View Full Version : High School of the Dead

2012-11-08, 04:23 PM
Rofl. Just started watching this one. The first 5 episodes or so I thought to myself, "Finally! An awesome zombie anime to watch! Sure its a bit fan servicey, but I can put up with excessive jiggle and random panty shots." Then I hit episode 6 and 7. Holy crap. It just turned the fanservice up to 11, then created a few more levels for the hell of it. The bath scene was bad enough, but then none of the girls are bothering to get dressed past panty sleep wear stages. Even as they run out to go fight more zombies. I mean hell, one girl, the one that I thought was the least fanservice, is running around in a full length apron, tiny panties, and nothing else.

I know, it seems odd that im a healthy young man, NOT enjoying this, but I just feel its too excessive, even more so when its a part of an actual story, and one so serious and dangerous as a zombie apocalypse with tons of combat taking place. Im really hoping that at some point in episode 8 they get dressed a bit more. It is just hard to enjoy the awesome anime when im rolling my eyes at 75% naked women bouncing all over the place when it just doesnt fit into the feel of the story. Something like Queens Blade is one thing, the entire series is clearly based around mostly nude women beating the hell out of each other. This is a bunch of high school students trying to survive the end of the freaking world. And NOT through excessive sex.

*EDIT* Heh, episode 8 and back to normal levels of fanservice. bouncy bouncy.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-08, 04:47 PM
Heh High School of the Dead is the most over the top fan servicy anime about zombies ever. It's utterly hilarious.

2012-11-08, 04:51 PM
Any idea how many seasons it is? Netflix only has the first season. Also, I gotta admit, I <3 the main guy and the sword chick as a relationship. They just seem well matched. Of course, apparently all but pinky love him too, (she has the hots for the gun wielding nerd) Ah well, more episodes await!

2012-11-08, 04:55 PM
Rofl. Just started watching this one. The first 5 episodes or so I thought to myself, "Finally! An awesome zombie anime to watch! Sure its a bit fan servicey, but I can put up with excessive jiggle and random panty shots." Then I hit episode 6 and 7. Holy crap. It just turned the fanservice up to 11, then created a few more levels for the hell of it. The bath scene was bad enough, but then none of the girls are bothering to get dressed past panty sleep wear stages. Even as they run out to go fight more zombies. I mean hell, one girl, the one that I thought was the least fanservice, is running around in a full length apron, tiny panties, and nothing else.

I know, it seems odd that im a healthy young man, NOT enjoying this, but I just feel its too excessive, even more so when its a part of an actual story, and one so serious and dangerous as a zombie apocalypse with tons of combat taking place. Im really hoping that at some point in episode 8 they get dressed a bit more. It is just hard to enjoy the awesome anime when im rolling my eyes at 75% naked women bouncing all over the place when it just doesnt fit into the feel of the story. Something like Queens Blade is one thing, the entire series is clearly based around mostly nude women beating the hell out of each other. This is a bunch of high school students trying to survive the end of the freaking world. And NOT through excessive sex.

*EDIT* Heh, episode 8 and back to normal levels of fanservice. bouncy bouncy.

Awesome anime? What show have you been watching? High School of the Dead is one of my least favorite animes. Heck, it's tied for last with Bleach*. I'm not sure which is worse in my opinion as I could only stomach about 3 episodes of HSotD, while Bleach I was able to watch enough episodes to realize I hate. Had I watched more of HSotD, maybe I could decide, but I've been able to sit myself down and force myself to watch all 12 episodes.

You speak as though the fanservice is the only thing wrong with this show. It's much more than that. The characters are annoying and stupid. I couldn't relate to any of them so I didn't really care if they got eaten and all sense of horror and suspense was gone. The fanservice only cemented how stupid the show was; like it was a last ditch effort my the writers and animators: "Well, our show has no substance, might as try to appeal to the lowest common denominator." I know a lot of animes have fanservice, and I can usually tolerate it - I love Gurren Lagann - but fanservice seems to be a major them of the show - probably more so than the zombies who are in the title.

But that's just my humble opinion. What does everyone else think?

*Yeah, I know a lot of people like Bleach, but I couldn't stand all the filler and slow pace of episodes - and I watched all the episodes of Yu Yu Hakusho and most of Dragon Ball Z - and the ridiculous, not funny comic relief that ruined the tone of whatever scene it was in.

2012-11-08, 05:18 PM
Ill be honest, I like the series. I really wanted the, "Im a genius and you are all stupid" girl to just die in the early episodes, but now they are all growing on me. My main problem is, I cant remember anyones name, except sword chick, and thats only because it sounds like psycho. That may be more about the fact that they are japanese names though.

What I like about it currently, is that there is no real solution in sight. They are basically running around trying to survive another night, looking for a source of hope and safety but never finding it for long. Episodes 6 and 7 were way over the top, but it was neat in that you got to see them finally get a chance to relax for a minute. Now they are in the genius girls house, and its a freaking mansion. Lets see how long it takes to get overwhelmed. Im still waiting to find out the main guy has something on him thats just attracting the damn undead. Like a mystical device he has as a keepsake. Dude is like catnip for zombies.

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-08, 05:51 PM
My humble opinion:

Despite its flaws, I like that it tries to be that classic zombie apocalypse scenario - no crazy powers or defeating the evil overlord of the undead horde, just having to figure out simple things like how to move around, where to sleep, how to fight, how to cope with loss. That said, you have to be willing to enjoy it for how utterly ridiculous it can be at times (I'm looking at you, slow motion bullet passing between Saeko's legs), or you're not going to enjoy it. I mostly look back on it fondly for what a spectacle it was, not its substance.

2012-11-08, 06:50 PM
My humble opinion:

Despite its flaws, I like that it tries to be that classic zombie apocalypse scenario - no crazy powers or defeating the evil overlord of the undead horde, just having to figure out simple things like how to move around, where to sleep, how to fight, how to cope with loss. That said, you have to be willing to enjoy it for how utterly ridiculous it can be at times (I'm looking at you, slow motion bullet passing between Saeko's legs), or you're not going to enjoy it. I mostly look back on it fondly for what a spectacle it was, not its substance.

No no no, forget the slo mo bullets between her legs, what about the bullet passing between her swaying boobs? Literally, one goes up, the bullet passes underneath it. The other boob moves, and the bullet misses that one too. Those were some supersonic velocity boobie bounces. Also, as far as no crazy powers, sure, they werent making the zombies explode with the powers of their mind, but the ex girlfriend was using that pole of hers to fling zombies all over the place. Literally dead lifting them into the air. Martial artist or not, thats way beyond what her physical capabilities should be. Hell, they were pretty much all moving at captain america levels of physical prowess, and pulling off moves only seen in chop suey kung fu movies. Like, Saeko grabbing the guys arm as he drives past on his bike, and using the momentum to spin like a helicopter blade, smashing three zombies with one swing. In reality, her arm would have dislocated, he would have been yanked off the bike, and they all would have been eaten.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-08, 06:58 PM
How about the flying motercycle sword spin attack of doom? That was hilarious. :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-08, 07:03 PM
How about the flying motercycle sword spin attack of doom? That was hilarious. :smallbiggrin:

Heh, that was hilarious, but even the less visually spectacular moves like, them literally leaping up into the air over the heads of the zombies to bring a hammer blow down on their skulls. Also, I have to say, the abilities of the zombies dont seem very consistent. Take when the main guy and Seiko are on their own and sleep in that building. The next day zombies show up. But instead of literally just walking past them without talking to avoid detection, they act like they are trapped and have to bash and cleave their way out.

Not that I object. I personally reccomend that any group of wandering zombie survivors engage and destroy as many zombies as they can if they can do so safely. The more they kill, the less there are. And it doesnt matter if you leave a pile of dead bodies behind you, if you are moving on anyway.

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-08, 07:19 PM
Hah, in that case it's even more ridiculous than I remember!

The quintessential scene for me was the one where they come to rescue Takashi and that little girl in the Humvee. It's got Humvee-on-zombie violence, a needless bumpy road with gratuitous shots of the resultant bouncing, Saeko beating the crap out of zombies in a half-naked apron, and Hirano shouting "Jawohl!" and "Gotcha!" while blowing back a whole crowd of zombies with a shotgun, awesome background music playing all the while. Say what you will about the anime as whole, that's just one of my favorite scenes from any anime. :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-08, 07:40 PM
Hah, in that case it's even more ridiculous than I remember!

The quintessential scene for me was the one where they come to rescue Takashi and that little girl in the Humvee. It's got Humvee-on-zombie violence, a needless bumpy road with gratuitous shots of the resultant bouncing, Saeko beating the crap out of zombies in a half-naked apron, and Hirano shouting "Jawohl!" and "Gotcha!" while blowing back a whole crowd of zombies with a shotgun, awesome background music playing all the while. Say what you will about the anime as whole, that's just one of my favorite scenes from any anime. :smallbiggrin:

Heh yeah, that was a pretty awesome scene. What I found really amusing though, was they forced the ditzy blonde doc to get dressed, and none of THEM bothered to pull on a pair of pants, or a shirt. Sure at least they were wearing something, while the blond was fully nude and unaware of it, (also funny) but still, "Hey guys! Lets go kill some zombies in our panties!" "HELL YEAH!"

So, noone has answered me yet. Is it just the one season? Or is there more to it than 12 episodes?

2012-11-08, 07:58 PM
I watched the first episode or so a while back: I just remember two schoolgirls skipping with eachother, and then one kicking the other into a zombie-filled staircase to excape without a care in the world.

Perhapes I need to watch it again.:smallbiggrin:

2012-11-08, 08:09 PM
Heh yeah, that was a pretty awesome scene. What I found really amusing though, was they forced the ditzy blonde doc to get dressed, and none of THEM bothered to pull on a pair of pants, or a shirt. Sure at least they were wearing something, while the blond was fully nude and unaware of it, (also funny) but still, "Hey guys! Lets go kill some zombies in our panties!" "HELL YEAH!"

So, noone has answered me yet. Is it just the one season? Or is there more to it than 12 episodes?

I've been wondering this question myself, I really do hope it has more then just this one season, it's one of my more favorite anime as well :) Anything to do with Zombies and I'm hooked, no matter how fanservicey it gets.

2012-11-08, 08:14 PM
I watched the first episode or so a while back: I just remember two schoolgirls skipping with eachother, and then one kicking the other into a zombie-filled staircase to excape without a care in the world.

Perhapes I need to watch it again.:smallbiggrin:

Heh, it was pretty close to that. They were running through the school together, "Tra la la la la! We are BFF's FOREVER!" Then one got snagged by the ankle and the other kicked her in the chest to break her grip on her hand. Something like, "LET GO YOU BITCH!" Then karma struck fast, somehow she was surrounded herself and got eaten.

On a related note, how the hell does that work with getting eaten and turning into zombies? I mean, you are constantly seeing scenes of zombies chewing on random limbs and such right? But dont they turn into zombies really fast? If they dont, then we must have some worthless zombies out there, squirming along with one unchewed arm to drag themselves and no legs.

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-08, 09:31 PM
Regarding your previous question, I'm pretty sure it's just the one season. The manga continues on past where the anime left off, but I'm not sure if that's still ongoing or not.

2012-11-08, 09:52 PM
It was described to me as a zombie apocalypse cartoon as drawn by a horny teenage boy.

This basically made me unwilling to even attempt to watch it.

2012-11-08, 09:55 PM
Oh man, this show... I don't know whether I can say I liked it, but it certainly left an impression.
All the fanservice is just so distracting... That woman's boinging buttocks and musical bosom is silly but amusing. But then there's more disturbing stuff... Like up-skirt shots of a woman being torn to pieces, and the camera paying WAY too much attention to a little girl putting on a new pair of undies :smallyuk:
...still kinda wanna watch another season, though <.<

2012-11-08, 10:04 PM
Oh man, this show... I don't know whether I can say I liked it, but it certainly left an impression.
All the fanservice is just so distracting... That woman's boinging buttocks and musical bosom is silly but amusing. But then there's more disturbing stuff... Like up-skirt shots of a woman being torn to pieces, and the camera paying WAY too much attention to a little girl putting on a new pair of undies :smallyuk:
...still kinda wanna watch another season, though <.<

Yeah the little girl getting changed was out of place, they could have shown just about any other part of her getting dressed and not done that. Although, we never see anything inappropriate, as she seems to be better able to dress without flashing the world than the girls around her 10 years older than she is. As for the upskirts of women in the process of being murdered, im ambivalent. It is clearly one of those "any excuse to look up a girls skirt" type shots, but its also something that fits into the context. Getting dragged in odd directions is going to make your skirt go in odd directions. It would have been just as easy to draw it from a non upskirt angle, but in that case, its one of the less stupid bits of fanservice as it doesnt stick out as much as say, apron and panty seiko.

2012-11-08, 11:12 PM
Ok, finished the entire 12 episode series on netflix. Overall impressions

I havent seen so much flesh bouncing since I watched a richard simmons sweatin to the oldies workout video. I have seen more underwear than are in a victorias secret catalog. Never before have I wanted to move to japan so much, as apparently every woman there is drop dead gorgeous, and could engulf my entire skull in their cleavage. :smallbiggrin:

On a more serious note. I loved the premise. Zombie apocalypse is always great fun. I thought the execution was mostly excellent. The way people reacted made a lot of sense overall. The general panic, the swift death of fodder, the rallying of the survivor types, all of it was fairly standard fare for a zombie flick, but still well done. I liked the way the episodes flowed. The failing of many zombie flicks is they quickly find a place to hole up and until they run out of food, they are mostly safe. In this series it was a constant search for safe spots to rest and reload. There was no permanent safe spot, no convenient abandoned mall to take over, no isolated and easily reinforced farmstead, just a bunch of, "Ok, I dont see zombies, take a breather here till they show up" type of scenarios.

Truthfully, the series showed what I honestly feel would be the most likely outcome of a full scale zombie outbreak. Everyone likes to talk big. "Oh yeah, if the undead ever rise, I got a thousand bullets waiting for them right here." Yeah, no. Most people are easily panicked and unable or unwilling to fight back. The initial death toll would likely be fairly catastrophic. Especially in a scenario like this. Where apparently the dead were rising everywhere around the world at once. The only downside, and one that could be fixed in a second season, is the lack of an eventual counter attack by the larger groups of survivors, and the inevitable counters by the governments. They touched on it in episode 11-12, but for the most part, its like the entire world shut down and only the small squads of survivors still exist.

On the interpersonal relationships, I have to admit to being a bit unhappy with them. Takashi seemed to have the interest of all the girls there but Saya. A few seemed to make moves, or at least try, but there was very little progress. Its forgiveable considering this season took place over the course of all of what, 3 days? But I would have liked to see some really promising developments. Something more than the whole, "Hey, I think he and Saeko are getting close"

As for each character, I wanted Saya to die so badly at the start. God she was a total &^%(* to everyone. But for some reason, either she spent less time verbally assaulting everyone, or I just got used to it, I would just start to eye roll every time she went on a "Why are you so stupid?" rant. Takashi doesnt seem to change much really. I liked Saeko. She was always kind of interesting and mysterious. Then we got to learn about her past a bit and her issues, and it made for an interesting character. Though I still think she is effin weird from the apron thing. Rei was honestly a nonentity for me mostly. Her main purpose seemed to be to constantly make takeshi feel bad about their old relationship, and hurt him by bringing up her dead boyfriend. Oh yeah, and she made a great gun stand at once point. Towards the end she was clearly developing feelings for takeshi again, but I dunno exactly what the result was, other than her suddenly seeming to back off. Shizuka is just adorable. She is the most stereotypical blond airhead ever, and also fills in well with the "sexy teacher all the boys at school crush on" type of role, even if she is the nurse. I love her, just for being the over the top big breasted silly character she is. Alice is the team mascot. I felt bad for her at the start, and that scene where the humvee is trapped and she is begging nerd boy not to toss her over the fence and leave her all alone again was freaking excellent.

Overall, I would watch a second season of this. I would like to see how it all ends. I would like to see which, if any, girl takashi ends up with.

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-08, 11:21 PM
I like to think that Hirano and Saeko are both based on a few of the reasons why the whole "zombie apocalypse" thing has gotten so popular with people: wanting all those "useless" skills you have to suddenly not be so useless anymore (Hirano) and the desire to be violent towards human-like enemies in a socially acceptable way (Saeko).

2012-11-08, 11:32 PM
Oh, and did some you tube searching, found info that apparently sometime in june or winter of 2013, there will be a second season released. Search for episode 13 if you want to see an english subtitle wafer thin excuse to show all the girls in tiny bikinis and have them making out with everyone.

2012-11-08, 11:35 PM
Oh, and did some you tube searching, found info that apparently sometime in june or winter of 2013, there will be a second season released.

That's the most disappointing thing I've heard since I found out Revenge of the Fallen was getting a sequel.:smalleek::smallfrown:

2012-11-08, 11:42 PM
That's the most disappointing thing I've heard since I found out Revenge of the Fallen was getting a sequel.:smalleek::smallfrown:

I know! Thats way too long to have to wait!

2012-11-08, 11:43 PM
I know! Thats way too long to have to wait!

No. Just no.:smallannoyed:

2012-11-09, 12:30 AM
Oh, and did some you tube searching, found info that apparently sometime in june or winter of 2013, there will be a second season released. Search for episode 13 if you want to see an english subtitle wafer thin excuse to show all the girls in tiny bikinis and have them making out with everyone.

YAY! More HSoD! That's pretty awesome to hear, really is a shame we have to wait so incredibly long for it though :-( I want it now! *Throws temper tantrum*

Erik von Nein
2012-11-09, 12:47 AM
Man, that show won me over the second it had the school nurse napping on her boobs.

It's got fanservice almost to the point of parody. I can't tell if they're doing it straight-faced or not. And that's fantastic.

Plus the teacher on the bus was amusing. Especially his sex cult and tossing dudes off the island.

2012-11-09, 01:40 AM
There is a scene later on where they shoot a female zombie in the chest, and the pettanko nerd girl shouts "STUPID SEXIST BULLET"

HSoD is basically ridiculous.

2012-11-09, 03:35 AM
I have to admit, and this is going to sound off, but the anime actually tones the fan-service up from in the manga and changes other little details. Like...Spear-girl and Saeko's ridiculous martial arts attacks? They don't really happen in the manga. Okay, Saeko still rides into battle atop a humvee in an apron and thong, but that's...possible. Not likely, but possible. The manga's actually pretty good about making things 'realistic' for a zombie apocalypse and the anime does manage to capture some of that, just not all of it.

You have the kids learning how to shoot (with Hirano's help) properly, needing to scavenge ammunition, etc. Trying to find safe spots of shelter. And, most importantly from the last time I checked the manga, dealing with the psychological stress of the situation. It's a bit of a spoiler but...

Hirano begins to suffer symptoms of PTSD after a particularly traumatic event and begins putting the entire group in danger by walking down the street just shooting zombies.

He doesn't just suddenly snap and go crazy, it's portrayed very...'real' which just makes it all the sadder. He's not a closet sadist/psycopath like Saeko, he doesn't have martial arts training that might strengthen his will, and he's not the leader who has to be strong and keep the group together. He's just a gun nerd thrust into a violent situation and it gets to him.

Not to mention you do get to see things you normally don't see in zombie apocalypses...like a fully armed attack helicopter against a herd of zombies. Spoiler: The zombies don't win, and it's awesome. Or a larger group of survivors, plus return of the Orgy Bus.

Also, was I the only one who loved when the Orgy Bus rolled up on smart-girl's parents house and there's that one face-palm moment when it seems like the up-until-that-point reasonable adults look like they're ready to let in the cult leader (which would have undoubtedly spelled their doom) a mistake made in every zombie movie...and smart girl's dad turns to the kids and ask if he should let them in...then listens to what they say and forces him out? Cause I loved that. Way to shake the mold!

Also, reason there's so much...fan-service. The artist and author for High School of the Dead used to do manga of an adult nature and it's kinda obvious he channels those over-sexualized designs into HSotD.

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-09, 05:38 AM
I don't buy the "Ironic" fanservice so I don't buy this series.

2012-11-09, 06:36 AM
Its been quite a while since I saw the show but what I recall...

It was funny and that's mostly it. Yeah, it had lots of fanservice but just like shows like Ikki Tousen (which I never saw) or Manyuu Hikenchou it's so ridiculously over the top it really is impossible for me to see it as anything but parody.

The thing is... it tries to be serious at times but this just utterly falls flat for me when they get back to breasts that deny every law of physics or something else ridiculous. You just can't work up a SDF guy shooting himself out of despair (iirc) being a traumatic, serious event in the context of everything else going on.

Also, I in general have a problem with zombie apocalypse stories, especially these without any explanation where it comes from like here. Random people just turn to zombies? And society just goes down the drain? This. Does. Not. Make. Sense. Okay, if we talk like every second person is a zombie but from what I got from the show there are still so many normal people, much more than zombies, and the zombies are blind and only quite a bit stronger due to lack of pain restraints or something. These things can not take over the world. I much prefer xkcd's take on the issue. (http://xkcd.com/734/)
Yeah, this kind of ruins most zombie movies for me... but HSotD at least is funny when it does not try to be serious. But I can see how people who dislike fanservice can't stand the show.

2012-11-09, 07:08 AM
I hated the manga completely. I have never seen the anime.
The fanservice bored me, everyone being a bastard bored me, the extreme gore disgusted me. The translation was also laughably bad. Then I read the original I noticed the original text was also laughably bad.

Brother Oni
2012-11-09, 07:18 AM
Everyone likes to talk big. "Oh yeah, if the undead ever rise, I got a thousand bullets waiting for them right here." Yeah, no. Most people are easily panicked and unable or unwilling to fight back.

Especially in countries with stricter firearm laws than America. I believe Japan is even more restrictive than the UK, so resorting to melee weapons is a very realistic scenario.

As others have pointed out, there are a numbers of logical flaws with the zombie apocalypse scenario, which pretty much stop me taking any such scenarios seriously.
That said, I agree the initial death toll would be significant because to the high population density in Japan, but people would be able to hole up in their homes very effectively due to the way Japanese homes are constructed.

2012-11-09, 07:33 AM
Its been quite a while since I saw the show but what I recall...

It was funny and that's mostly it. Yeah, it had lots of fanservice but just like shows like Ikki Tousen (which I never saw) or Manyuu Hikenchou it's so ridiculously over the top it really is impossible for me to see it as anything but parody.

The thing is... it tries to be serious at times but this just utterly falls flat for me when they get back to breasts that deny every law of physics or something else ridiculous. You just can't work up a SDF guy shooting himself out of despair (iirc) being a traumatic, serious event in the context of everything else going on.

Also, I in general have a problem with zombie apocalypse stories, especially these without any explanation where it comes from like here. Random people just turn to zombies? And society just goes down the drain? This. Does. Not. Make. Sense. Okay, if we talk like every second person is a zombie but from what I got from the show there are still so many normal people, much more than zombies, and the zombies are blind and only quite a bit stronger due to lack of pain restraints or something. These things can not take over the world. I much prefer xkcd's take on the issue. (http://xkcd.com/734/)
Yeah, this kind of ruins most zombie movies for me... but HSotD at least is funny when it does not try to be serious. But I can see how people who dislike fanservice can't stand the show.

The thing that keeps me from feeling the same way about a zombie apocalypse is fairly simple. Yes there are, for a time, more people than zombies. So what? Its not like its two armies on a battlefield or something. The numerically superior living are largely separated, many dont know whats going on, and a large portion of them couldnt bring themselves to kill until its too late. This is an experiment I wish could happen just to demonstrate the capacity of most people to kill. Take a thousand people, tell them to go over there and stomp the rabbit in the next room to death. I would be surprised if even half could make themselves do it. I would be even more surprised if a quarter could manage to do it without substantial hesitation first. It is not easy to convince yourself to do lethal damage. And hesitating in a zombie apocalypse scenario means you get bit and you get turned into something that wont hesitate to kill.

Keep in mind how the series starts as well. The high school was infested before they got any warning about it. Suddenly there are say, a dozen zombies in a tightly confined area, biting every unarmed and panicky student in reach, and the total of zombies expands exponentially. Sure, if they had been watching tv earlier and gotten advance warning they might have been able to form up and put up a real fight, perhaps even hold the school, but they didnt get that warning and got wiped out mostly. That scenario likely repeated itself hundreds of times across the globe in a short time frame.

And while I do agree that I wish they had mentioned the cause of "suddenly. . . ZOMBIES!" leaving it a mystery also helps me accept it, because that way there isnt some easily debunked excuse. "Pfft, government lab breakout? xkcd baby" For all we know, anyone who died in the last week just sat up and started biting. Or the graves of everything not too badly composed rose up or 15% of the population spontaneously mutated. We dont know, so its easier to believe it could happen.

Brother Oni
2012-11-09, 07:59 AM
This is an experiment I wish could happen just to demonstrate the capacity of most people to kill. Take a thousand people, tell them to go over there and stomp the rabbit in the next room to death. I would be surprised if even half could make themselves do it. I would be even more surprised if a quarter could manage to do it without substantial hesitation first. It is not easy to convince yourself to do lethal damage. And hesitating in a zombie apocalypse scenario means you get bit and you get turned into something that wont hesitate to kill.

There's a difference between stomping on a defenceless harmless rabbit for the sake of an experiment and killing a lethal hostile threat in self defence.

I personally would refuse to kill the rabbit for an experiment to prove that I could kill it. I would not hesitate to kill someone threatening my family with harm.
I would kill the rabbit if I was to eat it. I have no philosophical or moral issue with eating meat and will kill and dress it with no problems (and have done). Besides, rabbit is tasty. :smallbiggrin:

I do agree that this relucatance to kill has been noticed, most commonly with the military training new soldiers. However it's also been found that modern new recruits have less (or even no) restraints in being taught to kill (the theorised reasons for this are a whole can of worms that would probably derail the thread).

Keep in mind how the series starts as well. The high school was infested before they got any warning about it. Suddenly there are say, a dozen zombies in a tightly confined area, biting every unarmed and panicky student in reach, and the total of zombies expands exponentially.

Except they don't multiply exponentially - only people who get bitten and get away successfully turn into zombies. The ones that don't get away, just get eaten (one of the reasons why a zombie apocalypse can't be taken seriously - their food source is also their form of reproduction, so if they're highly successful in 'hunting', there aren't many zombies; if they're not successful, they just get eliminated by the humans, assuming the humans aren't idiots and get their bitten treated or at least quarantined).

As for tightly confined space, yes and no. I agree to the small areas, I disagree to the confinement as all schools have fire exits and a known fire drill (and in Japan, they have regularly practiced earthquake drills as well).
In a school of ~1000 students, I doubt 12 infected could cause the entire school to be locked down, without being overrun and trampled by escaping students.

And while I do agree that I wish they had mentioned the cause of "suddenly. . . ZOMBIES!" leaving it a mystery also helps me accept it, because that way there isnt some easily debunked excuse. "Pfft, government lab breakout? xkcd baby" For all we know, anyone who died in the last week just sat up and started biting. Or the graves of everything not too badly composed rose up or 15% of the population spontaneously mutated. We dont know, so its easier to believe it could happen.

I agree that leaving the source and biology of the zombies as unknown works better, since it makes them a credible threat without breaking suspension of belief.

2012-11-09, 08:29 AM
About the whole zombies eating their targets, honestly, thats something that never made sense to me. What I THINK happens is, when there is a large crowd of fresh screaming meat, they go into a frenzy, biting and moving, biting and moving, and its only when things die down, and you see a lone student dragged under by a swarm that they actually start eating. Its the only way to explain why there are 2 zombies we see made at the start, the gym teacher (who died awfully fast from a bitten forearm) and the lady who i assume was the principal or something, with I think another 2 targets right there, then bang, swarms of them shortly after the students start freaking out. Plus, the 28 days later level of infection speed helps alot too. I wouldnt be surprised if a large number of freshly killed students woke back up missing a relatively small handful of chunks of flesh. The zombies seem to ignore each other, so as soon as one wakes up, im sure the rest stop eating it.

By the time the announcement went out, they had clearly made their way indoors and to the main office, or wherever the intercom system is setup. We have no way of knowing exactly how many people got bitten and turned between scenes. We dont know if any split off and entered open classroom doors. We also have no way of knowing where they were in relation to the main exits. Be honest, do you really think that panicked herd of sheep were thinking coherently enough to aim for fire escapes and other random exit points? They seemed to be moving in one vast swarm, most likely for the front door. The exact location the zombies most likely entered themselves. Easy meat for a bloodbath. They would have log jammed themselves WITHOUT zombies in the main foyer waiting on them. Hell, we SEE the students getting trampled in the mad rush for the doors. A dozen zombies that are, according to the research done during the show, noticeably stronger than average, blocking the way out? I can see that happening. The first line of students gets crushed against them and bitten, then 5 seconds later turn and start biting those behind them.

I agree with you about the rabbit thing, perhaps a rabid dog would be a better option? That way you have a creature that is potentially lethally dangerous, one that needs to be put down for the protection of everyone. And one that wouldnt be easily killed without a gun in hand. How many would be willing to even enter that room? How many would be able to fight it off without getting bitten? How many would be able to kill it effectively without hesitation?

Thats about how I think a zombie scenario would go down. You would have people who refuse to try and fight for various reasons, shock, sorrow at seeing their friends and family attacking them, horror at the very scary sight, you have people who have never even tried to kill something before hesitating, or being ineffective at fighting and getting bitten, and the very few capable of fighting back decently would mostly keep going, (bad luck happens) Maybe exponentially is the wrong word. The absolute best they could do is double their numbers every time they bite something, and they wont all be biting at the same time. Still, the growth of zombies would be very high in a school full of mostly unarmed panicky students and teachers.

Scowling Dragon
2012-11-09, 09:30 AM
Thing is, Zombies fall under "Uncanny valley".

They look CLOSE to us, but are slightly off. Thus a zombie is more likely to trigger "AAAAAA DIE" then "OMG I can't do it".

So the zombies have the advantage for a few days till they begin to rot.

2012-11-09, 09:56 AM
Thing is, Zombies fall under "Uncanny valley".

They look CLOSE to us, but are slightly off. Thus a zombie is more likely to trigger "AAAAAA DIE" then "OMG I can't do it".

So the zombies have the advantage for a few days till they begin to rot.

I dunno, I dont think they qualify as uncanny valley for the most part. Isnt that generally things where they look almost perfectly human but there is just something off about them? These guys are just flat out scary looking. They are covered with blood, have white eyes, and are staggering towards you in large numbers moaning. They may be your friends, they may be your neighbors, they may be your family. But now they are coming towards you threateningly. Thats gotta be one hell of a shock and hard to just throw aside. I mean, I can see having a hard time shooting your own wife in the head when you havent been given any time to come to terms with the situation yet.

One thing that I think also increases the death toll is something the gun nut said towards the end. There are people out there that will just refuse to accept whats happening. They will refuse to believe this is real, that these things are dead, that they want to kill anything human sized that moves. They will waste their lives trying to negotiate, communicate, capture and study instead of kill.

2012-11-09, 01:31 PM
Okay, the thing is, genre savvy-ness. We are a pretty specific crowd of people and if we actually get attacked by zombies we are pretty much programmed to realize "**** is going down, it's them or us."
A lot of people would be much more skeptical about what is going on and more hesitant. I had little quarrel to kill something that seriously threatened me, to my meager capabilities. Or run away. Weren't the HSotD zombies ridiculously slow, like Dawn of the Dead slow? You can outrun them at a steady walking pace.

Yes, you need to realize they are a threat but that's the big point, unless the zombies start with some massive advantage. HSotD zombies from what we know, don't have that. Yeah, they are strong, but aren't they even blind or were those others? Admittedly, normal people would have a hard time to destroy them but running to the next police station or using armed forces would take easily care of them.

Super-human zombies like in Resident Evil are another thing but the slow zombies... of course they'll make some kills but unless humanity is totally stupid they could never destroy society.

Brother Oni
2012-11-09, 02:23 PM
About the whole zombies eating their targets, honestly, thats something that never made sense to me.

As I understand it, the whole 'zombies eat living flesh' mythology stems solely from the 1968 Night of the Living Dead film. Prior to that, zombies were pretty much only the murderous undead with no eating, or the Haitian voodoo zombie.

The zombies seem to ignore each other, so as soon as one wakes up, im sure the rest stop eating it.

Again, something else that doesn't make sense. If they eat ostensibly because they're hungry, then why would they stop once their prey stops moving? Is there some sort of special 'zombie sense' they possess that stops them feeding on each other?

I agree with you about the rabbit thing, perhaps a rabid dog would be a better option? That way you have a creature that is potentially lethally dangerous, one that needs to be put down for the protection of everyone. And one that wouldnt be easily killed without a gun in hand. How many would be willing to even enter that room? How many would be able to fight it off without getting bitten? How many would be able to kill it effectively without hesitation?

While I'd be hard pressed to think of anybody who wouldn't agree with killing a rabid dog, I think we're moving away from your 'reluctance to kill' scenario and more into the 'are you physically capable of killing' area.

Having been attacked by a pack of dogs while unarmed, I can attest it's harder than it sounds to avoid being bitten, but since humans aren't designed to use biting as a primary attack, it's a somewhat different scenario.

As for the hesitancy, I would agree that most would be hesitant, but for an entirely different reason - how to attack it without being bitten, rather than a reluctance to kill.

2012-11-09, 02:52 PM
While I'd be hard pressed to think of anybody who wouldn't agree with killing a rabid dog, I think we're moving away from your 'reluctance to kill' scenario and more into the 'are you physically capable of killing' area.

Having been attacked by a pack of dogs while unarmed, I can attest it's harder than it sounds to avoid being bitten, but since humans aren't designed to use biting as a primary attack, it's a somewhat different scenario.

As for the hesitancy, I would agree that most would be hesitant, but for an entirely different reason - how to attack it without being bitten, rather than a reluctance to kill.

Honestly, its a combination of the two. Most people are reluctant to kill. And the backup reason why people are ruined is, even if they are willing, its not easy to pull off safely. Yes humans suck at using biting as a primary attack. However, they are very good at grabbing and biting whatever they can pull towards them. They dont have to kill with their bite, just break the skin. They grab ahold of your arm, your hand, whatever dangly bit they can snag, and you are about to die. That makes killing them safely a difficult task. And since most people wont have a firearm close at hand, melee combat is the main source of fighting, and thats dangerous.

2012-11-09, 04:17 PM
I enjoyed the show greatly, despite the over-the-top fanservice. Hell, sometimes I enjoyed it because of it :smallbiggrin: It had great characters and interesting story and lots of development. And anything with zombies is always a plus in my books. I would love seeing more parts dearly.

Hell, this topic had me going enough to start watching it again.

2012-11-10, 12:03 AM
Also, I in general have a problem with zombie apocalypse stories, especially these without any explanation where it comes from like here. Random people just turn to zombies? And society just goes down the drain? This. Does. Not. Make. Sense. Okay, if we talk like every second person is a zombie but from what I got from the show there are still so many normal people, much more than zombies, and the zombies are blind and only quite a bit stronger due to lack of pain restraints or something. These things can not take over the world. I much prefer xkcd's take on the issue. (http://xkcd.com/734/)

That's part of the problem in HSotD actually, people think they know what's wrong and why people are turning into zombies and take what they think are appropriate measures...they are wrong. In the short time span since the series begins, most people still seem to believe that 'them' are just infected people who can be cured. Smart-girl rips this theory down to pieces because of how the apocalypse happened, zombies just started appearing everywhere all at once, they're ignoring some basic laws of nature, etc. and points out how a virus couldn't have done this. Does she offer up an alternate explanation? No, cause she doesn't have one.

More importantly, HSotD is happening during the 'aftermath' period. These are the days right after it all started. Some people aren't sure how to kill them, others don't want to, heck the main characters are still holding out hope that their family members are still alive! A grand total of...a week? Two? Has passed and that's it. Governments are still recovering, rescue efforts are still being dispatched, and it's as bad as it is in Japan because of the high population density. See the bridge incident at the beginning. People are panicking and trying to rush a police blockade to get to safety. This is already dangerous cause the police can't let them pass or risk causing more chaos or letting the infected through.

Then zombies show up and it becomes a blood bath. That's happening all over Japan at the beginning of the series.

Cut to what will be the second season. Survivors have begun to find places they can hold up and wait for rescue (one group of survivors (not saying which!) actually does get rescued). Heck, if it hadn't been for the EMP, the main characters would still be safe which is probably why there was an EMP in the first place. In any case, you see signs that the Japanese government is finally recovering from the shock of a zombie apocalypse outbreak and is retaliating.

Again...Attack Helicopter vs. Zombies. It's glorious. There's other examples of this you get to see, but ordinary people's minds are starting to break down in the face of what's happening too. Sure, you can say a zombie apocalypse wouldn't affect you in putting down zombies...but lets face it, that's probably bravado. This is causing additional tensions cause most people know how to handle the zombies by now. Heck, the zombies aren't that dangerous in the beginning of the show/manga. Saeko walks at a brisk pace down a hallway and just pushes them out of her way with her wooden sword cause she realizes she's only in real danger if she stops to fight and gives them a chance to gang up on her. They can't catch her and she can keep them at arm's length with her sword so they can't bite her. Until she hits a group barring her path, she handles the outbreak like a champ.

One last point...Japan is...like...the worst place for a zombie outbreak to happen. With their strict gunlaws (one Japanese person I talked told me a little about it), not even police have guns most of the time, they're only broken out if the situation explicitly calls for it or the SDF is called in. That means you have a high population density on a confined island with strict gun-laws meaning that maybe one in twenty people has a gun (post outbreak) but only one in...forty? Fifty? A hundred? Will know how to actually use it. This means survivors need to go into me...oh right. Melee. Zombies. Horrible idea, cause they're stronger then you and don't feel pain. Remember, Hirano is a geek and an outcast for liking guns as much as he does...and he only knows how to actually use them cause he went to America and practiced shooting with an uncle or something. He's the exception, not the norm. Other countries might not/probably aren't as badly affected as Japan (USA might be an exception, cause it seems a fair bit of the chain of command was unlucky and got bit before they escaped).

2012-11-10, 12:16 AM
Yeah, im pretty sure they were down a dozen or more places on the chain of command by the time the nukes got launched. I recall the sub captain mentioning the homeland security chief was president briefly, but had already been infected. THATS SEVENTEEN LEVELS DOWN THE CHAIN. In all seriousness, do you think anyone would actually obey the guy that was number 20 on the list of succession? I mean, im sure earl from accounting is great at his job and all, that doesnt make him presidential material.

Forum Explorer
2012-11-10, 12:36 AM
Yeah, im pretty sure they were down a dozen or more places on the chain of command by the time the nukes got launched. I recall the sub captain mentioning the homeland security chief was president briefly, but had already been infected. THATS SEVENTEEN LEVELS DOWN THE CHAIN. In all seriousness, do you think anyone would actually obey the guy that was number 20 on the list of succession? I mean, im sure earl from accounting is great at his job and all, that doesnt make him presidential material.

Random thought
"Umm Earl, everyone else is dead. I guess you get to be President.

"Well it's about damn time!"

2012-11-10, 04:45 AM
Yeah, im pretty sure they were down a dozen or more places on the chain of command by the time the nukes got launched. I recall the sub captain mentioning the homeland security chief was president briefly, but had already been infected. THATS SEVENTEEN LEVELS DOWN THE CHAIN. In all seriousness, do you think anyone would actually obey the guy that was number 20 on the list of succession? I mean, im sure earl from accounting is great at his job and all, that doesnt make him presidential material.

But that's part of the problem. How did they get to kill/infect so many people? It doesn't make sense from my point of view. Unless half of them happened to be turned at the beginning. Those guys should be able to get to places so save they could never be attacked by something as brainless as a zombie, be it a bunker or a military base with 1000 armed soldiers. These zombies are stupid and don't have any idea what they are doing. HsotD along with many other zombie apocalypse stories either give humanity way too little credit how to handle a crisis or just put them in a bad situation to keep their story going.

Another thing... Yeah, any country with stricter gun laws than th US is kind of in a much bigger hassle but still, these zombies are not that dangerous. Fighting them with a kitchen knife would probably be a pretty bad idea but one can improvise quite a few thing if one isn't as ill equipped as my household. (Yeah, I'd be pretty screwed I'll admit) But if you are ready to use them - which I admit is something to argue about - there are a lot of fun things to kill zombies with in a usual household. (Worst case scenario make your own spear with a broom and a knife and some string. It's not the best weapon but it works to stab their faces if you are fighting one at a time)

Heck, all this discussion really makes me wish for a zombie apocalypse just to see how it would play out :smallredface:

2012-11-10, 10:45 AM
But that's part of the problem. How did they get to kill/infect so many people? It doesn't make sense from my point of view. Unless half of them happened to be turned at the beginning. Those guys should be able to get to places so save they could never be attacked by something as brainless as a zombie, be it a bunker or a military base with 1000 armed soldiers. These zombies are stupid and don't have any idea what they are doing. HsotD along with many other zombie apocalypse stories either give humanity way too little credit how to handle a crisis or just put them in a bad situation to keep their story going.

Another thing... Yeah, any country with stricter gun laws than th US is kind of in a much bigger hassle but still, these zombies are not that dangerous. Fighting them with a kitchen knife would probably be a pretty bad idea but one can improvise quite a few thing if one isn't as ill equipped as my household. (Yeah, I'd be pretty screwed I'll admit) But if you are ready to use them - which I admit is something to argue about - there are a lot of fun things to kill zombies with in a usual household. (Worst case scenario make your own spear with a broom and a knife and some string. It's not the best weapon but it works to stab their faces if you are fighting one at a time)

Heck, all this discussion really makes me wish for a zombie apocalypse just to see how it would play out :smallredface:

I agree somewhat with the "everyone gets turned" in the presidential chain complaint. Normally they are kept mostly separate specifically to avoid mass killings wiping out the chain of command. But on the other hand, it seems this outbreak happened all over the place all at once. Which brings me to my second point.

You talk about how people could improvise weapons pretty easily, and to an extent you are right. The problem is the lack of time to react. As an example, the high school itself was swarming before they even knew they were under attack. They didnt even know what was going on, just that SOMETHING attacked and killed intercom guy.

This is a scenario that likely repeated itself a LOT. As not many people spend time watching daytime tv, so they would easily miss the attempts to warn them over the emergency channels of the huge problem on the streets, so the first inclination of something being wrong is when someone is banging at their doors, and they open up to get eaten. Its surviving that initial realization of whats going on that gets tricky. If the students had known from the moment the first zombie was banging on the gates what was going on, they likely could have been kept together and made those improvised weapons, and proceeded to defend the school for the next week or three. But when your first inclination of trouble is a zombie in your face, that causes problems.

2012-11-11, 03:24 PM
Ok, I just finished rewatching the twelve episodes that are out so far. And let me say, I haven't had so much fun in a long while :smallbiggrin: As I remembered, the action was over the top, the characters were amusing and believable, there was witty banter and good story and there were zombies who made were satisfying noises when you crunch their heads. There were some powerful scenes that, wouldn't I be the jaded, souless bastard that I am, would probably make me cry. And there was lots, lots... LOTS of fanservice. You know what? It didn't bother me at all. It actually complemented the other happenings well. For example, the sixth episode(the one with almost-but-not-quite-a-lesbian-orgy one) was just delightfuly funny, what with stark contrast that the already mentioned scene puts againt the happening on the bridge all together few blocks away. Hirano and Komoku's banter just gave that extra mile. The only part of fanservice that really stood out for me was when Komoku shot two bullets, one in between Saeko's legs(with a graceful panty shot, of course) and the other between her boobies. That one would probably have me falling down with laughter, if I wasn't lying on bed already. Also, I love the chemistry between the characters and some of them growing up during the course of the story, Saya being the prime example.

So yeah, I seriously hope we get more and that we get is soon :smallbiggrin: Any rumors on that?

2012-11-11, 04:36 PM
Ok, I just finished rewatching the twelve episodes that are out so far. And let me say, I haven't had so much fun in a long while :smallbiggrin: As I remembered, the action was over the top, the characters were amusing and believable, there was witty banter and good story and there were zombies who made were satisfying noises when you crunch their heads. There were some powerful scenes that, wouldn't I be the jaded, souless bastard that I am, would probably make me cry. And there was lots, lots... LOTS of fanservice. You know what? It didn't bother me at all. It actually complemented the other happenings well. For example, the sixth episode(the one with almost-but-not-quite-a-lesbian-orgy one) was just delightfuly funny, what with stark contrast that the already mentioned scene puts againt the happening on the bridge all together few blocks away. Hirano and Komoku's banter just gave that extra mile. The only part of fanservice that really stood out for me was when Komoku shot two bullets, one in between Saeko's legs(with a graceful panty shot, of course) and the other between her boobies. That one would probably have me falling down with laughter, if I wasn't lying on bed already. Also, I love the chemistry between the characters and some of them growing up during the course of the story, Saya being the prime example.

So yeah, I seriously hope we get more and that we get is soon :smallbiggrin: Any rumors on that?

Yep, the hypersonic boobie bounce should go down in history as both awesome and hilarious. And the rumors have been on youtube that season 2 will be out either june or december of next year, depending on which rumors you want to believe. So expect it to be a year, and you might be pleasantly surprised.

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-11, 04:49 PM
Whoa, this is the first I've heard of a second season. Not that I'm complaining, though! :smallbiggrin:

Or, to put my reaction a slightly cheekier way:

2012-11-11, 04:50 PM
Not soon enought, but I'll take what I can get, as long as DO get it :smallsmile:

Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm reading Tv Tropes entry and I just came upon the mildly infamous "I'm getting wet." line, said by Saeko. Episode seven or so in anime, I believe. I had my, shall we say, doubts, before, but seeing this is under the "Sex IS Violence" entry... am I correct to assume she meant wet... down there?

Don't take me for puritanic or anything. But I'm not a regular anime watcher so I just have to ask... is this a norm? Because jeez, this just seems, I don't know... kinda over the top? :smallbiggrin:

2012-11-11, 05:27 PM
Not soon enought, but I'll take what I can get, as long as DO get it :smallsmile:

Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm reading Tv Tropes entry and I just came upon the mildly infamous "I'm getting wet." line, said by Saeko. Episode seven or so in anime, I believe. I had my, shall we say, doubts, before, but seeing this is under the "Sex IS Violence" entry... am I correct to assume she meant wet... down there?

Don't take me for puritanic or anything. But I'm not a regular anime watcher so I just have to ask... is this a norm? Because jeez, this just seems, I don't know... kinda over the top? :smallbiggrin:

Not normal for her. She basically resolved her mental problems that she enjoys the ultra violence a little too much by accepting that its ok and her love interest isnt going to reject her over it while in the process of slicing and dicing a ton of zombies with her shiny new sword she stole from a freaking shrine. Honestly, it came (hur hur) outta left field for me while watching it.

2012-11-11, 07:53 PM
...the Full Color Omnibus is amazing. Chock full of extras and character designs, it's absolutely amazing.

2012-11-12, 08:32 AM
Ok, I watched the 13th episode on youtube and I have two things to say.

1) Da faq did I just saw? :smalltongue:
2) If I wasn't at work, I'd be laughting out loud.

Seriously, if you thought fanservice was bad until now, you haven't seen anything yet :smallbiggrin:

Also, Takashi is serious bad ass. To keep four zombies at bay, whole night, alone, while intoxicated beyond belief... that takes some serious skills.

2012-11-12, 09:57 AM
Ok, I watched the 13th episode on youtube and I have two things to say.

1) Da faq did I just saw? :smalltongue:
2) If I wasn't at work, I'd be laughting out loud.

Seriously, if you thought fanservice was bad until now, you haven't seen anything yet :smallbiggrin:

Also, Takashi is serious bad ass. To keep four zombies at bay, whole night, alone, while intoxicated beyond belief... that takes some serious skills.

Well, since they were just hallucinations, im not that impressed. And yeah, that was clearly fanservice of the second highest caliber. Its still episode 6 that is the champion of fanservice. Everything from the group bath, to sleepy = drunk behavior from the girls, (Seriously, the nurse has wandering hands and a wish to kiss the boys in nothing but a towel? She was acting so drunk at that point) to odd choices in nightwear. Ie panties and an apron, nothing but a towel, panties and a shirt, etc etc etc. It wouldnt have been that much of a thing in a girls only scenario, but they are just wandering around in front of these guys like they are fully dressed nuns or something. I have known a few girls who act that way about casual states of undress, but never so many at once.

But episode 6 aside, 13 was hilarious. They might as well filled the screen with lampshades dangling off of everything just to fully demonstrate how much fun they were having going that far with the episode. Yay we are on a deserted island paradise! Wow, what a coincidence, the only building here is a bikini shop! Yay, lets all get high off random fumes and start getting naked!"

2012-11-12, 01:08 PM
I'm not sure I'm following you. The illusion he saw was Saeko, wanting to have sex with him. The zombies he's fending off are very real, on the other hand. As least, that's my impression. Correct me if I'm wrong.

And while episode six is pretty raunchy, it cannot compete with the last one. I mean, for heavens sake, that one had a single, uncensored *le gasp* nipple!

Parents, hide your children!!!

2012-11-12, 03:04 PM
I'm not sure I'm following you. The illusion he saw was Saeko, wanting to have sex with him. The zombies he's fending off are very real, on the other hand. As least, that's my impression. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No, that's the impression I got as well. They were pretty clear on it, too. But I wouldn't call it badass since anything in that episode is just so hilarious you can't take anything serious.
Well... except Saeko and Rei making out...:smallredface:

And while episode six is pretty raunchy, it cannot compete with the last one. I mean, for heavens sake, that one had a single, uncensored *le gasp* nipple!

Parents, hide your children!!!

There was? I must have missed it. Or are we talking about Takashi's nipples? :smallconfused:

I guess I should go back and watch episode 6 again, I could need some cheering up today. I'll be in my bunk! :smalltongue:

2012-11-12, 03:46 PM
Well, the zombies looked like undead versions of the girls iirc. And the real girls were standing over him sweatdropping as it sounded like he was having happy time with all of them.

*EDIT* Saeko was the one hallucinating being with takeshi. We never saw his hallucination, not until the little girl called everyone over and they see him flailing away on the ground, sounding like he is having happy fun times with them all, in reality, he was hallucinating some slow motion struggle to hold all the girls off of him because he saw them as zombies.

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-12, 05:44 PM
Well, just checked it out for myself, finally. That episode... was pretty much what I ought to expect from HOTD, honestly. :smalltongue:

There was? I must have missed it. Or are we talking about Takashi's nipples? :smallconfused:

I think he's referring to Shizuka in the infamous bath scene during the quick recap at the beginning of the episode - which incidentally was some pretty good self-aware humor in itself.

*EDIT* Saeko was the one hallucinating being with takeshi. We never saw his hallucination, not until the little girl called everyone over and they see him flailing away on the ground, sounding like he is having happy fun times with them all, in reality, he was hallucinating some slow motion struggle to hold all the girls off of him because he saw them as zombies.

I was under the impression that we did see Takashi's hallucination since they find him fending off the zombies in the same place he was hallucinating about Saeko before. Rei and Saeko were apparently just making out on the beach the whole time.

2012-11-12, 05:55 PM
What episode 13 are you guys talking about? The OAV?

A Rainy Knight
2012-11-12, 06:11 PM
What episode 13 are you guys talking about? The OAV?

That's "Drifters of the Dead," right? That's what I'm talking about.

2012-11-12, 07:14 PM
Well, just checked it out for myself, finally. That episode... was pretty much what I ought to expect from HOTD, honestly. :smalltongue:

I think he's referring to Shizuka in the infamous bath scene during the quick recap at the beginning of the episode - which incidentally was some pretty good self-aware humor in itself.

I was under the impression that we did see Takashi's hallucination since they find him fending off the zombies in the same place he was hallucinating about Saeko before. Rei and Saeko were apparently just making out on the beach the whole time.

Yeah, but why were rei and saeko making out on the beach? I honestly think that was caused by saeko's hallucination, but its really confusing. But watch the end of the video, the girls line up staring at takashi as he is twitching on the ground. He is saying stuff like, "Not there, im only human, cant take much more of this." and stuff like that. They seem to think he is dreaming of all of them, then we see him fending off zombie versions of the girls, while the real girls are hanging back with their faces twitching away. He was hallucinating the zombie girls.

John Cribati
2012-11-13, 01:25 PM
Yeah, but why were rei and saeko making out on the beach? I honestly think that was caused by saeko's hallucination, but its really confusing. But watch the end of the video, the girls line up staring at takashi as he is twitching on the ground. He is saying stuff like, "Not there, im only human, cant take much more of this." and stuff like that. They seem to think he is dreaming of all of them, then we see him fending off zombie versions of the girls, while the real girls are hanging back with their faces twitching away. He was hallucinating the zombie girls.

How I saw it:

Saeko hallucinates Making out with Takeshi. She's really with Rei.

Rei hallucinates Making out with Takeshi. She's really with Saeko.

Takeshi hallucinates that Saeko drags him off and makes out with him. He's with nobody.

4 female Zombies find Takeshi. Takeshi hallucinates that they are the 4 girls in the party.

A tunnel connects the island to the mainland. That tunnel is how the Zombies got there, and why they cannot stay on the island.

2012-11-13, 02:31 PM
How I saw it:

Saeko hallucinates Making out with Takeshi. She's really with Rei.

Rei hallucinates Making out with Takeshi. She's really with Saeko.

Takeshi hallucinates that Saeko drags him off and makes out with him. He's with nobody.

4 female Zombies find Takeshi. Takeshi hallucinates that they are the 4 girls in the party.

A tunnel connects the island to the mainland. That tunnel is how the Zombies got there, and why they cannot stay on the island.

But the real girls were standing there watching him. Do you really think they would have just been standing there watching as he struggles to hold off 4 zombies all by himself? At the end, one of the girls, i forget which one, visibly loses her temper, picks up her gun, then the next thing we see is one of these "zombies" avoid his foot and slam head first into his crotch. To me that means the real girls thought he was having a sexy dream of sex with all of them at once. He was hallucinating fighting off zombie versions of the girls. And much like how the girls hallucinations used what was going on, like their tops being removed, as part of their visions, takeshi used the fact that one of the girls just slammed her rifle butt into his sack as thinking one of the zombie girls got past his defense and nailed him head first.

John Cribati
2012-11-13, 02:44 PM
But the real girls were standing there watching him. Do you really think they would have just been standing there watching as he struggles to hold off 4 zombies all by himself? At the end, one of the girls, i forget which one, visibly loses her temper, picks up her gun, then the next thing we see is one of these "zombies" avoid his foot and slam head first into his crotch. To me that means the real girls thought he was having a sexy dream of sex with all of them at once. He was hallucinating fighting off zombie versions of the girls. And much like how the girls hallucinations used what was going on, like their tops being removed, as part of their visions, takeshi used the fact that one of the girls just slammed her rifle butt into his sack as thinking one of the zombie girls got past his defense and nailed him head first.

So what, may I ask, was Takeshi holding that his mind turned into the zombies? Because all of the other hallucinations had someone (or something, in one case) that was mistaken for someone else.

At best, it's ambiguous. But the fact that they look for, much less find a tunnel that connects to the mainland suggests that, in fact, the Zombies were really there.

There's also the fact that Alice came running to get them instead of calmly going "hey, Takeshi is still under the influence."

2012-11-13, 05:29 PM
So what, may I ask, was Takeshi holding that his mind turned into the zombies? Because all of the other hallucinations had someone (or something, in one case) that was mistaken for someone else.

At best, it's ambiguous. But the fact that they look for, much less find a tunnel that connects to the mainland suggests that, in fact, the Zombies were really there.

There's also the fact that Alice came running to get them instead of calmly going "hey, Takeshi is still under the influence."

Ok, so I am watching the video again,I didnt realize the mention of the tunnel is on the last 20 seconds of the episode, after the credits are over. I still think its freaking weird that the girls are just standing there watching him fend off 4 zombie bikini girls while he is hallucinating they are the girls in his group. Its also very very strange to wonder exactly how long was he holding off FOUR zombies at once without taking a single bite.

2012-11-19, 02:36 AM
It's the end of the world: a virus that turns people into the walking dead who feast on the flesh of the living has been unleashed and things are rapidly going to hell. The plague strikes Fujimi High School, where unlikely hero Komuro, genius Saya, estranged love interest Rei, sword-wielding Busujima, Hirano the gun otaku and a school nurse of below-average intelligence need to escape the school and head for the city, where their parents might still be alive.