View Full Version : Modern material in 3.5?

2012-11-10, 12:52 AM
The campaign I'm running has a very.. interesting setting, in which fantasy, modern day and a lot of other ideas are intermingled. Does anyone know where I can find material compatible with 3.5, outside of the fantasy setting? I looked at some d20 modern, but I wasn't sure if it was scaled differently or had to be adapted for use. Thanks for the help.

2012-11-10, 01:03 AM
D20 modern and 3E D&D can intermingle but it takes some work.

If you just want to do a fantasy game set in a modern world, the simplest thing to do, imo, is to use the D&D classes and add in d20 modern/future's skill system, wealth check mechanic, and equipment. There's a conversion chart in d20 future and/or urban arcana that swaps Gold pieces for wealth check DC's. You should probably still check the PC's magical gear against the WBL figures in the DMG though. If the PC's aren't expected to be career combatants or adventurers, but rather normal-ish people thrust into adventure, you may also want to use unearthed arcana's class based AC variant since armor, much less magic armor, may not be appropriate.

If you want a modern game with fantasy elements, the urban arcana supplement to d20 modern is probably what you're looking for.

DO NOT mix d20 modern/future heroes with D&D character classes. The D&D guys are on a much steeper power-curve and will curb-stomp the life out of the "heroes."

2012-11-10, 01:04 AM
well, Adamantine and Mithral are Osmium or Tungsten steel and Titanium respectively

Ironwood is pretty obviously Lignum Vitae

Alchemical Silver is electroplated silver, Difference is it can be now applied to cold Iron and doesnt have a -1 penalty.

Dragonhide is still dragonhide

Soarwood is Bamboo

Dragonbone is Carbon Nanotube bundles

2012-11-10, 01:11 AM
well, Adamantine and Mithral are Osmium or Tungsten steel and Titanium respectively

Ironwood is pretty obviously Lignum Vitae

Alchemical Silver is electroplated silver, Difference is it can be now applied to cold Iron and doesnt have a -1 penalty.

Dragonhide is still dragonhide

Soarwood is Bamboo

Dragonbone is Carbon Nanotube bundles

I strongly disagree with most of this stuff... it's very obvious to me that D&D materials science is absurdly beyond our own...

2012-11-10, 01:14 AM
I strongly disagree with most of this stuff... it's very obvious to me that D&D materials science is absurdly beyond our own...

except, that is what the DnD materials line up with. Dragon Bone is actually described in a way that the only structure able to hold that shape with that strength and weight, is a Carbon nano-weave. The way the Biology is though, all dragons should have horns like Red dragons, to get that powerful bite

i also realize that i read Material wrong.

2012-11-10, 01:25 AM
Well, Mithral > Titanium
Adamantine > strongest steels
Darkwood MIGHT exest
Densewood seems denser than teak and such
There is no way to treat bamboo or anything to make it lighter than air

I mean, our best steels MIGHT have the stats of truesteel or green steel or something...

You would need to get some SERIOUS sci fi stuff to get anything as good as D&D Mithral, or god forbid, Glassteel.

2012-11-10, 01:45 AM
Agreed. Mithral as titanium might work if you squint hard enough, but adamantine completely defies anything known in modern metalurgy. If d20 future is anything to go by it's even more durable than most sci-fi metals. It's just pure fantasy.

Generally, I'd consider any of the special materials in 3.5 pure fantasy. They almost universally outperform anything that might be close to a RL analogue.

2012-11-10, 01:49 AM
While this is very interesting, I'm thinking more along the lines of cars and guns, rather than specific material conversion.