View Full Version : It's Dangerous to go alone...

2012-11-09, 02:39 AM
So what do YOU take when adventure time rolls around to the table?

To start, for me the most indispensable items have been smokesticks with bags of marbles. With a balance DC of 15 for the marbles on top of the penalties for the smoke, dropping them together in a narrow hallway or by a door can halt bands of pursuers for several rounds even at mid levels, and still slows down many pursuers at high levels for a round or two, which is really handy to do without having to waste spells. Dust of Dryness is a close third. Hitting somebody in the face with a sling bullet made of a hundred gallons of water can solve an awful lot of problems. Number four is is a spare spellbook focusing on spells I gave up to my specialization to "lose" if the opportunity presents itself. It's always helpful when the BBEG thinks you're an evoker, even if you're outed after a couple months.

What do you guys consider "standard adventuring kit"? Handy haver sack, rope, and ??? What are the things you don't leave home without?

2012-11-09, 02:50 AM
Discounting magical gear.

ROPE (Always rope)
Hammer & pitons (you'd be surprised how handy they are)
Grappling Hook
Canvas (with a little sewing & prestidigitation if can do all kinds of things)
Flasks (Put your potions in a flask to give them durability)
Spade (I always try to convince the Dm that the spade is just the blade & that the crowbar locks into the base of the blade to form the handle part, saves weight)
Mule & Cart, Pack saddle (screw a steed they can't pack as much & you can't take 'em underground)
Signet Ring
Lantern, Torch, Sunrod, Tindertwig (I always bring extra light, even as a spellcaster)
Chalk (For marking stuff)
Mirror (For Seeing stuff)
Signal Whistle (So the party knows I'm in trouble)

2012-11-09, 02:51 AM
Depends on the level of game play... I for one enjoy the use of Eternal Wands :smalltongue:

2012-11-09, 03:06 AM
Duct tape.

Or the nearest fantasy equivalent.

2012-11-09, 06:24 AM
There's a surprising great deal that can be accomplished with a good hat. I seldom leave home without some flasks of oil, for which to burn.

2012-11-09, 06:30 AM
Feather Token: Tree. Cheap for a magic item, and endless fun.

2012-11-09, 06:38 AM
Feather Token: Tree. Cheap for a magic item, and endless fun.

So much this. Old get swallowed alive and kill them from the inside trick. Poor bastards never see it coming.

Belril Duskwalk
2012-11-09, 06:59 AM
Lantern (or Torches if you're cheap)
Tent & Bedroll (my characters spend, at most, 1 day in 10 within a mile of even small settlements)
Trail Rations (because we do track food)
Backpack to carry it all

From there it's situational.
Here is the degree to which I consider rope standard: As a DM, when a member of the party fell down a 15 foot pit trap I was staggered to discover that of the party of 5 not one of them carried any quantity of rope.
The scenario I consider more reasonable: one of my character's companions fell down a pit. The DM wondered aloud who had rope, and quickly discovered that 4 out of 5 of us had at least 50 feet of rope. Between the lot of us we had about 350 feet of rope.

2012-11-09, 07:02 AM
So much this. Old get swallowed alive and kill them from the inside trick. Poor bastards never see it coming.

Blocking doors. Helping you climb structures. Imprompty timber for a raft or bridge. So many uses for a good tree.

2012-11-09, 07:15 AM
Trailrations.... (most of the times the ones from S.A.K.) and Waterskin.

There were times... when in the introduction we were wandering for quite some time and the dm told us to erase our used trailrations... in those games I never bought them at the start.... also Rope and Grappling hook.