View Full Version : Druid Spell Preparation

2012-11-07, 10:42 PM
Is there a way to figure out whether it is the appropriate time for my Druid to prepare his spells?

We are currently underground, so there is no sun to work with.

Lost in books
2012-11-07, 11:09 PM
According to the PHB page 179 "If some event prevents a character from praying at the proper time, he must do so as soon as possible. If the character does not stop to pray for spells at the first opportunity, he must wait until
the next day to prepare spells."

So if there is no way for anyone in your team to figure the time and only the DM knows then i suggest you try to meditate every few hours until you get the spells. Remember you may be penalized only until the next day but once you are on the clock for the next day the only requirement is to pray as soon as you are able. Either your DM will require to do the full hour before knowing if you are successful or more fairly allow you to start and you should be able to roll a spellcraft check to see if you feel the magical energies flowing.

Or once you get the spells for that day use the most likely spell that will help you keep track of time. I don't know what druid level you are but the spell to help you keep track of time is:
Level 1: Endure elements.
Once you feel the magic lifting you know it is time to pray. Hope this helps.

2012-11-08, 12:28 AM
Is there a way to figure out whether it is the appropriate time for my Druid to prepare his spells?

We are currently underground, so there is no sun to work with.

From another thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=13702254&postcount=5):

Firmament Stones from Dungeonscape. 110 GP each. Shows the general status of the sun and moon, but presumably not an exact time/date. Recommended for divine spellcasters that are underground for extended periods but need to meditate at a particular time of day to get spells.

Desk Clock from Ghostwalk. 25 GP. Despite the "desk" moniker, cheap and small enough (about the size of a human head) that an adventurer could carry it. Keeps time accurately to within a few minutes. Although there's a warning about not keeping it on a flat surface or jostling it around a lot, the point becomes moot when you carry it around within an extra-dimensional (and jostle-less) space.

Dimensional Hourglass from the Planar Handbook. 75 GP, and only 4 lbs. Used to measure the time difference between two planes, but presumably one could just use the "prime material" half for timekeeping and just ignore the other half.

2012-11-08, 12:33 AM
My DM houserules that Druids without deities, or their deity doesn't require a prep time, may prepare at any time of the day, provided they meet all other requirements.