View Full Version : Catalog of enlightment clarification help.

Lost in books
2012-11-09, 03:37 PM
In reading the "Higher order" ability granted by this touchstone, I am confused about the part that says "Character level". Where do I find a spell progression for Character levels? I think it may be a typo where they may have wanted to put Caster level instead, which makes sense to me. But Character level spells available?

The way i understand it is that a fighter can cast any of those domain spells as long as he has high enough wisdom. But without a base spell progression by character level how do I know what a level 12 fighter can cast from that list?

Now if it was worded as a caster level, it does imply you have to look into a caster's spell progression list to figure it out. i.e. cleric, druid, any other type of divine caster.

I do not think the intent of this touchstone is to serve spellcasters only. But the explanation is confusing because I believe the intent was that your caster level equal to your character level for the purpose of seeing which level spells you could cast from the granted domain.

So using a level 12 fighter example (Effective Divine caster level 12 for the touchstone purpose) can cast up to the 6th level spell (by using the fastest class progression list of cleric)

Now if the intent of this touchstone is to enhance ONLY divine spellcaster classes or even just cleric, then the wording should read your Cleric level is equal to you total character level. Which would help those multiclass characters.

Which interpretation is correct? Or is there an update somewhere that clarifies this specifically or some obscure Character spell progression? Character and class are two different things.

Lost in books
2012-11-09, 06:25 PM
Also, another explanation I forgot to post before is that when it says character level it means Caster level so someone with a divine spellcaster class and practiced spellcaster feat could benefit from the higher caster level. Any input will be really appreciated.

2012-11-09, 07:03 PM
The text doesn't make it particularly clear, but I think the intent was that 1/day you could cast one of the domain's spells as though you were a cleric of your character level, regardless of your actual class.

Lost in books
2012-11-10, 03:22 PM
I think that makes sense. But I wish there was an errata somewhere.

Does WoTC provide any new errata or advice for their 3.5 products or is that version abandoned because of 4e?

2012-11-10, 03:44 PM
They haven't been putting out new errata for some time now because of 4E.

However, the rumor mill has it that WotC is going to pick 3E back up since the OGL version, PF, is outselling 4E. I have nothing to back this rumor up, but it's an impression I've got.

I have my doubts though with the pending release of 5E.

Lost in books
2012-11-13, 01:35 PM
That would be cool. They should stick with what sells good. i would buy new books if that was the case :)

2012-11-13, 02:33 PM
I agree with Kelb_Panthera with the meaning, your character can cast once a day (up three times in three different days) a divine spell from the domain list he chose. The caster level is the same of the character level and the maximum level he can cast is as a cleric of the same level.

There might be a mildly abuse with some classes and the ''extra slot'' feat. For example a Sorcerer can take an extra level 7 slot taking the feat at level 15 as he can cast one spell of level 8...

Lost in books
2012-11-13, 10:28 PM
Is that really abuse when you have to spend a whole feat for one spell slot? What about an assassin or bard who uses the extra slot feat to gain a higher spell slot like 5th for the assassin and 7th level slot for the bard since they can cast higher spells like you said? Would that work by RAW using the feat description?

2012-11-15, 04:13 AM
I said ''mildly'' abuse with a reason.

About your question, you get the slot. But your list has no spell to use it, so you can only use metamagic, some class that gives extra spells known like the Sandshaper or the extra spell feat.

However it is fairly interesting with the Chameleon as it gives access to 8 level casting.

Edit: forgetting the obvious, you can always use an higher spell slot to keep a lower level spell!