View Full Version : Campaign Mission 3: "Tombs!"

2012-11-10, 10:53 PM
So I've completely built a world from the ground up, and my PC's are currently getting ready to do the mission labeled as "Tombs" located on a "Mark Board"

Other missions are there as well, and I've invented various ways they can do that, but the one I'm currently curious about is this one.

If your not a fan of reading long, elongated things that depict exactly how a thing is going to go, read this anyway, as it's basically a guideline tendered toward a group I know very well. Keep in mind there are other options to get through this, and various other skill checks they could potentially do. This is merely a rough idea.


Your party approaches a rather large, high-wall graveyard. The moon is out, and there is a vision inhibiting fog blocking most of your view. No amount of dark vision can easily see through 30 feet of this fog.
(Perception check 15) You hear something in the distance, although you can’t clearly put your finger on it.
(Perception check 20) In the distance you hear light footsteps, gradually getting stronger as they come toward you, although you still can’t see what it is.
(Perception check 25) In the distance you hear light footsteps coming toward you, and a deep moaning raspy voice. You also hear a bitter cackle in the far, far distance, just over the wall.
As you go along the stone floor, your vision comes upon an undead, and yet another undead. 2 lanky, moving corpses are in the process of coming toward you, and seem to move faster as soon as you come into visual range, flanked by even more of their kind behind them.
As you round the corner of the wall, freshly killing undead, you see a large stone tomb, and a tiny wall, and multiple upon multiple gravestones, as well as bursts in the ground.
(Perception check 15 look) You know that this is where the zombies came from, although you don’t know if they dug themselves out or if someone else did.
(Perception check 20 look) You know that this is where the zombies came from, and that they indeed dug themselves out of the ground.
(Knowledge Religion 15) You know that these are zombies, of course, and that the only way they burst out of the ground is through animation, or heavy dark energies.
(Knowledge Religion 20) You know that these are zombies (mention stuff before) and on top of that, they are rather resistant to blunt trauma, and are immune to mind affects and anything effecting constitution.
You approach further beyond the inner walls of this strange, foggy gravesight and you suddenly hear yet another cackle come from just ahead, out of sight, and beyond what looks to be another opening in the wall. Shortly after the cackle is over, more undead start to burst from their coffers, this time a mixture of skeletons, and the aforementioned corpses, this time in large number.
After the defeat of the multitude of undead, you approach forward, listening for the aforementioned cackling, and you come upon a stone wall, and you think you can hear the garbled conversation of 2 or 3 voices, just ahead.
(Perception check 17)
You hear one of the voices say “You know, Miridal would be pleased at the number of undead in this place! Nothing like our quaint little wannabe Necromancer here with his fancy little wand playing god, hey, hey!?” but hear nothing more.
(Perception check 26)
You hear another voice, much more serious, “The only issue is what to do with him once he’s served his purpose? He lurks in the tombs below, amassing them as we speak… As soon as he’s made enough, what would you do, Ezekial?
Returning with an answer, the other voice says “Simple! I’d run him through! After he’s caused enough of a stir, I’d tear him asunder and bathe in his blood, as we do with all of the disposables!
After a pause, “Hmm… Simple. We shall see what happens… I envy `8d8s90 at moments like these…
Overhearing the conversation-
(Make yourselves known)
1. Snappy dialogue from one of the voices, met with a horde of skeletons. (14 skeletons with no additional HD)
2. The 2 voices stop talking, and disappear into the tomb.
3. (Strength Check 22) The door to the tomb sort of caves just a little bit, and you feel like if you keep doing this, it’s eventually going to break. However, as you force the door, magical energy erupts out of the door, and snakes its way into the nearby skeletons.

(Linguistic Check 20) The language on the front of the door is in Aklo
(Have Aklo) The language on the front of the door is in Aklo
(Have Aklo) “Command Word: Thanatos”

(Detect Magic 16) This door opens via a command word that you do not know.
(Detect Magic 20) This door, provided you attempt to force it, may have side-effects.
(Detect Magic 24) This door, provided you force it, will have adverse effects on any nearby corpses.

(Stay Hidden)
1. Hear the command word “Thanatos” from one of the skeletons with a 18 perception check to enter the tomb, and no undead.
2. The 2 look behind them to make sure nothing is there, rolling their respective perceptions vs everyone who is sneaking one last time. If any one person fails their stealth, resort back to (Make yourselves known)
3. If no one is seen, they simply walk inside the tomb and the door shuts behind them.


Entering the tomb reveals a rather beaten stone floor, mossy, wet walls, and a slightly foul smell, as well as dust in the air, but none of it too thick to hinder vision. The tombs entrance is well lit with a deep purple light emanating from an obelisk in the middle of a room, which upon inspection has a 7 fingered hand reaching out of the top with long, sharp finger nails.
There are magical words emanating from the side of the obelisk, easily visible and not requiring any perception to notice, as they are what’s lighting the room up.
(Linguistic check 20) The language is written Aklo.
(Have Aklo) The words on the obelisk, on all 4 sides and from all perspectives, simply reads “7 Rings of Kings”
(Read Magic) See above.
To the west, east, and north are various rooms with altars, all of which have rings on them. Leading to them are various hallways, some of which may or may not be trapped with moderately difficult-to-discern traps, the majority of which should be a minimum 17 DC to detect.
On any of these 7 altars, there is 1 ring, and each of these altars has 7 fingers. 5 regular digits, and 2 thumbs, as well as the first one. The rings have no special qualities, but are sellable for roughly 2000 gold each, as each has a very nice gem of sorts embedded inside them, which you learn via a-
(Appraise check 15) They’re worth 2000 gold, dumbass. None of them are diamonds.
Not making the successful appraise check makes them seem relatively worthless, as the gems are very dusty. Dousing the rings in water lowers the appraise check to a mere 10, and it automatically reveals itself to, well, not be worthless. Exact price is revealed with a 10 appraise check.
Every single ring in the various, cramped rooms, causes surrounding coffins in each room to have zombies burst out of them in 1d4+2 rounds, and they do so rather stealthily. If the PC’s are out of the room when the turn comes around, they are not subject to a perception check for this, but if they do decide to roll one, a minimum of 15 is needed, even if the skeletons roll horribly ****ty stealth checks.
Gathering all 7 rings and placing them on the middle obelisk has no effects until all 7 have been placed. The rings themselves don’t have to be placed correctly in order. Placing all 7 causes a wall, directly north of the obelisk to open.

On a side note, the wall directly north of the obelisk is not openable via a strength check of any kind, nor a disable device. The wall is only openable through the rings, and will close as soon as so much as 1 ring has been removed. Removing a ring causes everything with 15 feet to be lashed at with dark, negative energy, for a total of 2d6, as per the spell inflict moderate wounds.
Going through this door opens to a large, elongated hallway, with a large, purple ball pulsing with dark energies.
Attempting to spot traps as the hallway widens:
(Perception check 22) You notice that a part of the ceiling, just in the opening, is kind of loose.
(Stone Cunning 17) You are entitled to the same DC as previous, although just at a mere 17.
Repairing the ceiling for any reason causes the next thing to happen to be delayed, and broadcasted by 1d6 rounds.
(Go through normally without repairing) As soon as the group clears the ceiling, the roof falls, although not caving the previous room in, a giant mass of dirt, bricks, and rather large bones falls down. In 1d4 rounds, the bones animate, and the skeletons begins to burn, as it is a Large, Burning Skeleton with 4d8
(Repair the ceiling) As soon as the group clears past the ceiling, wait 1d4 rounds, then add 1d6 rounds as well to the time limit. For the extra time, broadcast the fact that the ceiling is being vicious slammed.
(No matter what) As soon as you pick up the purple orb, you become subject to a will save.
(Will save 14) You don’t come under the orbs control.
(Will save less than 14) You come under the orbs empathetic control, and it simply forces the wielder of it to put it back on it’s previous pearch, also draining 1 constitution, the effect of which lasts 1 week. This effect cannot drop you beneath 1 constitution. Putting the orb back on the altar frees you from it’s control with no memory of coming under its control. You have full memory of knowing you were under control. You can make a will save against these effects every round. When the orb is moving you toward it’s previous pearch, you move at a half of your speed.
(Detect Magic) The orb is indistinguishable by detect magic, as it is intelligent.
For every turn you wield the orb, 3 undead in proximity (There are 14 coffins in the room. All skeletons.) automatically animate, regardless of will saves.
If the giant burning skeleton has been destroyed, roll a percentage die. If it is a 2% or lower, the skeleton re-animates as well.
Barring the previous events of this room, you successfully put the orb on the intended place, the center of the obelisk’s hand.
Doing so opens the way to a hidden staircase, just underneath the obelisk.