View Full Version : spell slots

2012-11-08, 11:04 AM
how do those work, people of the forums? never could get any straight answers from my group, not one I understand anyways. it'd be a real help, :)

Keld Denar
2012-11-08, 11:24 AM
Magnets, how do they work?!?!

J/k. You need to be a little more descriptive with your request. Are you talking prepared casters? Spontaneous casters? Fixed list spontaneous casters?

What exactly do you not understand?

Edit: for a prepared caster, think of them like pages in a book. Each day, you take a new book, write all of the spells you want to cast that day, up to the limit if the spells/day for each level as dictated by your class and casting stat. As you cast the spells, imagine ripping the page out, balling it up, and throwing it at your target. It is now gone, unable to be cast again today. Tomorrow, you get a new book filled with pages, and the process starts over again.

Spontaneous casters work similarly. Instead of writing on the pages ahead of time, the pull each page out, jot out a couple words, ball it up, and toss it. The only difference is that what spells they are able to write on each page is very limited, depending on the class.

2012-11-08, 11:46 AM
honestly, everything. what they are, seeing as they are mentioned within feats that I may need on my cleric. their limit when applied to spells if I choose to use them. that kinda thing. just not familiar with them. for example, a wizard may throw a fireball out whilst throwing applying the feat Maximized spell, which states making said spell 3 slots higher, but this confuses me and since I prefer casters over melee (though a friend in the group made a healing tank melee through a gestalt game of Red Hand of Doom and that was just plain awesome). Since we play 3.5, and I prefer these casters, I need to know this mechanic better in order to better play them, especially when I will play them in my group of powergamers

2012-11-08, 11:59 AM
To learn Fireball a Wizard consumes a 3rd level spell slot.
To learn Maximised Fireball a Wizard consumes a 6th level spell slot.
The latter phrase means that he could learn this in place of a 6th level spell he could have memorized instead.

2012-11-08, 12:00 PM
Using the earlier comparison the effect of magic is that your page has to from a different chapter (Spell Level) to have the effect. Your Maximized Fireball for example would have to be written in "Chapter 6" rather than "Chapter 3" as usually the case for Fireball.

2012-11-08, 01:12 PM
To learn Fireball a Wizard consumes a 3rd level spell slot.
To learn Maximised Fireball a Wizard consumes a 6th level spell slot.
The latter phrase means that he could learn this in place of a 6th level spell he could have memorized instead.

You are confusing learning a spell with preparing it.

To learn a spell, a wizard only needs to write it in his spellbook, not spend spell slots on it. It does take up one of a sorcerers Spells Known, but that is totally separate from a sorcerers spell slots per day.

Fireball does not take a 3rd level spell slot to learn. It takes a 3rd level spell slot to prepare/memorize.

Keld Denar
2012-11-08, 01:14 PM
Honestly, a good read through the magic chapter of the PHB would probably answer a few of your questions.

Maybe write out what feats (and what books they are in, especial if 3rd party), and possibly what your build is so we have a bit more context other than "wtf?"

2012-11-08, 03:43 PM
You are confusing learning a spell with preparing it.

To learn a spell, a wizard only needs to write it in his spellbook, not spend spell slots on it. It does take up one of a sorcerers Spells Known, but that is totally separate from a sorcerers spell slots per day.

Fireball does not take a 3rd level spell slot to learn. It takes a 3rd level spell slot to prepare/memorize.

None of this confuses me, but I probably did choose my words poorly.