View Full Version : Short Adventure Ideas for Science-Fantasy Games

Sorcerer Blob
2012-11-12, 02:01 PM
Hey Playground,

I'm currently working on my NaGaDeMon (http://nagademon.com/) game contribution. My idea is a Science-Fantasy d6 game, but that is neither here nor there.

What I need is help from you, Playground, in coming up with some basic plot ideas for a short science-fantasy adventure.

Thanks in advance for your help!

The Dark Fiddler
2012-11-12, 02:43 PM
I'm not quite sure where on the fantasy/science-fiction spectrum your game is going to be, so you may need to edit it slightly to fit. However:

Recently, several nearby villages have been reporting a serious epidemic with strange symptoms: all those affected find it increasingly difficult to move as their connective tissues begin to calcify, eventually being frozen in position. Tracing the spread of the disease leads to a single village near the foot of the mountains that has recently become the source of low-cost meat, a very popular source at that. It turns out that the meat is actually rocks being converted* into meat, and the source is what's causing the side effects in those who eat it.

*Converted either though magic (like Stone to Flesh in D&D) or some techno-babble, depending, again, on where your game falls on the spectrum.

Sorcerer Blob
2012-11-12, 06:50 PM
That is an awesome suggestion! Reading that makes my head filled with possibilities! Thanks, Fiddler!

Ideally I'd like to have a few different basic plot ideas to work from before NaGaDeMon is over. Keep 'em coming Playground!