View Full Version : Mad Dog, the meanest drunk you'll ever meet

2012-11-10, 01:35 AM
Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Who is Mad Dog?

The monks of Mitch's original goliath tribe tried their best to bring him up in their traditions, but ultimately Mitch wouldn't have it, and struck out on his own. As goliath turned winged dragonborn, Mitch sees it as his duty to protect the wilds from the evils of Tiamat and others (Fintirmalsvir means slayer of evil in draconic, per RotD). Mitch means well, however he doesn't always make the best decisions due to his prevailing alcoholism, and is also incredibly quick to anger. This has resulted in Mitch frequently clashing with the authorities of any town or tribe he comes into contact with. His few stints in prisons have only strengthened his dislike of city life, unsurprisingly. His fellow guardians of the green, though wary of him, generally appreciate his efforts, and have nicknamed him "Mad Dog," due to his propensity to howl in rage at the slightest provocation. Mitch eschews manufactured weapons, instead simply hurling any nearby objects at anyone that has invoked his perpetually drunken wrath. Owing to Mitch's incredible strength, he's not limited to loose objects. He's been known to tear off tree limbs and hurl them like spears, in addition to more 'standard' options such as rock hurling. Everything around him is a weapon.

Notable crunch
Overwhelming attack style (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#overwhelmingAttack) monk2/dragon totem (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#dragonTotemClassFeatur es) barbarian1/Dungeoncrasher fighter2/warblade1/fist of the forest1/bloodstorm blade3/frenzied berserker1/drunken master9

Fanged ring: Improved natural attack
Belt of endurance: Great fortitude
Horizon goggles: Far shot
Otyugh hole: Iron will
Flaw: Point blank shot
Flaw: Dodge
1: Cleave
Monk1: Power attack
Monk1: Improved unarmed strike
Monk2 (2): Improved bull rush
3: Extra rage
Barbarian1 (3): Blind-fight
Fighter1 (4): Knockback
Fighter2 (5): Dungeoncrasher
6: Intimidating rage
Bloodstorm blade1 (7): Throw anything
9: Destructive rage
Bloodstorm blade3 (10): Quick draw
Frenzied berserker1 (11): Diehard
12: Extra trance
15: Extra frenzy
Drunken master6: Improved grapple
Drunken master7: Improved feint
18: Reckless rage

Notes on crunch
-Bloodstorm blade allows you to make ranged attacks with thrown weapons as though they were melee attacks, which means using your strength mod on attack rolls, the ability to use power attack, and other goodies. Iron heart maneuvers are needed to fuel this, and thus the warblade level is basically level 0 of bloodstorm blade.

-Extra trance is a made up feat, assumed to work exactly like extra rage, for fist of the forest's feral trance.

-Assuming you can get a base strength of 18 and high enough mental stats to withstand constantly being under the influence of 9 drinks (-18 to int and wis), you should be able to hit 70 strength: 18 (base) +4 (goliath) +5 (leveling) +5 (inherent) + 4 (rage) +2 (mountain rage) +2 (reckless rage) +18 (9 drinks) +6 (enhancement) +6 (frenzy).

-Iron will isn't required for anything, but the -18 wisdom makes it handy for will saves since there isn't room for steadfast determination, largely thanks to it requiring the endurance feat. Party members are advised to keep a wand of calm emotions on standby. On the upside, your fort saves should be incredible, and your reflex saves should be pretty good, too.

-The footnote on fist of the forest's class table reads: "The value shown is for Medium characters. Use the monk class table (PH 41) for Small or Large fists of the forest." Based on this I conclude that a large fist of the forest does 2d6 damage, and the improved natural attack feat improves this to 2d8.

-Supposing knockback with a thrown item successfully crashes someone into the wall, damage dealt is 4d6+2d8+1d12+(3.5*str)+(X*2)+2. X is BAB put into power attack. Input on how I could get a d10 and d4 in there somehow is welcome. Improvised weapon damage for drunken masters is based off of unarmed strikes. Superior unarmed strike was dropped from the build, damage is already high enough, and 1 die step isn't worth a feat at this point.

-If you were to make up a necklace of natural attacks, but for improvised weapons, I see the ideal enchantments as distance (double range increment), seeking (ignore miss chance), force (MIC, weapons become force effects), and precise (MIC, removes -4 penalty for throwing into melee).

-If you can finagle the above necklace (or other method of getting your improvised weapons to gain magic properties when used), you have 40' range increments with your thrown improvised weapons thanks to far shot and the distance property stacking by RAW.

-Quick draw is there so you can make full attacks with a barrage of nearby objects without having to argue about whether picking up objects around you requires a move action.

-Rampaging bull rush (causes successful bull rush to knock foe prone) was considered, but like most other melee builds, so many feats, so few slots.

-Throw anything removes the -4 penalty for throwing improvised weapons that aren't suitable for throwing.

-However, you're still not proficient with improvised weapons, so you still take that -4 penalty. Better than a -8 penalty.

-I had also tried to fit in combat reflexes, as feral trance means you in combat dex will actually be decent. You might consider wearing serpent armor, instead, for free combat reflexes. Ask your DM to turn it into a robe so you don't lose con to AC.

-Pounce isn't really needed; you'll actually be trying to stay away from enemies, due to being a thrower, and probably having a middling AC from the frenzy and rage penalties.

-Shou disciple was considered, so that I could flurry with improvised weapons, but was ultimately dropped due to its confusing wording, presumably a casualty of the 3.0 to 3.5 transition. It would only be worth it if taken for all 5 levels, however, and there just isn't room. Weapon focus (unarmed strike) as a pre req isn't exactly exciting, either.

-Master thrower was considered, but then you'd need weapon focus and precise shot somewhere in the build. None of the weapon tricks make that worthwhile. The free quick draw from master thrower would make it less painful, though.

-The build gets 16 BAB without fractional BAB stacking, or 17.25 with it.

-Wildrunner was also considered, but damn it, you need to be an elf or half-elf to be a wildrunner.

2012-11-10, 02:54 PM
Where's Belt of Endurance from?

2012-11-10, 03:07 PM
What exactly are all those levels of Drunken Master doing for you?

2012-11-10, 03:18 PM
-Wildrunner was also considered, but damn it, you need to be an elf or half-elf to be a wildrunner.
Actually, the Wildrunner's adaptation section mentions non-elves being a possibility. Whether adaptation sections are RAW or suggestions for homebrew is a matter of debate however.

2012-11-10, 07:37 PM
Where's Belt of Endurance from?

Arms and Equipment Guide

What exactly are all those levels of Drunken Master doing for you?

I wanted to make a drunken master build, and so I did. In a strictly crunch sense, it's basically only giving me +18 strength from being sauced all the time, and the extra d12. The idea of attacks having three different types of dice also amuse me, it somehow feels like that works well with a drunken master.

Actually, the Wildrunner's adaptation section mentions non-elves being a possibility. Whether adaptation sections are RAW or suggestions for homebrew is a matter of debate however.

Huh, hidden way back in it's entry, you're right. It says 'the racial requirement is pointless' bluntly enough that I'd actually consider working it in.

2012-11-11, 04:52 AM
What exactly are all those levels of Drunken Master doing for you?

Filling in the character fluff. Sure, they aren't necessarily the BEST way to do this, but then again, they make the build fun.

2012-11-11, 04:31 PM
Filling in the character fluff. Sure, they aren't necessarily the BEST way to do this, but then again, they make the build fun.
I don't see how throwing away nine levels makes it "fun" except in the same way that a "fun" sized Mars bar is "fun", but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

2012-11-11, 04:43 PM
Given that martial character basically hit a ceiling at level 10 or so, the only way their last 10 or so levels do mean anything is by dipping into a spellcaster, if you want to be that way about it.