View Full Version : Making a monk spinemeld warrior. Help please?

2012-11-11, 04:58 AM
Looks like my DMs are starting have a look into MoI and said I could use it for character making. I don't get to game often so when it comes to actual execution of rules and such, I am a bit judgy. So any Incarnum usage I am wanting to use need to be somewhat light or passive ( like bonuses to skills or something ). Mainly stuff that can be explained on the spot if need be with minimal looking at the book.

Homebrewed ability scores method.

Stuff Allowed: All WOTC books except ToB ( snap kick and SUS can be used ). My group sometimes uses psionics, but not very much so light psionics if needed/possible please. Drag mag is a yes. Drag comp is a yes. Dungeon magazine maybe depending upon what it is. Incarnum obviously.

Stuff Not Allowed: LA buyoff is no. Exalted feats are no. Evil is no ( Still need to be prove that I can be the type of evil that is evil-evil, not kill everyone bat**** insane type ). This locks out dark moon sub level. Templates/other things that start out as evil ( such as Unseelie fey for example ) may be a yes IF in backstory of no longer being evil ( basically iffy ). Invisible fist may also be locked ( originally when asked about long ago, they thought that it applied to villains only ).

I don't know much about Incarnum, myself. I am looking through it here and there and pretty much new to it.

Class level are planned/locked up to class level 14/ ECL 15. Feats are the pre-reqs + double hit + Lion tribe warrior + combat reflex from shining south for up to 9th. Unsure about rest of.

Half-mino Skarn racial sub Martial monk 5 / Shou disciple 1 / Monk of enabled hand 3 / Spinemeld warrior 5 ( pg 148 ) so far.

Unarmed damage ( or rather spine damage ) and flurry of 9th large monk in light armor thanks to shou. AC bonus of Wis + essentia investment unrestricted by armor or load thanks to defensive insight. Found an exotic weapon guantlet in sandstorm that can be enchanted like a shield but not count as one when it comes to restriction of abilities. Essentia pool of 5 so far from Monk-sub, midnight dodge, and spinemeld pool.

Main purpose of this build ( so far ) is exploiting Spine Rend. Namely it's ability to activate via spine attack from each arm ( versus explicit wording of mainhand/offhand ) and the fact that it is NOT limited to once per round.

Charge -- > Lion warrior Tribe pounce --- > FoB since can activate on full attack -- > Spine rend.

If successful touch attack or melee attack against me --- > immediate ( not immediate action ) attack of opportunity ---- > double hit --> if both attack rolls are successful --- > Spine rend.

If starting turn next to foe. ---- > FoB and TWF -- > Spine rend.

Question 1: Spine rend itself. Given the wording of the ability and Fob/twf. Let's go with 2 'main hand' attacks and 2 'off hand' attacks. Going by wording of Spine rend and MainHand and Offhand to signify two different claw attacks. MainHand1 attack + OffHand1 triggers no problem. Questions lies in given MainHand1+OffHand1 succeeding, will OffHand1+MainHand2 activate for a second rending. If successful Mainhand2+OffHand2, will Offhand2+MainHand1 trigger for double-rending in a single go. Further attacks being like ( MainHand3 +OffHand 1) + ( MainHand3 + OffHand2. Etc.

Question 2: Equipment. What light armor materials and enhancement and shield magical enhancements would be useful to a monk besides eager and warning? I know Gloves of Dex are a must.

Question 3: Feat choice from 12th onward. What would be useful? Like, I'm looking at the Crystal helm + crown chakra bind. Seeing that it gives melee attacks the force descriptor. I'm asking myself 'will this allow my melee attacks to act like it was Hank's Energy bow or a bow that has Force enhancement'. Is this worth losing access to head slot?

Question 4: Which of the soulborn ( restricted due to spinemeld warrior ) meldshapes would be most useful in a passive bonus way that is unbinded. Which would be useful for brow bind ( face equipment ) or arm bind ( if gain 2 more levels in spinemeld ). Where should the essentia be assigned? Besides, max possible for spine enhancement.

Question 5: Alternate class features. Which would be useful? Like how safe fall and fast movement are gonna go out the window.

Question 6: Class level beyond this. What would be good? Fighter?