View Full Version : Solutions for a Tiny creature's carrying capacity?

2012-11-09, 12:53 PM
We're talking being limited to a range of possibly 1.5 lbs to 16.5 lbs, Not much at all.

Started off with I think roughly 1000gp (have not gotten the confirmation from the DM on it yet).

Class is Psion, but only level 1.

Lost in books
2012-11-09, 12:56 PM
What is it you are trying to accomplish? Carry normal loot? Figure out how much own equipment (sized tiny) you can carry?

2012-11-09, 12:59 PM
Don't forget that item weight scales down accordingly too... So all of your tiny equipment should honestly be approximately wearable.

The problem comes when looting. And honestly, you'll have to get something like a Floating Disk or Haversack/BoHolding to cover that.

2012-11-09, 01:01 PM
Buy a cart, a donkey, and a carrot hanging from a stick.

2012-11-09, 01:14 PM
Another solution might be... a medium sized puppet (human, half-orc, etc.)

You know, if mind control is your thing.

2012-11-09, 01:30 PM
I play in a game where one of the players is playing a Petal. He eventually bought a Handy Haversack. The DM said the Haversack still weighed 5 pounds, even though it's smaller for the Petal. That was about half of the Petal's carrying capacity.

Before the Petal was able to afford a Haversack, we were nice enough to carry stuff for the Petal. Plus, he sits on our shoulds a lot when we are traveling around.

2012-11-09, 01:51 PM
we were nice enough to carry stuff for the Petal. Plus, he sits on our shoulds a lot when we are traveling around.

Single most adorable thing I've heard all week.

On another note, you could grab a bag of holding at the earliest opportunity. Or, you know, get the PC equivalent of a donkey to do it. (Fighter/Barb/etc)

2012-11-09, 03:08 PM
Single most adorable thing I've heard all week.

On another note, you could grab a bag of holding at the earliest opportunity. Or, you know, get the PC equivalent of a donkey to do it. (Fighter/Barb/etc)
All but the smallest bag of holding are far above what almost any tiny creature could carry.

Lost in books
2012-11-09, 03:58 PM
Would shrink item on a large size haversack work? it would shrink it to the size of a pouch your petal can carry and the spell does reduce the weight as well.

hmmm that means a titan's haversack weights only 5 pounds? that would be awesome..."look at me as I raise above my head this slain titan's backpack!!!"

Also, just a note... it would make sense that a creature with the proper item crafting feats would create items they can use at their size.

2012-11-09, 07:22 PM
Would shrink item on a large size haversack work? it would shrink it to the size of a pouch your petal can carry and the spell does reduce the weight as well.

No, it doesn't work on magical items.

2012-11-09, 10:54 PM
Well I think for now, the best alternative is go light or get an animal lol.

2012-11-09, 10:56 PM
Buy a cart, a donkey, and a carrot hanging from a stick.
Problem: The stick is most of what you can carry.

I play in a game where one of the players is playing a Petal. He eventually bought a Handy Haversack. The DM said the Haversack still weighed 5 pounds, even though it's smaller for the Petal. That was about half of the Petal's carrying capacity.

Before the Petal was able to afford a Haversack, we were nice enough to carry stuff for the Petal. Plus, he sits on our shoulds a lot when we are traveling around.

What's a Petal?

2012-11-09, 10:59 PM
Well I think for now, the best alternative is go light or get an animal lol.

get your DM to approve the construction of a Mouse Cart from ADnD

The mouse Cart increases your carrying capacity to that of a team of Heavy Horses. between 2 and 10 horses.

it does this by increasing your strength. to 120 per horse

2012-11-10, 12:22 AM
I'm currently playing a tiny character as well and haven't run into any weight problems, even without a handy hoversack, etc. Most of my stuff is sized to me, and usually one party member carries our loot until we sell/spend it.
I do have an animal companion who carries some of my things, though.

2012-11-10, 12:42 AM
Belt of Hidden Pouches, MIC.

2012-11-10, 02:14 AM
Easy Travel armor enhancement in MIC. Carry up to a medium load as if it were light. Helps somewhat.

2012-11-10, 06:06 AM
Riding dog would be a far better choice for you than a donkey, it cost a lot more though (150 gp instead of 8, plus 5 for a pack saddle).
But it can go through stairs.

2012-11-10, 06:34 AM
No, it doesn't work on magical items.Dispel the sack, cast Permanency and Shrink Item, and...voila! It works anyway.

Alternatively, make it magical after you PermaShrink it.

2012-11-10, 07:36 AM
What's a Petal?A tiny plant-fairy Fey from MM3. Very Tinkerbell. Probably the best option for PC-playable fairies.

2012-11-10, 08:58 AM
Don't forget that item weight scales down accordingly too... So all of your tiny equipment should honestly be approximately wearable.

The problem comes when looting. And honestly, you'll have to get something like a Floating Disk or Haversack/BoHolding to cover that.

Actually item weight scales better than carrying capacity.
Smaller creatures carry (proportionally) more stuff in 3.5, a small creature capacity is 3/4 of a medium one, while the weight of eqpipment for her size is 1/2. Extrapolating from that, a tiny creature have 1/2 the normal listed capacity, but equipment for tiny-sized characters should weight 1/4.

2012-11-10, 11:26 AM
The problem is mainly for magic items and other full weight objects. The weight of his own gear decreases faster than his carrying capacity decreases so he's actually able to carry more than a larger character could.

As for the other items not sized for him, that probably means he doesn't need to carry them so anyone in the party can. Though it means he has to trust other people with his treasure until the handy haversack comes. That leaves magic items which tend to be 0 or 1 lbs. each, except for the 5 lb. handy haversack. Pretty much all your carrying capacity goes into those, but a few lbs. is enough. Or arguably magic items that don't open into extradimensional spaces might be lighter like other small items are.

For those with truly low carrying capacities who are at high level with a lot of magic items, there are items that boost carrying capacity but I forget what they are called. With a bit of searching you might find the str 1 build in these forums.

2012-11-10, 08:30 PM
She finished her character today. I told her the options, she bought a dog, with a saddle pack, bought a cross bow, some bolts, and a string to tie her self to the dog in case the winds pick up. lol

And banked the other 600+ gold for a magic sack which will go on the dog.

2012-11-10, 08:56 PM
She finished her character today. I told her the options, she bought a dog, with a saddle pack, bought a cross bow, some bolts, and a string to tie her self to the dog in case the winds pick up. lol

And banked the other 600+ gold for a magic sack which will go on the dog.

There's the Talisman of the Disk in the magic item compendium. For only 500 gold it can make a tenser's floating disk, as the spell, that can carry 300 pounds and lasts 3 hours. Unlimited uses although it takes a standard action to activate. It also gains an extra 100 pounds of capacity for every point of strength boost you might have from an item.

2012-11-14, 08:06 AM
If your character's Strength is 15 or higher, take the Ameliorated Burden Feat from D&D Wiki, and get several Bags of Holding and a Handy Haversack.

Ameliorated Burden Feat Below.


2012-11-14, 09:35 AM
If your character's Strength is 15 or higher, take the Ameliorated Burden Feat from D&D Wiki, and get several Bags of Holding and a Handy Haversack.

Ameliorated Burden Feat Below.


Please refrain from using any link from dandwiki without an huge disclaimer about homebrew.

Most newcomers see D&D, Wiki, and don't realize the site is for the most part a collection of homebrew, often poorly made.

2012-11-14, 03:22 PM
Arms and Armor has an enchantment available for shields. Its a +1 enchantment that allows the shield to haul 500lb of gear, but you lose the shield bonus to AC.

It would be worth it at higher gold amounts.

2012-11-14, 06:38 PM
I had a PC who bought a mule. The mule became the party's favorite character, especially after one character gained the ability to speak to animals, and it turned out the mule had the personality of Eeyore.

The mule wound up getting into a sticky situation, though, and trying to rescue him got my PC killed. That's the potential downside.

A tiny plant-fairy Fey from MM3. Very Tinkerbell. Probably the best option for PC-playable fairies.

Petals are possibly not actually PC-playable. The rules are unclear on what an LA of "+2 (cohort)" means. The RAW isn't spelled out anywhere; the RAI seems to be that an LA which lists (cohort) is suitable only for a cohort, not a PC. But, in practice, most DMs seem to allow players to make PCs out of such races anyway.