View Full Version : Example of Play, Wizard Scry and/or Die [3.5/PF]

2012-11-13, 01:13 PM
So we all hear that Wizards should use Scry, identify foes, knowledge said foes to know strengths and weaknesses, and then tailor the spell list to counter.
I greatly understand the theory, not certain on the practice. So I'm seeking an example of it in two scenarios.

Scenario 1-Wizard is hunting down a level 8 Bard, solo. Objective is capture prefered, kill acceptable. Wizard spends Day 1 Scrying/Researching and Day 2 making first contact/encounter with the target.

Scenario 2-Wizard wakes up in his tent in camp with his 4 adventuring buddies. He has breakfast, and then sets to work preparing spells for the day. He has a leftover bunch of divination spells available to him from previous day (or if necessary, can cast all these spells before going to bed, writes a list for the morning) which he can cast before preparing his spells for today.
Scenario 2's Encounters for the day are under the spoiler cut, in the event that anyone responding wants to do so 'blind' as it were.

Party will run afoul of a mining settlement controlled by Orcs and Goblins, who will make up the bulk of the initial encounters. The mine is rich in Silver and may even contain some Mithral, but there may be some lead deposits which might interfere with divination. Inside the mine is a Cabal of Summoners (4x Level 6 and 1x Level 8) who pay the Orcs. To process the ore there is a handful of CR appropriate Fire Elementals bound into some kind of furnace/smelter. Also hidden inside the mine is a CR appropriate Demon, who's chamber has several lead deposits around it. The door to this chamber is made of Lead and 10 feet wide, but the first 4 squares inside the door each have a Glyph of Warding, covering a 10ft by 10ft patch.

Assume for both scenarios that the Wizard in question and any party members are level 10 or lower. Walk through specific spells cast, specific questions asked, specific observations, etc, that the Wizard will use in order to prepare for the coming day. A complete spell list isn't required, but note important specific spells and how many times it is prepared. IE-To counter the X, the Wizard memorizes Y slots worth of Z. Anything which isn't taken up in this manner can be considered filler slots for now.

We will assume a decent DM who both understands and prepares for Divination to be used in this manner, and does not actively attempt to run counter to the player. No changing of encounters will occur between divination and actually running into the encounters, the Bard will not magically gain a level and learn new spells or decide that day to go out and buy some other equipment.

Emperor Tippy
2012-11-13, 01:22 PM
Scry and die is a high level tactic (level 15+ in play and really level 17+), not a mid or low level tactic.

Hell, a wizard doesn't even get Contact Other Planes until level 9.

2012-11-13, 01:42 PM
Scenario 1 I'll leave for people who want to tackle it but I'll note scenario 2.

First off you'd cast spells before you go to bed otherwise they are after your 8 hours so they would count towards your daily limit. You'd also be able to use any spell slots that were un-used if you took the Spontaneous Divination ACF from Complete Champion at level 5. You should also only do this if you have plenty of wands and scrolls so you don't get caught without any way of defending yourself. Now that we got that all out of the way here's what I personally would do.
The point of asking the universe 20 questions on a more normal day (scenario 2) is less about specifics information (such as what is that bard's one weakness) and more about general useful information. Questions such as: Am I likely to be betrayed tomorrow? I tend to keep my questions more vague as I understand that absolutes in the future can be broken by me the PC if made. Also if you're paranoid you can ask questions like: Is anyone scrying on me or has scryed on me in the last week?
So for standard adventuring party you can for your standard stuff like where is the Lich's Phylactory or what does it look like. Does the Lich know we are coming. Its also note worthy that Extraplanar Beings are ***** and will sometimes lie feel free to ask a question multiple times (to get multiple rolls) if you don't like the answer. I'm currently going in blind so I can't really say what exactly to ask. But I hope my ramblings helped.

2012-11-13, 02:43 PM
@Suddo-I'm assuming that 20 questions is Contact Other Plane. Got it.
So your recommending I ask a bunch of vague questions to get a bunch of equally vague answers? I'm not following how that helps prepare a spell list for the next day.
As for the standard adventuring party trying to solve problems because they are stuck in a dead end with no leads (IE-Tracking down the Lich's Phalactery), that sort of use makes sense to me.

@Tippy-So it's higher level only? Alright. Mayhaps I'm reading other players suggestions incorrectly then. But for lower level (lets just say the 6-12 range) I'm constantly being informed that Wizards should be using divinations to help them prepare their spell lists. It seems like prior to Contact Other Plane, the spell list suggestion is 'pick stuff you think you might need, pick wrong and you might have a bad day' kind of thing. Or are there other tools that I'm completely ignoring or misinterpreting?

To clarify (to anyone reading the thread), I'm assuming that I'm ignorant of either a tool (or many tools) or it's implimentation at this point. In no way should my request of an example of play be interpreted as some kind of challenge, merely a request for advice. Just in case that was not clear.