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2012-11-09, 01:33 AM
Its the beginning of another hot, humid, yet beautiful day on the island of Mora in the Spinward Islands the narrow streets, and uniformly red brick flat topped buildings are already bustling with the activity of a small metropolis as small boats meander their way around the canals that replace the cities roads. You all had been invited to the island for the reading of the last will and testaments of a Professor Ironwood or as better known by the locals "Twisted Oak". None of you or anyone you know have even heard of this man but for your various reasons you have all decided to come. The invitation included a voucher for travel expenses and a hotel stay on the reportably tropical island. Its a nice hotel along the coveted waterfront property with a view of the ocean.

Its now the morning of the reading you all wake up at relatively the same time a canal shuttle will meet you all out front in one hour to take you to Lovecraft manor where the reading is being held. The hotel offers a complimentary continental breakfast or for picky eaters there is an attached cafe. Due to the cramped nature of the city Mora has a ban on pokemon battles in the streets all trainers are recommended to go to the gym to battle.

general knowledge(stuff you all know picked up from casual conversation and such) Castforms: The Spinward Islands owes its diverse island to island climate to castforms which are common on every island and manipulate the climate of an island in unison. A behavior unique to the castforms of the Spinward Islands. As a result the ecosystems of every island are dependent on and sensitive to these castforms causing them to be declared a protected species. Trainers seeking to catch, breed, or release a Castform in the required to follow the terms set forth by the Spinward Islands Weather Investigation Safety Society(S.W.I.S.S.)

Clusters: The Spinward Islands are split up into 16 “Clusters” each cluster is governed by a main island where the clusters pokemon gym is also found.

Dojodo: Cold and snowy this Island is a popular ski resort for tourists and Mora residents hoping to escape the heat.

Jokotre: This temperate island’s pokemon yielding forests make it a popular stop for trainers on their way to challenge the Mora cluster gym leader Glen. That coupled with a thriving lumber industry gives Jokotre a strong economy

“Just spin with it”: the official motto of the spinward island made in reference to tourist’s tendency to spend most of their time in libraries and travel agencies trying to decide where in the islands to go. This is often regarded as a fools errand and tourists are encouraged just to make the most of wherever they find themselves.

Mora: Hot and humid this tropical trading hub is the main governing island of the Mora Cluster of the Spinward Islands and is home to the cluster’s gym and gym leader Glen. The island also sports the natural wonder that is a large spring fed freshwater lake that the island forms a ring around and takes up most of the islands mass. As a result most of the populated areas are densely packed artificial additions built out towards the sea with canals replacing conventional streets. Only the most expensive homes are built on the natural island itself.

Nadrin: This cold frozen rocky Island is home to a Devon mining operation. The miners have been know to use the islands ice pokemon to their advantage to create ice rinks and host hockey games attracting some tourist traffic from Mora hoping to escape the heat.

Psi Cops: A special detachment of the Spinward Island Police dedicated to protecting the people of the Spinward Islands from psychic related crime. Psychic travellers are not required but are encouraged to report any talents they may have to a local station after they first arrive in the islands and to report actions that leave psychic residue soon after to avoid any misunderstandings.

Spinward Islands: Discovered a few centuries ago by famous explorer, and hitmontop owner Charles Spinward. This expansive group of islands relatively near-ish to unova(sort of) is known for its great diversity in pokemon, climate, habitats, and mysteries. attracting tourists, trainers, researchers, and settlers from all over the world for over two hundred years.

Spinward Islands League: there are 16 badges to be acquired in the Spinward Islands and every 4 years a grand tournament is held in the Sword Islands cluster to determine the league champion 8 badges are required to enter having more allows a trainer to bypass the first few rounds of elimination.

S.W.I.S.S.: Primarily known for and concerned with the protection of castforms the Spinward Islands Weather Investigation Safety Society(S.W.I.S.S.) is a governing body created to protect the Spinward Island's diverse ecosystems from as their founder put it “baby punching ten year olds with pokeballs and whatnot”. Their authority is recognized throughout most of the islands and they have been known to make their voice heard on many environmental issues though acting on issues beyond castforms require majority authorization from a cluster’s governing island’s police chief, ranger captain, or gym leader.

special knowledge (stuff only your character knows IC right now that the other PC's don't)

Rebecca: having spent time in Kanto you've heard of a corporation named Cinnabar Genetics(aka CinGen)CinGen: Cinnabar Genetics is a corporation formed to commercialize the fossil cloning technology pioneered by the former pokemon lab on the former cinnabar island. Unfortunately the revelation of the existence of mewtwo and the labs association with the eruption of Cinnabar has caused them to relocate all research and development operations to the Spinward Islands.And you have been advised by ranger HQ to keep an eye on interactions between S.W.I.S.S. and CinGen. S.W.I.S.S. actively protests CinGen's presence in the islands and these protests have turned violent on multiple occasions, and with CinGen's insistence on privacy there is always the possibility that S.W.I.S.S. has a valid reason to turn violent.

you're not ordered to investigate you've just been made aware that where these two forces meet trouble will likely arise.

Lucias: as a seafarer you know of the spinward islands seaport classification codes Seaport Classifications: Each seaport of the spinward Islands is given a quality grade based on what services are available at the seaport
A: High quality. Has pokecenter, hospital, grocery, fuel depot, and repair services all included as part of the berthing costs.
B: Good quality. Same services as A just not as classy
C: Fair quality. Has a pokecenter, basic field hospital, fuel depot, and minimal repair services as part of the berthing costs.
D: Poor quality. Just has a pokecenter, and fuel depot.
E: Just a place to tie up the boat and top up the fuel tank.
X: Raw wilds nothing there. Actually better quality than E cause you don’t have a ugly dock spoiling your view

Zack: as an enthusiast for climbing buildings you have heard that Mora's choice of architecture has attracted it a group of like minded enthusiasts named the Chimney Sweeps. the name is all you know about them so far.

2012-11-09, 10:16 AM
Nessa wakes up early in the morning; she was still used to leaving for school at 7 in the morning. After a short continental breakfast that consisted of Belgian waffles, Tepig bacon, and a light salad, Nessa waited patiently for the events of the day to start.

To pass the time, she read her favorite book, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Moltres" to Lancelot using telepathy. They'd been on the book for a couple days and were already halfway through. Normally Nessa would turn the pages with the force of her mind, but she didn't dare do that in a public place.

2012-11-09, 11:21 AM
As Nessa is reading a grumpy looking boy who is obviously a pokemon trainer comes in and says loudly to another chubby boy helping himself to a large stack of waffles.

"I don't believe it I get up early to go to the pokemon gym and guess what?" says the first in an angry tone

"what?" says a mouthful of waffles

"Its closed! The gym leader went out of town and he locked the door behind him how's a guy supposed to find a battle here when they don't let you battle in the streets and every other inch of open space is owned by someone that doesn't want kids fighting there!" says the grumpy boy slamming his fist on the table

"d'no what do the local kids do?" says the chubby boy as he shoves more waffle in his mouth

"will you forget about the food!? If we don't pick up the pace we won't get enough badges to enter the grand tournament this year!" shouts the grumpy one as he wrestles the fork out of chubby's hand

"ahem!" interrupts a nearby receptionist not appreciating the scene the boys were making. The grumpy one still pouting goes, and starts piling his plate with bacon.

2012-11-09, 03:04 PM
Rebecca finished strapping on her various pieces of gear, grabbed her styler and rebreather, and then left her room. She doubted she would need most of it, but the gear was expensive and the last thing she wanted was it to get stolen by some room service maid. She flipped the scanner up so that it didn't cover her right eye and instead rested in her hair and then headed to the lobby to grab a light breakfast.

She liked her ranger uniform and the special ops uniform even more so. All the cool gadgets and devices made surviving out in the middle of nowhere with just her and pokemon so much easier. Hopefully after the reading of the will she'd have time to explore.

2012-11-09, 03:12 PM
From the Lobby there is either the dining room where a complimentary continental breakfast is served or an attached cafe. You can see the dining room is populated by a girl reading a book and a couple young trainers fighting over bacon. The cafe on the other hand is populated by hipsters

2012-11-09, 04:17 PM
In a flurry of movement Zack was out of bed and halfway into his pants. The sudden movement didn't seem to register with the Meowth sleeping in the corner, but the Croagunk opened a tired eye from his own corner. "I'll be back in half an hour. Don't leave without me," Zack says as he pulls on a loose T-shirt and buckles his belt. With a small wave to his still dozing pokemon, Zack climbs out the window and scales the building. A little fresh air, and nice canals below me. Mora's a great city for climbing. The ledges seem just perfectly spaced, too, and so his thoughts go as he attempts to climb to the roof.

Dex check if needed, hopefully not: [roll0]

2012-11-09, 04:31 PM
Its not your fastest climb ever but eventually you reach the top of the hotel which is a bit taller than the surrounding buildings. looking west you see the ocean heavy with boat traffic. To the north you see the a portion of the city and the "natural island" most of the "natural island" land adjacent the city that you can see appears to be farmland. East you see the city stretch out as a three dimensional labyrinth of masonry, ledges, and roofs of varying heights. the south is just more ocean and city nothing the other three directions don't already have.wis check please

2012-11-09, 04:48 PM
Taking slow, deep breaths Zack examines the cityscape around him. Little routes seem to pop out against the background of architecture. A beautiful city if there ever was one.

Wis Check: [roll0]

2012-11-09, 04:57 PM
You notice a fair amount of movement on the rooftops looking carefully you can make out what looks like a couple of pokemon battles, and kids popping in and out of stairwells, and hopping along rooftops. But what especially catches your attention is a kid on a nearby roof who it waving and jumping trying to get you to notice him. when he see's you looking back at him he pulls out a small white board and holds it up with a familiar symbol written on it.


2012-11-09, 05:08 PM
Zack takes a running leap to a different building than the kid was on. It's a bit of a drop, but with an easy roll he remains unharmed. A few more stepping stone jumps and he's soon face to face with the kid. Azhur and Fang leap up from over the edge, having noticed the symbol and understanding Zack's personality, to be ready for the challenge. "Hey, what's up?" Zack asks, trying to be nonchalant.

Str [roll0] Dex [roll1]

2012-11-09, 05:53 PM
Lucius wakes up and heads over to the window of his room, opening it and taking a deep breath of the air, salty and heavy with the smell of the ocean. "A wonderful day for an island jaunt..." he mutters to himself, before sighing. "A shame I'm going to be stuck inside for that will reading... but ah well." He quickly goes through his morning routine, before heading down to breakfast. After a quick meal, he heads out towards the beach, debating on whether he wants to do a bit of diving or not before deciding just to relax and watch the waves for the time being.

2012-11-09, 06:00 PM
"The city looks cool from the roof!" da-nana-na-nana-naaa! Bert wants to fight! tempting but no
"Whoa! That was some hardcore parkour man!" he is clearly blown away by your demonstration of rooftop navigation. He then recomposes himself and says "I take it since you came out of the hotel you're new around here. The names Bert I guess you can say I'm a chimney sweep you wanna have a battle?"

2012-11-09, 06:07 PM
"Yeah? I heard word of the Chimney Sweeps. You guys can battle?" Zack says. He thinks for a second, "2 on 2, no flying, and no burrowing. No trainer interference and no non-held items. ^750 a fair wager?" As Bert agrees, Zack motions for Azhur to step forward.

Azhur: HP: 33/33, Def 6, SDef 8, Spd 7

2012-11-09, 06:16 PM
"Of course we battle thats why we are here whenever Glen heads out of town and closes the gym all the kids that can't afford to hike out to the forest or get on a boat take to the roof tops it's the only open space to have a battle"

at the terms he says "eh I kinda only have one..." he calls out a two headed ball of feathers with long legs "and you might want to use the cat. fighting up here is kinda a grey area so the stealthier your mon the better"


2012-11-09, 06:24 PM
"I appreciate the advice," Zack says with a respectful nod. Azhur and Fang quickly switch places. "Fang, stun him." The meowth, which had been moving with a slow, feline grace, bolts ahead and dashes from side to side in order fake out the bird. While this is going on, Zack scans the two headed creature.

Fang: HP: 36/36, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Fake Out: AC vs 2 [roll0] Flinch on hit.
Normal, physical damage: [roll1] If Crit [roll2]

2012-11-09, 06:39 PM
Both Bert and the bird which your dex pings as a doduo are surprised by the effectiveness of the attack. Bert then recalls his mon "Heh hardcore parkour and hardcore fighting. Sorry I couldn't make it more interesting but I do need him on his feet if the cops decide so show" he pays you the wager and hands you a funny looking card with a bunch of dots and squares on it he then explains "Its a dex card you scan it like a mon and it loads your dex with a bit of information. that one is about the chimney sweeps. also there is a chimney sweep meeting this evening you should come just follow the kites"+240 xp, +^750, chimney sweeps dex entry unlockedThe Chimney Sweeps: A gang of trainers found on the island of Mora. Originally formed due to the Island’s prohibition on battling in the narrow densely packed streets and the gym often being closed due to Glen being out of town. These trainers who are too poor to rent out a boat or private space as a result took to the roof tops to find an open space to battle outside the immediate reach of the police and busy body over protective adults. its now close to the time you're supposed to be picked up you can see a yellow taxi boat making its way to the hotel from here

2012-11-09, 06:43 PM
Lucius looks along the beach, seeing the yellow taxi boat approaching the hotel, and smiles, picking himself up and heading over towards the craft.

2012-11-09, 06:54 PM
"It was a good attempt," Zack says he collects his winnings. "I'll try and make it out tonight. If you're feeling risky we might even have a rematch." Fang trots back to him, looking pleased as hell. He wipes a sticky ball of Black Sludge off of his paw. Interestingly enough, Azhur picks it up and smiles. "Well, if you want it, you got it." He returns his pokemon and rushes back to the hotel room. He collects the rest of his gear as quick as he can and arrives in the Lobby. A cursory glance allows him to avoid the hipsters and grab a bagel from the dinning room. He eats quietly and quickly as he stands in a corner, observing the others.

Str [roll0]
Dex [roll1]
Wis [roll2]

2012-11-09, 07:00 PM
Still looking awesome you make it with time to spare, but you are so engrossed in replacing spent calories you don't perceive any details of the others waiting for the boat.

2012-11-09, 10:08 PM
Rebecca steps into the normal continental breakfast. The food was just meant to keep her belly full, she didn't need anything fancy. As such, she fills her plate quickly before moving away from the crazy kids fighting over bacon and leaning against the wall next to the person with the book while she ate the small meal.

2012-11-09, 10:22 PM
In a canal adjacent the hotel a small yellow boat pulls up and a man with a peg leg steps onto the street he brings both hands up to his mouth and shouts


soon after a voice says over an intercom in the public areas of the hotel "Lucius Anders, Rebecca Ranoue, Zack Hamilton, Vanessa Reeve, Lea Clarice. your ride is waiting"

2012-11-09, 10:24 PM
Lucius walks up to the man and says, "I'd be one of the scallywags you mentioned, Captain... Lucius Anders. Permission to come aboard?"

2012-11-09, 10:26 PM
Zack scarfs down the rest of his bagel and picks up another one for the ride. As he carries his bag with him onto the boat he mentions to the captain, "Hamilton here." He takes a seat as the others come out.

2012-11-09, 10:27 PM
"yes yes right this way stupid taxi service rules" he slides open a door on the side of the boat revealing a minivan like interior. "just take a seat we should be along shortly"

2012-11-09, 10:33 PM
After hearing her name, Rebecca walks over and enters the boat with a nod, "Special Ops Ranoue." She says to let the Captain know who she was. She glanced over at everyone else calmly and quickly.

2012-11-09, 10:33 PM
Nessa carefully slipped a bookmark into the book. We'll finish this some other time Lancelot. Time to go back into your ball.

But what if somebody attacks you?

I'll be fine. You worry about me too much.

She returned Lancelot and stood slowly. After smoothing out her dress and stowing her book in her purse. She walks up to the boisterous man and presents her hand. Vanessa Reeve, Nessa for short.

2012-11-09, 10:36 PM
Lucius nods, taking a seat by the windows and looks around at the others. "Hello... name's Lucius... Lucius Anders. So... erm... you guys knew this Professor, right?"

2012-11-09, 10:41 PM
Nope! Just got an invitation and decided to come. I needed to leave home and this invitation was the perfect opportunity. My name's Nessa by the way.

2012-11-09, 10:44 PM
"My name's Zack. Don't know the Professor but I figured it'd be rude to turn down such an invitation," Zack says to the others. "I have no idea what's going on about the will, but maybe we've inherited something, right?"

2012-11-09, 10:45 PM
as the last two get aboard the captain gets a phone call "wa?... uhh.. uhuh... WELL YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT SOONER!"*hang up*

he then says to everyone "well everyone who is coming aboard is aboard now. Turns out the last person we are waiting on hiked her way to the manor" he starts the boat and begins to maneuver his way through the canals

"so for those who are curious my name is Captain Etarip. and I lost me leg sharpedo chariot racing" the boat is now crossing open water following the coastline of the island "I know ye be headed to listen the last will of the deceased but would any of ye mind if I be put'n the radio on?"

2012-11-09, 10:49 PM
"I wouldn't dare think of trying to tell you what to do on your own ship, Captain," Lucius replies, smiling. "Though Sharpedo Chariot Racing can be a rough sport... a shame about the leg." Turning his attention back to the others among the group, he says, "So... it looks like all of us were invited to the will reading of a man we've never met... any ideas on how?"

2012-11-09, 10:57 PM
"Yeah, play what you like, Cap'n," Zack chimes in. "As for how it is 4-5 strangers are being called together for the will of a man none of us have met? No clue. But maybe one of the girls know?"

2012-11-09, 11:03 PM
"wouldn't have traded it for the world besides I could have chosen rougher like shell hiking" he flips on the radio its a news program

"and now on to local news the gym is closed again as Glen left town. The Mora cluster police chief had this to say concerning the matter and the perpetually stalled vote on S.W.I.S.S.'s requested investigation of CinGen "this is a matter of pokemon not people which is why I refuse to vote yes on it. Glen is the one who is qualified to decide and he needs to learn to stop shirking his responsibilities as gym leader and worrying about Grille and start taking some responsibility" and now on to sports shell hikers from around the islands are converging on the mora cluster for the Ice wall race next month a grueling endurance race and test of survival skills across 4 islands worth of frigid water, and now the latest results from the sharpedo racing circuit..." the radio begins list off a string on names and race times and other numbers only an enthusiast of the sport would understand.

2012-11-09, 11:06 PM
Lucius listens with half an ear to the news before calling to the captain, "Say, Captain... can you tell us anything about Professor Ironwood? I'm curious as to why a bunch of people who have never met the man would be called to the reading of his will..."

2012-11-09, 11:17 PM
In response to lucius's question the captain says "eye around here he be known as "twisted oak" the name was partly because he was the island's premier pokemon professor like professor oak in kanto, and cause they be big on spin puns here. though many say he be a few doubloons short of a full chest if you know what I mean"

the boat the pulls up to a small dock next to a luxurious but weathered looking beachfront mansion also tied up at the dock are a number of small sailing vessels other miscellaneous craft and a giant gleaming white yacht.

when you all get out a man in a suit who had been waiting for you says "I'm Professor Ironwoods lawyer if you will all follow me we are about to begin"

2012-11-09, 11:21 PM
Lucius nods in thanks to the captain as he disembarks, following the lawyer.

2012-11-09, 11:22 PM
Zack also exits the boat and follows the lawyer.

2012-11-09, 11:48 PM
Rebecca had quietly listened to the radio. She had heard about the details of the dispute between the two groups, but hadn't expected something so fast to already be in her face. She guessed it was a bigger deal than she'd initially given it credit for.

As they arrived, Rebecca got off the boat and followed the lawyer, curious what this man wanted with her.

2012-11-09, 11:59 PM
You are lead up a set of steps and through an overgrown garden with statues of winged humans covering their faces with their hands and into the manor itself. Once inside the lawyer says "please excuse the dust Professor Ironwood Insisted that we rent this particular building for the will reading and since the owner rents it out as a haunted house this time of year they have insisted that we don't clean it before hand" he then finally leads you into the dining room where there is a young man in a lab coat standing next to a wall of filing cabinets and a blond girl sitting at the table. a pile of furniture dollies and hand trucks in the corner suggests this isn't where the cabinets normally reside. he asks you all to take a seat at the table when everyone is seated he opens a filing cabinet pulls out a sealed envelope and hands it to the young man in the lab coat.

2012-11-10, 12:12 AM
Rebecca glanced at the seat. She preferred to stand, but didn't want to offend people, so she reluctantly took the seat.

2012-11-10, 12:19 AM
Nessa gently takes a seat, making sure not to move too quickly and ruin the serious atmosphere that permeated the room. This guy sure had weird taste.

2012-11-10, 12:20 AM
Lucius looks around to try and find a seat near a window, a slightly nervous expression on his face. Sitting down, he begins tapping his fingers along his leg, trying to ignore the stifling atmosphere of the room.

2012-11-10, 12:43 AM
the young man unseals the envelope and reads the enclosed document

"dear complete strangers If my lab assistant is reading this to you then I have kicked the bucket if this isn't the case then something has gone horribly wrong and I will rise from my grave to personally throttle whoever is responsible."

"Anyway as is the custom of modern society when one kicks the bucket one normally leaves behind a simple note detailing who gets his stuff since he won't be needing it anymore. You will all soon find out that I was not normal. to make this simple I have decided to leave each of you an equal share of my fortunes which are quite substantial considering the island I discovered which was nothing more than a seaweed covered gold nugget, but for each of you to receive your share you have to do something for me first" the lawyer passes a piece of paper to each person

"what lays before you is a contract. If you agree to and fulfill the terms of the contract and the your share of the fortune is yours. the terms the contract sets out are rather simple you will all be employed to fulfill my lifelong dream a dream I found out too late I would not be able to complete in my lifetime so instead I dedicated what was left of my life to laying the foundation to fulfilling this dream. this dream is to visit, catalog, and audit the entirety of the Spinward Islands. Its geography, its people, its environment, and most importantly its pokemon."

"I should now point out a few things. First if any of you refuse to sign on then the contract is void and you all return home. Second to assist you I have set aside a portion of my fortune to help pay for this which will be payed out to you all as you file reports and catch and scan pokemon, also as additional assistance I leave you my personal research vessel which has served me well over the years. And finally feel free to ask questions at this point I have made a lot of preparations for this day as demonstrated by the wall of cabinets that should be behind my assistant so chances are I wrote something that will answer any question you may have"

2012-11-10, 12:50 AM
A grin splits Zack's face as the will is read aloud. Treasure, exploring, pokemon, what else can a guy ask for? he thinks to himself. "I'll sign. This sounds like fun. When do we start?"

2012-11-10, 12:53 AM
Lucius blinks at the request, the first thoughts going through his mind being, Well, if he's giving us a ship that probably explains why I was called out here... Thinking for a long moment, he says, "While I'm definitely interested, I have to ask - what, specifically, is the good Professor asking of us? Just to go island-hopping, and seeing what Pokemon are where?"

2012-11-10, 01:07 AM
At Zacks question the lawyer collects his signed contract and with great speed and efficiency opens another cabinet and hands another note to the assistant. "Immediately starting with the Island of Mora of course and as soon as you take the boat into the seaport to renew its paperwork you are free to take it wherever you like. You'll have to cover fuel and berthing costs of course either out of the money you earn from filing reports or from other odd jobs."

At Lucius's question the lawyer goes through the same routine with the filing cabinets "minimally your reports should note each species found on every island the size and behavior of it human population the readouts of provided scientific instruments concerning the soil and water with supporting evidence so on and so forth blah blah blah. Ideally you should be recording the Spinward Islands in such detail that your posterity would be proud if you have to ask if you doing enough then you are probably not. also concerning the specimens you capture when they are not traveling with you they will be roaming free on special research islands tailored to thier needs with other specimens of its own or similar kind you don't have to worry about them living a sad life stuffed in a box. this may lead to longer wait times for box system requests to be fulfilled"

2012-11-10, 01:08 AM
This is unexpected. I'm basically being offered a job to explore islands ... I think. Well whatever it is, it can't be worse than looking for work at a cafe in Lillycove.

I'll do it. It sounds like a lot of fun, even if I don't know what exactly we're being asked to do. What exactly is our end goal? How is it determined when we've fulfilled the contract, and who does the determining?

2012-11-10, 01:10 AM
the lawyer collects Nessa's signed contract and hands the assistant another note "the long term goal of this is to write THE encyclopedia of the spinward islands to beat that stupid limiting "spin with it" motto into dust. I would like to say when that happens you get the money but my lawyer says that isn't the wisest legal wise so instead your work will be concluded when you have visited every major island in the spinward islands and then your work will be reviewed by other premier researchers from the other regions who have nothing to gain financially by being dishonest. I've had 20 years to set this up appropriate checks and balances are in place all you have to worry about is exploring and paperwork"

2012-11-10, 01:14 AM
Nodding, Lucius says, "Hmm... a bareboat charter, I see." Looking around at the rest of the group, he says, "Well... if nothing else, you'll need a captain if you're going to do anything with the ship, and I'd be amiss if I let a bunch of land lubbers try to run a craft on their own... if nothing else, my old man would let me have it. I'm in." With that, he quickly signs the contract and hands it over to the lawyer.

2012-11-10, 01:42 AM
Nessa frowned and wondered what had caused the young mans sudden change in speaking style. For some reason when boats were mentioned he seemed like a totally different person.

2012-11-10, 02:31 PM
After his signed contract had been taken away and others had voiced some questions, Zack asked, "So why were we picked? How did you choose us?"

2012-11-10, 02:50 PM
The lawyer hands the assistant an envelope with a noticeable bulge in it. "I was hoping someone would ask this assistant throw the enclosed cookie at the person who asked this question and turn the card over" the assistant then slides a very stale looking cookie across the table towards Zack and reads the other side."I said throw it you idiot not slide it like a pansy how are you going to replace me if you throw like a girl?" the assistant sighs and you get the feeling this isn't the first time the professor has predicted his assistants actions he then continues.

"naturally I would not leave my lifes work and fortune in the hands just anyone I have done extensive searching and have kept an ever changing list of potential candidates based on public records and my own knack to predict people, but I haven't picked you because of your skills, and talents I have picked you because of who you are. Which if I am right and I usually am you are all young, competent, honest individuals with a thirst for adventure, nothing tying you to your former homes, and most importantly won't be asking for cash up front."

2012-11-10, 02:56 PM
Taking the cookie in hand, Zack nods along understandingly as the assistant reads their qualifications. He wonders about asking for cash up front, but instead decides to eat his cookie. Missing the majority of breakfast has its advantages.

2012-11-10, 03:52 PM
"I'm game, I wanted to explore and see the various pokemon anyways." Rebecca says with a nod. "Count me in."

2012-11-10, 04:15 PM
The lawyer collects Rebecca's and the Blond girl's contracts and hands a final envelope to the assistant "at this point you all seem to be in a agreement to undertake this great task so here are your key's to the boat it should be back down at the dock you were dropped off tied up to mooring post number four. so good luck, have fun don't give me a reason to rollover in my grave or rise from it. And don't sweat the paperwork and such too much its like keeping a journal the researchers can extrapolate the science from there. I was professor Ironwood I've lived a good long life and kicked butt the whole way. farewell"

the assistant then underhands you each a set of keys and reads the back of the paper

"P.S. your still throwing like a girl wimp. really chuck it at them if they couldn't take a flying object to the face then I wouldn't have picked them.
P.S.S. oh and one last thing for signing on all your dex's will receive a software update to share scanned pokemon data I don't know why more professors don't do this" just then all your dex-like devices light up vibrate jingle or what ever they do as if on cue.

the lawyer then lets in a few machokes who start loading the filing cabinets on hand trucks and wheeling them out of the room "this concludes the reading have a nice day everyone" says the lawyer as he and the assistant depart

2012-11-10, 06:10 PM
Nessa catches the keys in one hand and scans the machokes with the other. She wasn't totally sure about this, but she didn't really have anything better to do. She rose and headed for the door, but didn't leave until she was sure the others were coming.

2012-11-10, 06:16 PM
"Well, I guess we should check out our boat," Zack says to the other youths. He notices one scanning the Machokes and copies the smart idea. He then remembers the answer to his first question. "We've also gotta renew the paperwork on the boat, apparently."

2012-11-10, 06:23 PM
after your scan your dex notifies you of several new entries including your companions mons, a doduo, and dex entries titled CinGen, Chimney Sweeps, and Seaport Classifications. there is also several new numbers in your phonebook belonging to your companions and the spinward islands pokelab

your dex gives back a error message -ALREADY SCANNED- before notifying you of several new entries including your companions mons, and dex entries titled CinGen, and Seaport Classifications. there is also several new numbers in your phonebook belonging to your companions and the spinward islands pokelab

2012-11-10, 09:34 PM
"That's a pretty cool update," Rebecca says as she checks the pokedex to make sure it worked. "I'm surprised this isn't more common it'd make research a lot easier."

2012-11-10, 10:41 PM
Nodding, Lucius catches his set of keys, also attempting to scan the Pokemon before he makes his way out. "Alright... let's see what kind of ship we've got, and what condition it's in."

2012-11-10, 11:05 PM
your dex notifies you of several new entries including your companions mons, a doduo, and dex entries titled Chimney Sweeps, and Seaport Classifications. there is also several new numbers in your phonebook belonging to your companions and the spinward islands pokelab

your dex gives back a error message -ALREADY SCANNED- before notifying you of several new entries including your companions mons, a doduo, and dex entries titled CinGen, and Chimney Sweeps. there is also several new numbers in your phonebook belonging to your companions and the spinward islands pokelab

Making your way with the others or not out of the manor, through the empty overgrown garden, and down the steps you arrive at the dock where several boats are tied up. Mooring post 1 is empty. Mooring posts 2 and 3 are occupied by the massive gleaming white yacht. And finally making your way around the massive gleaming white yacht you come to mooring post 4 who occupant was obscured by the massive gleaming white yacht when you arrived. it was bigger than your fathers boat but dwarfed by the massive gleaming white yacht next to it. Its noticeably aged and weathered looking and resembled a freighter though its probably the smallest freighter you have ever seen. It has a superstructure for the wheelhouse at the front, a superstructure for the engine and cargo crane at the back, and a gang plank leading aboard in the center. the name reads...


2012-11-10, 11:15 PM
Nessa's eyebrow arched gracefully in disbelief. Isn't magikarp that pokemon that's completely useless? Who on earth would name their ship after that?

Nessa steps on board cautiously, making sure the boat was stable. She turned back and looked at the group. you guys coming, we need to go back to the hotel; I left my bags there.

2012-11-11, 12:03 AM
Rebecca steps aboard the boat, "Eh, it's just a name." She says as she moves to the front of the boat to look out at the sea.

2012-11-11, 12:12 AM
Lea had stayed quiet through the proceedings so far. She had felt the urge to hike up to the manor on her own when she got up early this morning. The reading of the will had been... odd to say the least. Still, this sounded like the chance she had been looking for. She quietly signed the contract without question.

Stepping on the boat, she says, "Well, aren't they the ones who evolve into dragon-snakes when they mature?"

2012-11-11, 12:34 AM
Lucius looks over the boat, glancing over the hull to make sure there's no visible damage at least. I'll have time for a more thorough look when we get the papers done... he thinks, gazing at the name printed on the archboard as the others comment. As he strides up the gangplank, he says, "I think it works pretty well... the ship's unassuming, and the task she has simple, but given time our project - and the ship that carries it - will become something great." Making a cursory inspection of the deck, he looks down at Zack, the last one on land, and says, "Zack, think you can loose the mooring as you come aboard?" He heads over towards the wheelhouse, looking over the steering of the ship as he does.

2012-11-11, 12:15 PM
Map of the boat! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Avdb8q-LrLPXdGNSalFYX1A0MG82SXhiSlFQakU0NlE)

Everyone when they step on the boat
the open space between the two superstructures is occupied by a large pair of hatch covers with obviously hydraulic hinges to open the cargo hold to the open air. Looking to the bow end of the ship the wheelhouse is actually on the second story of the forward structure its logical to assume the crew quarters are inside the structure's first story. there are doors on the stern side of the first story and the starboard side of the wheelhouse there is also a ladder leading up the side of the first story and railing along the top. Looking to the stern end of the ship you see a single story structure with a stubby smoke stack sticking out and a cargo crane sitting in front of it the only visible door from here is the one that obviously leads to the crane controls.

you head up a ladder and come to a door on the side of the second story of the structure. Its locked but one of your keys open it. Inside you see on your left a narrow staircase leading down into the first story of the structure and on your right you see a big worn looking leather captains chair, and the controls. The controls are much more extensive than your fathers boat and Professor Ironwood appears to have his own unorthodox way of arranging the few controls and gauges you recognizeseparate Wis and Int checks please

2012-11-11, 01:04 PM
Curious, Nessa released Lancelot and went to where she presumed their living quarters were and peeked inside, using the key if it was locked.

2012-11-11, 01:26 PM
map updated! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Avdb8q-LrLPXdGNSalFYX1A0MG82SXhiSlFQakU0NlE)

It was locked but the key worked. You're greeted by a short hallway with two sets of stairs on the right one going up and one going down the interior is fake wood paneling and old carpet. At the end of the hall is an open space with more fake wood paneling but the carpet has been replaced by a bare industrial floor with small evenly spaced holes in it laid out in a pattern and a pile of stuff in the center. The pile of stuff consists of...
Sections of temporary walls and doors that look like they are meant to lock into holes in the floor and ceiling

Narrow bed frames, mattresses, box springs, and bedding. the bed frames look like they can lock into the floor too (or ceiling but thats not very practical) or on top of each other to form bunkbeds

Rolls of mismatched area rugs to hide the holes in open spaces

A collapsible table and set of chairs all look like they can lock into the holes too
coming around the corner you see a small kitchen with a pantry/fridge on one side and counters space with some appliances on the other also on the near end of the kitchen counter is a computer console.

2012-11-11, 01:53 PM
The holes must be to bolt the furniture in when there's a storm. Ignoring the pile of stuff, Nessa heads down the flight of stairs with Lancelot, keeping a psychic eye out for any minds nearby.

2012-11-11, 02:14 PM
Its darker down here due to the lack of windows, but you find a light switch at the base of the stairs. Flipping it on you are greeted a neat stack of boxes labeled "scientific instruments" and also by a large room full of what can best be described as junk. boxes, bags, fishing gear, more temporary wall sections you think you even see a bike poking out in the sea of junk. its difficult to completely describe the vast variety of junk to be found in this room.OOC welcome to the the store room! a bottomless pit of props! here is how this is going to work when your character needs a non-poke item like say a fishing pole or a warm coat they come down here roll a d20 and add their highest modifier to look under(str), quickly sift through(dex), survive junk avalanches(con), guestimate where to look(int), actually spot it right of the bat(wis) or superstitiously talk to and charm the junk(cha). If the roll is high enough for what you are looking for you find it. Items must be lost to the junk again after they have served their purpose. there are two paths cut through the junk one leading to a door that says "sick bay" and another leading to the edge of the sea of junk and into the open empty cargo hold.

2012-11-11, 02:22 PM
This is the oddest ship I've ever been on.

Leaving the sick bay for a later time and also ignoring this pile of stuff, Nessa heads into the open cargo hold to see if it holds any surprises. She sweeps away any debris in her way with a little force of her mind while walking.

2012-11-11, 02:28 PM
The cargo hold is empty the floor still has the holes for bolting in walls and furniture but the roof is a bit higher so any temporary walls setup would wind up making cubicles instead of rooms. There also appears to be basketball hoops attached to the cargo hatch covers, and improvised lines painted on the floor this space could probably serve as a basketball court if the hatch covers were opened. There are two buttons on the wall labeled "open" and "close". there are no doors on the far wall you find this odd because the hold does not appear to stretch the length of the ship so there must be a room on the other side. one could assume the engine room lies beyond that doorless wall.

2012-11-11, 02:42 PM
Curious, Nessa pressed the "Open" button with her mind.

2012-11-11, 02:48 PM
Hydraulic hinges on the hatch covers kick into action and begin to swing the big horizontal doors open. after a bit the hold is exposed to the open air and looks very much like a basketball court.the far wall is unchanged if that is what you were thinking

Everyone who is sitting around on the deck
you see the hatch covers swing open revealing an improvised basket ball court and the cargo hold there is a big pile of junk at one end of it.

right away you spot the throttle, steering wheel, radio, radar, sonar, gps, fuel gauge, the keyhole and other standard controls and readouts just in places you are not used to. you also find a sealed envelope like the ones the assistant was reading taped to the chair. the rest of the controls make no sense to you.

2012-11-11, 03:05 PM
Looking around at the controls, Lucius takes a moment to wonder what the man was thinking before picking up the envelope and opening it up, checking the contents. Hopefully he left instructions...

2012-11-11, 03:21 PM
it reads...

Please take good care of my boat if you do she will care for you back, and no not in a Herbie the love-ledyba kind of way. Also sorry about the mess in the hold I was a bit of a packrat but its all useful stuff its just disorganized. and finally don't try to get into the engineroom I have specialist psychokinetic clairvoyant engineers do all the maintenance and you poking around will just throw them off. there are funds set aside to cover the extra cost of flying them wherever you wind up for maintenance.

-professor ironwood

P.S. another reason I picked you guys is because I believed you are all compotent enough to figure things out yourselves but if you really really need a nudge there is a manual to driving the boat in the overhead storage compartment
P.S.S. be careful the latch is broken sometimes it pops open
just then a book drops from above and hits you in the head.

2012-11-11, 03:30 PM
Lucius scowls as he picks up the book, and begins running through it to familiarize himself with the unorthodox controls for the ship. As he does, he calls out, "Let me know when you're all ready to set sail!"

2012-11-11, 03:37 PM
"I was born ready." Rebecca called out from the front of the boat looking out over the sea with excitement. This was going to be the start of a great trip.

2012-11-11, 04:03 PM
Zack climbs aboard the ship after he collects the mooring line. He sets it aside not entirely sure on what to do with it and sets about exploring. He finds himself on top of the wheelhouse when Lucius calls out and drops down to say, "Aye, aye, captain!"

2012-11-11, 06:29 PM
the large book that hit you was actually an old phonebook but you also find a small booklet titled...

Bare bones boat driving for interns, dummies, people who can't figure things out for themselves, and not-ironwoods

cause I got more important things to do than hold your hands

strangely it was taped to the old phonebook. Reading it you determine that all you actually need to drive the boat is the instruments and controls you have already identified like any other boat, and that putting your key in the keyhole on the console and turning it will turn everything on.

you find yourself standing next to the machinery for the anchor

while you were unmooring the boat you noticed that someone had rudely rearranged the letters to the word Karp where is was painted on the other side of the boat

2012-11-11, 06:47 PM
Shrugging, Lucius nods, and says, "Alright, then, we're off!" Starting the engine, Lucius deftly steers the ship out of port, following the coastline back to the main harbor of the island.

2012-11-12, 01:47 AM
Lea just quietly enjoys the breeze for now, Blooma and Corton on either shoulder. Her hoppip and cottonee are two little puff balls on the wind.

2012-11-12, 02:03 AM
The engine chugs along like the happy desile it is as you sail along the coast. By the time you reach the seaport, radio back and forth with traffic control, get docked by tugboats, and you pay your berthing fee. It is lunchtime for those who are from cultures that eat lunch. someone needs to shell out ^1000. Mora is a class A seaport this flat fee helps the port cover the cost services like refueling, topping off the ships pantry, treating the wounded, and repairing the boat (within reason). that it needs to maintain its high quality status

your dex's and navigation devices all ping with a delayed update. Its a map! (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1qzDyrXC-fpGRXLtcXYfd0nKVnKbOUMiuY88HMyJ8wh4/edit?pli=1) of the mora cluster (not to be confused with mora island)aside from the paperwork we are officially done with the intro and are in sandbox mode so go and experience the island! :D

2012-11-12, 04:01 AM
"I'm a bit short on cash, I can pitch in if we all split the fee equally though." Rebecca states, "And if we can just swing by random islands I can easily get us a good amount of food to save us money there." She glances down at the water, "Or I can get us fish if nobody minds that?" She asks.

"I'm just here for the trip, feel free to pick where while I start getting us some food." She says.

Daily survivalist check. Figure fishing, etc is going to be main source,
Roll 1d20 and add your DEX modifier. If the total exceeds 12, you find enough food and water for a whole day for up to seven humans and/or Pokemon.


2012-11-12, 08:02 AM
Nessa throws $200 into the pot to pay for docking fees. I'm heading to the hotel to get my stuff; anybody else want to come?

Is there any way to make the text on that bigger? I'm finding myself unable to read it.

2012-11-12, 08:57 AM
Lea will contribute $200 to the docking fee and look through the ship for a spot suitable to adapting into a pokemon breeding suite.

2012-11-12, 10:53 AM
RebeccaA and B class seaports like this one fill/top off the ships pantry with locally produced food as a form of self advertisement as part of the flat berthing fee regardless of how much this takes this fee can't be raised or loweredyou find that the dense urban environment and heavy boat traffic in the port and the lack of a fishing pole or spear makes scavenging food the conventional way difficult but you do manage use you charismatic charms on the burly dock workers that are carrying crates of food to the pantry to throw in an extra box of the high quality stuff.

also as your charming the dockworkers you notice there is already one jar of food in pantry labled

-prof Ironwood

Nessathere should be a magnifying glass button you can use I even logged out to test it myself you can walk back or hail a canal taxi the magikarp II is too big to take you up to the hotel.

You find the same hole filled industrial floors and temporary wall sections Nessa did suggesting to you that the floorplan of the crew quarters and cargo hold are configurable to your whims. You also check out the sick bay. Its very white and clean looking with a linoleum floor and calming children style artwork along the walls. There are a few beds for humans, and medium mons, and a wall of cubbies for small mons. You feel that small mons would have no problem breeding in these cubbies. The door to the bathroom which holds a toilet, sink, and shower is also in here.

2012-11-12, 03:25 PM
Nessa hikes to the hotel and collects her bags and anything else her new companions requested, and then headed back to the Magikarp II.

2012-11-12, 04:18 PM
Lea will set to work sectioning off a good-sized portion of space for breeding larger 'mons together. She wants to be able to accomodate snorlax-wailord pairups if she can. For the small 'mons, the cubbies should work well.

with all that accomplished, Lea will head out to town and look for gardens that might have interesting plants for sale.

2012-11-12, 05:52 PM
Rebecca tilts her head as she finds the can. The man was strange, but it was his ship. She put it back with a shrug and figured she'd find out who she was supposed to make things for later. Once she had brought the various supplies on board and had settled on what things she could cook and make she released her Vaporeon and Jolteon to explore the ship with her and let them get some fresh air.

Deciding it'd be good to meet the others and get to know them she started wandering around looking for people on the boat.

2012-11-12, 06:03 PM
Lea spots Rebecca exploring the boat with two canine 'mons while Lea is trying to raise up some of the sections of temporary walls. Her two little grass 'mons are giving a valiant effort in helping her move these unwieldy sections.

"Excuse me, mind giving me a hand with these?" she asks.

2012-11-12, 06:58 PM
Hearing a voice, Rebecca looks over and sees one of her teammates. "Oh yeah, sure." She says moving over to try and help. "What exactly are you doing?" She ask looking at the area.

2012-11-12, 07:07 PM
"Well, I'm setting up a private area for the pokemon we're going to catch so they can have some alone time undisturbed. I figured it would be best to go ahead and make the room for it now before we end up crowding the boat just in case we ever want to breed wailord with something or maybe a gyarados and milotic fall head over heels in love with each other. I figure we can always sub-divide it to accommodate smaller 'mons."

2012-11-12, 07:46 PM
Lucius nods, pitching in his share of the docking fee, and begins a more thorough walk-through of the ship, wanting to get a complete feel for it before going in to process the paperwork - looking for storage areas, room arrangements, and what facilities and/or equipment are currently aboard.

Perception just because: [roll0]

2012-11-12, 09:41 PM
"Oh, you're a breeder?" Rebecca asked, "Ummm...you ever breed eevees before?"

2012-11-12, 09:57 PM
"Well, once. There was a male leafeon who got real friendly with a lady snivey. Helped him break the ice with her and the two produced an egg in the end. Turns out, though, that the leafeon wasn't interested in being a father and so left the then-servine on her own. Shame, though, he could really make Lady Ivy hiss all night long."

She pauses and blushes, realizing she probably just said WAY too much. "Uh, short answer is yes, though didn't get any evee eggs from it. Why?"

2012-11-12, 10:37 PM
After a few moments of silence, as Rebecca processed the story she finally answers, "Well, I've tried breeding, but it isn't really my specialty. I'm fascinated by all the different types and am hoping to get them all." Rebecca explains. "I was hoping your luck would be better than mine."

2012-11-12, 10:50 PM
"Well, since that incident as a little kid, I've learned a bit about how to increase attraction and fertility between two 'mons. I could probably take your two eveelutions there and within a week have 3 eggs or more."

2012-11-12, 10:58 PM
While Lucius seemed to be the one to handle the paperwork and such, Zack had no interest in waiting around. He chipped in his share of ^200 for the fee and then left. Of course, being Zack, he didn't leave by conventional means. With his pokemon returned and stored in his pockets he leaped to the nearest wall and began climbing. The infamous Mora brickwork making his job easy, he soon reached a rooftop. As he collected his breath he examined what he could see of the port and the other rooftops nearby.

Dex [roll0]
Str [roll1]
Random Spot Check:
Wis [roll2]
Wilds Roll:
1 Hour [roll3]

2012-11-13, 12:29 AM
"That'd be pretty awesome if you could do that." Rebecca said with a grin. "How much would I owe you?"

2012-11-13, 12:33 AM
"Let me have one egg in four and it's a deal. You get the first egg, I get the second and every four thereafter sound fair?"

2012-11-13, 01:32 AM
While Lucius seemed to be the one to handle the paperwork and such, Zack had no interest in waiting around. He chipped in his share of ^200 for the fee and then left. Of course, being Zack, he didn't leave by conventional means. With his pokemon returned and stored in his pockets he leaped to the nearest wall and began climbing. The infamous Mora brickwork making his job easy, he soon reached a rooftop. As he collected his breath he examined what he could see of the port and the other rooftops nearby.

Dex [roll0]
Str [roll1]
Random Spot Check:
Wis [roll2]
Wilds Roll:
1 Hour [roll3]Zack
After your morning warm up this climbing attempt went much quicker. From up there you can see the pokemon gym and pokemon center both near the harbor, and again you can see kids moving about on the roofs some riding mons. In an alley a few blocks over you can hear a very loud girl say "Just get in the ball I don't want to actually hurt you! what the? OOW!"

Lucius nods, pitching in his share of the docking fee, and begins a more thorough walk-through of the ship, wanting to get a complete feel for it before going in to process the paperwork - looking for storage areas, room arrangements, and what facilities and/or equipment are currently aboard.

Perception just because: [roll0]Lucius
You find everything Nessa and Rebecca found including the jar of Edgar treats. You also actually try out the computer console. This boat has box system access apparently and there is a basic encyclopedia program. You also check out the crane its controls are actually normal for a crane. The rest of the rear structure is sealed like the note said. Finally coming to the hold and beholding the great pile of junk you find Lea and Rebecca setting up walls in the open area of the hold.

Nessa hikes to the hotel and collects her bags and anything else her new companions requested, and then headed back to the Magikarp II.Nessa
being in air conditioned buildings all day the hike reminds you of how hot and muggy Mora really is. you work up a sweat going to the hotel and back as you're passing a newspaper dispenser you catch a glimpse of a headline in its window.

Purse snatchings on the rise

2012-11-13, 01:39 AM
Listening to the girl's argument with some pokemon or another, Zack decides to investigate. He comes as close as he can to the right alley way and climbs down slowly. He puts his training to the test as he climbs down silently. When he's in range, he'll try to scan whatever pokemon he sees and better gauge the situation from above.

Dex [roll0]
Str [roll1]
Alacrity/Wall Running to move silently.

2012-11-13, 07:43 AM
"Sounds like a deal." Rebecca said with a nod

2012-11-13, 08:47 AM
Peering over the side you see at the bottom of the ally a tough looking blond girl in a beret facing two mons wearing skulls as helmets. The blond girl seems to be flinching from a move the less injured of the two mons just used there are pokeball parts scattered on floor. heading down you find that that quick climb up must have tired you out more than you thought, but thankfully going down isn't really a matter of strength, but as a result you're unable to find a place to safely rest till you reach the bottom and are only able to remain unnoticed on the way down. Once you reach the bottom they all notice you as if you had just appeared no one is really sure what to say, but this the middle of combat not really the place for introductions so instead the blond girl sheepishly says "uh... any chance you'd be willing to help a girl catch her first mon?"everyone is within movement reach of each other no need for a map. and its your turn to act... somehow

2012-11-13, 09:38 AM
Instinctively, Nessa touched her purse to make sure it was still there.

It is There

Nessa continues on, though now she keeps a watchful eye out for anybody who might steal it. [roll0]

It isn't There

Nessa whips around, scanning the crowd for her purse or any suspicious behavior. Her book was in that thing, and she'd be Arceus cursed if she let a good book run away. She checked her bra, the place where she kept her Pokegear and money, as well as the little pouch sewn into her dress where she kept her pokeballs. [roll1].

2012-11-13, 10:07 AM
"Sounds like a deal." Rebecca said with a nod

Finishing putting up the last wall, Lea says, "Well, thanks! I think I'm gonna head out and see if anyone has any local gardens I could get some samples from."

2012-11-13, 10:31 AM
Your purse is still there, and initially you don't see anyone suspicious though later as you're walking you see a conspicuous mon that looks like a miniaturized floating candle wearing a miniature tuxedo floating through the crowd and it turns very suspicious when it tries to astonish you.
spd 4
[roll1](ooc since your on guard and see him coming you can act before that there is no surprise round) its attack connects but not well enough to stun you. You then find that the mini-tux its wearing is made of colored fly paper as it sticks its self to your purse and tries to get away(pickpocket ability design accessory. its still in arms reach)

Moving along the docks you find a farmers market being hosted on the deck of a boat with people coming and going freely.

2012-11-13, 10:38 AM
Lea will look for some small decorative plants with bright flowers that might be pretty to decorate her quarters in the Magikarp II with.

2012-11-13, 10:51 AM
"Sounds good," Rebecca says saying goodbye as the Breeder left. "I guess I'll go look for some battles to help give my friends a chance to play before too long."

And thus Rebecca sets out.

2012-11-13, 11:23 AM
You find what you are looking for(you decide how much worth of it you buy) as you're waiting to make your purchase the blond lady in front of you holds up the line gossiping with the clerk you can't help but overhear "I'm so worried about my little Mary sometimes its like she doesn't want to be a coordinator at all. Instead she sneaks out and tries to catch pokemon all by herself to battle with that gang of hooligans on the roofs I've heard some of them have even started snatching purses"

"ma'am you're holding up the line"

"I thought voting for that ban on street battles would bring her to her senses and get her to stop trying to be like her father but instead she is acting worse. I hope the police crack down on these chimney sweeps soon"

just then a mustached man walks up to the register and relives the clerk "thats very interesting you know what else is interesting? NO PLANTS FOR YOU! you are banned from my stall now begone!" the lady turns up her nose a walks away in a huff "miss Poffins she just doesn't know when to quit"says the mustached man when she is out of ear shot. He then looks at you impatiently expecting you to quickly pay for your purchase and go.

As you already knew and the frequently placed street signs remind you there is no battling in the streets fortunately one of your new dex entries tell you that local kids have been known to battle on the roofs so finding a battle is just a matter of getting up there.

2012-11-13, 11:49 AM
Rebecca glances around to make sure nobody was watching and starts to head up toward the roofs.

2012-11-13, 12:01 PM
you have three options
1. Zacks way where you scale the side of a building(str and dex rolls)
2. The stealthy way where you go up a fire escape when no one is around to say that is a violation of fire safety codes (just dex)
3. And finally find a group of local kids and follow them to whatever stairwell they use for access (not all buildings give roof access from the inside only the local kids would know which places would let them get away with it)(wis)

2012-11-13, 12:29 PM
"We'll have to see, won't we?" Zack says to the girl. It's best to not make any promises to strangers, and this might end up in his favor. He scans one of the boneheads with his dex while he releases Fang from his ball. "Fang, just like before: Stun the closest one!" The meowth bounds forward in a crisscross pattern to strike at the nearest of the attacking mons.

Zack: HP: 76/76, Dex 5

Fang: HP: 36/36, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Shifts to Melee range of closest opponent.
Fake Out: AC vs 2 [roll0] Flinch on hit, Interrupt.
Physical, Normal Damage: [roll1] If Crit [roll2]

2012-11-13, 12:36 PM
the attack takes the closer healthier one by surprise the other one tries to swing at the cat with a bone in its hands.

2012-11-13, 12:42 PM
Watching the attack on Fang miss, Zack's face splits into a grin. He grabs an empty Great Ball and throws it at the one Fang hit, hoping to take it out of the fight easily. No matter the outcome on that pokemon, he commands Fang to bite the other one. The meowth gladly obliges and darts forward, jaws wide.

Zack: 76/76 HP, Dex 5
Great Ball on Flinched Bonehead: [roll0]

Fang: HP: 36/36, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Bite: AC vs 2 [roll1] Flinch on 15+
Physical, Dark Damage: [roll2] If crit [roll3]

2012-11-13, 12:56 PM
A candle? That must mean fire type, and that tuxedo means its probably not a wild pokemon.

Nessa quickly scans the mon and releases Narhwa who attempts to smash the little thief with its horn. This pokemon just tried to steal my purse. Its the thief that's been in town!

I hate to use headbutt on a ghost, but its the only logical choice from an IC standpoint. To prove I'm not just being stupid here's my logic:
1) Candle = Fire type (probably)
2) Narhwa is resistant to fire
3) Using Narhwa
4) Without access to a water move, Narwha will use a move she knows to be normally efective (since icy wind is not very effective)
5) Using headbutt on what ends up being a ghost ... epic fail.

2012-11-13, 01:12 PM
You find what you are looking for(you decide how much worth of it you buy) as you're waiting to make your purchase the blond lady in front of you holds up the line gossiping with the clerk you can't help but overhear "I'm so worried about my little Mary sometimes its like she doesn't want to be a coordinator at all. Instead she sneaks out and tries to catch pokemon all by herself to battle with that gang of hooligans on the roofs I've heard some of them have even started snatching purses"

"ma'am you're holding up the line"

"I thought voting for that ban on street battles would bring her to her senses and get her to stop trying to be like her father but instead she is acting worse. I hope the police crack down on these chimney sweeps soon"

just then a mustached man walks up to the register and relives the clerk "thats very interesting you know what else is interesting? NO PLANTS FOR YOU! you are banned from my stall now begone!" the lady turns up her nose a walks away in a huff "miss Poffins she just doesn't know when to quit"says the mustached man when she is out of ear shot. He then looks at you impatiently expecting you to quickly pay for your purchase and go.

Lea quickly pays the $80 for her decorative ivy and hurries after the woman.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I couldn't help but overhear your problems. I think I could help."

2012-11-13, 01:23 PM
Rebecca decides to take a fire escape and quickly glances around to check if anybody was watching before attempting to climb it.

Dex: [roll0]
Edit: Climbing fail -_-

2012-11-13, 09:43 PM
Lucius notes that Lea and Rebecca are working on setting up dividers in the crew quarters, and nods to himself, continuing his inspection of the ship without disturbing them. Finishing his inspection, he heads out to the dock offices to take care of the necessary registration for the ship.

2012-11-13, 10:21 PM
Watching the attack on Fang miss, Zack's face splits into a grin. He grabs an empty Great Ball and throws it at the one Fang hit, hoping to take it out of the fight easily. No matter the outcome on that pokemon, he commands Fang to bite the other one. The meowth gladly obliges and darts forward, jaws wide.

Zack: 76/76 HP, Dex 5
Great Ball on Flinched Bonehead: [roll0]

Fang: HP: 36/36, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Bite: AC vs 2 [roll1] Flinch on 15+
Physical, Dark Damage: [roll2] If crit [roll3]Zack
before your cat can act The blond girl pops her neck and knuckles before grinning and saying "ok my turn thick head" before hitting back at the one that hit her with her own skull.
[roll1] it connects and after shaking off her self inflicted head injury she turns to you and says with a satisfied smile "my name is Mary by the way Mary Poffins leader of the chimney sweeps"

A candle? That must mean fire type, and that tuxedo means its probably not a wild pokemon.

Nessa quickly scans the mon and releases Narhwa who attempts to smash the little thief with its horn. This pokemon just tried to steal my purse. Its the thief that's been in town!

I hate to use headbutt on a ghost, but its the only logical choice from an IC standpoint. To prove I'm not just being stupid here's my logic:
1) Candle = Fire type (probably)
2) Narhwa is resistant to fire
3) Using Narhwa
4) Without access to a water move, Narwha will use a move she knows to be normally efective (since icy wind is not very effective)
5) Using headbutt on what ends up being a ghost ... epic fail.
Its not just trying its succeeding the headbutt goes through the mon like it was nothing and connects with you bag causing you to lose your grip and allowing it to start to float away across the canal(it will reach the other side next round)

Lea quickly pays the $80 for her decorative ivy and hurries after the woman.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I couldn't help but overhear your problems. I think I could help." Lea
the lady looks over you and your mons initially not impressed before saying "oh? how so?" cha check please

Rebecca decides to take a fire escape and quickly glances around to check if anybody was watching before attempting to climb it.

Dex: [roll0]
Edit: Climbing fail -_-
no one bothers you heading up but when you reach the roof your hear a voice "now what would the local ranger station think if they heard one of their free roamers were breaking local fire safety codes?" just the you see a boy about half your age hop over the opposite side of the roof. He unzips his jacket to reveal a t-shirt with a familiar symbol painted on it.


"if you battle me I won't tell anyone I saw you." he says with a mischievous smile

Lucius notes that Lea and Rebecca are working on setting up dividers in the crew quarters, and nods to himself, continuing his inspection of the ship without disturbing them. Finishing his inspection, he heads out to the dock offices to take care of the necessary registration for the ship.
The boat registration is routine when you are done you see a shelf of brochures and information pamphlets for the following subjects.

Catching Castforms
Shell hiking
The island of Grille
Places to go on the island of Mora
Local pokemon field guide

2012-11-13, 10:26 PM
Lucius nods, picking up a couple copies of each pamphlet(in case the others want to take a look) and heads towards the hotel to check out and grab his things, reading the "Catching Castforms" pamphlet as he goes.

2012-11-13, 10:31 PM
Zack some more
your cat then bites the more injured cubone who responds with a headbutt the other just growls it looks like its about to pass out.

2012-11-13, 10:36 PM
Each pamphlet turns out to just be a fancy envelope for an info card which you scan with your dex the information is still processing and loading as you come across the scene of Nessa fighting with a litwick over a purse.

2012-11-13, 10:42 PM
"Screw this."

Nessa releases Lancelot in front of her. Lancelot Teleport! The ralts obliges, and he ends up on the other side of the canal, waiting for the litwick.

2012-11-13, 10:42 PM
Blinking for a moment, Lucius quickly releases Zephyr into the canal while saying, "Head it off, Zephyr - Bubblebeam!" As he says this, he quickly scans the fire Pokemon. The Mantyke speeds across the canal, trying to cut the candle Pokemon off, and fires a tight column of bubbles up at it.

Zephyr: Bubblebeam v Litwick - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Special Evasion(-1 Speed CS on 18-20), [roll1] Water Special Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

2012-11-13, 11:07 PM
Nessa and Lucius
"SNAP! archie!" shouts a older man who just popped out of a barrel further down lancelots side of the street as he shoots a recall beam at the litwick connecting at the same time as the bubble beam barely saving the mons your dex now recognizes as Litwick's life. the purse no longer supported by the litwick drops into the canal. the man then says loudly "you win this round kiddies but the chimney sweeps will be back! Bwahahahaha!" he then sprints for a wall and begins to climb making quite the show of it as he does, and laughing like that the whole way.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!*inhale* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! he is now 2 meters up the wall the building is 10 meters high it is your turn to act.

2012-11-13, 11:14 PM
Rebecca smirks, "Eh, I'm pretty sure blackmailing and illegal battling would get you in more trouble than I would for climbing." She says, "Nonetheless, that's what I came up here for. I won't tell if you don't." She says with a grin. "What's your rules and stacks?"

2012-11-13, 11:20 PM
"Its not totally illegal... yet... we like it kept in a grey area because it keeps the kids who would get hurt doing this from coming up here otherwise injuries get in the papers and then it gets totally illegal real fast. anyway ^500, no burrowing for obvious reasons, and mons have to stay in reach of each other no running away to pick off from range." he then calls out a short grey muscular mon.

2012-11-13, 11:32 PM
Lucius blinks as the man laughs maniacally, slowly climbing up the wall. "Zephyr, grab Nessa's purse, would you?" he says as he closes his eyes, taking a breath. When he opens them, a deep blue glow emanates from them, the color of the ocean waves. Turning towards the so-called chimney sweep, he says, "As for you... I think you need to cool off." He then raises a hand towards the man, nodding as water seems to swirl from the air into a ring in front of his outstretched palm. A forceful jet of water begins firing from his palm, almost as if he were somehow concealing a fire hose within the appendage.

CON Check: [roll0]

2012-11-13, 11:35 PM
the lady looks over you and your mons initially not impressed before saying "oh? how so?" cha check please

"Well, ma'am, I believe your goal is to convince your daughter that those chimney sweeps are no good for her and she doesn't need them, yes?

I am a pokemon breeder and believe I might be able to show her an alternative to traditional battling which could fulfill her desires to battle."

2012-11-13, 11:37 PM
Lucius and Nessa
Zephyr stops the purse from sinking but its still in the water and its beginning to seep in (mantyke's have this tendency to face downward)

Bwahahahaha!blub-blub-bub-blub! the man tries to hold on under the pressure of you blast
[roll0] he holds firm and even manages to inch up a few meters (now 4m up the building)

2012-11-13, 11:49 PM
Nessa was stunned. This man had powers like hers ... well not like hers but still supernatural. And he just showed everyone on the street what he could do. She admired his courage, but that was just plain stupid. He obviously had no idea how dangerous it was to use his powers in public. If the wrong person saw, then he could be jeopardizing the whole group with his actions, but the number one priority was this guy.

"Lancelot take care of him."

confusion! [roll0] AC 2 psychic special. Confuse 19+. [roll1]. on crit [roll2]

2012-11-13, 11:56 PM
Nessa and Lucius
This battle has attracted a crowd now that clogs both ends of the street with people pointing and murmuring especially at Lucius's demonstration.

YOUCH! shouts the man as he struggles to keep his grip under the attack. As he does so what looks like a miniature cowboy hat drops from him. He then makes one last surge to get up that wall.
[roll0] he bounds up as he reaches 9 meters up you hear the sound of breaking plastic as what looks like broken suction cups fall to the ground.

terrified of actually falling the man clings to the building for dear life.

2012-11-14, 12:03 AM
Nessa quickly picks up the hat and turns to Lancelot. A thought had just occurred to her, spurned by the crowds muttering (see she was right; not even a full minute and people were talking). Lucius had just drenched the man in water, he'd be really uncomfortable if she froze it, it was a pity he was too far up..

"Again Lancelot!".

Icy Windconfusion. [roll0] AC 2 special psychic. not this -> [roll1] but instead 26 damage rolled in OOC

2012-11-14, 12:04 AM
"Well, ma'am, I believe your goal is to convince your daughter that those chimney sweeps are no good for her and she doesn't need them, yes?

I am a pokemon breeder and believe I might be able to show her an alternative to traditional battling which could fulfill her desires to battle."
she seems offended "no thank you my daughter comes from a proud line of coordinators and I don't want her to want to start a pokemon brothel as well as a fight club" she then turns her nose up at you and storms off.

2012-11-14, 12:07 AM
"You should give a pokemon brothel a try sometime. They have a lot more fun than you do. Also a lot more love and understanding than you show your daughter." Lea says and walks off. She doesn't let the stuffy woman keep her down too long. After all, it looks like her daughter was headed in the right direction.

Lea will drop off her ivy on the ship and seek the solace of a public garden or park somewhere.


2012-11-14, 12:16 AM
"So much for a girl's first pokemon," Zack says to Mary. He cringes as Fang takes a hard hit to his own head. He decides to test his luck and throws a Pokeball at the more injured of the two boneheads. No matter the result he says to Fang, "Keep it up! Bite that one!" The meowth follows his command and attempts to bite the less injured of the two.

Zack: 76/76 HP, Dex 5
Basic Ball: [roll0]

Fang: 5/36 HP, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Bite: AC vs 2 [roll1] Flinch on 15+.
Physical, Dark Damage: [roll2] If Crit [roll3]

2012-11-14, 12:19 AM
Nessa quickly picks up the hat and turns to Narhwa. A thought had just occurred to her, spurned by the crowds muttering (see she was right; not even a full minute and people were talking). Lucius had just drenched the man in water, he'd be really uncomfortable if she froze it.

"Freeze him Narhwa". The little seel summons a freezing wind and shoots it at the man, small snowflakes swirling through the air.

Icy Wind. [roll0] AC 3 special ice. Speed stat -1 CS. [roll1] I give I give! just someone get me down! shouts the man trying to hold on despite his cold stuttering. Just then a fire and police boats come down the canal. the fire boat has a ladder.

"You should give a pokemon brothel a try sometime. They have a lot more fun than you do. Also a lot more love and understanding than you show your daughter." Lea says and walks off. She doesn't let the stuffy woman keep her down too long. After all, it looks like her daughter was headed in the right direction.

Lea will drop off her ivy on the ship and seek the solace of a public garden or park somewhere.

[roll0]the city has a shortage of public parks so you have no luck finding what you are looking for. you do find out from a nice lady that Mora's natural wild populations consist of fire and water types including (if you know where to look) Larvesta which you heard speeds up the hatching of eggs.

2012-11-14, 12:23 AM
Lucius nods, recalling Zephyr(after recovering Nessa's purse from the Mantyke) and allows the fire crews to get the man down. "Well... that takes care of him..." Handing the purse back to Nessa, he looks around, taking note of the crowd for the first time. "Might have to wait a bit before leaving... I wonder what that thing is that he dropped, though..." As he waits, he scans the dex datacard about catching Castforms, deciding to look into the weather-affinity Pokemon.

2012-11-14, 12:27 AM
Then Lea goes to the wild to look for herself a 'mon... still...

2012-11-14, 12:40 AM
"So much for a girl's first pokemon," Zack says to Mary. He cringes as Fang takes a hard hit to his own head. He decides to test his luck and throws a Pokeball at the more injured of the two boneheads. No matter the result he says to Fang, "Keep it up! Bite that one!" The meowth follows his command and attempts to bite the less injured of the two.

Zack: 76/76 HP, Dex 5
Basic Ball: [roll0]

Fang: 5/36 HP, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Bite: AC vs 2 [roll1] Flinch on 15+.
Physical, Dark Damage: [roll2] If Crit [roll3]
your ball connects and begins to wobble just then she throws a ball as well at the other one.
both balls come to a rest and ding indicating catches she picks up hers and says "alright no one goes running around on the roofs for long without me knowing who they are so whats your name?"

Lucius nods, recalling Zephyr(after recovering Nessa's purse from the Mantyke) and allows the fire crews to get the man down. "Well... that takes care of him..." Handing the purse back to Nessa, he looks around, taking note of the crowd for the first time. "Might have to wait a bit before leaving... I wonder what that thing is that he dropped, though..." As he waits, he scans the dex datacard about catching Castforms, deciding to look into the weather-affinity Pokemon.
Lucius/everyone you dex's notify you of a new entry
Catching Castforms: the rules and regulations of catching a castform is as follows the fines for violations are very steep
1. It is illegal to attack a castform unprovoked below level 10 or above level 20 (one is powerful enough to potentially dangerously alter the climate the other would be protected by those who are powerful enough to potentially dangerously alter the climate) please bring a certified hunting guide.

2. If attempting to befriend the castform the trainer may not feed it, heal it (unless the injury is life threatening), or stage rescuing from dangerous situations (doing it for reals is fine as long as you did not cause the situation to befriend a castform).

3. all catches and egg acquisitions must be reported to S.W.I.S.S. offices.

4. all releases must be turned over to S.W.I.S.S. for proper placement.

Then Lea goes to the wild to look for herself a 'mon... Lea
Catching a ride with some friendly farmers out of the city you reach the natural part of the island and start scaling the slope to the lake halfway up out pops from behind a rock a walking cactus thing!

2012-11-14, 12:43 AM
Lea approaches it slowly and says softly, "Hello there, fella. How'd you like to come with me and have some fun?"

2012-11-14, 12:50 AM
Initially surprised by you and about to run away it stops when corton gives a "hey there good looking" whistle "pfffwt-phewww!" it then looks back curiously

2012-11-14, 12:55 AM
Zack returns Fang and puts away his new acquisition for later. He turns back to Mary and says, "Zack Hamilton, of the Ariados Clan in Castelia. Here on some unofficial work and with walls like these, just can't seem to help myself." He looks up longingly at the nearly perfectly studded surfaces of the surrounding walls and says, "Leader of the Chimney Sweeps? Why the ruse with the "first pokemon" story?"

2012-11-14, 12:56 AM
Lea offers it a pokeball.

"Corton, why don't you invite our new friend here to come with us? I'm sure the two of you would love to get to know one another better."

2012-11-14, 01:01 AM
Lucius and Nessa
a cop walks up to you two and says "I'm gonna need to ask you two to wait around we're gonna have to ask some questions because of that silly ban on street battles the head of children's safety ramrodded through" he then shouts back at the cop boat "hey louey how about you get your psionic rear end over here and get these two's customs checks done if they haven't had one yet while we pull that guy off the building." "sure thing bart"

2012-11-14, 01:05 AM
Nodding absently, Lucius says, "Understandable... though I don't know that I'd call this a battle. Normally, those have a bit of back-and-forth to them..." As he says this, Lucius begins scanning the other datacards into his dex.

2012-11-14, 01:14 AM
"The battle wasn't our choice. That man had his litwick steal my purse, and I went after it. My new companion Lucius saw the incident and helped out. Without him I wouldn't have gotten back.'

2012-11-14, 01:19 AM
Nessa and Lucius
"Its just a formality missy kinda like the customs check. louey here is just gonna check you guys for any psionic residue incase some influential or something told you to rob a bank and not tell anyone. unlikely as it maybe it helps the populous feel a bit safer." the sobbing chimney sweep is finally down clinging to an embarrassed fireman "uh I got to go"

2012-11-14, 01:23 AM
Looking up, Lucius chuckles as he sees the thief helped down, sobbing. "Justice is such a wonderful thing..." he muses to himself as he watches the scene for a moment before turning to the psychic. "Alright... whatever you need to do."

2012-11-14, 01:27 AM
Zack returns Fang and puts away his new acquisition for later. He turns back to Mary and says, "Zack Hamilton, of the Ariados Clan in Castelia. Here on some unofficial work and with walls like these, just can't seem to help myself." He looks up longingly at the nearly perfectly studded surfaces of the surrounding walls and says, "Leader of the Chimney Sweeps? Why the ruse with the "first pokemon" story?"

"Its no ruse... well sorta I could have a mon in a heartbeat if I give into my mom and do contests but thats not what I want" she starts taking the fire escape up expecting you to follow "I want to be like my dad I want to be a trainer, but my mom is one of those types that just doesn't quit first she said I couldn't get a mon from the gym when I was 10 by voting in that Glen guy who is gone all the time and doesn't hand out starters because he only has unowns. So instead I learned to fight so I could catch one myself. Then she gets battling on the street banned so I got the other kids together and organized battling on the roofs. They put me in charge cause since I don't have a mon and could kick all their butts without one I'm unbiased, but now my position is pretty solid and we have a real problem. Some old guys are running around using our name and making a show snatching purses if this keeps up there is going to be a crackdown. As the leader its my job to enforce what it means to be a chimney sweep but these guys are better than your usual kid hence why I now need a mon. so how good are you at chasing crazy laughing people?"

2012-11-14, 01:29 AM
Nessa cringed inwardly. She was on very shaky ground here, as long as the police didn't find out about her powers she'd be fine. She was clear of psychic residue, so nothing more should happen.

"I'm fine with that, but stay out of my head. My thoughts are my own."

I'd just like to clarify that psychic finder does not involve reading minds. Just thought i'd iron that out here and now.

2012-11-14, 01:37 AM
Lucius and Nessa
after clearing things up with the cops that it was a purse snatching and not an elaborate ruse by battle desperate trainers they let you go about your business..

with Corton's encouragement and flirting and you seeming so nice the mon enters the pokeball
lvl 8 F cacnea

2012-11-14, 01:52 AM
Satisfied that she's made a new friend for Corton, Lea will walk back to the city, enjoying the sights. She'll whistle some silly little tune about chimneys as she goes. Corton accompanies her on his grasswhistle.

2012-11-14, 02:00 AM
Lucius nods, and says to Nessa, "I still need to check out of the hotel... I'll meet you back on the 'Karp, alright?" With that, he makes his way back to the hotel to gather his things and check out before returning to the ship.

2012-11-14, 02:04 AM
Zack follows her up the stairs, not really willing to show her all his tricks just yet. "Sounds like a serious issue. I battled a young Chimney Sweep this morning and he said there's a meeting tonight? Can you tell me about that?" He does a mental replay of the battle he was just in and adds, "Could you also point me in the direction of the Pokecenter?"

2012-11-14, 02:15 AM
"Ah yes now I remember now you're the guy Bert fought this morning aren't ya? Anyway the meeting is to get together and start canvassing the city for these guys Bert says we should try and grab them before the cops do he's been looking at all this and says something doesn't fit I'm not really sure what he is talking about but he said he will explain at the meeting." at the top she says "its right over there next to the gym anybody can see those buildings the meeting is on top of the gym but follow the kites incase we have to move it. oh and if you have any trainer friends bring them these roofs are in a way all we have and we are going to need all the help we can get to keep them" she is about to walk away when she adds one last thing "speaking of help If you tell anyone you helped me catch this mon I'll put you head through a wall" and with a smile she slides down a drain pipe and out of sight

2012-11-14, 02:32 AM
Zack pantomimes pulling a zipper across his lips as the blond girl disappears. Once she's out of sight he fires off a text message to his four new shipmates, -Who's up for a little private justice? Meet on the Karp in an hour and a half, I'll explain in person.- With the message sent he takes off at a sprint, leaping between buildings and ledges and generally working towards the Pokecenter. He stops a couple buildings away and climbs down to street level. He goes to the center and asks, "How long to heal two pokemon?" No matter the answer he hands over Fang and his new Cubone, whom he names Ozzy.

OOC: Rolls in OOC.

2012-11-14, 10:19 AM
Nessa bids Lucius farewell and heads to the wilds. She wanted to get some training and possibly catch some new teammates before going back to the magikarp. While walking, she thought about Lucius and his powers. He was like her, but much more reckless with his powers. If she ever needed to talk to somebody about what she could do, he'd be the person to go to.

Wilds roll [roll0]

2012-11-14, 11:45 AM
You return to the ship without incident.

your Dex's go crazy indicating they have new information looks like someone tried to scan to many info cards at once.Mora field guide: listing native species all other are believed by scientists to be invasive

Larvesta: their hives can be found occasionally on the peaks of the hills that form the walls of mora’s great freshwater lake.
Poliwag: are found in the freshwater lake.
Cacena: wherever the Larvesta are not around its seems.
Castforms: Mora’s local castforms seem to like sunny days.

Shell hiking: The sport dedicated to upholding the longstanding spinward islands tradition of strapping structures to the back of or to be towed by pokemon. The name is in reference to how the pokemon of choice for this tend to have shells and the riders tend to be the rugged grizzly hiker sort. This was the original way people travelled between the islands and its as dangerous now as it was then. It is a test of a mons endurance and a riders survival, navigation, and meteorological skills to quickly hop between islands with just enough supplies during moments of ideal weather conditions. one miscalculation and a shell hiker could be lost to a storm or starve before they get any where.

the most popular shell hiking “race” in the mora cluster is the Ice Wall race where shell hikers are asked to navigate the waters of the islands of Hexos, Duale, Tivid, and ends at the steps of the steps of the temple of Kyogre on the island Pimane. No one has finished the race in 25 years last to do so was Arthur Larson or as his peers called him “the child of the sea”

Grille: One of the Mora clusters greatest mysteries. This cold dry Island is home to the ruins of an Unown temple, an armored automated refueling station, and little else. the Mora gym leader Glen often visits here.[pictures attached]

places to go in mora: lots of flashing animated ads this must have been what clogged the system you should just delete it.

Nessa bids Lucius farewell and heads to the wilds. She wanted to get some training and possibly catch some new teammates before going back to the magikarp. While walking, she thought about Lucius and his powers. He was like her, but much more reckless with his powers. If she ever needed to talk to somebody about what she could do, he'd be the person to go to.

Wilds roll [roll0] Nessa
you find a pidgey sitting on the edge of a dumpster. You know this right off the bat because everyone knows what pidgies are even your dex comes with "pidgey optimisation" so it registers as seen instantly before you even really think to scan it.

Zack pantomimes pulling a zipper across his lips as the blond girl disappears. Once she's out of sight he fires off a text message to his four new shipmates, -Who's up for a little private justice? Meet on the Karp in an hour and a half, I'll explain in person.- With the message sent he takes off at a sprint, leaping between buildings and ledges and generally working towards the Pokecenter. He stops a couple buildings away and climbs down to street level. He goes to the center and asks, "How long to heal two pokemon?" No matter the answer he hands over Fang and his new Cubone, whom he names Ozzy.

OOC: Rolls in OOC. Zack
still a little wiped from that cool climb up earlier you almost miss a roof but recover by grabbing a drainpipe like mary did and riding down to the street the pokecenter is only a short walk from there. Mora being a A class seaport features a pokecenter with quick service auto kiosks which quickly rejuvenate your mons without them ever leaving the pokeballs. Your done in a few minutes

Satisfied that she's made a new friend for Corton, Lea will walk back to the city, enjoying the sights. She'll whistle some silly little tune about chimneys as she goes. Corton accompanies her on his grasswhistle.
On the walk back you have the opportunity to do what you were hired to do and note, catalog, describe, experience, so on and so forth the beauty of the island. you run into some orange castforms floating around which reminds you that you have a new dex entry on castform catching rules. Anyway they are staring at you.

2012-11-14, 12:08 PM
Lea will take notes and catalog everything she sees on her walk back. When she comes across the castform, she'll scan them and, noting the entry in her 'dex, will have Blooma use Sunny Day.

"Hi there, little guys. I see you enjoy the sunlight as much as my own friends do."

She'll consult her 'dex on the legality of breeding a 'mon with a wild castform and claiming the egg.

2012-11-14, 12:17 PM
there are three castforms the youngest castform floats up curiously its a female two older ones (possibly the parents) look on the mom has a happy ^^ face while the possible dad looks disapproving.

2012-11-14, 12:37 PM
Corton flies over and puffs at the young one, kinda shy himself. He's never done anything like this before.

"Blooma, don't worry, you'll get your own chance to have fun soon. There's that big tree thing someone else had. Doesn't he have a lot of wood?" She whispers to Blooma.

"Mr and Mrs Castform, it looks like Corton and your daughter are kinda attracted to each other. This is his first time and I promise he'll be gentle. He's just a shy little ball of fluff. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to spread more love in the world?"


2012-11-14, 12:47 PM
The younger is about to take Cortons offer when the male floats forward and says "FORM"

The younger responds by rolling her eyes. She then gums Corton and starts pulling him towards a bush to which corton responds with the closest sound a cottonee can make to a "WOOHOO!"

The male looks shocked at the younger's defiance and turns to the female which is still looking like this ^^(she totally knows what's going on and was young once too) the male frustrated says "Caaaaaaast" as he floats towards the beach in defeat.
breeding check please and feel free to fill in the next 4-9 hours you wish to spend around here with non combat training and bids for roleplay XP

2012-11-14, 12:55 PM
The two run off to have some fun for the afternoon, evening, and early night.

gonna give them 4 hours of fun.


Lea will go hunt for an interesting wildflower and have Blooma help her look and, when they find an interesting specimen, she'll have her 'mon use her sprouting capability to grow the flowers up taller. By the end, Blooma's grown herself a cozy little wildflower garden.

2012-11-14, 01:07 PM
Blooma learned a lot about flowers and really worked out her sprouter muscles (+200 exp)

Corton and the castform return after 9 4 hours with a castform egg and exhausted looks the female leaves the egg with Corton clearly she isn't ready for commitment yet.
and pause I need to let the others catch up before I blow up the mall uh... do... something important yeeeeeaaah.

2012-11-14, 01:16 PM
Lea takes the egg solemnly and returns to town, Corton shrinking down small and glowing to keep her company.

2012-11-14, 01:35 PM
Nessa releases Lancelot carefully and advances carefully. You're a pidgey right? How about you ditch the boring city life and come with me? You'll get stronger and have alot more fun than if you stay in here, I guarantee it.

Cha check (assuming I need it) [roll0]

2012-11-14, 01:42 PM
the pidgey is startled and says "PID!"

I think he's crazy he just said "you want my seeds, you can't have my seeds" translates lancelot.

the pidgey then takes flight and attacks the ralts with gust.
flying, satk
[roll]1d12+10[roll] ah just say 16 thats about average

2012-11-14, 02:48 PM
"Its not totally illegal... yet... we like it kept in a grey area because it keeps the kids who would get hurt doing this from coming up here otherwise injuries get in the papers and then it gets totally illegal real fast. anyway ^500, no burrowing for obvious reasons, and mons have to stay in reach of each other no running away to pick off from range." he then calls out a short grey muscular mon.

"Ah, a shame. My specialty is sniping." She says with a shrug, "Nonetheless why not, always good to try other tactics." Rebecca says before releasing Marina the Vaporeon and scanning the new pokemon.

HP: 63/63
Def: 6
SpDef: 13
Spd: 7

2012-11-14, 03:09 PM
Great, a crazy pidgey. If it wants a fight, so be it. "Go for it Lancelot."

The ralts concentrates and shoots a ball of psychic energy at the pidgey.

[roll0] AC 2. 19+ confuse. psychic special. [roll1]

2012-11-14, 05:11 PM
Great, a crazy pidgey. If it wants a fight, so be it. "Go for it Lancelot."

The ralts concentrates and shoots a ball of psychic energy at the pidgey.

[roll0] AC 2. 19+ confuse. psychic special. [roll1]Nessa
the pidgey is hit and not looking to hot but it stays up and dives in for a quick attack
normal, atk
and Wis check please

"Ah, a shame. My specialty is sniping." She says with a shrug, "Nonetheless why not, always good to try other tactics." Rebecca says before releasing Marina the Vaporeon and scanning the new pokemon.

HP: 63/63
Def: 6
SpDef: 13
Spd: 7
the two close in to melee range and the battle begins (you are faster)

2012-11-14, 05:17 PM
Nessa grabs a spare pokeball and lobs it at the pidgey. If that fails, she tells Lancelot to attack again.

Capture Roll! [roll0]
and wis check [roll1]

Confusion [roll2] AC 2, special psychic. Confuse 19+ [roll3]

2012-11-14, 05:24 PM
the pidgey is absorbed and the ball hops around wildly as the crazy bird tries to get free before coming to a rest just before the ball is about to break. pidgey lvl 14 Mfinally when all is quiet you think you feel another active mon mind nearby and a faint hollow thumping sound but you can't quite pinpoint it

2012-11-14, 05:37 PM
Curious, Nessa searches the area for the thumping sound. She and Lancelot use their eyes and telepathy to scour the area.

2012-11-14, 05:40 PM
"Well, that was easy," Zack says as he recollects his pokemon. He releases Azhur and says to the poisonous, blue pokemon, "We're gonna get a little training in. A race to our new boat, rooftops and building sides only. Just you and me. GO!" He and the Croagunk take off at a sprint and soon both are running, jumping, and climbing their way back to the Magikarp II.

Zack: Overland 7 (Half Dex mod added to base speed)
Dex [roll0]
Str [roll1]

Azhur: Overland 7, Jump 4, Power 2
Jump [roll2]
Power [roll3]

2012-11-14, 05:45 PM
Initially you don't find anything on streets so you start looking inside things which is when you open the dumpster the pidgey was sitting on. It is filled with seeds, and one of those seeds has eyes, and they are looking up at you "Doooooot?"

It wants to know if you are its "mummy"? Translates Lancelot.

It looks pretty pale and worse for wear and its really really tiny it might be a baby.

Azure stumbles with his jumping but he overcomes that and catches up with liberal amounts of stupid brute force by the time you both reach the boat its hard to declare a winner. (+200 xp)

2012-11-14, 06:13 PM
"Good, *pant* boy," Zack says as he catches his breath. He returns the Croagunk, whom is positively beaming. He boards the ship and looks around to see if anyone got his message and was interested enough to hear him out.

OOC: I'm sure Lucius is near, and Rebecca would probably get the message after her battle. I'll wait for Nessa if she's willing as well.

2012-11-14, 08:08 PM
Nessa looked at the small pokemon. It looked so pitiful and helpless. I guess I am your mother now. She reaches for the small pokemon and removes it from the pile of seeds. What's your name?

2012-11-14, 08:51 PM
"Marina, I know you like range, but let's try this..." Rebecca said, "Water gun, keep it simple and basic for now."

Water Gun
AC: 2, Special

2012-11-14, 10:52 PM
Not seeing anyone immediately, Zack tracks down the Kitchen and makes himself a sandwich for lunch. As he eats, he walks around, inspecting the recently erected quarters. He sets his bag of gear down in a corner room and sits on the bed as he finishes his sandwich. Mmmm, sandwich... hmmm, Miss Mary Poffins needs help handling hoodlums masquerading as... Chimney Sweeps. Wonder where the name came from? Did any of these kids actually sweep chimneys? And Mary had a hell of a headbutt there, I guess her story makes some sense... I'll see what the others say, maybe this can be spun as a Research Mission. Heh, spun on Spinward...

2012-11-14, 11:22 PM
Not seeing anyone immediately, Zack tracks down the Kitchen and makes himself a sandwich for lunch. As he eats, he walks around, inspecting the recently erected quarters. He sets his bag of gear down in a corner room and sits on the bed as he finishes his sandwich. Mmmm, sandwich... hmmm, Miss Mary Poffins needs help handling hoodlums masquerading as... Chimney Sweeps. Wonder where the name came from? Did any of these kids actually sweep chimneys? And Mary had a hell of a headbutt there, I guess her story makes some sense... I'll see what the others say, maybe this can be spun as a Research Mission. Heh, spun on Spinward... Zack
as you prepare your sandwich you notice a jar that says...

-prof Ironwood

"Marina, I know you like range, but let's try this..." Rebecca said, "Water gun, keep it simple and basic for now."

Water Gun
AC: 2, Special
the burst of water is actually pretty effective close up

"com'on chopper sweep the floor with this guy!" says the trainer.

The machop then makes a sweeping kick at the vaporions feet
fighting atk
[roll0] vs.2 if hit reduce spd 1 stage
[roll1] CRIT! +23 dmg see ooc

Nessa looked at the small pokemon. It looked so pitiful and helpless. I guess I am your mother now. She reaches for the small pokemon and removes it from the pile of seeds. What's your name?

Its says its name is hungry no wait its saying it hasn't eaten in a long time

seedot lvl5 M w/bullet seed egg move (pidgey though he found the goose that laid the golden egg when he saw this)
(ooc he's a herbivore but seedots that eat seeds would technically be cannibals)

2012-11-14, 11:32 PM
Lucius puts his things in one of the small rooms in the crew quarters before heading to the galley to see about grabbing a bite. Upon seeing Zack there, he nods and says, "Ship's registered... I'm thinking I may head out later and see about grabbing a Castform."

2012-11-14, 11:38 PM
"Alright," Zack says between bites. He scarfs down the rest of his sandwich and says to the other boy, "I ran into an interesting person not too long ago. Leader of the Chimney Sweeps. She said some older guys are causing problems for her friends and she needs help dealing with it. As a trainer and a climbing enthusiast, I'm willing to believe her. Think you or the girls would wanna tag along tonight to the meeting?"

2012-11-14, 11:41 PM
"Hmm..." Lucius replies, saying, "That would explain the incident earlier. Some guy calling himself a Chimney Sweep tried to snatch Nessa's purse... his climbing tools broke when he tried to run, and he got caught." Thinking about it for a moment, he nods and says, "Well, you have my support - just tell me when and where, and I'll be there."

2012-11-14, 11:45 PM
"Thanks. There's a meeting later tonight, along the rooftops. I'll lead us out closer to the time." Having successfully recruited another trainer for his own mission, Zack's confidence was up. "Did you want to get a battle in now? We're allowed to battle on our own ship, right?"

2012-11-14, 11:48 PM
Nodding, Lucius says, "Yeah, we should be. I'm game if you are... just do me a favor and don't use a fire type, alright? Tundra doesn't take well to them..." he says as he releases the Snover, heading up above deck.

2012-11-14, 11:59 PM
Zack follows Lucius and says, "I don't think any of us have any fire-types. According to all your dex entries, that is. I'll just stick with Fang anyway." He releases the Meowth and says, "Quickly, bite the green one!" Fang lunges forward without hesitation with his jaws wide.

Fang: HP: 36/36, Def 5, SDef 5, Spd 12
Bite: AC vs 2 [roll0] Flinch on 15+
Dark, Physical Damage: [roll1] If Crit [roll2]

2012-11-15, 12:03 AM
Blinking at the Meowth's sudden attack, Lucius thinks for a moment before saying, "You know... I don't think this is gonna work if every fight starts that way." Recalling Tundra, he says, "Let's see if Zephyr has better luck, though."

2012-11-15, 12:09 AM
"Yeah, I can see that now as well. Fang, back," Zack says. He returns the Meowth and releases his Croagunk. "Azhur, start us off with a shot of poison." The blue frog pokemon obliges and fires off a poison sting at the Mantyke.

Azhur: HP: 33/33, Def 6, SDef 8, Spd 7
Attacks from 5m away.
Poison Sting: AC vs 2 [roll0] Poisons on 17+
Poison, Physical Damage: [roll1] If Crit [roll2]

2012-11-15, 12:16 AM
The Mantyke winces at the blow, and Lucius smiles. "Alright, Zephyr, why not make it rain to start things off?" The Mantyke gives a cry, a blue glow filling its eyes as clouds roll in above the ship, a steady rain beginning to fall.

As Zephyr slides along the slick deck of the ship, Lucius calls out, "Alright... hit him with Bubble!" The Mantyke slides forward a bit before releasing a strong burst of bubbles at the Croagunk.

Zephyr uses Rain Dance. Swift Swim activates, giving him +4 Speed CS.

Zephyr uses Bubble!

Bubble - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Spec Evasion, [roll1] (x1.5) Water Damage plus [roll2] (x1.5) on Crit.

2012-11-15, 12:23 AM
"Nice moves," Zack calls through the rain. "Azhur, freak him out!" The Croagunk gets up from the knee it had fallen too and starts running forwards. He slips on the now wet deck and tumbles forward. As he barrels closer to the Mantyke he springs up at the last second trying to astonish the water pokemon.

Azhur: HP: 13/33, Def 6, SDef 8, Spd 7
Moves to Melee range.
Astonish: AC vs 2 [roll0] Flinch on 18+
Ghost, Physical Damage: [roll1] If Crit [roll2]

At end of his turn, he heals 2 HP because of Black Sludge.

2012-11-15, 12:31 AM
Stepping back a bit, Lucius says, "Alright, Zephyr... zap him!" The Mantyke responds by releasing a blast of electricity in all directions, much of which arcs through the Croagunk.

Zephyr: Hidden Power - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Spec Evasion, [roll1] Electric Special Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

2012-11-15, 12:33 AM
Rebecca winced as she saw the blow hit. She had one more chance to finish this or it was over. She took a deep breath not liking these melee clashes, she could tell her Vaporeon was barely standing.

"Water gun." She ordered once more as she bit her lip hoping Marina could end it now.

Water Gun
[roll0] vs 2+special

Not sure if able, but if this doesn't finish, calling a yield if allowed.

2012-11-15, 12:38 AM
"Well," Zack says as the electricity fries his Croagunk, "that was unexpected." He returns his pokemon and adds, "One each ain't so bad, eh?"

360 Exp to Zephyr
360 Exp to Fang

2012-11-15, 12:39 AM
its on the brink but its still standing (1HP)
you can yield or hope he misses

2012-11-15, 12:44 AM
Lucius smiles and recalls the Mantyke, before looking up towards the rain clouds. A pure white glow fills his eyes as he focuses, before a brief, gentle burst of wind emanates from him, dispersing the artificially induced rain around the ship. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Not bad, though - not bad at all."

Lucius uses Defog to clear the rain.

2012-11-15, 12:48 AM
As the rain disperses Zack stares intently at his new companion's glowing eyes. "That's a neat trick," he says guardedly. "What else can you do?"

2012-11-15, 12:54 AM
Smiling at Zack's question, Lucius responds by closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Opening them back up, the glow has turned to a deep ocean blue, and the water still on the deck around him begins flowing up his body, coalescing into a ball in his hand. "I can do minor tricks with a few different elements, though I'm strongest with water and wind - and working on building skills with ice and lightning, as well. I've always had a connection to the seas for some reason..." Walking over to the railing and leaving a dry trail in his wake, Lucius casts the gathered water over the side. "What about you - what are your specialties?"

2012-11-15, 12:55 AM
Hate myself for it, but hope it misses while I run around checking for anything that would raise it +1 damage :P

2012-11-15, 12:59 AM
Nessa rummaged in her bag; she was sure she had some granola bars somewhere. When she found them, she fed the small seed some of it. It wasn't exactly leafy greens, but surely oatmeal-cranberry would taste good.

When it was done eating she pulled out another pokeball. You need some rest. Don't resist it, it won't hurt you. She gently pressed the pokeball against the seedot's side.

Capture roll [roll0]

2012-11-15, 01:03 AM
"Me? I'm from the Ariados Clan in Castelia City. We're renowned free-climbers. No harnesses, no safety lines, all we rely on is our skill," Zack says as he walks over silently. "Of which I have plenty. They also taught me how to fight, and with a bit of work, Azhur and I have learned quite a bit about poisons and antidotes." He leans over the rail as well, but being taller than the other boy it has a rather haunting effect.

2012-11-15, 01:06 AM
"Nice. Sounds like you'll be our go-to guy for any high places - some of these islands will likely have some higher mountains." Lucius comments, nodding as he considers what role each member of the group would serve.

2012-11-15, 01:08 AM
"Which makes you our captain, no doubt," Zack says with a grin. "I haven't really talked with the girls, any of them useful?"

2012-11-15, 01:13 AM
Shrugging, Lucius answers, "Not sure - haven't really seen what any of them can do. Nessa's not bad as a trainer - she knows how to leverage a teleporter, if nothing else. Haven't seen what the others can do."

2012-11-15, 01:17 AM
"Well that's good. I'll try to talk her into coming along tonight. Either way, I'm gonna let Azhur rest on my bed. That Black Sludge might take a while, but it could possibly pull him back." With that, Zack leaves Lucius at the railing and returns to his room to await any others that respond to his message.

2012-11-15, 10:30 AM
Nessa rummaged in her bag; she was sure she had some granola bars somewhere. When she found them, she fed the small seed some of it. It wasn't exactly leafy greens, but surely oatmeal-cranberry would taste good.

When it was done eating she pulled out another pokeball. You need some rest. Don't resist it, it won't hurt you. She gently pressed the pokeball against the seedot's side.

Capture roll [roll0]Nessa
It is absorbed into the ball without struggle and your pokegear sounds off with a message from Zack
its a young weak innocent baby that wants to go with you even a roll of 100 would have caught it

Hate myself for it, but hope it misses while I run around checking for anything that would raise it +1 damage :P Rebecca
"come on you have him on the ropes just one more move!"
*random punchdrunk attack selection roll*
the machop uses leer "Not that move!"
normal, effect
[roll0] vs. 2
-def 1 CS

Zack and Lucius
as you both wait the computer console springs to life and says in an unreasonably loud fashion


2012-11-15, 01:13 PM
Being the quicker of the two to react, Zack gets to the PC and checks what the alert is about.

2012-11-15, 02:06 PM
Nessa quickly crams as many of the bird's seeds into her bags as possible; she'd have to come back for the rest of it later. Then she headed to the pokemon center to get her pokemon healed.

After the superb healing service's of a class A port, Nessa quickly makes her way back to the Magikarp II.

2012-11-15, 03:39 PM
the computer opens up to an E-mail program with a message that reads
-Dear crew of the Magikarp II
We have been informed by the Spinward Pokelab that you have been commissioned to explore the spinward islands for science. Please come and review our luxury ski resort that is the island of Dojodo. Attached is an electronic voucher for a free dinner for five plus pokemon at our scenic mountain lodge "The Braviary Nest"


head of Dojodo ski resort marketing department-

the voucher appears to be good for one week

You arrive at the boat in time to hear the computer say very louldy


2012-11-15, 03:47 PM
"Looks like we've got a free dinner awaiting us in Dojodo," Zack says aloud. "Expires in a week. We should probably head there after we're confident that we've written enough about Mora."

2012-11-15, 03:50 PM
Rebecca grinned, "Time to turn this match around! Water gun again!"

vs 2

Edit: Messed up damage roll, see ooc

2012-11-15, 03:50 PM
Nessa looks over Zack's shoulder at the email. "Ooh a ski resort sounds like fun. Let's go tomorrow!" She'd always wanted to go to something like this, but her family never had the money.

A beat later she remembers something. "Right! I should properly introduce myself. My name's Nessa Reeve, a trainer from Lilycove. Well sort of trainer, I only graduated from high school a month ago. What about you two? I've met Lucuis, he helped me out of a tight spot, but I don't really know anything about either of you."

2012-11-15, 03:54 PM
He closes the PC and finds Nessa over his shoulder and says, "Hi, Nessa. I'm Zack. From the Ariados Clan in Castelia City. Basically a climbing enthusiast that knows too much about poison." He grins a little at that. "Looks like we're all a team now, so I wanna ask your help with something. I ran into an interesting person not too long ago. Leader of the Chimney Sweeps. She said some older guys are causing problems for her friends and she needs help dealing with it. As a trainer and a climbing enthusiast, I'm willing to believe her. Would you come with me and Lucius to the meeting tonight?"

2012-11-15, 03:57 PM
your Vaporion barley has to squirt it and it falls over. the trainer then recalls his mon and pays the wager before saying "I really have to remember to speak clearly when ordering him. Anyway good battle seeya around" he takes a plank bridge to the next roof
+^500 +450exp

2012-11-15, 04:21 PM
Nessa whips her head around at the words Chimney Sweeps. "No muking way will I help them. Those guys just tried to steal my purse! Why on earth would you want to meet with people like that, let alone help them? They'll rob you blind in the first ten seconds.

Nessa storms off down the stairs to the junk room. She was sure she'd seen a fishing rod when she'd been here earlier, so it shouldn't be too hard finding it again. She needed to do some fishing to calm down. The fact that one of her teammates was endorsing a group that had tried to rob her was infuriating. They would not be associating with each other, let alone helping each other.

[roll0] Int check for remembering locations.

Also, OOC I know the old guy was a fake, but she doesn't, so that's why she's pissed about chimney sweeps

2012-11-15, 04:27 PM
A lot of the rods you saw poking out seemed to have been hopelessly tangled, but your superior puzzle solving skills let you get one rugged, but worn looking rod untangled. As well as scrounge up some hooks, weights, and old bait marshmallows.
wilds roll if you want to fish

2012-11-15, 04:58 PM
On her way back, Lea will look up information on the nearby islands in their cluster.

2012-11-15, 07:21 PM
As you travel you pick up sets of info cards for the nearby islands of Moran, Fornice, Dojodo, Jokotre, Nadrin, and Rorise from public billboards, travel agencies, and nice people. each of the sets give details about their respective islands, but a lot of the cards look like they could just be flashy advertisements like the one someone scanned and clogged the dex info system earlier so you feel you should read the envelopes carefully first and be pretty specific about what your looking up.

New info(you already got the basics about dojodo, jokotre, and nadrin from your starter knowledge)
Fornice: This urbanized Island has an Island wide city that is known for two things. First it being the great middle man of all services related business in the mora cluster. And second for its world renowned green house and window sill gardeners which decorate the city with rare and exotic plants that attract migrating Tropius especially during the annual gardeners exposition.

Travel Advisory: It also has recently become a hot bed of CinGen vs. S.W.I.S.S. activity due to a CinGen research vessel that operates in Fornice’s waters

Moran: Regarded as a tropical island of paradise this idealistic island hosts one of the largest contest halls in the cluster.[pictures attached]

Rorise: Its a desert tumble weeds and all. Its often used as a sight for shooting western themed movieswhat would you like to look up first?

2012-11-15, 08:12 PM
Nessa quickly assembles herself to go fishing. She lost the summer dress and threw on jeans and a t-shirt. When she situated herself at the side of the boat, it almost felt like home. She'd loved to go fishing with her friends during the last few years.

She tossed the line into the ocean, and passed the time reading to Lancelot telepathically. Of course to anyone else, she was reading silently with her ralts on her lap.

Wilds roll [roll0]

2012-11-15, 10:50 PM
As you travel you pick up sets of info cards for the nearby islands of Moran, Fornice, Dojodo, Jokotre, Nadrin, and Rorise from public billboards, travel agencies, and nice people. each of the sets give details about their respective islands, but a lot of the cards look like they could just be flashy advertisements like the one someone scanned and clogged the dex info system earlier so you feel you should read the envelopes carefully first and be pretty specific about what your looking up.

New info(you already got the basics about dojodo, jokotre, and nadrin from your starter knowledge)
Fornice: This urbanized Island has an Island wide city that is known for two things. First it being the great middle man of all services related business in the mora cluster. And second for its world renowned green house and window sill gardeners which decorate the city with rare and exotic plants that attract migrating Tropius especially during the annual gardeners exposition.

Travel Advisory: It also has recently become a hot bed of CinGen vs. S.W.I.S.S. activity due to a CinGen research vessel that operates in Fornice’s waters

Moran: Regarded as a tropical island of paradise this idealistic island hosts one of the largest contest halls in the cluster.[pictures attached]

Rorise: Its a desert tumble weeds and all. Its often used as a sight for shooting western themed movieswhat would you like to look up first?

Lea will look up more information on the nature of the conflict between CinGen and S.W.I.S.S. at Fornice.

2012-11-15, 10:59 PM
Lucius blinks at Nessa's outburst, thinking for a moment before realizing that she's not aware of the copycat group. "I'll go explain the situation to her, Zack - as far as she's aware, there's only the one group of Chimney Sweeps around. I can clear things up for her." With that, he heads out of the room, looking around the ship to find her, finally tracking her down on the deck as she starts fishing. Making his way over, he says, "You know, Zack didn't give you all the information regarding the Chimney Sweeps. If it was as cut-and-dried as him helping the group that robbed you, do you think I'd just let it slide?"

2012-11-16, 12:00 AM
You find several cards with S.W.I.S.S. anti-CinGen propaganda and a legalese card from CinGen vaguely refuting those claims. the gist is...

anti-CinGen: CinGen's experiments goes against the natural order and the values of S.W.I.S.S. founder Arthur Larson, and For all anyone outside the corporation knows accidents could have dangerous unseen repercussions, the destruction of old cinnabar possibly caused by the lab CinGen has descended from should give anyone pause for thought. The risks are unacceptable regardless of the side technology developed along with their experiments.

pro-CinGen: CinGen is a responsible and innovative company with large sums invested in research and development. By pushing the boundaries of knowledge CinGen has brought about the rebirth of extinct spices and innovations from the technology that has made that possible has found its way into modern conveniences around the world giving CinGen a proven track record of safety. In addition to alleviate the public's concerns about CinGen research CinGen will be exhibiting new upcoming innovations and discoveries at the Fornice's gardeners exhibition this year.

2012-11-16, 12:16 AM
Lea's opinion is that innovations in poke-aphrodisiacs is important, but not at the expense of the environment. Beyond that, the rest of the argument seems unimportant. Love will grow like a vine.

She'll transmit that info to the group and look up more on Fornice in general.

2012-11-16, 01:00 AM
You assemble and organize the following from real estate advertisements
Fornice details: Fornice has a pleasant temperate climate, and a very large population. Though it is not as densely populated as Mora or Jokotre due to the higher average building height. and the fact that the populated area is spread out over the entire island affording it wider streets and (unlike Mora) legalized street battling, and public parks.

Fornice is sparse when it comes to wild pokemon with most being urban loving transplants the only exception is the migrating Tropius which are attracted to the high ledges and the locals love for urban gardening. Local businesses are are flower shops and the rest are primarily of the office variety that no one cares about. further inquires about the major industries of fornice must make int checks to not gain the asleep or confused status afflictions

Finally while its not illegal to try and catch Tropius the general population frowns on attacking them with out cause since they want them to keep coming to the island.

2012-11-16, 01:24 AM
Nessa's eyebrows raised. "No, but still. They tried to rob me!"

2012-11-16, 01:28 AM
Lea tries to focus and learn a bit more about that. [roll0]

2012-11-16, 06:44 AM
Rebecca takes the money, satisfied with the outcome and then heads off to the nearest pokemon center to heal up.

2012-11-16, 09:02 AM
Despite maintaining your consciousness and sanity you find the details of Fornice's call centers, firms, and offices really really really boring. About the only highlight from this excruciatingly boring ordeal it the detail that Fornice doesn't have chain flower shops they are instead hole in the wall type establishments and jointly rented market spaces where individual gardeners sell their wares and produce. You also learn that the best time to shop for plants in Fornice is during the exhibition and the most well known market open only during the exhibition is the dock side market which is also where CinGen is going to be exhibiting their discoveries.

You can see the pokecenter from here further down the docks and the service is really speedy. Your in and out in no time.you have time to look for more battles or even go all the way to the natural island to look for native pokemon and back if you rent a cab before you get zack's message

2012-11-16, 04:45 PM
Lea will send this info to her companions while looking up more about this "exhibition".

2012-11-16, 05:12 PM
You last card on Fornice reveals
Fornice Annual Gardeners Exhibition: The time of year Tropius's migrate and in sync this island of sky scrapers goes from sprinkled with liberal amounts of green to drowning in it for a solid week. Sprouters, botanists, and botokinetics all kick into overdrive during this time as every citizen from feeble aumature to full time gardener decorate their windows with potted plants all hoping to attract Tropius's to stop over on the island. Its also an opportunity for the gardeners of the island to show off their botanical triumphs despite the urban environment with green houses opening to public tours and more flower markets than at any other time during the year popping up across the island.

start date: TOMORROW!
duration: one week

2012-11-16, 07:30 PM
Lea will send them all the data on this as well as a personal message.

we HAVE to go to that festival!

2012-11-16, 09:29 PM
Ohhh I like that idea...*goes cab hunting*

Satisfied with the outcome of the battle and that her pokemon were healed, Rebecca looked at the time and pondered what to do. Perhaps she could do a bit of exploring, if she hurried.

And with that, Rebecca quickly tried to flag a cab.

2012-11-16, 09:34 PM
Lucius looks at Nessa and replies, "You know how Zack mentioned a group of older guys are causing them trouble? That's part of it." Shifting his gaze back out to the water, he continues, "From what Zack was told, this older bunch is using the name Chimney Sweeps to cause trouble for the real ones - why, I don't know. And honestly... from what I've seen, I'm inclined to believe him." Chuckling slightly to himself, he continues, "Call me crazy, but I don't think that our would-be thief was that used to climbing - and for a group calling themselves Chimney Sweeps, you'd think he'd be at least somewhat competent in that area."

2012-11-16, 09:52 PM
you easily hail a cab and get in the driver says in a funny accent "where'dga like ta go mon?'
It can take you to the very edge of town roll cha to determine the cab fare. If you go that far there will be a slope to hike up and a fresh water lake on the other side. You have access to the field guide entry its also on the pad if you don't want to dig through the thread

2012-11-16, 11:13 PM
"Let's go to the edge of town, I heard there are some pretty lakes and areas to explore." Rebecca request as she gets in. "Thanks a bunch for the ride. How much do I owe you?" She ask with a smile.

Cha: [roll0]

2012-11-16, 11:26 PM
"For a Ranga? 60 should cova et"
your at dock at the end of a canal just outside of town feel free to make a wilds roll and poke around

2012-11-16, 11:39 PM
"Oh" That would explain the general lack of competence that the man displayed. If it was true, then she definitely wanted to help the real Chimney Sweeps. "I'd love to go, when is it?"

2012-11-17, 12:15 AM
Lucius smiles slightly, and answers, "Later tonight. Zack'll be our guide there - it's not exactly a public meeting, after all. Glad you're with us, though - you're not bad in a pinch."

2012-11-17, 12:37 AM
"Not much else I can take pride in aside from being a trainer" That you know of at least. She wanted to say, but avoided the temptation.

Nessa casts the line into the water again, and invites Lucius to stay with him.

wilds roll[roll0]

2012-11-17, 12:52 AM
You feel a weight on the line and reel it in. As you lift it over the and railing you see a gelatinous blob warped around the line and poking at the marshmallows trying to remove them with out hurting its self on the hooks. It doesn't notice you yet or even that its out of the water it must really like marshmallows.

2012-11-17, 01:15 AM
Nessa reels the pokemon onto the ship and pulls another marshmallow from her pile of bait. She tosses it at the blob as she scans it with her pokedex. She'd never seen a pokemon like this before.

2012-11-17, 01:16 AM
Lucius sees Nessa pull the Pokemon out of the water and blinks, scanning it quickly. "That's... interesting..." he mutters.

2012-11-17, 01:27 AM
Nessa and Lucius
the marshmallow bounces off the blob and two eyes near he base look up suddenly realizing where it is after a moment of surprise it doesn't look to happy about where it is, and lets out an eardrum hurting screech as it lets go of the line and drops to the deck.
Nessa[roll0] vs.11
Lancelot[roll1] vs.11
confused on hit

2012-11-17, 01:38 AM
Her curiosity on Fornice satisfied, Lea will look up the Dojodo island. She thinks she remembers something about a ski resort or something.

2012-11-17, 01:39 AM
"Well..." Lucius says, before releasing Tundra. "Care for a bit of help, Nessa? Or do you want to handle this guy yourself?"

2012-11-17, 02:02 AM
Nessa shakes her head. "I'll be fine. If I can't handle one little blob, I'm not much of a trainer. Lancelot, confuse him."

Confusion: AC 2 sp. psy. confuse 19+. [roll0]. [roll1]

2012-11-17, 02:03 AM
Nodding, Lucius says, "Just sit back and relax then, Tundra." The Snover steps back, watching the battle curiously.

2012-11-17, 02:19 AM
Rebecca hands over the money as she leaves the cab and then travels up the path for the lake. She looks around excitedly at the pretty environments feeling much more content in the middle of nowhere.

Wild roll: [roll0]