heart begins to calm and her mind settles she decides a change of course is in order. She closes the book in front of her, it locking with a notable click, then turns around to face the door. Pressing it open again she calls out into the hallway as she moves about, "Hello?"

2012-11-07, 06:25 AM
[telepathy] "Sounds... *long pause* then *shrug* Nevermind. ... Side question, did I drink a lot last night?"

Princess's birthday... I am Erudite... Not bad for a dream...

He chooses better clothes to wear, more suitable when attending the court (How the heck do I know which clothes would be more suitable for attending the court?!?). Black, with arcane/psionic symbols sewn with silver thread. And long black cloak with lots of pockets, which seemed as natural to wear as a part of is own body.
He notices leather straps on his belt, thinks a short while and puts the psicrystal there.
Now ready, he opens the door.
"Okay, talk to me. What needs to be done?"

"Not to my knowledge. You did have a bit of ale though, so unless someone in the guild drugged it..." The crystal trails off.

A man stands there and hands you a letter addressed to "Princess Teru". "Take this to the castle and deliver it. It's important you start dealing with the courts, for when you finally take over the guild. Also calm down a bit, you look like you don't know who I am." He shakes his head. "Talking to the courts isn't easy I know, but it's something the guildmaster has to do..you know just as well as I do the 6 main guilds of this kingdom. Psion, Arcane, Divine, Nature, Merchant, Mercenary. We need to make sure we pull our weight! Now go deliver the letter, the cooks should have a meal ready for you when you get back." He pats you on the shoulder and leaves.

Merchant Princess?? what's going on? I'll figure it out later better just follow this girl around. In the off chance this is really happening i don't want to be locked up as a crazy person.

Whoa slow down Mana I think I drank i bit to much last night. Where are we going exactly?

"Um...the market?" She points to what is clearly some kind of medieval style market. So unless you were magically teleported to a renaissance fair, and everyone is VERY good at keeping in character....chalk a point for...well...something. "Come on, I need you to help me carry the flowers back." She drags you to a florist and starts examining the flowers. "It's a shame more people don't like flowers. I personally think a good flower brightens a room and helps raise morale." She goes up to the counter and starts talking in what you would think would be slang, bartering with the clerk, but you clearly can understand what she's saying. Eventually get gets a large amount of flowers and pulls out her coin purse...to pay with copper and silver pieces....

She shakes her head, questioning the sanity of her last thought. It's just not possible... though if it were true that would explain a lot. She takes a slow deep breath then slowly exhales. As her racing heart begins to calm and her mind settles she decides a change of course is in order. She closes the book in front of her, it locking with a notable click, then turns around to face the door. Pressing it open again she calls out into the hallway as she moves about, "Hello?"

"Are you up my apprentice?" An older man walks out of a nearby room. "Ah...good, you're up, have you prepared your spells yet for today? Remember to prepare at least two glitterdust spells. We need to use them to help decorate the arena for the tournament." He smiles at you. "You've come so far since you apprenticed under me, I cannot wait til I get to teach you fireball, which is one of my favourite spells. Go prepare your spells, I'll go to the kitchen and conjour up something nice for breakfast."

2012-11-07, 06:40 AM
"Um...the market?" She points to what is clearly some kind of medieval style market. So unless you were magically teleported to a renaissance fair, and everyone is VERY good at keeping in character....chalk a point for...well...something. "Come on, I need you to help me carry the flowers back." She drags you to a florist and starts examining the flowers. "It's a shame more people don't like flowers. I personally think a good flower brightens a room and helps raise morale." She goes up to the counter and starts talking in what you would think would be slang, bartering with the clerk, but you clearly can understand what she's saying. Eventually get gets a large amount of flowers and pulls out her coin purse...to pay with copper and silver pieces....

Copper and Silver, Medieval market, Princess... This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Calm down John, don't panick there is an explination for everything just get the flowers back then you can head to your room and figure this out.

Let me grab those. John walks forward and lifts most of the flowers.

I'm really out of it this morning need to stop spending late nights with nothing but a mug of ale and the accounting ledger. You said these were for the princess right? What's the occasion again?

2012-11-07, 06:44 AM
Copper and Silver, Medieval market, Princess... This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Calm down John, don't panick there is an explination for everything just get the flowers back then you can head to your room and figure this out.

Let me grab those. John walks forward and lifts most of the flowers.

I'm really out of it this morning need to stop spending late nights with nothing but a mug of ale and the accounting ledger. You said these were for the princess right? What's the occasion again?

"Her BIRTHDAY. Her COMING OF AGE BIRTHDAY." Mana emphasizes. "Geeze how much did you drink!? The whole country has been planning this celebration for months! This is the day where she steps up and becomes the official heir to the throne, aka the NEXT RULER OF THE KINGDOM."

She looks at you like you're high. "Are you sure you're okay? I better make you a good meal when we get back...you seem like you might be sick..." She puts her hand to your forehead. "No fever..."

She stays silent looking at you for the rest of the short walk back.

2012-11-07, 06:49 AM
[To psicrystal] "Who is this and what's his name?!?"

[To 'the man'] "Sorry, I was very deep in dreams and just need to shrug it off. Lucas takes the letter nods, trying not to look as confused as he was.

He looks around his quarters trying to find a key, then closes the door and leaves. I need to act as normal as possible...

For one insane moment he wants to reach the cellphone and try to find the court on GPS. Instead his hand touches the psicrystal.

"Okay, I need your help. For the starters how can I call you? ... or let me guess first, Loiosh?
Anyway, do you know the way to the court and could you tell me anything about this 'project'?"

Went with Seagreen for telepathy and green for thoughts/ speech

2012-11-07, 06:53 AM
[To psicrystal] "Who is this and what's his name?!?"

[To 'the man'] "Sorry, I was very deep in dreams and just need to shrug it off. Lucas takes the letter nods, trying not to look as confused as he was.

He looks around his quarters trying to find a key, then closes the door and leaves. I need to act as normal as possible...

For one insane moment he wants to reach the cellphone and try to find the court on GPS. Instead his hand touches the psicrystal.

"Okay, I need your help. For the starters how can I call you? ... or let me guess first, Loiosh?
Anyway, do you know the way to the court and could you tell me anything about this 'project'?"

Went with Seagreen for telepathy and green for thoughts/ speech

"Um...that's your FATHER." The psycrystal tells you. "His name is Laguna."

"You can call me whatever you want, I am your crystal. Loiosh is fine though. You'll want to leave this building then take a left to the GIANT CASTLE. The project is setting up telepathy points that will enable group conference of the lords without having to travel as much to cut costs and improve communication."

2012-11-07, 06:57 AM
Okay so we have some information at least. Princess' birthday. We were getting the guild's gift so I a member of some sort of guild

John continues to think to himself while following Mana.

Maybe Food would be a good idea i am fairly hungry... Wait People don't get hungry in dreams...

Yeah I must had more to drink then I thought last night.

I need to find a way to get her to tell me what I do without asking her what I do

I've been really busy dealing with finances lately it seems I've lost track of reality a bit. So what is new with you?

2012-11-07, 07:01 AM
Okay so we have some information at least. Princess' birthday. We were getting the guild's gift so I a member of some sort of guild

John continues to think to himself while following Mana.

Maybe Food would be a good idea i am fairly hungry... Wait People don't get hungry in dreams...

Yeah I must had more to drink then I thought last night.

I need to find a way to get her to tell me what I do without asking her what I do

I've been really busy dealing with finances lately it seems I've lost track of reality a bit. So what is new with you?

She stops in her tracks and turns to look at you. Her face looking like someone threw a brick at her. "The SHIPPING COMPANY?!" She almost yells. "The network of carts between the Capital of Oda and the Hara Family?! The project we've been setting up with the guildmasters for weeks?!" She starts breathing heavy. "Come. We need to get you back to the guildhouse. I'm starting to worry about you. I'll cook you a meal and then we can talk alone." She leads you back and you drop off the flowers. "Go to your room." she orders firmly. "I'll be up in about 20 minutes with your meal."

2012-11-07, 07:11 AM
When Danil woke up that morning, he thought for a while he was still dreaming. He looked around the room and saw the acoutrements of his wildest dreams. There a shirt of shimmery chainmail, there a shield actually painted with his own made-up coat of arms, there Veramorte real-sized and shiny.

On the second sweep, his eyes registered stranger details. the lack of electricity, the presence of candles and torches, the presence of only two suits of clothes, one fancy in blue and gold, one practical in blue and gold. But what really clinched it was when he happened to notice his arms. Those were definitely more muscular than the arm he'd had when he went to sleep.

God almighty raise the flame, raise the fires of thy name.

What am I doing here and how did I get here.

2012-11-07, 07:15 AM
Well that line of questioning was probably less subtle then I had intended.

John heads up stairs to his room to think so thinks over.

Okay so I am a member of some sort of shipping guild I have 20 minutes to figure out what I do before that girl comes upstairs maybe I can find something with my title or at least some sort of map.

John hurries around the room looking for anything that might help him understand what is going on

2012-11-07, 07:18 AM
When Danil woke up that morning, he thought for a while he was still dreaming. He looked around the room and saw the acoutrements of his wildest dreams. There a shirt of shimmery chainmail, there a shield actually painted with his own made-up coat of arms, there Veramorte real-sized and shiny.

On the second sweep, his eyes registered stranger details. the lack of electricity, the presence of candles and torches, the presence of only two suits of clothes, one fancy in blue and gold, one practical in blue and gold. But what really clinched it was when he happened to notice his arms. Those were definitely more muscular than the arm he'd had when he went to sleep.

God almighty raise the flame, raise the fires of thy name.

What am I doing here and how did I get here.

You hear a knock on the door. "Master Danl? May I come in? I have your breakfast prepared for you?" The voice is timid and sweet, and subservient.

Well that line of questioning was probably less subtle then I had intended.

John heads up stairs to his room to think so thinks over.

Okay so I am a member of some sort of shipping guild I have 20 minutes to figure out what I do before that girl comes upstairs maybe I can find something with my title or at least some sort of map.

John hurries around the room looking for anything that might help him understand what is going on

You eventually find a map of the "rosewood" kingdom. Please refer to the OOC thread shortly.

2012-11-07, 07:20 AM
Sir??...with a Squire??... I can work with that...

Looking to the young boy and making sure to use the greatsword to maintain his decency in a nonchalant manor, "Squire. Please use my full title as you would introduce me at court. A little practice couldn't hurt."

Waiting for the boy to respond his gaze moves back to the women in his bed.
If my fiance knew about this part of my dream she'd kill me!

"And pray tell, name the lass in my bed."

I'm going with not knowing who she is for a little spice. Anyone would be fine, maybe a castle servant, or princess' aid? Have fun with it.

2012-11-07, 07:28 AM
Sir??...with a Squire??... I can work with that...

Looking to the young boy and making sure to use the greatsword to maintain his decency in a nonchalant manor, "Squire. Please use my full title as you would introduce me at court. A little practice couldn't hurt."

Waiting for the boy to respond his gaze moves back to the women in his bed.
If my fiance knew about this part of my dream she'd kill me!

"And pray tell, name the lass in my bed."

I'm going with not knowing who she is for a little spice. Anyone would be fine, maybe a castle servant, or princess' aid? Have fun with it.

"Sir Zachery Smith. Knight of the kingdom of Rosewood. Currently situated in the Capital Country of Oda." The Squire replies.

"Also...that's Leila...the Princess's bodyguard. You two sparred for hours yesterday, then came back here and got drunk. You two went through 4 barrels of ale before collapsing." He looks at you. "Do you require assistance with anything? Sword sharpened? Help getting your armour on?"

2012-11-07, 07:45 AM
A Knight?...

"Thank you, please show Leila out. I will not require your assistance, come to me once my presence is required."

Sir Zachary Smith, Knight of the Rosewood Kingdom, stands tall and bids the lass farewell with a kiss on her hand, "It was a thousand pleasures."

Once alone, he dresses in his undercloths quickly before donning his armor. He takes his time, letting his fingers remember the clasps, and feel of the surprisingly light silvered chain....Mithril...Made by my hand... as he traces the intricacies of the metal work. Next he dons the crafted Mithril braces, and finally the intricate sword. It is as if the great blade was made by his hand for his hand and his hand alone.

Once his armor is donned he turns to the book in front of him and begins to read and flip through the pages, his mind afire with the traces of the magic in the words...

2012-11-07, 07:48 AM
A Knight?...

"Thank you, please show Leila out. I will not require your assistance, come to me once my presence is required."

Sir Zachary Smith, Knight of the Rosewood Kingdom, stands tall and bids the lass farewell with a kiss on her hand, "It was a thousand pleasures."

Once alone, he dresses in his undercloths quickly before donning his armor. He takes his time, letting his fingers remember the clasps, and feel of the surprisingly light silvered chain....Mithril...Made by my hand... as he traces the intricacies of the metal work. Next he dons the crafted Mithril braces, and finally the intricate sword. It is as if the great blade was made by his hand for his hand and his hand alone.

Once his armor is donned he turns to the book in front of him and begins to read and flip through the pages, his mind afire with the traces of the magic in the words...

The squire wakes Leila and helps her leave. Apologizing to her for anything that happened last night.

You flip through the book and find it full of magical terms that normally you wouldn't understand, but you can read them as if they were plain English. The odd part is that you KNOW you shouldn't know what they mean, you just do. (Like Harry speaking snake language in chamber of secrets).

Eventually you start hearing the other Knights in the barracks get up and prepare themselves as well, and before long you can hear a large amount of footsteps outside in the hallway.

2012-11-07, 07:58 AM
As he flips through the pages, absorbing and reaffirming the knowledge within the book...I'm a Knight....and a Mage...I'm a battle mage?a real life Gish! This has got to be the most realistic dream I've ever had.

Zachary stands up and uses his small personal mirror and a bit of water to clean up his appearance. He also uses a small blade to clean the hair off of his face.

It is then that he hears the others in the hallway. Finding his key he stores everything but his blade, belt pouches, and his coin purse. He locks his room behind him and joins the group of people looking for his squire.

Also, did I catch my Squire's name when he helped the girl to leave? I would be listenign for it.

2012-11-07, 08:10 AM
He did not state his name. However shortly after he approaches you again, and bows. "Sir Smith. The knights are all prepared for the tournament. They are looking forward to your match with Lady Leila. I am sure everything will go well for the Princess's birthday celebration." He gets to his feet. "Do you require anything prior to the tournament?" He asks. "If not may I have permission to go prepare for the squire's pre-game match."

2012-11-07, 08:13 AM
"Are you up my apprentice?" An older man walks out of a nearby room. "Ah...good, you're up, have you prepared your spells yet for today? Remember to prepare at least two glitterdust spells. We need to use them to help decorate the arena for the tournament." He smiles at you. "You've come so far since you apprenticed under me, I cannot wait til I get to teach you fireball, which is one of my favourite spells. Go prepare your spells, I'll go to the kitchen and conjour up something nice for breakfast."

Tabatha puts her hand up to the back of her head and firmly presses her hair down, a nervous tick shes had for a great many years. She lets out a small chuckle, "Apprentice?" Confused and somewhat prideful with the tittle shes been given by the older man. But without really giving any room for a reply she continues onwards, "I don't think I've prepared any spells today..."

As the man smiled and honestly confessed a point of pride she felt slightly ashamed. She didn't really know anything about this man, whatever feelings he's expressing did she really deserve them? Unable to honestly return the mans sincere feelings she sticks to one of her more standard deflections to complements, "Thanks. It's not a big deal..."

She slips back into her room watching the older man as he heads to wherever hes going to conjour up breakfast. Things were starting to make sense in a weird kinda way. Whatever was going on she'd play along with it for now, it'll be funner this way.

The so called apprentice moves back towards her table and pulls up a chair. Four large leather bound books sit in front of her, she goes for the one she was the most familiar with. As her fingers move across the spin it dawns on her all the books are locked and she has no clue were the key is.

A cursory look wasn't going to be enough. She opened a couple of the tables draws and shuffled through them, nothing there. She moved over towards the chest and tables and searched them as well, nothing there. Next she looked at her own cloths..well that's certainly new. Definitely not something she would normally wear but it breaths well and is pretty comfortable. Besides the new looks the dress didn't have what she wanted. Having gone through most of the room and turning it into a completely mess in the process she was running out of hiding spots till she got a funny idea. Were would she hide some keys? She moved over to a pouch she neglected earlier since it seemed to be a coin purse. Carefully dumping the coins onto the table, she spots a key ring.

She takes her seat once again and tries several keys until she hears a click. She slowly opens it and looks back down at the strange text. Strange but readable for some odd reason. Continuing to play along she shouts out towards the hallway, "I'm preparing my spells now."

Her hand following her quicker than usually reading pace, she starts to list out a couple spells quietly to herself. "Resistance..Acid Splash....Penumbra." Wait these are all low level spells, glitterdust should be father in the book if it is at all. She skips a couple pages at a time, "Open/Close...Prestidigitation..Identify." Ah here it is! Glitterdust. Staring blankly at the page. It's two pages long! She starts to fret at how impossible the task before her is. Palming her forehead her eyes focus on the first symbol, giving it her all she starts to trace the symbol with her finger while translating. The symbols slightly altering colors as she traces over them, but fading shortly after. About half way through a grin crosses her face, sure she had already witnessed several impossible things today but this was different. This was something that she was making happen. As she went on the words came to her faster and time quickly passed.

Before long she had prepared her two gliterdusts and started searching through her other spellbooks. Another grin crossed her face when she spotted a spell that was sure to be a crowd pleaser. She continued to trace as many arcane symbols as she could till during the memorization of a new spell caused a splitting pain to shoot through her mind. Gripping her forehead hard she must be at her limit.

Spells Prepared
Snapdragon Fireworks x3
Color Spray x1
Cultural Adaptation
Gliterdust x2
The rest will be the same as on the sheet (my second level div and cantrips)

Also sorry for the spam D: I get wordy as I get tired.

2012-11-07, 08:14 AM
Danil quickly ran through a series of facts and arguments about his position, speaking them out loud to help him think.

"Fact 1: I have appearntly gone crazy. And not only crazy, but so crazy that I'm not going to wake up until the nice ladies in the psych ward shoot me full of drugs, if then."

"Fact 2: Since I have already paid the price, I might as well enjoy the show. And if God has, for some unknown reason, granted me a miracle, it would be the height of ingratitude not to enjoy it."

"Hmmm.... I already thought I could work magic when I was sane, let's see if I can do it while mad. Nothing too explosive, don't want to make a mess."

Danil closed his eyes and turned inwards, seeking the familiar upwelling of skrizz energy. Forms of power flashed through his mind, and he knew the powers available to him. He selected one, and thrust out his hand. Four pale white orbs appeared in front of him. He concentrated, and the lights deformed into a luminous white cross.

The gleam of the white cross sparked off a silvery cross among his gear. Danil let the Dancing Lights wink out as he went over to investigate this new discovery. A pair of silver crosses rested on top of a bible and what appeared to be a blank spellbook.

"How many classes do I have?" Danil wondered out loud. He was faintly surprised when he realized that he instantly knew the answer to that question. He was a Cleric, a Fighter, and a

"Okay, what am I supposed to be doing here?" No response.

2012-11-07, 08:14 AM
"Um...that's your FATHER." The psycrystal tells you. "His name is Laguna."

"You can call me whatever you want, I am your crystal. Loiosh is fine though. You'll want to leave this building then take a left to the GIANT CASTLE. The project is setting up telepathy points that will enable group conference of the lords without having to travel as much to cut costs and improve communication."

"Oh, good to know..."
He answers as he leaves the building and ...goes left to the giant castle...
On the way if someone seems to recognize him he nods politely.
"A psicrystal is a separated part of my own personality... and you went nameless this whole time?!? Ehh, okay anything else that I need to know now? Like who to bow to, who to avoid and most of all how to complete my task? Is it a simple letter delivery, or should I do something more?"

2012-11-07, 08:23 AM

You prepare your spells and head down the stairs to the dining room. The old wizard causally spots you coming in.

"Create food and water."

And food and water appears,then gets altered to taste better.

Apparently the spell casting in this world works on order-of-the-stick logic where the verbal command for a spell is the spell's name.


There is another knock. "Master? Are you okay? Should I just leave the food at the door?"


The crystal speaks to you. "Go to the castle, present the letter. You should be escorted inside, when you're inside, get on your knees and give the letter to the princess. Only speak when spoken to, and do not leave until dismissed."

2012-11-07, 08:30 AM
So be it.

Lucas tries to follow the instructions as well as he can. Trying to sort out everything in his head.
Wait, if I am here...

"Hmm, do I have any friends here, that I should know about?
For example people like... Zachary Smith?"

He asks, when slowly getting closer to the castle.

2012-11-07, 08:31 AM

There is another knock. "Master? Are you okay? Should I just leave the food at the door?"

"Come on in!"

I wonder who that is. Maybe he knows what I'm supposed to be doing.

2012-11-07, 08:33 AM
Okay so I have some points of reference to refer to but I still know next to nothing. Maybe i should just follow others around and see what happens. Lets see if i can get any information out of these ledgers

John picks up a nearby ledger and begins to read the contents.

2012-11-07, 08:42 AM

"Sir Smith is one of the knights of the Oda armies...if I'm not mistaken he's suppose to fight Lady Leila in the tournament today."


The door swings open and a young maid walks in with tray of food. "Your breakfast Baron." She sets it down on a nearby table. "Do you require anything else Sir?" She bows to you. She is wearing a meido outfit that looks a tiny bit out of place actually.


You find journal and log entries about warehouses being placed in Oda and Hara to finalize a central shipping route between the two countries. You also find a long-term plan to create a network between all the countries to enable faster shipping with better security. Everything is signed by you and Mana.

2012-11-07, 08:48 AM

You prepare your spells and head down the stairs to the dining room. The old wizard causally spots you coming in.

"Create food and water."

And food and water appears,then gets altered to taste better.

Apparently the spell casting in this world works on order-of-the-stick logic where the verbal command for a spell is the spell's name.

Taking a seat at the table, Tabatha garbs a fair portion of the summoned food, "um.. what are the plans for today? Not that I forgot, I would never do something like that." A sly grin crosses her face. Normally she'd be worried about food served with this kind of technology level but this is probably the safest food around. Pure magically created breads and cheese.

She takes a couple bites of it, "This is pretty good!" Honestly she wasn't sure what to expect, but it was better than some store bought breads that's for sure.

2012-11-07, 08:53 AM

The door swings open and a young maid walks in with tray of food. "Your breakfast Baron." She sets it down on a nearby table. "Do you require anything else Sir?" She bows to you. She is wearing a meido outfit that looks a tiny bit out of place actually.

"Two things. First, catch!" Danil tosses the maid a silver peice he'd dug out of his coin pouch.

"Second, do you know what I'm supposed to be doing today? I was experimenting with magic last night and my memory's a bit fuzzy."

2012-11-07, 08:59 AM
"Uh huh..." Lucas answers eloquently.

Fight in the tournament? I guess my situation is not that bad...

"How about others?"
He asks and lists others who took part in last RPG session.

I would list them by name, but I am afraid that asking for John, would not bring the results I expect. And Lucas (the character) should know their last names, or physical description if needed.

2012-11-07, 02:41 PM

The wizard look at you. "We're suppose to be adding some final touches to the banners and arena, for the tournament for the Princess's birthday. After that we pretty much have the day to ourselves, to study and celebrate. Maybe make some more magical items to sell. We'll see how everything goes."

He's not super old, but he's clearly at least middle aged. Probably in his mid 40's.


The maid takes the silver piece. "Thank you sir." She says as she bows. "You are to meet up with the other nobles and take place in the festivities for the Princess's birthday. It is important that you maintain good standing status with Princess Teru, but of course you would know that. I believe the meeting place was the castle."


The crystal thinks for a while, before listing off broad generalizations for the other's positions.

"That's all I really know, but I've never heard of this Morithias guy. There's the Mouri family to the west, but he's not in charge of them."

2012-11-07, 02:58 PM
After finishing a quick breakfast and cleansing himself, Danil plunges into prayer and meditation. The familiar sense of God's presence enfolds him, stronger and clearer than usual outside church. He spends a little time simply luxuriating in the clean and pure joy of God's presence before reluctantly turning his thoughts back to the real world.

God, please grant to me the wisdom and the power to spread your glory today. May my body, mind, and soul be expressions of Your power, and my word and deed witness to your truth. In the name of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so be it.

As Danil opened his eyes and began to pack, the comforting sense of God's power faded, but it did not pass entirely, and Danil knew that God had granted him strength and power this day.

Danil quickly clad himself in his fancy suit of clothes, donned his armor, packed his supplies, and set off for the castle. He was not terribly surprised to find that he had a horse with which to do so.

2012-11-07, 03:00 PM
So we are all here... except Morithias maybe... or it is just that he wished to be a spy or something and is not so well known as the rest of us...

He finally reaches the castle and tries to look for someone to show him a way, so he could deliver the letter.
First things first, later I will look for others...

2012-11-07, 03:05 PM
After finishing a quick breakfast and cleansing himself, Danil plunges into prayer and meditation. The familiar sense of God's presence enfolds him, stronger and clearer than usual outside church. He spends a little time simply luxuriating in the clean and pure joy of God's presence before reluctantly turning his thoughts back to the real world.

God, please grant to me the wisdom and the power to spread your glory today. May my body, mind, and soul be expressions of Your power, and my word and deed witness to your truth. In the name of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so be it.

As Danil opened his eyes and began to pack, the comforting sense of God's power faded, but it did not pass entirely, and Danil knew that God had granted him strength and power this day.

Danil quickly clad himself in his fancy suit of clothes, donned his armor, packed his supplies, and set off for the castle. He was not terribly surprised to find that he had a horse with which to do so.

Please watch it with the real world religions on the forum. I don't want this thread to get locked.


A guard nods to you and takes you into the throne room, where who you assume is the young Princess Teru is waiting doing some work on some other letters.

"Present yourself, and state why you are here." She says calmly. Although her voice is strong, it's a sweet voice that shows little arrogance or hostility.

2012-11-07, 03:07 PM
Looking to his squire, "I believe I have time, and I'd enjoy a good show. Assuming you wouldn't mind a spectator."

A frown crosses his face for a second, I don't think many Knights ask their squires permission to do anything...

2012-11-07, 03:19 PM
"Lucas, son of Laguna of Psion Guild. With a letter to Your Highness from guildmaster." He says as he kneels before the Princess.

Please note. Lucas would ask Loiosh how he should behave and what to say as he walked to and inside the castle. So any mistakes in etiquette would be mended in preparation stage.

2012-11-07, 03:24 PM
Please watch it with the real world religions on the forum. I don't want this thread to get locked.

I think that might happen too, but I'm trying to keep it to what Danil would believe and do.

EDIT: What happens when Danil gets to the castle?

2012-11-07, 03:36 PM

"That is your choice, Sir." The squire says bowing before heading off to the squire's barracks to get changed. Eventually coming back in medium armour, and mundane equipment, clearly not masterwork. "I am going to head to the Arena now Sir to do last minute preparation." He bows again and leaves towards the arena area. Clearly nervous about his future in the games.


The Princess's aide takes the letter, and hands it to her, which she opens and reads. "Ah...I see. So they need funding to finalize the link between Oda and Hara." She scans it a few more times, before taking out some parchment and writing a quick reply her penmanship is excellent, and fluid like that of a ruler, which makes sense. She seals and hands you the letter. "The funding will be approved. My economics minister Lee, will report to the guild with the funds. I look forward to future work by the psionics guild." She nods to you. "Please give my best regards to your father and the guild. You are dismiss." As you're about to leave she says one final thing. "Oh, and be sure to enjoy the festivities today."


When Danil reaches the castle he is greeted by the guard. "Baron Danil. You grace us with your presence. Please proceed into the dining hall. There are some basic refreshments there. Princess Teru is checking over some last minute paperwork before the festival begins. She will greet you and the other nobles shortly. She had told me, to tell you to enjoy yourself at the festival."

2012-11-07, 03:39 PM
"Thank you very much, I will take that message to heart!" replies Danil with a smile. He passes his horse off to a stableboy with ease and makes his way towards the front door.

Let's pray that this door is on the way to the dining hall. No idea what I'll do if I can't find it.

2012-11-07, 03:42 PM
Zachary....Sir Smith will walk towards the games loosely following his squire, or at least trying to make his lack of direction obvious. But, unbeknownst to him his feet seem to know the way and he puts on a sterner emeanor meant to keep the peasants at bay.

If this were a dream, I'd doubt that I'd be spending my dream time walking....I've been playing way too much dnd.

2012-11-07, 03:44 PM
Lucas nods politely at the mention of festivities.
Going out he asks a servant or a guard where could he find knight quarters.

And, psicrystal
"Any idea when the festivities start? I mean the main part with fighting and all of that?"

Blue Lantern
2012-11-07, 04:33 PM
Rupert woke up after what seemed an eternity, sunshine filtering through his eyelids, "Wow, it's been a while I sleeped so much..." he looked around, still not completely lucid "Why mt phone didn't rang, and why there is so much light."
It took him a few seconds to realize "What! Where am I?" he rose hurriedly, looking franticaly around "I am going crazy."

2012-11-07, 10:51 PM

You eventually find your way to the dining hall, and find the other nobles there in discussion, you listen in and find they are talking about the Princess taking heir to the throne.

"So what do you think Baron?" One suddenly asked you. "What do you think of the Princess coming of age?"


You find your way to an open arena that has a bunch of young kids and teens running around, squires, getting ready for their matches. They're training with dummies and with each other, and a healer is on hand tending to any minor wounds they take.


"Well the coming of age ceremony is at noon, after that the parties begin, celebrating another generation of leadership. Then after today, it's back to the daily routine."


You hear noise from the beds that seem to line the room, you appear to be in some sort of dorm.

"So what do you think we're going to cover in class today?" One boy asks another, that you can hear even though you can't see them.

"We don't have class remember, the festival?"

"We still better prepare our spells anyway, just in case something happens."

"What about Rupert?"

"Meh, let him sleep. It's not like they expected the students of the academy to do anything for the festivals. At most we'll be asked to do a dancing lights show."

They laugh and start getting dressed.

2012-11-07, 11:07 PM
Danil shrugs. "I think it is a great gift to the realm to have a new heir, ready to take up the throne when necessary. Is that not why there is such celebration?"

What's the available food?

2012-11-07, 11:11 PM
Danil shrugs. "I think it is a great gift to the realm to have a new heir, ready to take up the throne when necessary. Is that not why there is such celebration?"

What's the available food?

Various noble foods, breads, fruits, etc, mostly small eats, before the actual meal at the festival

"Makes sense I suppose." one noble replies and goes back to eating slowly.

2012-11-08, 12:23 AM
Zachary simply watches the squires spar, probing the depth of his understanding of fighting techniques.

2012-11-08, 01:30 AM
Zachary simply watches the squires spar, probing the depth of his understanding of fighting techniques.

The squires notice you, but do not comment. Most of them are well-trained, not quite on your level, but it's clear the kingdom puts heavy focus on their military forces. Occasionally you'll spot problems with their form, but they're just kids.

Your squire is sparring with a red headed girl, and she's kicking his butt. Almost fighting him without a care in the world. She looks like she'd almost be better than you, she also seems very defensive in style. Your squire is slowly growing tired and eventually gives up trying to hit her. You notice she's the only one here wearing heavy armour. You have to question how she afforded the masterwork full plate she's wearing.

Blue Lantern
2012-11-08, 03:22 AM

You hear noise from the beds that seem to line the room, you appear to be in some sort of dorm.

"So what do you think we're going to cover in class today?" One boy asks another, that you can hear even though you can't see them.

"We don't have class remember, the festival?"

"We still better prepare our spells anyway, just in case something happens."

"What about Rupert?"

"Meh, let him sleep. It's not like they expected the students of the academy to do anything for the festivals. At most we'll be asked to do a dancing lights show."

They laugh and start getting dressed.

"Aw..." "Ok cliched pinch in the arm check, does not seem to be dream, at least not the usual one." he keeped looking around, more calmly, trying not to look too inconspicuous, from what he saw and heard he was in some soert of boarding school, but of what nature "Back to school hum.". He hurriedly dressed himself and started rummaging through all the nearest stuff, looking for clues.

2012-11-08, 05:25 AM
Lucas nods to himself... thinks about the directions to the knights quarters and the letter in his hand.
I could go there... but what if it is just a name coincidence...? Nah, to many strange things happening for anything to be coincidence.
... If you don't know what to do, go eat something... it solves at least one problem.
...And he resumes walking towards the Psion Guild, trying to decide if he should be proud because he managed to do the task or think of it as a menial task without much importance...
...At least I met a princess...

2012-11-08, 06:45 AM
"Makes sense I suppose." one noble replies and goes back to eating slowly.

"So what do you think of this ascension?" Danil enquires of the noble. He scoops up a purpleberry tart and starts munching.

2012-11-08, 07:36 AM
I guess this helps a bit. I still need to figure out more. I'll just follow Mana's lead for now.

Deciding he has found out all he can from his room John sits at his desk awaiting Mana's return

2012-11-08, 12:34 PM
"So what do you think of this ascension?" Danil enquires of the noble. He scoops up a purpleberry tart and starts munching.

"She's a smart lady. Knows what she's doing. Most of the houses are in support with the rare exception." He says talking like politician and dodging the question.

I guess this helps a bit. I still need to figure out more. I'll just follow Mana's lead for now.

Deciding he has found out all he can from his room John sits at his desk awaiting Mana's return

Mana returns with a nice meal and places it down. "Now...while you eat let's going over this slowly....what..is...ailing you?" She asks, clearly worried for you.

"Aw..." "Ok cliched pinch in the arm check, does not seem to be dream, at least not the usual one." he keeped looking around, more calmly, trying not to look too inconspicuous, from what he saw and heard he was in some soert of boarding school, but of what nature "Back to school hum.". He hurriedly dressed himself and started rummaging through all the nearest stuff, looking for clues.

You find various magical items and arcana books, that look like something you couldn't understand, but you can read them clear as day. You also find some homework that clearly has your handwritting.

2012-11-08, 12:40 PM
Danil looks around the room, hoping to spot a schedule of tournaments or something like that

God alone knows what I'm supposed to be doing at this festival...or what i'll actually end up doing, for that matter.

2012-11-08, 01:15 PM
Lucas walks back to guild with the letter in his hand.
"Can you lead me to guildmas... father? I guess he would like to have the answer as fast as possible..."

"And hopefully there would be some breakfast later on..." He mutters as he listens to directions.

2012-11-08, 01:23 PM

There doesn't really seem to be one posted. Eventually the princess comes in and sits down and sips a cup of tea while eating gracefully. Everyone seems formal yet causal, you get the feeling this woman prefers to keep everything easy going. No one addresses her outside of a basic hello. Apparently she doesn't like to talk while eating.


He guides you to your father's office and you hand him the letter he looks it over. "Well done, now go get something to eat, and enjoy the festival. Real work starts tomorrow." He smiles at you and calmly goes back to his paperwork.

2012-11-08, 01:38 PM
Lucas tries to get some breakfast (guided by Loiosh). Is there a hall where they eat? Are there many people there?
"Are my tasks always this ... exciting?"
He asks Loiosh as he walks, only with a slightly ironic tone...

Blue Lantern
2012-11-08, 01:45 PM
You find various magical items and arcana books, that look like something you couldn't understand, but you can read them clear as day. You also find some homework that clearly has your handwritting.

"This is impossible" he sat on the bed reading through the various books and notes he found "It can't be real" he stood there for at least an hour, half scared and half excited. Eventually he put the books down, after a few more minutes he rose and went outside, very careful not to attract too much attention on himself. It seemed there was a lot of excitement in the air, and staying there would not have brought any more answers.

2012-11-08, 01:58 PM

"Um...that was the first task he's ever given you, most of your time is spent studying and crafting stuff."


There seems to be a lot of talk about a festival while some people are talking about exams and other studies. A few of the mages are exercising, including one girl in what looks like weighted clothing. She waves to you as you walk by.

2012-11-08, 02:03 PM
"Sounds fascinating...
Is there anything else that can be done by guild members? I don't know... travelling, helping guards with mindreading the criminals to see if they are guilty, fighting monsters to protect weak citizens?
... Or was it just me who was that... inactive?"

2012-11-08, 02:06 PM
"Sounds fascinating...
Is there anything else that can be done by guild members? I don't know... travelling, helping guards with mindreading the criminals to see if they are guilty, fighting monsters to protect weak citizens?
... Or was it just me who was that... inactive?"

"You can do all that, except reading the minds of criminals...that's considered invasion of privacy."

2012-11-08, 02:14 PM
As he contemplates the breakfast, the princess, and his fellow nobles, Danil wonders vaugely what he's supposed to be doing here. His mind correlates hints and hopes, producing vast chimeras of thought that he knows probably aren't true. His mind snags on the odd remarks of the noble. Perhaps the princess's rule is not as stable as it appears?

Stop! You can worry about that later, right now try not to make a doofus of yourself. You've got to find out what happens next!

He refocuses on the dialog around him, listening for any clue as to the rest of the day's plans.

2012-11-08, 02:14 PM
"You can do all that, except reading the minds of criminals...that's considered invasion of privacy."

"Seriously?... Hmm, makes sense...
But isn't there a legal warrant for something like this? Like searching the house, to search for evidence? I would make polic... guards job much easier.

Hmm, to what extend affecting somebody's mind is illegal? Would Attraction power be considered a criminal act? Would Charm?"

Barrage of questions after finding an interesting topic... with a bit of law devotion. Still it would be nice to know something about the laws in this world before I do something stupid...

2012-11-08, 02:50 PM
"Seriously?... Hmm, makes sense...
But isn't there a legal warrant for something like this? Like searching the house, to search for evidence? I would make polic... guards job much easier.

Hmm, to what extend affecting somebody's mind is illegal? Would Attraction power be considered a criminal act? Would Charm?"

Barrage of questions after finding an interesting topic... with a bit of law devotion. Still it would be nice to know something about the laws in this world before I do something stupid...

"Search the house yes, search the minds no. Also charm and that is considered very iffy, depending on how you use it. Using charm to stop someone from attacking you. Okay. Using charm to sleep with a woman or get a discount on good..that's rape or theft. The princess is very strict about these kinds of things. Most of the laws are fairly basic and logical, you can find a book at the city hall on it."

2012-11-08, 02:53 PM
As he contemplates the breakfast, the princess, and his fellow nobles, Danil wonders vaugely what he's supposed to be doing here. His mind correlates hints and hopes, producing vast chimeras of thought that he knows probably aren't true. His mind snags on the odd remarks of the noble. Perhaps the princess's rule is not as stable as it appears?

Stop! You can worry about that later, right now try not to make a doofus of yourself. You've got to find out what happens next!

He refocuses on the dialog around him, listening for any clue as to the rest of the day's plans.

"So who do you think is going to win in the fight between Sir Zachery Smith and Leila?"

"Definitely Leila. She's the Princess's bodyguard for a reason."

"Yeah, but didn't she use to command the gold unit? Why did she leave that position?"

"Well that's cause of that sister of hers...The Crescent Dragon. We've had months of peace since she took command of the guards. No orc is brave enough to fight her."

"Why isn't she fighting in the tournament?"

"She's too violent. Loves to fight that woman, I'd hate to think of what would happen if she turned on the crown, a lot of the knights look up to her."

2012-11-08, 02:59 PM
"So who do you think is going to win in the fight between Sir Zachery Smith and Leila?"

"Definitely Leila. She's the Princess's bodyguard for a reason."

"Yeah, but didn't she use to command the gold unit? Why did she leave that position?"

"Well that's cause of that sister of hers...The Crescent Dragon. We've had months of peace since she took command of the guards. No orc is brave enough to fight her."

"Why isn't she fighting in the tournament?"

"She's too violent. Loves to fight that woman, I'd hate to think of what would happen if she turned on the crown, a lot of the knights look up to her."

Danil interjects, "Yeah, It's been my impression from the histories that that sort of person makes a very good champion or general, but a very bad leader in peacetime. They have an uncomfortable tendency to pick stupid fights with their neighbors. Best for them and everyone else to keep them in loyal service to someone wise enough (he guestures in the general direction of the princess) to direct them properly."

2012-11-08, 03:01 PM
Huh, that's weird. I would have though my mind would be a bit more inventive than that. I wonder if this Sir Zachary Smith looks anything like the real one. I guess I'll find out.

2012-11-08, 03:03 PM
"Search the house yes, search the minds no. Also charm and that is considered very iffy, depending on how you use it. Using charm to stop someone from attacking you. Okay. Using charm to sleep with a woman or get a discount on good..that's rape or theft. The princess is very strict about these kinds of things. Most of the laws are fairly basic and logical, you can find a book at the city hall on it."

"Makes sense, I guess."
Lucas answers, deep in thoughts. Taking a mental note to look for the mentioned book.

Still, reading mind would be quite similar to polygraph...

"Hmm, do I have any friends or acquaintances? It would be strange if I talked to them and they didn't recognize me..."

2012-11-08, 03:11 PM
"Makes sense, I guess."
Lucas answers, deep in thoughts. Taking a mental note to look for the mentioned book.

Still, reading mind would be quite similar to polygraph...

"Hmm, do I have any friends or acquaintances? It would be strange if I talked to them and they didn't recognize me..."

"Well there was your one friend at the Merchant's guild. You guys went to the bar yesterday after doing your jobs. You get along well, cause you're both young members of various guilds in the kingdom. I think his name was John."

2012-11-08, 03:24 PM
So there is a connection to my own memories...

Lucas slowly finishes eating and decides to look for Zachary. He seemed to be the most known man-with-familiar-name here.
There is a chance he knows what is going on... unless I am just dreaming or crazy. And with this optimistic thoughts he walks towards knight quarters (using psicrystal GPS)

Then a thought strikes him.
"Have I ever met Zachary?"
...if not it could complicate things a bit...

2012-11-08, 03:38 PM
So there is a connection to my own memories...

Lucas slowly finishes eating and decides to look for Zachary. He seemed to be the most known man-with-familiar-name here.
There is a chance he knows what is going on... unless I am just dreaming or crazy. And with this optimistic thoughts he walks towards knight quarters (using psicrystal GPS)

Then a thought strikes him.
"Have I ever met Zachary?"
...if not it could complicate things a bit...

"Not sure, maybe once or twice. Zachary tends to talk mostly to the other knights."

You approach the knight quarters. One of the squires there tells you Zachary went to the arena to watch the squire's practice.

2012-11-08, 03:48 PM
"Thank you."
Lucas nods and goes to arena.

He doesn't approach Zachary from the beginning, at first he just tries to find out if he looks the same here and if he recognizes Lucas as he stands nearby.

2012-11-08, 03:48 PM
With none of the other nobles seeming interested in his remark, Danil turns his mind to the drinks table.

This is my delusion, it should be here. Come on... honeypunch, honeypunch, honeypuch.

[OOC] Honeypuch is a drink from some of my worlds. It somehow manages to be as sweet as honey but as clear, fluid, and refreshing as water. [OOC]

2012-11-08, 04:08 PM
With none of the other nobles seeming interested in his remark, Danil turns his mind to the drinks table.

This is my delusion, it should be here. Come on... honeypunch, honeypunch, honeypuch.

[OOC] Honeypuch is a drink from some of my worlds. It somehow manages to be as sweet as honey but as clear, fluid, and refreshing as water. [OOC]

You find no Honeypuch, you do find a similar tasting drink which they refer to as "Elven Meed" however.

2012-11-08, 04:16 PM
Danil pours himself a mug of meed and sips it while listening for another gap in the conversation (or for clues). He also steals a lot of glances at the princess, as moving to the drinks table has put him closer to her.

Blue Lantern
2012-11-08, 04:17 PM
There seems to be a lot of talk about a festival while some people are talking about exams and other studies. A few of the mages are exercising, including one girl in what looks like weighted clothing. She waves to you as you walk by.

He walked slowly through the hallways, there was a lot of people around, he keeped bumping to other, distracted as it was by looking stunned left and right, he had never seen anything like it, "Seems like Hogwarts" after a while he reached an open space where young people were practicing, he kept on walking, slower than before, watching fascinated, until he noticed a girl waving at him.

He almost stopped cold, he gazed around a little, but it actually seemed the girl was actually waving at him, after almost a minute of indecision he got a little closer, trying to sound casual greeted the stranger. "Hi"

2012-11-08, 04:20 PM
Danil pours himself a mug of meed and sips it while listening for another gap in the conversation (or for clues).

"So Princess." One starts after she's done eating and has relaxed in her chair.

"Do you have any idea about who you're going to task as your spouse? You'll need to produce a heir of your own in a few years."

"I have an idea of who I want." the Princess begins.

"Who?" they all ask excited.

"Calm down. He is a man who enjoys his privacy, he doesn't like fame, but I've taken quite the liking to him."

"How are you sure you can trust him then?" One asks.

"Quite simple...I'm his chance to get everything he's ever wanted. To be happy. So long as I keep him happy, he'll stay loyal."

Every mutters wondering who she could be talking about.


"Hey! Glad to see you're up! Want to help me practice?" She smiles happily. "You kind of owe me after I gave you my notes for yesterday's test." She teases you. When she smiles you notice something odd, namely the fact that she has fangs.

2012-11-08, 04:29 PM
"So Princess." One starts after she's done eating and has relaxed in her chair.

"Do you have any idea about who you're going to task as your spouse? You'll need to produce a heir of your own in a few years."

"I have an idea of who I want." the Princess begins.

"Who?" they all ask excited.

"Calm down. He is a man who enjoys his privacy, he doesn't like fame, but I've taken quite the liking to him."

"How are you sure you can trust him then?" One asks.

"Quite simple...I'm his chance to get everything he's ever wanted. To be happy. So long as I keep him happy, he'll stay loyal."

Every mutters wondering who she could be talking about.


"Hey! Glad to see you're up! Want to help me practice?" She smiles happily. "You kind of owe me after I gave you my notes for yesterday's test." She teases you. When she smiles you notice something odd, namely the fact that she has fangs.

Danil's mind briefly whirls through a moment of utter vertigo.

I obviously have a history here I know nothing about...and I am part of the nobility...and I've appearantly been around here for a while...WOOHOOEEEK!!

Ok, calm down, she probably doesn't mean you. Yeah right, this is your delusion, of course she means you. We do...


[OOC] @Blue This should be neat. Wonder if she's in the mood for a snack? [OOC]

2012-11-08, 04:45 PM
Danil's mind briefly whirls through a moment of utter vertigo.

I obviously have a history here I know nothing about...and I am part of the nobility...and I've appearantly been around here for a while...WOOHOOEEEK!!

Ok, calm down, she probably doesn't mean you. Yeah right, this is your delusion, of course she means you. We do...


[OOC] @Blue This should be neat. Wonder if she's in the mood for a snack? [OOC]

The princess stands up. "Well I better go get bathed, dressed, and so on for the ceremony. I can't go through with the ceremony looking like I just ate and with ink all over my hands."

She leaves the room and exits, everyone immediately bursts into discussion.

"So what kind of guy do you think it is? Is it one of the knights?"

"It could be someone from outside of Oda. Maybe one of the other family heads."

"She said she could make him happy...that could mean anyone, anyone would love to marry the princess!"

"The fact she won't tell us who he is makes me question her slightly, what if he turns out to be bad?"

"She's not that stupid, and her parents wouldn't let her marry someone they don't know!"

Everyone goes into debate.

2012-11-08, 09:43 PM
Danil's head is awhirl, and he knows he must be blushing a bit, which probably won't help matters. He's trying to get the two chains of thought in his head to stop arguing, but they won't shut up (it doesn't help that he keeps wondering if the nobles are talking about him) and the Shipping thread has just remembered something very important.

(Shipper Thoughts)That game, when Mori read the spell to grant us our wishes, I wished to be the brave heroic knight, and that's come true, but I think I also wished something about marrying the princess. And if the first wish has come true...

(Common Sense)Think about something else, you doofus! You don't want to stir up any rumors until you're sure if they're justified.

(Shipper Thoughts Again) Well, the princess is cute.

(Snarky Observations) Boy, talk about UST. You're going to have to figure this out soon, you know.

(Danil Himself) All of me, SHUT UP! I need to listen to what these people are saying, someone might tell me where I'm supposed to go next.

2012-11-08, 10:16 PM
Zachary Smith

Sir Zachary Smith stands and watching the squire's spar, attempting to probe his knowledge about medieval combat.

Interesting, I seem to remember much more about sword skill and combat than I remember....and that comment coupled with an internal dialog makes me lean towards a bit of crazy....

He also takes the time to scan the crowd looking for anything out of place...

Que first PC PC interaction?

2012-11-08, 10:24 PM
Zachary Smith

Sir Zachary Smith stands and watching the squire's spar, attempting to probe his knowledge about medieval combat.

Interesting, I seem to remember much more about sword skill and combat than I remember....and that comment coupled with an internal dialog makes me lean towards a bit of crazy....

He also takes the time to scan the crowd looking for anything out of place...

Que first PC PC interaction?

You notice someone who looks similar to someone from the D&D group watching, particularly with an interest in you. You recognize him, and either think your brain is uncreative, or well...whatever you would think at that point.

And yes.

2012-11-08, 10:34 PM

A voice snaps out of your mental argument. "Come on Baron Danil. Let's go enjoy the festival. Only comes along every 20 years or so." One of the nobles nods at you and stands up, the others follow suit.

2012-11-08, 10:37 PM
"Indeed! Let us enjoy this happy day and toast the success of some lucky man!" remarks Danil, making a toasting guesture with the last of his mead as he follows the others out of the dining room.

2012-11-08, 10:40 PM
Zachary notices the man watching him and he reminds him of a player from his group...(Insert Physical Description Here)....

Interesting....well its worth a shot....

Looking at the man Zachary taps the edge of his Mithril Great Sword, "Two Die Six isn't bad." hoping that if the statement made no sense to the person he would be in the clear.

2012-11-08, 10:57 PM
Mana returns with a nice meal and places it down. "Now...while you eat let's going over this slowly....what..is...ailing you?" She asks, clearly worried for you.

Im... Im fine i must have just hit my head when i got up this morning. Thanks for the food it was really thoughtful of you. We should be heading to the castle soon shouldn't we.

2012-11-08, 11:03 PM
Im... Im fine i must have just hit my head when i got up this morning. Thanks for the food it was really thoughtful of you. We should be heading to the castle soon shouldn't we.

"Let me check your head." She demands. She seems not very firey, but very worried. She clearly has something for you, or at least...for the other you, whoever he was. "You forgot our shipping company, the deal we made with each other to forge connections all over the kingdom. That was our promise remember? Remember the promise we made when we were just little kids?!"

2012-11-09, 12:06 AM
"Let me check your head." She demands. She seems not very firey, but very worried. She clearly has something for you, or at least...for the other you, whoever he was. "You forgot our shipping company, the deal we made with each other to forge connections all over the kingdom. That was our promise remember? Remember the promise we made when we were just little kids?!"

Of course I remember out promise Mana. I'll be fine don't worry. Lets head to the castle we can't be late for the Princess' Coming of Age ceremony now can we.

John walks over to his desk to begin collecting his things. As he is grabbing his bag he notices a Mummified elf hand hanging from a golden chain.

Is that... Okay this can't be good.

He quickly shoves it into his bag as if trying to deny it's existance. He then grabs a nearby cloak and turns back to Mana.

Thank you for all this. It's nice to know that i have someone looking out for me but i really am fine. It's just been a stressful few months the pressure must have gotten to me.

2012-11-09, 12:11 AM
"Alright John..." she says still somewhat worried. She stands up and leaves the room. "Just remember that I care."

She walks down the hallway, leaving you to consider these new developments.

2012-11-09, 01:31 AM
Zachary notices the man watching him and he reminds him of a player from his group...(Insert Physical Description Here)....

Interesting....well its worth a shot....

Looking at the man Zachary taps the edge of his Mithril Great Sword, "Two Die Six isn't bad." hoping that if the statement made no sense to the person he would be in the clear.


He smiles a bit, mostly in relief.
"I prefer higher crit rate myself... Eighteen to twenty is my favorite... still your choice. *pause* Nice to see someone who I actually remember, any idea what's going on?"
His smile is fading at the last sentence.

2012-11-09, 02:07 AM
The wizard look at you. "We're suppose to be adding some final touches to the banners and arena, for the tournament for the Princess's birthday. After that we pretty much have the day to ourselves, to study and celebrate. Maybe make some more magical items to sell. We'll see how everything goes."

Tabatha lets out a weakly heh when he looks at her, "Ah. That sounds like a lot of fun. I prepared those spells like you told me. Plus some extra. It was easier than I thought. Well at least till... I think I might of overdone it a bit, hurt my head a little." Thankfully the pain didn't last all that long, can barely feel it now she thinks to herself. As the conversation moves on she munches on the bread and clears her throat with some water. When he mentions magical items her eyes light up. "Magic items.", she says with a certain degree of enthusiasm. Catching her tone she pulls back from her last statement, "Right, of course that makes sense..." Great one Tabatha, way to keep the guise on. This whole situation does have too much in common with my wish to be a coincidence. This guy knows about magic maybe I should just tell him about the spell..or maybe I shouldn't try to look crazier than I already do. Can't really press too hard with the questions else it'll seem suspicious. I need to find someone that doesn't know me.

2012-11-09, 02:30 AM

The wizard checks out the window after you finish your meals. He uses a basic spell to clean you both up. "Come now, we must get to the arena and cast our spells. We'll walk today, since I didn't have enough slots to prepare a teleport spell, plus those things have a tendency to backfire when you need it most."

He rushes you out the door and to the arena. You enter the actual tournament area (rather than the practice area), and he tells you to glitterdust up two banners that are on opposite sides of the arena, while he starts using magic to shape the earth into an even level and repair minor damage done to the arena that's still there.

Blue Lantern
2012-11-09, 05:47 AM

"Hey! Glad to see you're up! Want to help me practice?" She smiles happily. "You kind of owe me after I gave you my notes for yesterday's test." She teases you. When she smiles you notice something odd, namely the fact that she has fangs.


"O...K" he said hesitantly, "Crap, what should I do now" he was afraid he would panick, but tried to keep a cool facade. "What do you want me to do" asked trying not to sound too tense, even if part of him wanted to run.

[OOC] @Reader: As long as she doesn't chew too hard...[OOC]

2012-11-09, 07:35 AM
"Alright John..." she says still somewhat worried. She stands up and leaves the room. "Just remember that I care."

She walks down the hallway, leaving you to consider these new developments.

As Mana leaves, John composes himself to leave.

*sigh* Come on John just keep it together for today then you can figure out what the hell is going on here.

Grabbing his bag and fastening his cloak he heads downstairs.

2012-11-09, 11:51 AM

He smiles a bit, mostly in relief.
"I prefer higher crit rate myself... Eighteen to twenty is my favorite... still your choice. *pause* Nice to see someone who I actually remember, any idea what's going on?"
His smile is fading at the last sentence.


"Keen Kukri kinda guy like always..." a brief smile crosses his face, "No idea whats going on, figured it was a pretty intense dream....woke up with a naked women in my bed, found out I'm a badass with a sword and a Gish to boot...Amy is going to kill me about that naked woman part, but hell, its my dream." His brow furrows, "Why are you in my dream?"

Why is he in my dream?

2012-11-09, 11:55 AM

"Keen Kukri kinda guy like always..." a brief smile crosses his face, "No idea whats going on, figured it was a pretty intense dream....woke up with a naked women in my bed, found out I'm a badass with a sword and a Gish to boot...Amy is going to kill me about that naked woman part, but hell, its my dream." His brow furrows, "Why are you in my dream?"

Why is he in my dream?

You can see a frown on Lucas's face
"Aww! There was no naked woman in my bed! And sorry to tell you this, but if it indeed is a dream then it is mine.
... And according to my vast knowledge gained from movies, it is not a dream. I pinched myself - it hurt - so not a dream..."

2012-11-09, 11:59 AM

Chuckling, "Valid theory, best I've heard yet. But, if Amy shows up in my dream, its going to turn into a nightmare..."

2012-11-09, 12:16 PM

"Just spot me so I don't injure myself. Of course I wouldn't say no to our little ritual...have you been eating a lot of meat lately? You smell soooo good today."

She starts exercising some more and you find it odd, that you're friends with what is clearly some sort of vampire, probably a half-one, due to the fact she's not bursting into flames.


The florists have prepared and arranged the flowers in a nice design, all you and Mana need to do is take it to the castle and deliver it. She can't drag you like before since she's carrying it, but she urges you to hurry along and is out the door like quick brown fox.

~Zman and Lexin~

You are getting some odd looks from the squires but no one is brave enough to question it, figuring it's just some kind of friendly slang, or joking around.

2012-11-09, 12:22 PM
As Danil enters the arena, he notices two familiar faces just a few rows down from this entrance. Seeing the crowd freely meandering, he manuevers down to get to the two.

Please let this work. Please let this work the way I think it will.

He arrived at their box and tapped the one he thought was Zachary on the shoulder.

"Sir Zachary Smith, I believe? Baron Danil Drome at your service."

De soviendei noi savaigan.

Blue Lantern
2012-11-09, 02:10 PM

"Just spot me so I don't injure myself. Of course I wouldn't say no to our little ritual...have you been eating a lot of meat lately? You smell soooo good today."

She starts exercising some more and you find it odd, that you're friends with what is clearly some sort of vampire, probably a half-one, due to the fact she's not bursting into flames.

He felt his face redden at her world, which was all well and good after all, it should have prevented worse embarrassment "This is so weird." he was caressing the idea to run away screaming, but the girl didn't seem threatening, and he needed to learn more about the place, least risk some major failing in his ignorance.
Trying to deviate the subject he asked, in what hoped was a casual tone, "Any plan for today, going to see the festival?"

2012-11-09, 02:32 PM
He felt his face redden at her world, which was all well and good after all, it should have prevented worse embarrassment "This is so weird." he was caressing the idea to run away screaming, but the girl didn't seem threatening, and he needed to learn more about the place, least risk some major failing in his ignorance.
Trying to deviate the subject he asked, in what hoped was a casual tone, "Any plan for today, going to see the festival?"

"Of course. Only comes every 20 years or so." She finishes up her exercises, she then licks her lips. "May I feed on you?" She asks innocently and causally. "Need my blood so I don't get tired, you know." She sticks her tongue out at you teasingly.

2012-11-09, 02:44 PM
"Of course. Only comes every 20 years or so." She finishes up her exercises, she then licks her lips. "May I feed on you?" She asks innocently and causally. "Need my blood so I don't get tired, you know." She sticks her tongue out at you teasingly.

[OOC] And I thought my guy had UST![OOC]

2012-11-09, 02:46 PM
[OOC] And I thought my guy had UST![OOC]

To be fair, she's a half-vampire with blood dependency. It's less sexual tension to her, and more just a meal. Although it could become something more. :P

2012-11-09, 02:49 PM

Chuckling, "Valid theory, best I've heard yet. But, if Amy shows up in my dream, its going to turn into a nightmare..."

"If she shows up here I will try to talk to her long enough for you to run far far away, my good Sir.
...I think I could try to calm her with my newly gained... or dreamed powers, but it seems it is considered illegal.
... On the other hand, it would probably count as self-defense...
He concludes with a thoughtful look on his face. (And trying to keep from laughing...)

As Danil enters the arena, he notices two familiar faces just a few rows down from this entrance. Seeing the crowd freely meandering, he manuevers down to get to the two.

Please let this work. Please let this work the way I think it will.

He arrived at their box and tapped the one he thought was Zachary on the shoulder.

"Sir Zachary Smith, I believe? Baron Danil Drome at your service."

De soviendei noi savaigan.

Lucas bows politely when he sees Danil. Keeping serious and polite expression on his face he says.
"My Lord, I am delighted to make your acquaintance. I am Lucas, son of Laguna of Psion's Guild.
Please meet my dear friend, Sir Zachary Smith, the great champion whose fight we would have the privilege to see just in a couple of hours.
May I inquire, what brings you here, my lord?"

2012-11-09, 03:12 PM
"Greetings, Lucas," replies Danil.

"And in answer to your question, I wish to discuss magical theory with you, in particular a certain spell that you both doubtless remember. Would you prefer to compare experiences now or later?

2012-11-09, 04:02 PM

Turning to the newcomer and pushing his lucky, "Old' Danny boy!" as he smacks hi on the back...

I doubt that was appropriate!

2012-11-09, 04:05 PM
Danil laughs. "Good to see you too!"

(whispering) "Does this mean that you know you know me? Cause that would be nice to know if you know."

2012-11-09, 04:09 PM

With a big smile, "True wisdom is knowing that in truth you know nothing."

Looking with a grin, "What? Too Cryptic. Call me a white Yoda."

2012-11-09, 04:12 PM
"Ah, but you can know nothing because there is nothing to know, or because you know nothing of that which there is to know. And here and now, knowing the difference is crucial.

2012-11-09, 04:18 PM

"Hmm, judging from the stares others give us I am afraid we might be locked in local mental asylum in nearest future...

Anyway, how is it going? ... I mean for you. Here.
I know for example that Zachary already slept with some random girl... and he will fight in tournament. Nice start by the way... I only got a job as messenger and delivered a letter to the princess..."

2012-11-09, 04:22 PM
Danil (whispering, to Lexin) "Can you do telepathy yet? I don't want to say this in front of a crowd unless I have to."

To Zach: "Huh, either you've been really busy or you've been here longer than I have. I only arrived this morning." (whispers) "Do you know if I'm supposed to be in the tournament? I can't find a list of matches anywhere."

2012-11-09, 04:29 PM

He looks at Danil, slightly disappointed.
"No, not yet at least... I guess it takes some more practice... unless...
... Yes... actually I can, it is only temporary, but will work!

... I wanted to test something anyway...
He says, smile and guilt fighting for a place on his face.

Manifesting Mindlink, including Danil and Zachary.
It would work 40 minutes. (using Overchannel + Talented)

1. 2. 3. Telepathic microphone test!

2012-11-09, 04:41 PM
Danil concentrated, trying to project his thoughts.

I think the princess may want to marry me. I was at a brunch for the nobles and someone asked the princess about her marital plans. She said she has someone in mind but didn't say who. But I've got a gut feeling that she meant me. And I did wish to become the brave knight who marries the princess when Mori read that weird book to us.

We need to get together after this and compare notes. Whatever any of us can find about the others could be really helpful.

2012-11-09, 05:45 PM
Technically I didn't sleep next to her...I woke up net to her with clear evidence and a lack of clothing...and her name is Leila?? And she is the Princess' bodyguard...going after royalty? Ehh ambitious.

He laughs outloud, the makes it look like he was laughing a a poor squire who had just been marked for a slow upwards block...

I just Laughed Lout Loud....snicker snicker. Serious Time. What is going on, we've ruled a dream as unlikely.

2012-11-09, 05:51 PM
"We are actually from here but some foreign spy used some high level insanity spell on us?
We were abducted by aliens?
Mori's spell actually worked?
I have hallucinations after Kate's cooking?"
"No more ideas for now..."

2012-11-09, 05:58 PM

and our best explanation is the spell worked.... as Zachary does a minor magical trick scooping light out of the air and letting it whips away.

2012-11-09, 06:00 PM
Great, so I may be marrying the princess and Zach is romancing the princesses's bodyguard. Now all we need is for Lexin to be the long-lost prince or something.

As for what's going on, I've been using the working hypothesis that I finally decided to go completely crazy. I've been considering going crazy for a while, but it was never really the right time. But the idea about Mori's spell actually working seems a good one to.

Say, or well I suppose think, have any of you seen the others? If Mori's spell really worked it should have zapped all six of us. Don't know what it would do to Mori, he didn't make any wish.

Wait...Lucas, can anyone eavesdrop on us when we're mindspeaking like this?

2012-11-09, 06:07 PM

To Zachary, with uncertainty "I wouldn't rule out Kate's cooking so quickly..."

To Danil "It is possible to eavesdrop, but I was informed that these kinds of spells are illegal here, so the chance is slim. The only one who could be listening, if he cares, is Loiosh... He says showing his psicrystal ...and, at this topic, Loiosh informed me that there are people around the city with the same names as members of our group, I would assume that it isn't coincidence... The only one he doesn't know is Mori... But as far as we know he might have wanted to be a secret agent... and we wouldn't hear about him by chance..."

2012-11-09, 07:28 PM
Ok, let's see. Lucas, what's the range on this telepathy power? I should probably be heading up to the booth with the rest of the nobility, and it would be really helpful if we could stay in contact a bit longer.

Oh, and Zachary, since you seem to be boinking the Princess's cheif bodyguard, you should know that she's got a psycho sister. Heard some nobles talking about her earlier. Here's the memory...

"So who do you think is going to win in the fight between Sir Zachery Smith and Leila?"

"Definitely Leila. She's the Princess's bodyguard for a reason."

"Yeah, but didn't she use to command the gold unit? Why did she leave that position?"

"Well that's cause of that sister of hers...The Crescent Dragon. We've had months of peace since she took command of the guards. No orc is brave enough to fight her."

"Why isn't she fighting in the tournament?"

"She's too violent. Loves to fight that woman, I'd hate to think of what would happen if she turned on the crown, a lot of the knights look up to her."

Don't know whether you want to do anything about the Crescent Dragon, but I thought you might want to know.

BTW, Lucas, does "Loiosh" know anything about me?

2012-11-09, 07:34 PM
To be fair, she's a half-vampire with blood dependency. It's less sexual tension to her, and more just a meal. Although it could become something more. :P

I was more thinking of the "don't get tired" (with teasing tounge stickout!) and the "our little ritual", not to mention the "you smell soooo good".

2012-11-09, 07:39 PM

"The range? ... this plane of existence as far as I know, so don't worry too much about it...

As for Loiosh's knowledge... I don't know... Do you Loiosh?


Can Loiosh access our telepathic network?
If not, Lucas would just relay questions/answers.
Question asked now 'What do you know about Danil?'

2012-11-09, 07:44 PM

"The range? ... this plane of existence as far as I know, so don't worry too much about it...

As for Loiosh's knowledge... I don't know... Do you Loiosh?


Can Loiosh access our telepathic network?
If not, Lucas would just relay questions/answers.
Question asked now 'What do you know about Danil?'

"I don't know anything in particular about him. I didn't even know you two knew each other until now. I'm just an extension of your mind...or at least I thought I was...this is a real twist to me."

(I have no idea if he can, I guess he can, but if anyone can find a definite answer on this we'll go with that, I SUCK at psionics).

2012-11-09, 07:53 PM
To Loiosh "Don't worry buddy, you are a real lifesaver for me right now."

To Danil "It seems we won't get all the answers unfortunately..."

2012-11-09, 08:02 PM

John follows Mana out the door and heads towards the castle.

2012-11-09, 08:26 PM

John follows Mana out the door and heads towards the castle.

You deliver the floral arrangement to the Castle, and then leave. "So where do you want to go first?" Mana asks grabbing your arm. "We should enjoy the festivities, cause it's back to work tomorrow!"

2012-11-09, 08:39 PM
You deliver the floral arrangement to the Castle, and then leave. "So where do you want to go first?" Mana asks grabbing your arm. "We should enjoy the festivities, cause it's back to work tomorrow!"


Why don't you lead the way. You've spent all day worring about me we should be doing whatever you want to do.

2012-11-09, 09:06 PM

Why don't you lead the way. You've spent all day worring about me we should be doing whatever you want to do.

"Let's go to the arena and watch the tournament. I hear Sir Smith, and Lady Leila are going to have a match. That'll be a nice one to watch. Plus maybe the simple violence will get your mind a little more clear, rather than all this hard thinking."

Blue Lantern
2012-11-10, 01:51 AM
"Of course. Only comes every 20 years or so." She finishes up her exercises, she then licks her lips. "May I feed on you?" She asks innocently and causally. "Need my blood so I don't get tired, you know." She sticks her tongue out at you teasingly.

"oops, that came out loud, what the hell should I do now."
"I mean... are we sure we are at that point"
"God this make no sense."

To be fair, she's a half-vampire with blood dependency. It's less sexual tension to her, and more just a meal. Although it could become something more. :P
Those are the things that make a man feel appreciated :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-10, 02:02 AM
"oops, that came out loud, what the hell should I do now."
"I mean... are we sure we are at that point"
"God this make no sense."

Those are the things that make a man feel appreciated :smallbiggrin:

She laughs. "You're not fully awake yet are you? Don't worry it's nothing sexual, the simple fact is that it's easier to feed on one person than many people, prevents um..."social problems". And besides, do you ask your cow if you can butcher it before you eat it?" She slides up to you, surprisingly fast, for wearing weighted clothing. "So can I? Pleeeease?" She looks at you with red puppy dog eyes.

2012-11-10, 07:12 AM
"Let's go to the arena and watch the tournament. I hear Sir Smith, and Lady Leila are going to have a match. That'll be a nice one to watch. Plus maybe the simple violence will get your mind a little more clear, rather than all this hard thinking."


It would do me good to relax and take my mind of things.

Sounds good to me. Lead the way, Milady

2012-11-10, 08:53 AM
I should probably be seen to be leaving. God knows what the three of us being together here communicates to everyone else, and I think the first events are about to get started.

And Zachary, it really would be helpful if you know anything about the tournament scheduling.

Danil turns and lets the link slide to the back of his mind as he makes his way up to join his fellow nobles. He scans the seats for anyone in his colors or any other clue where he's supposed to sit.

2012-11-10, 09:59 AM
To Zachary "Do you need any help before your big fight? I think I would need to join the audience too... unless you have some special access to best seats for friends or something..."

To Loiosh "Did I have any plans for today's festivities? Someone to meet, maybe a reserved seats for guild members?
If not do you know the schedule?..."

Lucas raises his left hand and stares at it for a short while, before adding.

"... and what time is it?"

...It seems my watch wasn't fantasy enough...

2012-11-10, 10:09 AM

I Agree, unfortunately I don't know much about the tournament, and the only thing I know about my opponent is purely....superficial...I don't seem to remember sparring for hours with her yesturday...which is going to leave me at a distict disadvantage.

2012-11-10, 02:17 PM

Mana drags you to the arena, and you managed to get decent seats.


You meet up with your fellow Nobles in one of the upper box seats in the arena. With a great view, and more comfortable sitting arrangements.


"Not that I can think of, it was mostly just enjoy yourself and maybe try to find a girl. It's mid-morning. Not quite high noon."


Eventually everyone leaves leaving you and the squires. The squires have stopped sparing and are resting for their matches.

2012-11-10, 03:04 PM
Danil settles back and surveys the crowds and the general shape of the arena while he listens in on the conversations around him, waiting for an opportunity to jump in. The mindlink remained quiescent in the back of his mind, as he had nothing to send down it.

2012-11-10, 03:42 PM

No plans? ... I don't mind.

He walks around trying to find out what exactly can he do there, and possibly what is planned for today.
He knows for now that there is a tournament planned, he would like to know when is it and if there is anything else planned.
...A feast probably... but these things should probably come later... hmm maybe I will find a real bard performance around... there has to be something to do other than simply waiting for Zachary's fight...
Then the last words of psicrystal strike him.
Finding a girl?... I suppose I can focus on this one as well...

2012-11-10, 05:44 PM

To Loiosh "Tell me when it is time to go, so I don't miss Zachary's fight."

Lucas decides to use this chance and tries to see and do everything that is to see and do ... and taste during the festival.
He starts from trying to find some performers around, preferably the musical kind, hopefully getting to listen to some legend of this... world (?)
He takes some time to try some food, the more exotic the better. (although he considers dogs and cats to be too 'exotic' to eat them)
In all this time he also looks around if there is some pretty girl, so he could spent time with someone... less crystalline... than Loiosh.

In all of this he remembers to go back to arena to watch Zachary's fight and if he sees another one of 'RPG group' he would stop and talk to them.

2012-11-10, 05:53 PM
You go by the cooking contest, where a young woman in a maid outfit is clearly creaming everyone with her food. Mainly cause she clearly had like 10 plates or so prepared and only here are anywhere near empty. She's wearing an apron outfit, and taking inventory. "I guess I'm going to have to go back and bake some more...we're almost out...I thought this would be enough."

2012-11-10, 06:30 PM
Is there any left to taste? Is it free, or is everyone paying?

2012-11-10, 06:32 PM
Since nothing seems to be happening in the arena, Danil makes his way down to the cooking competitions and the bards and the sellers of novelties.

He starts idly wandering around, looking for a stall or bard or seller who particularly catches his fancy.

I wonder if she is here too.

2012-11-10, 07:42 PM
Is there any left to taste? Is it free, or is everyone paying?

It's free, the blonde girl has only a few morsols left. There's a large amount on other people's plates. Apparently this girl is a very popular cook.

Bard sing about the history of the country, and there is a large amount of dancing.

2012-11-10, 08:24 PM
Zachary send through the link, When is my fight?

Zachary bids the only people he knows away as he moves over to his squire, complementing him if he won, giving him constructive criticism if he did not.

"You are proving to be quite a warrior. What is your assessment of my upcoming fight?"

2012-11-10, 08:41 PM
Zachary send stronghold the link, When is my fight?

Zachary bids the only people he knows away as he moves over to his squire, complementing him if he won, giving him constructive criticism if he did not.

"You are proving to be quite a warrior. What is your assessment of my upcoming fight?"

The squire turns to you. "Um..well...Lady Leila uses the same technique the girl I was fighting uses. Tired defences. You'll have to try to take her down ASAP, or she'll slowly grind your energy away until you just collapse. There's really two ways to do it, focus on hitting as hard as you can, or rely on hitting her consistently, and hope she collapses before you do. The fact that their technique is way more dangerous when fighting non-lethal doesn't help."

He seems out of breath and tired. The girl clearly drained him.

2012-11-10, 08:58 PM
"A fair assessment. What is the hour?"

2012-11-10, 09:54 PM
"A fair assessment. What is the hour?"

"Um...mid-morning? 10? I don't own a clock sir..."

2012-11-10, 11:35 PM
As he wanders through the press of festivalgoers, Danil catches sight of a stall giving out sausage rolls. He slips over.

Look like mine. Smell like mine. (Grabs one and bites into it) And... taste like mine.

He grabs a half-dozen sausage rolls, leaving a couple of gold pieces in their place and disappearing into the crowds before the stallkeeper can protest.

With one task accomplished for a while, he turns his attention to the search for knowledge. He edges over to the nearest bard and listens intently, hoping that even half a story can prove helpful.

2012-11-10, 11:42 PM
He rushes you out the door and to the arena. You enter the actual tournament area (rather than the practice area), and he tells you to glitterdust up two banners that are on opposite sides of the arena, while he starts using magic to shape the earth into an even level and repair minor damage done to the arena that's still there.

Tabatha quickly nods and gets to work. She approaches the first banner really unsure how this whole magic using is going to play out. Just like with the book she leaves it to instinct. She takes a quick breath and starts reading off her mental image of the symbols she traced earlier. And just like she hoped her hand reaches for her spell pouch out of instinct, she grasps a fine shiny dust and puts it to her lips. Held mouth high she chants a soothing tune into the dust then slowly breaths it away. As the dust starts to drift away it forms archaic symbols and jets towards the banner, stamping it briefly with symbols before bursting into a fine shiny dust.

She moves to the other banner repeating the process.

2012-11-10, 11:43 PM
As he wanders through the press of festivalgoers, Danil catches sight of a stall giving out sausage rolls. He slips over.

Look like mine. Smell like mine. (Grabs one and bites into it) And... taste like mine.

He grabs a half-dozen sausage rolls, leaving a couple of gold pieces in their place and disappearing into the crowds before the stallkeeper can protest.

With one task accomplished for a while, he turns his attention to the search for knowledge. He edges over to the nearest bard and listens intently, hoping that even half a story can prove helpful.

You notice three nearby girls going over what look like a map of the country, except it's marked very different. "So if we move here...." one goes.

"That's Vyce's area." The other goes. "I don't think that would go over well."

"Yeah but we have HER backing, we can use that to our advantage."

"Don't you find it weird, how this young adult is crushing everyone?" The other says, "I think he might be cheating."

"You can't cheat in the great game, the very game itself keeps the rules fair via the magical contract."

"That's not what I mean! It's like he has access to knowledge he shouldn't!"

"Yeah, but he's a bloody dragon, they kinda you know, can do that stuff."

"So we meet back with the master and then do our next move. We attack Vyce's area."

"Right!" the three of them pick up the map and run off.

2012-11-10, 11:46 PM
Tabatha quickly nods and gets to work. She approaches the first banner really unsure how this whole magic using is going to play out. Just like with the book she leaves it to instinct. She takes a quick breath and starts reading off her mental image of the symbols she traced earlier. And just like she hoped her hand reaches for her spell pouch out of instinct, she grasps a fine shiny dust and puts it to her lips. Held mouth high she chants a soothing tune into the dust then slowly breaths it away. As the dust starts to drift away it forms archaic symbols and jets towards the banner, stamping it briefly with symbols before bursting into a fine shiny dust.

She moves to the other banner repeating the process.

"Excellent job, everything is ready. Let's go enjoy the festivals." He leaves the arena and runs towards the food vendors.

2012-11-10, 11:53 PM
Taking his seat John turns to Mana

So are you looking forward to the tournament

2012-11-10, 11:56 PM
"Excellent job, everything is ready. Let's go enjoy the festivals." He leaves the arena and runs towards the food vendors.

She rubs her head a little then starts running after him. "Wait for me!", cashing after him while yelling along the way. No clue where he was headed, or how to get there.

2012-11-10, 11:56 PM
Danil sends down the link:

Guys, I think you might want to hear this

You notice three nearby girls going over what look like a map of the country, except it's marked very different. "So if we move here...." one goes.

"That's Vyce's area." The other goes. "I don't think that would go over well."

"Yeah but we have HER backing, we can use that to our advantage."

"Don't you find it weird, how this young adult is crushing everyone?" The other says, "I think he might be cheating."

"You can't cheat in the great game, the very game itself keeps the rules fair via the magical contract."

"That's not what I mean! It's like he has access to knowledge he shouldn't!"

"Yeah, but he's a bloody dragon, they kinda you know, can do that stuff."

"So we meet back with the master and then do our next move. We attack Vyce's area."

"Right!" the three of them pick up the map and run off.

I'm pretty sure none of our group wished to be a dragon. Do you think we might have found Mori?

2012-11-10, 11:58 PM
Taking his seat John turns to Mana

So are you looking forward to the tournament

"I guess so. The Oda military has produced some of the best fighters ever." She looks at you with a look of worry. "Are you sure you're still okay?" She asks again. "You've had enough to eat? You're not hungover?"

"What about you?"

2012-11-11, 12:25 AM
She rubs her head a little then starts running after him. "Wait for me!", cashing after him while yelling along the way. No clue where he was headed, or how to get there.

You follow him to the vendor area, where the food is being handed out, the blonde girl has left and returned with more chocolates and such. Apparently most of the people have had their fill, but now she's joined by a boy with short brown hair, and they're carefully looking over the crowd whispering to each other.

2012-11-11, 12:56 AM
You follow him to the vendor area, where the food is being handed out, the blonde girl has left and returned with more chocolates and such. Apparently most of the people have had their fill, but now she's joined by a boy with short brown hair, and they're carefully looking over the crowd whispering to each other.

Affording her master some attention in the form of a glance every once in a while she moved away from the stand looking for someone not overly busy. Finally spotting a shorter man, a dwarf perhaps she taps on his shoulder. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but I'm new in town. I was looking for some information or a place were I can get some."

2012-11-11, 01:08 AM
Affording her master some attention in the form of a glance every once in a while she moved away from the stand looking for someone not overly busy. Finally spotting a shorter man, a dwarf perhaps she taps on his shoulder. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but I'm new in town. I was looking for some information or a place were I can get some."

The boy turns to you. "Ask Patricia, she knows everything." He points to the blonde girl at the vendor. "No one knows how she does it. She'll talk in terms no one understands though."

2012-11-11, 01:43 AM
The boy turns to you. "Ask Patricia, she knows everything." He points to the blonde girl at the vendor. "No one knows how she does it. She'll talk in terms no one understands though."

"Oh thanks." Tabatha gives a quick glance towards her master making sure he's still there then moves towards Patricia's Vendor. "Hello. Are you Patricia?"

2012-11-11, 01:46 AM
"Oh thanks." Tabatha gives a quick glance towards her master making sure he's still there then moves towards Patricia's Vendor. "Hello. Are you Patricia?"

The girl looks up at you. "I suppose that's what they call me here. Can you answer me a question?"

2012-11-11, 01:50 AM
"I guess so. The Oda military has produced some of the best fighters ever." She looks at you with a look of worry. "Are you sure you're still okay?" She asks again. "You've had enough to eat? You're not hungover?"
"What about you?"

I'm fine Mana. I just... *chuckle* I just wasn't myself this morning

2012-11-11, 01:50 AM
The girl looks up at you. "I suppose that's what they call me here. Can you answer me a question?"

"Um I can try, but I came here to have my questions answered..."

2012-11-11, 01:51 AM
"Um I can try, but I came here to have my questions answered..."

"If a soldier is wielding a keen scythe, what is the weapon's threat range and critical multiplier?"

2012-11-11, 02:09 AM
"If a soldier is wielding a keen scythe, what is the weapon's threat range and critical multiplier?"

Her eyes widen at the question, "..I wasn't expecting that. Is this place like Order of the Stick?" She scratches her head with one finger, "Give me a bit. It's been a while since I've seen the scythe stats." After some thought, "This one is easy scythes are great for coup de graces, they are normally a plain times four crit. But since it's keen it's nineteen to twenty times four. Unless! they have some type of special class ability, if the soldier was a level twenty she fighter could have a times five. She mumbles to herself, "ya I think that's right." then speaks up towards Patricia. "Is that right?"

2012-11-11, 02:12 AM
Her eyes widen at the question, "..I wasn't expecting that. Is this place like Order of the Stick?" She scratches her head with one finger, "Give me a bit it's been a while since I've seen the scythe stats." After some thought, "This one is easy scythes are great for coup de graces, they are normally a plain times four crit. But since it's keen it's nineteen to twenty times four. Unless! they have some type of special class ability, if the soldier was a level twenty she fighter could have a times five. She mumbles to herself, "ya I think that's right." then speaks up towards Patricia. "Is that right?"

Patricia breathes. "Thank god, I wasn't the only one zapped here. Although it seems you got to keep your body. It's me....the guy who cast the spell...you know..."

"Patricia" goes a little red. Then the boy turns to her.

"Ah so she's one of the people who um... "played the game" with you."

"I'm still not 100% sure if the game is accurate, but everything I've experimented with has shown it so far, and this setting is like the one I had prepared for the session, only problem being that after the festival is where I stopped writing! So I have no idea what's going to happen to the timeline after that Lee!"

2012-11-11, 02:33 AM
Patricia breathes. "Thank god, I wasn't the only one zapped here. Although it seems you got to keep your body. It's me....the guy who cast the spell...you know..."

"Patricia" goes a little red. Then the boy turns to her.

"Ah so she's one of the people who um... "played the game" with you."

"I'm still not 100% sure if the game is accurate, but everything I've experimented with has shown it so far, and this setting is like the one I had prepared for the session, only problem being that after the festival is where I stopped writing! So I have no idea what's going to happen to the timeline after that Lee!"

"Thank goodness! I thought I was all alone. I've been running around like a chicken without a head. I think it was the spell you read, my wish kinda came true. I'm with some older guy whose apparently my magic teacher. And I can make magical items just like in my wish! Though I haven't done it yet... but the guy says I can."

"Oh this is your setting? Good good. You must know all about it then. I haven't figured out a thing yet. Fill me in." Tabatha stops mid thought, "Wait. You had this place planned out for our session last night? Doesn't that mean something bad is going to happen. For the adventurers ,you know, have something to fix?"

2012-11-11, 02:51 AM
"Thank goodness! I thought I was all alone. I've been running around like a chicken without a head. I think it was the spell you read, my wish kinda came true. I'm with some older guy whose apparently my magic teacher. And I can make magical items just like in my wish! Though I haven't done it yet... but the guy says I can."

"Oh this is your setting? Good good. You must know all about it then. I haven't figured out a thing yet. Fill me in." Tabatha stops mid thought, "Wait. You had this place planned out for our session last night? Doesn't that mean something bad is going to happen. For the adventurers ,you know, have something to fix?"

"No the festival was the setup for the adventure, and I was kinda gonna wing it after that....so I had nothing planned after it...so literally anything that happens after tonight is no longer in the same time stream."

I motion to the boy. "Meet Lee. He's a young adult Silver dragon, who I've been helping with the great game. Apparently the ability to know where every other dragon in the country is located is real useful."

Lee waves to you. "Hi, care for some chocolate?"

2012-11-11, 07:46 AM
When is Zachary's fight? Lucas asks Loiosh and relays the answer to Zachary.

After that he focuses back on the cook.
"Oh, I see that winner of cooking contest is already decided." he smiles "Please tell me, is there any more to try?"

2012-11-11, 08:53 AM
As Danil meanders closer to those girls, he spots a familiar face.

Guys, I think I found another of us!

He pushes through the crowd towards Tabatha. Then he taps her on the shoulder and announces

"Tabitha Wright, I believe? Baron Danil Drome at your service, and greetings from Sir Zachary Smith and Lucas of the Psionics Guild."

2012-11-11, 08:56 AM
When is Zachary's fight? Lucas asks Loiosh and relays the answer to Zachary.

After that he focuses back on the cook.
"Oh, I see that winner of cooking contest is already decided." he smiles "Please tell me, is there any more to try?"

"Around supper time." The psycrystal says. "Final fight of the tournament."

The trays have been given their goods all over again. There is plenty left.

2012-11-11, 09:32 AM
I'm fine Mana. I just... *chuckle* I just wasn't myself this morning

The tournament should be good. I mean they must have gotten the best fighters in the land for this right?

2012-11-11, 09:44 AM
The tournament should be good. I mean they must have gotten the best fighters in the land for this right?

"All except the Crescent Dragon. She's too violent to be allowed to fight, she never holds back. It's always aim to kill with her."

"I heard that." A voice comes from behind you. You turn and see a messy woman in a chain shirt and various magical items sitting there. Mana turns white.

"Um..hi?" she says scared.

"Calm down. I have better things to do than murder a civilian." She looks over Mana, who is now gripping your arm rather tight. "It's just the way I fight. It just feels like I'm holding back if I fight tourney style..."

She grips her polearm weapon (blade-on-a-stick, I don't know the name of it, not a spear...it's got more a curved blade, oriental style).

"I look forward to seeing the match as well." She turns to the tournament as the squires start to enter the field to prepare for the pre-game matches. The arena is still fairly empty.

Blue Lantern
2012-11-11, 10:13 AM
She laughs. "You're not fully awake yet are you? Don't worry it's nothing sexual, the simple fact is that it's easier to feed on one person than many people, prevents um..."social problems". And besides, do you ask your cow if you can butcher it before you eat it?" She slides up to you, surprisingly fast, for wearing weighted clothing. "So can I? Pleeeease?" She looks at you with red puppy dog eyes.

He made an involuntary step backward, "Crap. How come I found myself always in mess like those?" he interposed his hand between them and he felt an energy surging inside, and static formed around his hand.
Too much was happening too fast, "I am not food!" he blurted mostly without thinking, he turned around and started walking away "see you around"
He walked fast, almost running, at first he felt like puking, it took several minutes to calm down enough to start thinking rationally again.
"My God, she talked like, we did it before, that's insane."
"Maybe you should have" a little voice inside him suggested maliciously, "after all, as far as you know it should be a pleasant experience."
"Yes, and dangerous, what am I thinking"
He stopped himself, had to lean on the wall a second, still a bit in shock.

First day in a new world and I already have a cute monster girl who wants to take advantage of me without the funny part... It's high school all over again :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-11, 10:18 AM
He made an involuntary step backward, "Crap. How come I found myself always in mess like those?" he interposed his hand between them and he felt an energy surging inside, and static formed around his hand.
Too much was happening too fast, "I am not food!" he blurted mostly without thinking he turned around and started walking away "see you around"
He walked fast, almost running, at first he felt like puking, it took several minutes to calm down enough to start thinking rationally again.
"My God, she talked like, we did it before, that's insane."
"Maybe you should have" a little voice inside him suggested maliciously, "after all, as far as you know it should be a pleasant experience."
"Yes, and dangerous, what am I thinking"
He stopped himself, had to lean on the wall a second, still a bit in shock.

She stands there looking at you shocked. "FINE!" she yells at you before going back to exercising, much quicker this time. "Not going to lend you my notes next time...jerk...I just wanted a basic meal."

A fair number of people are looking at your fight, but quickly go back to their own things.

2012-11-11, 10:18 AM
"All except the Crescent Dragon. She's too violent to be allowed to fight, she never holds back. It's always aim to kill with her."

"I heard that." A voice comes from behind you. You turn and see a messy woman in a chain shirt and various magical items sitting there. Mana turns white.

"Um..hi?" she says scared.

"Calm down. I have better things to do than murder a civilian." She looks over Mana, who is now gripping your arm rather tight. "It's just the way I fight. It just feels like I'm holding back if I fight tourney style..."

She grips her polearm weapon (blade-on-a-stick, I don't know the name of it, not a spear...it's got more a curved blade, oriental style).

"I look forward to seeing the match as well." She turns to the tournament as the squires start to enter the field to prepare for the pre-game matches. The arena is still fairly empty.


Looking down and seeing how frightened Mana is John tries his best to comfort her.

"Umm Mana... Can I have my arm back. I'm sure you are quite safe with such an impressive warrior to protect us"

I believe the weapon you are thinking of is the Naginata.

2012-11-11, 10:19 AM
"Around supper time." The psycrystal says. "Final fight of the tournament."

The trays have been given their goods all over again. There is plenty left.


He repeats the answer to Zachary through mindlink.

Lucas tries a bit... of whatever was there to taste. And says:
"Uh, delicious! Please tell me, is there a restaurant somewhere around that serves such a great food, or is it your personal skill, which you don't share with just everyone?"

If food is good. diplomacy [roll0]
If not, but not too bad bluff [roll1]

Blue Lantern
2012-11-11, 10:24 AM
She stands there looking at you shocked. "FINE!" she yells at you before going back to exercising, much quicker this time. "Not going to lend you my notes next time...jerk...I just wanted a basic meal."

A fair number of people are looking at your fight, but quickly go back to their own things.

Painting again the wall, in a secluded corner far from prying eyes, he managed to calm himself a little, he was also thinking about what he felt before the surge of energy, he closed his eyes and focused himself; after a while he felt something a swirling of worlds and gestures, and he knew in a certain way what they were for, Mage Hand, Summon Monster, Prestidigitation, he focused on the last one, he performed the mental instruction he had and... poof, a little flower appeared in his hand, it wasn't much but... that was cool.
"This seems exactly like the wish back at the game, we are going beyond the impossible... I got to clear my head a little" he thought, and directed himself on the outside, he knew he needed to find out what was happening, but right now he needed to rest his mind, and try to push out of his mind the thought that he left a likely dangerous and possibly angry bloodsucker. "I might as well hit the festival."

2012-11-11, 10:32 AM

He repeats the answer to Zachary through mindlink.

Lucas tries a bit... of whatever was there to taste. And says:
"Uh, delicious! Please tell me, is there a restaurant somewhere around that serves such a great food, or is it your personal skill, which you don't share with just everyone?"

If food is good. diplomacy [roll0]
If not, but not too bad bluff [roll1]

"Food...has...to...do...with...heart..." The maid girl replies shyly. She's clearly not used to being around this many people. "Go...to...the...cafe...Cute Kitten Cafe..."

Suddenly a man walks up behind her. "You okay Katie?" he asks her. "Oh hey, are you enjoying Katie's cooking?" he asks. "Name's Kris, I own said maid cafe. I'd shake your hand but you've been eating and such." He's blonde and very bishonen. Clearly a man who knows his way around the social scene. He has an air of charisma.

Edit: Oh god, I did not realize how bad that name looks in hindsight, let me just edit that...

2012-11-11, 10:44 AM
"No the festival was the setup for the adventure, and I was kinda gonna wing it after that....so I had nothing planned after it...so literally anything that happens after tonight is no longer in the same time stream."

I motion to the boy. "Meet Lee. He's a young adult Silver dragon, who I've been helping with the great game. Apparently the ability to know where every other dragon in the country is located is real useful."

Lee waves to you. "Hi, care for some chocolate?"

She relaxes as the threat of impending doom dissipates, "Oh, that's good." She grins a little when he mentions the great game, "That's practically cheating."

At the introduction of the dragon, "Hello Lee", she offers a weak gestured handshake. "My name is Tabitha Wright. It's a real pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan of silver dragons, even created a couple characters based around some of their philosophies." She turns down the chocolate without giving it much thought, "No thanks I'm good."

He pushes through the crowd towards Tabatha. Then he taps her on the shoulder and announces

"Tabitha Wright, I believe? Baron Danil Drome at your service, and greetings from Sir Zachary Smith and Lucas of the Psionics Guild."

"Yeah that's me..", as she comes face to face with Danil. "Hey! Good to see you man. I just found mori." She gestures a thumb behind her. "Ha, seems like your guys wishes came true too. I should of wished for more money in my wish."

((OOC: Woah the moral issues of the great game. *puts a gold piece on the city lasting for a couple decades* Seems like a good enough bet))

2012-11-11, 10:45 AM

He repeats the answer to Zachary through mindlink.


Sending back through the mind link, Thanks, looks like I've got time to kill. Anyone else hungry?

2012-11-11, 10:54 AM

Sending back through the mind link, Thanks, looks like I've got time to kill. Anyone else hungry?


"There is a really good cook, out here! If you hurry you might get something... but it is vanishing fast!" He says via mindlink.

"Food...has...to...do...with...heart..." The maid girl replies shyly. She's clearly not used to being around this many people. "Go...to...the...cafe...Cute Kitten Cafe..."

Suddenly a man walks up behind her. "You okay Katie?" he asks her. "Oh hey, are you enjoying Katie's cooking?" he asks. "Name's Kris, I own said maid cafe. I'd shake your hand but you've been eating and such." He's blonde and very bishonen. Clearly a man who knows his way around the social scene. He has an air of charisma.

Edit: Oh god, I did not realize how bad that name looks in hindsight, let me just edit that...

Edit: 'Maid Cafe?!? Okay, whose wish was THAT?!

To Katie, with surprised look, and then a wide smile on his face "Yes, I suppose it does, indeed... Cute Kitten Cafe, I will remember." He adds with a nod.

To Kris "Yes, I do enjoy it. I must say, you probably just got another client, I will surely come by from time to time." He says with a smile, not offering handshake. 'If not then, not...'

Now I am interested, what name was that?!? :smalltongue:

2012-11-11, 10:59 AM
"Hey! Good to see you man. I just found Mouri

MORI. NO U. The Mouri family is the family in the western part of the kingdom. Mori is the dungeon master. There's a reason why I changed my character into Patricia (in character, the reason is that I didn't have a PC to play, and I wished to play the great game, and the grimoire couldn't/wouldn't change me into a dragon, so I got stuck as Patricia, ironic isn't it?)

Now I am interested, what name was that?!? :smalltongue:

Same name but with all K's...didn't look right on the second look at it, due to um...yeah...

2012-11-11, 11:01 AM

Through the link, If you don't save me some I'll kick your psionic ass, magic transparency or not..

2012-11-11, 11:42 AM

To Zachary "If you hurry your armored ass, instead of talking, you would already be here!" He says via mindlink.

To maid/ cafe owner "Would there be some more? My friend is coming and I am quite sure he would like to try this too!" He says with a smile.

2012-11-11, 12:06 PM
She relaxes as the threat of impending doom dissipates, "Oh, that's good." She grins a little when he mentions the great game, "That's practically cheating."

At the introduction of the dragon, "Hello Lee", she offers a weak gestured handshake. "My name is Tabitha Wright. It's a real pleasure to meet you. I'm a big fan of silver dragons, even created a couple characters based around some of their philosophies." She turns down the chocolate without giving it much thought, "No thanks I'm good."

"Yeah that's me..", as she comes face to face with Danil. "Hey! Good to see you man. I just found mori." She gestures a thumb behind her. "Ha, seems like your guys wishes came true too. I should of wished for more money in my wish."

((OOC: Woah the moral issues of the great game. *puts a gold piece on the city lasting for a couple decades* Seems like a good enough bet))

"You found Mori? Where? Does he still remember the setting? Cause I'd really like to know more about myself. (whispers) I don't know what my duties or powers are, and I may be about to marry the princess. Wishing to be a noble has some unfortunate side effects, appearantly."

2012-11-11, 12:25 PM

Thinking emphatically through tu Link,m"Hey,nits Mithril! And I'm pretty sure a crafted it myself.

Zachary moves in the direction he believes Lucas went.

2012-11-11, 09:16 PM
"You found Mori? Where? Does he still remember the setting? Cause I'd really like to know more about myself. (whispers) I don't know what my duties or powers are, and I may be about to marry the princess. Wishing to be a noble has some unfortunate side effects, appearantly."

"Um, he's right there." She thumbs to Patricia again. "Though he goes by Patricia in this world... He does remember the setting but that's about all, he didn't actually write the adventure yet! So he might not of written us in either." Turning to Patricia, "Do you know anything about our characters?"

Under breathed whispers, "Lucky dog you, marrying into wealth and fame."

2012-11-11, 09:26 PM
"Um, he's right there." She thumbs to Patricia again. "Though he goes by Patricia in this world... He does remember the setting but that's about all, he didn't actually write the adventure yet! So he might not of written us in either." Turning to Patricia, "Do you know anything about our characters?"

"He wished to turn into a girl? Never mind. Even if he only remembers the setting, having even a vaugue idea of politics here, the sort of thing you could get from a DC 10 Knowledge check, could be really helpful. For that matter, what is this place supposed to be based on? We've got Japanese names, medieval European weapons, Jesus, and soubrettes all kicking around in the same setting."

Under breathed whispers, "Lucky dog you, marrying into wealth and fame."

(in the same) "Not so lucky. I don't actually know if the princess wants to marry me, just that my wish included something about "being the brave knight who marries the princess" and that the princess wants to marry someone who evidently is not much for fame and not political. So, the most important and eligible girl in this setting may or may not be in love with me and I can't even begin to guess how to find out.."

2012-11-11, 09:34 PM
"He wished to turn into a girl? Never mind. Even if he only remembers the setting, having even a vaugue idea of politics here, the sort of thing you could get from a DC 10 Knowledge check, could be really helpful. For that matter, what is this place supposed to be based on? We've got Japanese names, medieval European weapons, Jesus, and soubrettes all kicking around in the same setting."

"I didn't wish to be a girl. I wished to take part in the great game, and apparently the Grimoire has a sense of humor. As it didn't turn me into a dragon, but rather an NPC I had prepared. Patricia was an NPC, but as for your characters, I don't know anything outside of what you've told me. All the major names seem to be around though, Teru, All the houses, Lee. Also this place is based on a videogame, so yeah...I'm not very creative."

2012-11-11, 09:49 PM

"Well, I'm obviously a Baron, but do you have any idea what that means? Am I supposed to be a warrior? A politician? A tyrant? All of the above?
Am I supposed to lead my house? Go adventuring? Scheme endlessly? What level of power do the Houses have as opposed to the Crown? Are there any external enemies? There are so many things I need to know!
"And, please, do you know if I'm the one the princess wants to marry or not?

2012-11-12, 11:57 AM

"Well, I'm obviously a Baron, but do you have any idea what that means? Am I supposed to be a warrior? A politician? A tyrant? All of the above?
Am I supposed to lead my house? Go adventuring? Scheme endlessly? What level of power do the Houses have as opposed to the Crown? Are there any external enemies? There are so many things I need to know!
"And, please, do you know if I'm the one the princess wants to marry or not?

"It's just a rank. King/Queen/Princess, followed by Duke/Duchess, then Marquess/Marchioness, then Earl/Countess, then Viscount(ess), then Baron/Baroness. I don't recall any of your character as NPCs I had prepared, and remember, after the festival the timeline shifts to a place I haven't written yet. I don't know anything about a marriage."

2012-11-12, 12:20 PM

Looking down and seeing how frightened Mana is John tries his best to comfort her.

"Umm Mana... Can I have my arm back. I'm sure you are quite safe with such an impressive warrior to protect us"

I believe the weapon you are thinking of is the Naginata.

John turns around to speak to The Cresent Dragon

I am suprised to see a fighter of your reputation here to watch simple squires battle.

2012-11-12, 12:26 PM
John turns around to speak to The Cresent Dragon

I am suprised to see a fighter of your reputation here to watch simple squires battle.

Mana lets go of your arm. "Sorry".

The Cresent Dragon turns to you. "Well not much else for me to do, besides sometimes they show promise. I was a squire too once you know."

2012-11-12, 12:59 PM
[OOC]#TheCrescentDragon Really wish I could help out over here, but I think I'm in the wrong part of the festival.[OOC]

Still chatting with Mori/Pat: "Well, that's some help at least. Do you know if this country has any external enemies? I heard something about the Crescent Dragon freaking out the orcs so they've left us alone for months, but there might be other enemies involved. And do I have to worry about rebellions? What about ninjas and blooddancers? Sorry to quiz you like this, but I desperately need information and the laws of the dramatic dictate that you'll probably disappear soon, so this might be my only chance to get it.

2012-11-12, 01:13 PM

Assuming Zachary arrived at the scene.

To maid/ cafe owner "One big plate for my friend here. He has a big fight today, so he needs to eat well to gain strength." he said, and turned to Zachary, adding in much more confidential tone.

"...Because otherwise the lady he is fighting would wipe the floor with him. If he eats well, he would at least have a chance... (:smalltongue:)

2012-11-12, 01:27 PM

"Again I DON'T KNOW! For the last time. I wrote this as a basic outline to introduce the setting, I didn't have a plot written!"

Lee grabs my shoulder. "Let the poor girl work, she doesn't know anymore than you do."


Katie nods and makes a good dish for him. "You..are...welcome." She said timidly.

2012-11-12, 01:36 PM
Danil begins to laugh. "I should have known that thrice-bedimmed grimoire wouldn't let us off so easily. Let's go to the arena, I think the tournaments are coming up."

2012-11-12, 02:06 PM
Looking at lucas,m"Worse yet, we sparred for hour yesterday. She knows everything about me and my information is rather limited..."

2012-11-12, 02:13 PM
Looking at lucas,m"Worse yet, we sparred for hour yesterday. She knows everything about me and my information is rather limited..."

To Zachary "She is a Lady. Buy her a flower, ask her to marry you... and maybe... just maybe she would hesitate for a second before cutting you to pieces...
...I could probably help you in some way or another, but most of these are probably considered illegal... or at least as something similar to steroids..." He says, but just to make sure he asks Loiosh.

"Hey, would share pain power be considered cheating?"

2012-11-12, 02:20 PM
"Well its not like the en cee double ay are goimg to get us..." Zachary chuckles a bit.

2012-11-12, 02:24 PM
To Zachary "She is a Lady. Buy her a flower, ask her to marry you... and maybe... just maybe she would hesitate for a second before cutting you to pieces...
...I could probably help you in some way or another, but most of these are probably considered illegal... or at least as something similar to steroids..." He says, but just to make sure he asks Loiosh.

"Hey, would share pain power be considered cheating?"

"Probably, but they wouldn't notice, they'ld just think he was extra tough today."

2012-11-12, 02:30 PM

'Interesting...' he thought as he heard the answer.

To Zachary:
"Yeah... don't think we will meet these guys here..." He said aloud.

"My psicrystal just told me that if I used Share Pain power to help you, they wouldn't notice... I can take a hit for a friend, so the only question is: Do you want my help? ...even though it is a bit of cheating..." He asks, using mindlink, but keeping a pleasant smile on his face, like he didn't propose anything like this.

2012-11-12, 02:33 PM
So I head back to the arena. Do I meet up with John?

2012-11-12, 02:52 PM
Mana lets go of your arm. "Sorry".

The Cresent Dragon turns to you. "Well not much else for me to do, besides sometimes they show promise. I was a squire too once you know."
"It's okay Mana you were just startled"

"So do any of these squires look like they show promise?

John gesture's towards the arena

2012-11-12, 03:05 PM

'Interesting...' he thought as he heard the answer.

To Zachary:
"Yeah... don't think we will meet these guys here..." He said aloud.

"My psicrystal just told me that if I used Share Pain power to help you, they wouldn't notice... I can take a hit for a friend, so the only question is: Do you want my help? ...even though it is a bit of cheating..." He asks, using mindlink, but keeping a pleasant smile on his face, like he didn't propose anything like this.

"Keep in mind your power level. You'll probably not want to cast it now."

2012-11-12, 03:21 PM
"Keep in mind your power level. You'll probably not want to cast it now."


"Yes, I guess you are right... I will need to wait till two or three hours before the fight..." He answers to Loiosh, using telepathy.
He is surprised for a short while 'I guess it is his job to remind me of these things...' he thinks and smiles slightly '...I don't mind, that one for sure...'

2012-11-12, 03:35 PM
"It's okay Mana you were just startled"

"So do any of these squires look like they show promise?

John gesture's towards the arena

"The red head in the fullplate. She fights similar to Leila. She says she doesn't want to be Knight cause she want to join the gold unit. She needs a bit more training though before she's up to my standards."

2012-11-12, 03:57 PM
Danil arrived just in time to hear the last exchange.

"Ah, you must be the Crescent Dragon. I've heard a lot about you."

He bows and conjures up a blob of pink light in the general shape of a rose above his hand. He makes as if to pass it to her.

2012-11-12, 04:09 PM
Danil arrived just in time to hear the last exchange.

"Ah, you must be the Crescent Dragon. I've heard a lot about you."

He bows and conjures up a blob of pink light in the general shape of a rose above his hand. He makes as if to pass it to her.

She motions to take it. "How about you guys call me Aisha. The whole "Crescent Dragon name is getting long. Besides I'm off duty today."

2012-11-12, 04:18 PM
Danil smiles. "Very well, Aisha. I must say, you've surprised me already. Everyone referred to you as the Crescent Dragon, so I assumed that was your preferred name. It's certainly fierce enough for you.

So, you scouting out recruits for the Golden Band? Or just here to watch the fighting."

2012-11-12, 04:35 PM
Danil smiles. "Very well, Aisha. I must say, you've surprised me already. Everyone referred to you as the Crescent Dragon, so I assumed that was your preferred name. It's certainly fierce enough for you.

So, you scouting out recruits for the Golden Band? Or just here to watch the fighting."

"A bit of both. We can always use more soldiers, and the fighting is good enough. I personally wanted to fight, but they decided they didn't need another fatality."

2012-11-12, 04:41 PM
Let's see what happens if I prod the plot a little.

"You know, I have been thinking of going into military service for a bit. I'm not the best-trained fighter, but I'm reasonably skilled, and I can do bits of divine and arcane magic, so I can heal allies and zap enemies. Is there a sign-up sheet or something, or do I just have to impress you?"

2012-11-12, 05:02 PM
Let's see what happens if I prod the plot a little.

"You know, I have been thinking of going into military service for a bit. I'm not the best-trained fighter, but I'm reasonably skilled, and I can do bits of divine and arcane magic, so I can heal allies and zap enemies. Is there a sign-up sheet or something, or do I just have to impress you?"

"Go to the barracks and talk to the people there. I'm just the commander. I don't assign who goes where. Generally though the gold unit is made of the best of the best. You can't just sign up for it. You have to prove yourself as a soldier before you get assigned to them. A shiny won't get in, unless they have a reputation as a great adventurer first. Also aren't you a noble? Why would you want to fight in the military?"

2012-11-12, 05:32 PM
"Go to the barracks and talk to the people there. I'm just the commander. I don't assign who goes where. Generally though the gold unit is made of the best of the best. You can't just sign up for it. You have to prove yourself as a soldier before you get assigned to them. A shiny won't get in, unless they have a reputation as a great adventurer first. Also aren't you a noble? Why would you want to fight in the military?"

"More or less the same reason you and your sister do. There's orcs and demons and darkers out there and someone needs to go fight them. Plus, it's a great way to win a little fame and fortune."

2012-11-12, 05:33 PM
Let's see what happens if I prod the plot a little.

"You know, I have been thinking of going into military service for a bit. I'm not the best-trained fighter, but I'm reasonably skilled, and I can do bits of divine and arcane magic, so I can heal allies and zap enemies. Is there a sign-up sheet or something, or do I just have to impress you?"

While watching the Conversation between Aisha and the newcomer Jihn can't help but feel that he knows him.


John leans forward and extends his hand to introduce himself
I don't think we have been introduced. I am John and you are?

2012-11-12, 05:47 PM
"Baron Danil Drome, at your service. And who is this fair maiden?"

2012-11-12, 05:53 PM
"Baron Danil Drome, at your service. And who is this fair maiden?"

"I'm Mana. I work at the merchant guild with John."

2012-11-12, 08:25 PM
"Very nice to meet you, Mana." said Danil. "I imagine the guild must be in a good mood today, festivals such as this are always good for trade. Not to mention that fair Aisha here has, from what I've heard, left the orcs so nervous that they haven't bothered trade caravans for months. That's got to make this a good year."

Aisha is certainly not what I'd expected. Considerably less psycho than those nobles made her out to be. I think she might be on our side after all.

2012-11-12, 08:34 PM
"Very nice to meet you, Mana." said Danil. "I imagine the guild must be in a good mood today, festivals such as this are always good for trade. Not to mention that fair Aisha here has, from what I've heard, left the orcs so nervous that they haven't bothered trade caravans for months. That's got to make this a good year."

Aisha is certainly not what I'd expected. Considerably less psycho than those nobles made her out to be. I think she might be on our side after all.

"The raids have been dying down yes...but you don't want to hear me talk about trading routes...even John here seems to have lost interest in them today..." She gives a glare at John before relaxing. "Aisha...weird, you never hear anyone call you by your name...they're all afraid of you...they talk about you like you're some kind of killer." - Mana

"Well to be fair I have killed a large amount of enemy forces in my time, even if you're on the same side, people get afraid of soldiers with high kill counts. They say the more a soldier kills and fights the stronger they get. Like the universe rewards them almost." - Aisha

2012-11-12, 08:50 PM
"I know exactly what you mean about getting stronger through victory. That's another reason I was looking to go help you bump uglies. Entendre intended by me, not Danil And Mana, you're right about the way people treat Aisha. (addressing Aisha again) Your title came up in conversation this morning, and half the nobles seem to think of you as a rabid wolf who will probably try to seize the throne and plunge the realm into civil war, while the other two-thirds think of you as a dubiously tame wolf, only good for smiting evil. That's why I mentioned being surprised at how wise you've already shown yourself. Probably a good lesson on not believing everything you hear about people in there somewhere."

2012-11-12, 09:14 PM
"I know exactly what you mean about getting stronger through victory. That's another reason I was looking to go help you bump uglies. Entendre intended by me, not Danil And Mana, you're right about the way people treat Aisha. (addressing Aisha again) Your title came up in conversation this morning, and half the nobles seem to think of you as a rabid wolf who will probably try to seize the throne and plunge the realm into civil war, while the other two-thirds think of you as a dubiously tame wolf, only good for smiting evil. That's why I mentioned being surprised at how wise you've already shown yourself. Probably a good lesson on not believing everything you hear about people in there somewhere."

Aisha - "The nobles talk a lot, but they have to keep an air among themselves. They can't show weakness or else their enemies will pounce. Of course you would know all about the social ways of the high courts."

Mana - "Aisha! Watch yourself!"

Aisha - "He is different. He wouldn't be in this part of the arena if he wasn't looking to social on a commoner level, and I'd like someone to find a noble capable of taking me on. They exile me...well...let's just say there's a big difference between someone who's been in dozens of battles, and someone who is mostly tea ceremony work."

2012-11-12, 09:24 PM
"I'm curious, do you include the princess in your generalization of the high nobles? From what I've seen, and from the fact that your sister is her guard, she feels to me more like the sort to respect your work, even though she'd never want or be able to be a warrior herself. And I'm glad you think me better than some of my peers. Quite a few felt to me like serpents, waiting to turn on the princess. Perhaps that's why they suspect you of treachery, it's said that only the trustworthy can trust others."

2012-11-12, 09:30 PM
"I'm curious, do you include the princess in your generalization of the high nobles? From what I've seen, and from the fact that your sister is her guard, she feels to me more like the sort to respect your work, even though she'd never want or be able to be a warrior herself. And I'm glad you think me better than some of my peers. Quite a few felt to me like serpents, waiting to turn on the princess. Perhaps that's why they suspect you of treachery, it's said that only the trustworthy can trust others."

Aisha turns red. "The princess is very respectable...she's kind...but she has an air to her. She's got it all, Style, Grace, and Talent. She respects everyone and knows how to pick the best."

2012-11-12, 09:35 PM
"And yet without you and those like you, she'd be slaving in some orc hovel. If you ever feel useless or left out, try thinking of all the beauties that only exist because you protect them from the evil."

2012-11-12, 09:41 PM

"As much as I want to win, I won't cheat."

2012-11-12, 09:48 PM
"And yet without you and those like you, she'd be slaving in some orc hovel. If you ever feel useless or left out, try thinking of all the beauties that only exist because you protect them from the evil."

Aisha - The princess is not like that...not her...she...I can't say it.

It seems the princess did something in the past that embarrassed Aisha.

2012-11-12, 10:10 PM
"It's ok, Aisha. I don't understand, but God will tell me if it's anything I need to know. On a not-particularly-related note, do you by any chance know a Sir Zachary Smith? He and your sister seem to know each other pretty well, and they're sparring today. Oh, and do you mind if I sit with you for the tournaments? I think we might be able to share some thoughts regarding the champions."

Danil's thoughts had once again splintered and piped up a full chorus.

(Squicky Thoughts) Aisha and Princess sitting in a tree, K-I-S-...

(Danil's Conciousness) SHUT UP!!

(Snarky Observations) You're courting a second lady already? When you're still trying to figure out if you're going to marry the princess? Quite the little Casanova we have here!

(Shipper Thoughts) There's something so... clean about her, despite what Squicky is suggesting.

(Squicky Thoughts) Only suggesting? I thought I was outright stating!

(Danil's Conciousness) I'll sort this out later, once I have a little more clue what's going on. Right now, pipe down. I need to pay attention.

Is the mind-link still active? I know it was supposed to last 40 minutes, but I'm not sure how long it's been. Oh, and if the mindlink is active, would Lexis have been able to hear that mental converation or only what I was sending him (in this case nothing).

2012-11-12, 10:18 PM
"You can sit here...I thought you'd be sitting the nobles. You might get some weird looks."

Mana laughs. "I know what happened Aisha..." she says teasingly.

Aisha - "You do not!"

Mana - "Everyone knows what happened. The princess snuck into one of your gold unit battles and ended up saving your life!" She says in a teasing sing-song voice.

Aisha - "Sh-sh-shut up!" She grips her weapon tightly.

Mana - "I was scared of you at first, but you're fun to be around!" Mana laughs.

(Mindlink is gone I believe, it's been more than 40 minutes)

2012-11-12, 10:33 PM
"Getting weird looks is kind of the entire point of this. One of the quickest and most effective ways to mess up everyone else's plans is to act either randomly or, better yet, with complete honesty. in a system predicated on everyone trying to manipulate everyone else, one honest person can bring the whole mess crashing down."

2012-11-12, 10:49 PM
"Getting weird looks is kind of the entire point of this. One of the quickest and most effective ways to mess up everyone else's plans is to act either randomly or, better yet, with complete honesty. in a system predicated on everyone trying to manipulate everyone else, one honest person can bring the whole mess crashing down."

Mana - "You're not a very idealistic person are you?" She says shyly.

Aisha - "Either way, I'm going to go. I have something I need to check out."

Mana - "You're leaving? But they're just about to start? Don't you want to watch?"

Aisha - "Yes, but I have my reasons. I need to go investigate something."

Aisha runs off.

Mana - "Look the squires are starting to duel!" Mana points to the fighting arena where two squires are standing off.

2012-11-12, 10:54 PM
"Oh, I'm idealistic enough. I'm just starting to think Mori isn't."

(chases after Aisha)

"Need any help with your investigations?"

2012-11-12, 10:55 PM
"Oh, I'm idealistic enough. I'm just starting to think Mori isn't."

(chases after Aisha)

"Need any help with your investigations?"

Mana - "Who is Mori?" She's clearly confused at this comment.

Aisha - "No this...is...a private matter. I have to go do this on my own. Although you can do something for me...if you wish."

2012-11-12, 11:00 PM
(calling over his shoulder to Mana) "Ask John, he knows what I'm talking about!" [OOC}:smalltongue:[/OOC]

(to Aisha)"What is it?"

2012-11-12, 11:05 PM
(calling over his shoulder to Mana) "Ask John, he knows what I'm talking about!" [OOC}:smalltongue:[/OOC]

(to Aisha)"What is it?"

Mana turns to John. "So going to explain?"

Aisha - "Go tell Leila that I'm going to the Kenshin family's county. I'm taking leave of absence and putting her in control of the gold unit for my temporary leave." She then runs off.

2012-11-12, 11:10 PM
Danil turns on his heel and begins making his way back towards Zach

He's dueling Leila at some point, so he's probably my best bet to find her. Unless she's up in the princess's box guarding her. Well, I can see that better from the main arena anyway.

Danil soon gets back to the seating around the main arena and quickly scans the seats for either Zach or the princess.

2012-11-12, 11:16 PM
Danil turns on his heel and begins making his way back towards Zach

He's dueling Leila at some point, so he's probably my best bet to find her. Unless she's up in the princess's box guarding her. Well, I can see that better from the main arena anyway.

Danil soon gets back to the seating around the main arena and quickly scans the seats for either Zach or the princess.

Seeing how Zach is eating at the Cafe girl's table, he's not there. The Princess is in the Noble box with Leila at her side.

2012-11-12, 11:20 PM
Danil immediately starts running up towards the princesses's box. As soon as he arrives he taps Leila on the shoulder.

"Madame Leila? Your sister said to tell you that she's taking temporary leave and going into Krenshin territory. Appearantly, that puts you in charge of the gold company until she gets back."

2012-11-12, 11:59 PM
Danil immediately starts running up towards the princesses's box. As soon as he arrives he taps Leila on the shoulder.

"Madame Leila? Your sister said to tell you that she's taking temporary leave and going into Krenshin territory. Appearantly, that puts you in charge of the gold company until she gets back."

"Oh what happened this time?!" Leila sighs and puts her thumb and index finger to her nose. "I swear she never stops training even though she's already the best. Some idiot must've reminded her of her failures..."

"Well at least she's got a good work ethic." Teru laughs. "I'll write a letter to Kenshin warning of her arrive, and asking for reinforcements. I'll find someone to take your place quickly."

2012-11-13, 03:37 AM
Mana turns to John. "So going to explain?"

So it is Dan. I need to catch up to him.

Mana I promise I will explain everything later tonight but right now i need to go

John runs off in chase of Baron Danil. Seeing him head towards the nobles box he devises a plan to get Dan alone.

Okay John you can do this, Lieing to rich people is the main point of your career path.

Putting on his most distingushed face John approaches the Noble's Box.

"Great Nobles, Please forgive my Interruption on this most Auspicious day. First Allow me to congratulate the Princess on her coming of age

John Bows to the Princess

"Second would you mind if I borrowed Baron Danil for a moment we have a business venture to discuss"

2012-11-13, 03:43 AM
So it is Dan. I need to catch up to him.

Mana I promise I will explain everything later tonight but right now i need to go

John runs off in chase of Baron Danil. Seeing him head towards the nobles box he devises a plan to get Dan alone.

Okay John you can do this, Lieing to rich people is the main point of your career path.

Putting on his most distingushed face John approaches the Noble's Box.

"Great Nobles, Please forgive my Interruption on this most Auspicious day. First Allow me to congratulate the Princess on her coming of age

John Bows to the Princess

"Second would you mind if I borrowed Baron Danil for a moment we have a business venture to discuss"

"On a holiday?" Teru raises her eyebrows. "Meh, his choice. Personally I would normally say relax and join the festivals, but that would be hypocritical seeing how I worked until noon signing papers."

Leila looks at you then looks to the Baron. "My lady, tonight may I have a moment of your time? I believe there is something I wish to discuss with you..."

Teru turns to her. "Everyone is so heavy working today...glad to see the kingdom is in good hands...we'll have plenty of time alone tonight Leila, you may speak with me then."

2012-11-13, 05:38 AM
"On a holiday?" Teru raises her eyebrows. "Meh, his choice. Personally I would normally say relax and join the festivals, but that would be hypocritical seeing how I worked until noon signing papers."

Leila looks at you then looks to the Baron. "My lady, tonight may I have a moment of your time? I believe there is something I wish to discuss with you..."

Teru turns to her. "Everyone is so heavy working today...glad to see the kingdom is in good hands...we'll have plenty of time alone tonight Leila, you may speak with me then."

"My thanks Your Grace. I hate to Interrupt on such a special occasion but Opportunity doesn't take holidays"

John leads Danil out of the room and around the corner before speaking to him in a hushed tone

"So... mind telling what the HELL is going on here"

2012-11-13, 06:01 AM

To Zachary: "I thought you would say that. All knightly even before you were a knight... Ehh, okay... now where do I need to go to get you a cheerleader squad..." He says with a wide smile on his face.
"Okay, I am stuffed, I need to walk around a bit, if you need me I would probably be somewhere around the arena." He adds after a moment, and goes towards arena, mouthing 'Best food I ate.' to the maid/cook as he leaves.

He walks around trying to see everything there is to see... and who knows, maybe really find some cheerleaders. He looks for a troupe of acrobats performing around and... suitable to the task. If he doesn't find any, he instead tries to find Mori/Patricia in a place where he/she was last seen.