View Full Version : Spell resistance help please [3.5]

2012-11-12, 03:08 PM
So I was reading around after a bad scene last night in our group.
Our cleric has an item that grants him SR 15 and another item taht grants him SR 17, thats fine and dandy.
the issue is that as he is new(ish) to D&D, he figured SR stacked with other sources of SR. thus giving him a SR of 32. COOL! HUGE SR for a 12th level cleric right?
The DM had said yes 3 sessions ago when he pointed this out that he would have 2 SR's and was fine with it(DM wasn't really listening at the time). last night spell is cast as the cleric and DM asks "What's your SR?" Cleric smiles proudly "32 MoFo!"
DM ****s himself as we pour over all of our combined books and find that only certain times does it say take the higher of your SR, and nowhere that we could find says "SR doesn't stack" so DM continues to lose it.

Long story short we paused mid fight so we could figure out if it does or doesn't stack.
the sources of his SR are his armor ability (SR, +3 enhancement) and his holy avenger(after taking a 10 level RP quest to unlock it to him and paladins) grants 5+level.

is there something somewhere that states they do/do not stack?

2012-11-12, 03:14 PM
Similar bonuses do not stack, and SR does not stack at all. You take the highest (in his case 17), and that's that. The 15 is wasted.

here you go. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_spellresistance&alpha=)

The relevant part is spoilered:

Spell resistance does not stack. It overlaps. If a cleric wearing +1 chainmail that grants him spell resistance 15 casts holy aura, which grants spell resistance 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures, he has spell resistance 25 against the aforementioned spells and spell resistance 15 against other spells and spell-like abilities.

2012-11-12, 03:18 PM
Similar bonuses do not stack, and SR does not stack at all. You take the highest (in his case 17), and that's that. The 15 is wasted.

we figured that was the case but wanted to know if this was actually stated specifically for SR somewhere.

2012-11-12, 03:18 PM
From the D&D Glossary (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_spellresistance&alpha=):

Spell resistance does not stack. It overlaps. If a cleric wearing +1 chainmail that grants him spell resistance 15 casts holy aura, which grants spell resistance 25 against evil spells and spells cast by evil creatures, he has spell resistance 25 against the aforementioned spells and spell resistance 15 against other spells and spell-like abilities.

2012-11-12, 03:18 PM
A creature with spell resistance cannot impart this power to others by touching them or standing in their midst. Only the rarest of creatures and a few magic items have the ability to bestow spell resistance upon another. Spell resistance does not stack. It overlaps.

From the SRD

2012-11-12, 03:20 PM
thank you every one

2012-11-12, 03:22 PM
Also page 298 of the DMG in case you want published proof as well.