View Full Version : Communal bag of holding.

2012-11-09, 03:19 PM
I was wondering that if bag of holding is basically a rift into another plane/dimension, would it be possible to have multiple bags connect to the one same place? I realize this would increase the risk of collapse since one bag tearing would cause all bags to collapse, but it would make it easier for everyone in the party to carry items.

2012-11-09, 04:23 PM
Entirely possible, yes. There are no specific rules that say it cannot be done and honestly I think most parties would love having a communal bag to shuffle and share their gear... Heck, I'd love to have that kind of thing around when I'm running any kind of PC

Thing is, it would have to have some stipulations for what can be put in/taken out or I can see this as being used to get into places that PCs might normally have trouble getting into.

Example: Infiltrating a castle. Party's sneaky player travels alone and goes on ahead till they reach a decently forward position in the stronghold. The rest of the party then just crawls through one of the openings of a linked bag of holding and the party is now all together again with the reduced risk of alarm and so on.

2012-11-09, 04:31 PM
Well that could be easily fixed by saying, any item placed within one bag cannot be retrieved from another unless 10-15 minutes has passes, of closing the bag that initially placed the item.

2012-11-09, 04:36 PM
Example: Infiltrating a castle. Party's sneaky player travels alone and goes on ahead till they reach a decently forward position in the stronghold. The rest of the party then just crawls through one of the openings of a linked bag of holding and the party is now all together again with the reduced risk of alarm and so on.

In 1e, bags of holding couldn't open up wider enough to fit a dwarf, elf, or human through (halflings were fair game). The 3e SRD (or DMG) doesn't mention this.

2012-11-09, 05:14 PM
In 1e, bags of holding couldn't open up wider enough to fit a dwarf, elf, or human through (halflings were fair game). The 3e SRD (or DMG) doesn't mention this.

I think that's just assumed by virtue of the bag having the same dimensions as an ordinary sack.

2012-11-09, 05:15 PM
Be mindful though that this is severely overpowered for just the regular price of a bag of holding. This is effectively an unlimited ring-gate with extra-dimensional storage.

2012-11-09, 05:16 PM
Sounds like a lot of potential for abuse (sounds more like a travel item to boot).

My players use their two bags of holding in a communal sense; anything in the bag is group property. If anything is sold, everyone who was present for the acquisition gets a cut of the profit.

Considering how many times thieves and pickpockets have tried to steal their two bags of holding... if anyone loses their communal bag, goodbye group loot. Plus, suspicions would rise as to who cleaned out the group loot every time the party loses a group member. Seems more hassle than its worth.

2012-11-09, 08:07 PM
This is similar to the Bag World concept, which featured in the KotDT comic.

Basically their bag opened into plane, as did several other bags, and you could adventure around the plane looking for other caches of stuff which would indicate that a bag opened above that point.


I did originally misinterpret a portable hole to be something you could place against a wall and walk through; much like a passwall.
This led me to conceive of a double ended portable hole, where you have two pieces of cloth which open at each end of the extra dimensional space.
Which of course gives you a movable set of portals.
This is where your idea leads.

2012-11-09, 08:14 PM
I did originally misinterpret a portable hole to be something you could place against a wall and walk through; much like a passwall.

Wasn't that how Portable Hole worked anyhow in AD&D?