View Full Version : [PF] Damage Reduction

2012-11-09, 07:31 AM
I have a pathfinder who has DR 5/Magic due to a template which is all well and good at our current level, but I was wondering if there's any feats (or racial or class abilities) that would let me change it so say DR 5/Cold Iron or adamantine or bludgeoning or really anything else. Any PF and 3.5 source is fair game (and probably 3.0 too even if DR worked quite differently) since I just need a president for it being possible to show my DM.

2012-11-09, 09:50 AM
There are ways to acquire other forms of DR, but usually they don't stack so much as over-lap. SO if you have DR5/Magic from the template and DR5/Cold Iron from the fey heritage feats, you'd have DR5/Magic And Cold Iron, so foes would have to have a weapon made of both to get past that DR5/.

I don't know right off the top of my head if Roll With It in complete warrior stacks with other kinds of DR/ or not.

2012-11-09, 12:06 PM
Remember in Pathfinder that it is easier to bypass DR. I think a +3 weapon or above bypasses Cold Iron and Silver. +4 weapons bypass Adamantine. +5 weapons bypass Alignment DR. I could have the 4 and 5 mixed up, however.

2012-11-09, 01:04 PM
Remember in Pathfinder that it is easier to bypass DR. I think a +3 weapon or above bypasses Cold Iron and Silver. +4 weapons bypass Adamantine. +5 weapons bypass Alignment DR. I could have the 4 and 5 mixed up, however.

I actually didn't know that... interesting.

@ Feralventas, I'm not really interested in overlapping, but I'll look up Roll With It since I do have the book in question.