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2013-05-22, 11:39 AM
Q 1721

If a warlock with the Mortalbane feat (BoVD, 49) applies it to his eldritch blast, and then applies the eldritch chain shape to the blast, hitting one extra target, does the mortalbane damage apply to both targets? Does all the mortalbane damage apply to the first target and half to the second target?

Dusk Eclipse
2013-05-22, 01:07 PM
Q1722 Does an artificer uses his actual cl for qualifyingbfor feats? Or does he uses his CL +2 as if he where crafting an item?

2013-05-22, 01:10 PM
What is the effect of the Outlands on magic items? Are they disabled or impeded as spells are upon approaching the spire?

2013-05-22, 06:11 PM
Q 1724

if i am an ogre using a spiked chain/halberd/greatsword/longsword/shortsword/dagger/natural attack(for our purposes, let us assume i am a skeleton ogre using a claw attack), what is my effective reach? (for each of those weapons)

Q 1725

exactly the same as 1724, but i am a centaur (or skeleton centaur, as the case may be). and, to make things even more interesting, i am using the exact same weapons the ogre used.

2013-05-22, 07:11 PM
A 1724 & 1725

All the weapons you listed (except the spiked chain) use the creature's natural reach. The spiked chain, being a reach weapon, uses twice the natural reach and, unlike other reach weapons, can be used to attack targets anywhere within that range.

The ogre has a natural reach of 10 feet (20 feet with an appropriately sized spiked chain). The centaur has a natural reach of 5 feet (10 feet with the spiked chain).

2013-05-22, 10:23 PM
Q 1726
Q.1 How Thicket of Blades works with tumble checks to avoid AoO by moving out a threaten square?
Q.2 Shadowstrike weapon enhancement's (p43 MiC) reach bonus granted stacks with Burning Brand(2nd lv Desert Wind maneuver)?
Q.1 Can you store a power with range personal on a power storing weapon?

2013-05-23, 12:13 AM
A 1726

1) It works perfectly. Thicket of blades gives you and AoO against anyone who takes any action. The action the tumbler takes is a move action, the tumbling is part of that action. So the Thicket of Blades AoO hits before the tumbler changes from moving normally to tumbling. Tumbling would however prevent the additional provoked AoO for moving out of a threatened square.
2) Yes, both are untyped bonuses from different sources

2013-05-23, 12:35 AM
Q 1727 Pathfinder questions

Q.1 As a level 5 drow kensai, I do not believe I can cast Ancestral Regression (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/drow.html#_ancestral-regression). Is there a feat, trait, etc, that would allow me to? Perhaps a Ring of Spell Knowledge II/III?

Q.2 Would a Hat of Disguise perhaps be a more simple yet effective way to disguise myself as a surface elf?

Q.3 If I require more assistance completing this character, should I create a thread? (And if so, where? Sorry.)

A 1727: This is the wrong thread for your questions. You need to post in the Pathfinder RAW Q/A thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=270834).

This thread is for D&D 3.5 rules questions and answers.

2013-05-23, 12:52 AM
A. 1723

According to Manual of the Planes, the Spire does nothing to magic items. Spells, Spell-Like Abilities, Supernatural abilities, and Deific powers are all impeded or negated as you approach the center, but neither the specific entry for the Outlands nor the Impeded and Limited Magic traits for planes mention anything about magic items. Although a spell or spell-like ability cast from an item would presumably still be impeded/limited, the normal effects of your items (such as enhancement bonuses on weapons/armor/ Belts of Strength/etc) should function regularly.

A. 1726, part 3
Yes. These spells/powers are typically Range: Personal, Target: You and thus are valid to include in a spell/power storing weapon. But do note that these weapons must strike and injure somebody in order to release their spell- if you hope to use this as a method of buff transferal, make sure your allies are ok with getting smacked in the face to receive their spells.

2013-05-23, 05:54 AM
Slightly related to my above inquiry, does Avoid Planar Effects/the similar ability of the Planar Champion negate the Spire's magic-dampening effects?

2013-05-23, 09:46 AM
Q 1729: Does the Symbiotic Creature template negate all previous Level Adjustments of the host and guest, effectively making whatever you apply only la +1?

2013-05-23, 11:01 AM
Q 1730

a) What action is required to direct summoned creatures?
b) Can you order several creatures around with the same action?
c) Does it matter if the creatures are created by the same spell?

2013-05-23, 12:22 PM
Re: A 1726 [correction]
1) It works perfectly. Thicket of blades gives you and AoO against anyone who takes any action. The action the tumbler takes is a move action, the tumbling is part of that action. So the Thicket of Blades AoO hits before the tumbler changes from moving normally to tumbling.
There is no "change from moving normally to tumbling" required in any movement; tumbling is explicitly "part of normal movement, provoking no attacks of opportunity while doing so".

What we have here, from a RAW perspective, is two disagreeing absolute claims of rule supremacy. The Tumble skill states that movement out of a threatened square cannot provoke attacks of opportunity if the check is successful. Thicket of Blades states that any movement within the martial adept's threatened area provokes AoOs. The stance description specifically includes exceptions to the normal rules for 5' steps and the Withdraw action; however, it fails to address Tumble.

Wizards of the Coast has provided a rule to settle such rules disagreements.
Errata Rule: Primary Sources

When you find a disagreement between two D&D® rules sources, unless an official errata file says otherwise, the primary source is correct. One example of a primary/secondary source is text taking precedence over a table entry. An individual spell description takes precedence when the short description in the beginning of the spells chapter disagrees.

Another example of primary vs. secondary sources involves book and topic precedence. The Player's Handbook, for example, gives all the rules for playing the game, for playing PC races, and for using base class descriptions. If you find something on one of those topics from the Dungeon Master's Guide or the Monster Manual that disagrees with the Player's Handbook, you should assume the Player's Handbook is the primary source. The Dungeon Master's Guide is the primary source for topics such as magic item descriptions, special material construction rules, and so on. The Monster Manual is the primary source for monster descriptions, templates, and supernatural, extraordinary, and spell-like abilities. Because the Player's Handbook is the primary source for "all the rules for playing the game", and includes the Tumble rules, the Tome of Battle disagreement with that primary source is settled with the primary source being correct: a successful Tumble check avoids all AoOs for movement out of threatened squares, irrespective of Thicket of Blades.

2013-05-23, 12:39 PM
Q 1731

a) How many bonus feats does a Heavy Warhorse special mount get to begin with, since it's starting HD is 6?
b) Can you swap out the default feats(Endurance and Run)?
c) What official 3.5 material can I use as a source of confirmation for the above answers?

2013-05-23, 12:56 PM
Re: A 1726

a successful Tumble check avoids all AoOs for movement out of threatened squares, irrespective of Thicket of Blades.

Ask Wizards (http://web.archive.org/web/20090603010823/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4ask/20080526a) disagrees with you, for what it's worth.

2013-05-23, 01:06 PM
Re: A 1726

Ask Wizards (http://web.archive.org/web/20090603010823/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4ask/20080526a) disagrees with you, for what it's worth.
It's not worth much, per the rules of this thread. I cited the RAW foundation for my answer; in contrast, they provided no justification for theirs.

A 1731


There are no bonus feats for a Warhorse, but any non-mindless creature will have 3 regular feats at 6 HD. A Heavy Warhorse (4 HD) has Endurance and Run; the extra HD of a special mount allows for at least one more feat, unspecified.

b) No.

Special mounts and all other NPCs are creatures created and run by the DM. A player does not get to specify nonplayer character attributes. You can ask your DM if your character can call a special mount with characteristics different from normal; you cannot, however, guarantee the results.


See the definition of nonplayer character here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/glossary&term=Glossary_dnd_nonplayercharacter&alpha=N).

2013-05-23, 07:12 PM
Q1732: Is a Half-Celestial Gnome proficient with Gnome Hooked Hammers?

2013-05-23, 08:05 PM
A 1732 Yes.

A Gnome has Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes may treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons. A Half-Celestial changes the type to Outsider, but does not change most racial characteristics. Outsiders are automatically proficient with all martial weapons.

2013-05-23, 08:30 PM
Q 1721

If a warlock with the Mortalbane feat (BoVD, 49) applies it to his eldritch blast, and then applies the eldritch chain shape to the blast, hitting one extra target, does the mortalbane damage apply to both targets? Does all the mortalbane damage apply to the first target and half to the second target?

I think this one got missed. Also, 2 addenda:
Q 1721a
Can Mortalbane be applied twice to an eldritch chain, once to the eldritch blast SLA and once to the blast shape SLA? If an eldritch essence that deals damage is used as well (such as vitriolic blast) can Mortalbane be applied to it as well? If so, does the thrice-mortalbane vitriolic eldritch chain do an additional 6d6 damage to appropriate targets?

Q 1721b
Can Mortalbane be applied to SLA's that deal ability damage? For instance, would a creature with a Shivering Touch SLA and Mortalbane deal 5d6 Dex damage to appropriate targets?

2013-05-24, 01:30 AM
Q. 1733

I have a Rogue 1/ Cleric 5/ Dweomerkeeper 4 in my game, and he has the Sacred Outlaw feat. Does his sneak attack equal out to that of a level 6 rogue or level 10 rogue (as Dweomerkeeper advances Cleric already)?

Thank you.

2013-05-24, 01:38 AM
A 1733

6. Dweomerkeeper only advances cleric casting. it does not make the character count as a higher level cleric for any other purpose. Turning checks are also done as a level 6 cleric.

2013-05-24, 10:58 AM
Q1734: Does the concealment gained from the concealing amorpha power allow you to make Hide checks without other sources of concealment or cover?
(I think it should be obviously yes, but my memory got a bit rusty about 3rd Ed. stealth.)

2013-05-24, 12:47 PM
Q 1735:

Does the "Extra Turning Feat" grant it's bonus retroactively?

i.e.: If I have extra turning but later aquire, let's say, the air domain, do I get the +4 uses a day from my previously aquired feat?

2013-05-24, 01:03 PM
A 1734: Hide requires concealment, and Concealing Amorpha provides concealment. There's no reason it wouldn't work.

Note, however, that Hide also requires that you not be observed. If you start an encounter already hidden, this shouldn't be a problem at first, but if you do anything that reveals yourself, you'd need some source of Hide in Plain Sight, or a distraction, to hide again.

2013-05-24, 01:24 PM
Q 1735

a) For the purpose of a hide check, how can you determine concealment without an observer?
b) How can you determine if someone observes the person trying to hide, if you have not determined concealment?

2013-05-24, 01:31 PM
A 1735 No.

Each time you take this feat, you can use your ability to turn or rebuke creatures four more times per day than normal.

If you have the ability to turn or rebuke more than one kind of creature each of your turning or rebuking abilities gains four additional uses per day.
The benefit happens only when you take the feat, not at any later time.

Flame of Anor
2013-05-24, 01:40 PM
Re: A 1709 correction
I'm wasn't making any extrapolations, though I believe the highlighted part above is such an (erroneous) extrapolation. A long object carried above the floor will become visible after 10 feet, as specified; however, the question was about a rope played out behind the character without any statement about it being held up above the ground. The part of the rope trailing on the ground becomes visible where it's dropped as per the spell's statement about dropped items.

No, that's silly. "Dropped" clearly means "unattended", not "resting on the ground". Otherwise the character's boots would always be visible.

2013-05-24, 01:48 PM
A 1736

a) You can't.

Hide is an opposed check. It can't happen without a Spot check. From a game mechanic perspective, the player can establish an intent to Hide from any potential observers (known or unknown) at the end of their movement, and the opposed checks are actually resolved if/when an observer is in line of sight before the hider's next turn.


That's determined by establishing two things:

Line of sight when the Hide check is attempted.
A simple Spot check just to determine if the observer(s) has/have the necessary visual acuity to make out the creature in plain sight. The DC to Spot a Large object/creature in plain sight is 0, and you adjust for other sizes and distance accordingly. No Hide skill is used for this check.

2013-05-24, 05:04 PM
Q 1737

Is the bonus to attacks granted by the Adjust for Range maneuver granted by the Woodland Archer feat (RotW) cumulative? Also, does it go away after a successful hit, or does it apply to all of the remaining attacks?

2013-05-24, 05:08 PM
Q 1738

Can an iron golem run or charge?

I know it's a silly question, but the idea of them running ruins my mental image of them, and I can't find anything in the books that says one way or the other.

2013-05-24, 05:26 PM
A 1738

Yes. Neither the Iron golem's entry nor the Construct Type have any restriction on charging or running.

2013-05-24, 06:54 PM
A1738 addendum The ELH's Mithral Golem explicitly notes that, "unlike most golems, it can run just as well as a normal creature." However, it would appear that this was changed in 3.5, since none of the 3.5 MMI golems have such a limitation, but all the other ELH golems/colossi note the inability to run in their statblock.

2013-05-25, 04:04 AM
This question may have been missed:

Q 1730

a) What action is required to direct summoned creatures?
b) Can you order several creatures around with the same action?
c) Does it matter if the creatures are created by the same spell?

Q 1739

a) Several Sudden [Metamagic] feats exist. Are there feats like Sudden Twin Spell and Sudden Repeat Spell?

b) are there items that add the benefits of Twin spell or Repeat spell to a spell?

Q 1740

If someone uses Knowledge local on a creature with humanoid features (Aasimar or Tiefling for example) what would the roll yield? Simply a you fail to identify the creature or this creature is not a Humanoid.

Q 1741

How do chapechanging powers that change the creature type interact with the knowledge skill checks to determine creature type and abilities/weaknesses?

2013-05-25, 04:30 AM
A 1740

I don't think you're asking the right question. You wouldn't attempt to use Knowledge (local) on a standard Aasimar; instead, you'd use Knowledge (the planes). This is akin to someone attempting to answer what type of robot a giraffe is, instead of trying to answer what type of animal it is: if you do know the answer, you must already know the correct category.

From a game mechanic perspective, the DM knows the correct skill and the required DC. If they know the PC's modifiers in the various Knowledge skills, all that's required from the player is a d20 roll. Only after a successful check is made does the player get to know which Knowledge skill is relevant.

A 1741

Knowledge checks are based on creature type and hit dice. Only after establishing a successful initial answer based on those parameters is it possible to glean extra information. For every 5 points by which your check result exceeds the DC, you recall another piece of useful information. This additional information can include knowing that the creature's base form is something else entirely.

2013-05-25, 04:41 AM
Q 1742

Bralani (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/bralani.htm) has Str 18 and a +1 magical weapon. The damage bonus when using that weapon is +4. An error?

2013-05-25, 05:07 AM
A1742: Yes. Whether the error is in WotC-official materials and errata or in d20srd.org I am not sure; I suggest contacting Jens to find out.

2013-05-25, 02:02 PM
Q 1743:

Do you know of any spell, item or demon whose power allows it to change a good creature's alignment to evil, like a Helm of Opposite Alignment, but only in the Good-Evil Axis?

2013-05-25, 03:28 PM
Q 1744:

Does architecture count as "items" for the Wish spell? Can I create a small keep with a Wish or two?

What about magical Wondrous Architecture? Do it count as Magical Items? Can a Wish create a magical castle paying twice its XP cost?

2013-05-25, 04:01 PM
Q 1745

The Improved Grab ability of the Dire Toad states that "if it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the opponent." Does this mean right after making the grapple using Improved Grab, or at the beginning of the next turn as usual?

Duke of Urrel
2013-05-25, 04:17 PM
Q 1746

According to the SRD, if you make a Ride check at DC 15, "You can spur your mount to greater speed with a move action. A successful Ride check increases the mount’s speed by 10 feet for 1 round, but deals 1 point of damage to the creature..."

This text confuses me. (Not the damage part, which is very clear.) If I must take a move action to spur my mount, then I must waste an entire move, so that even if my Ride check succeeds, I still subtract more than I add to the distance I can travel in one round. Obviously, I'm not interpreting the rule correctly. But how should I interpret it? Can I make two Ride checks at DC 15 in one turn and lengthen two standard moves (at hustling speed) by 10 feet each if I succeed twice? Can I increase the distance my mount can travel at running speed if I make a Ride check just before I start to move in a straight line over easy terrain?

2013-05-25, 04:36 PM
A 1745

From D&D glossary

If a creature with this special attack (extraordinary) hits with a melee weapon (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.

2013-05-25, 05:20 PM
Q 1747
Is it possible to pick weapon focus for an improvised weapon? Say, a chair? Assuming I have the improvised weapon drunken master class feature.

2013-05-25, 05:23 PM
A 1746:
You're using your move action. Just riding ordinarily uses your mount's move action, leaving you with nothing to use your move action on.

2013-05-25, 05:28 PM
Q 1746

You misunderstand something. You need to expend your move action to increase the speed of your horse. Once you have done that you still have a standard action, but the horse has a move action and a standard action (as normal). You can direct those actions as you see fit.

It is not entirely clear, if you can spur a mount twice per round. Either way you will be faster than without doing so.

Without spurring you get the options:
Horse using a single move: speed
horse using a double move: speed*2
Horse running: Up to speed*5
In any case you still have all your actions.

Spurring the mount once:
Horse using a single move: speed+10
horse using a double move: (speed+10)*2
Horse running: Up to (speed+10)*5
Here you only have a standard action left.

2013-05-25, 05:48 PM
Q 1748

Are there any official statistics for the hardness and break DC for lead? The only thing I can find is a brief callout in Stronghold Builders' Guide saying it has no effect on wall hardness etc., but I can't seem to find any stats for it on its own.

2013-05-25, 06:13 PM
A 1744 No.

Architecture is, for the most part, treated as part of the landscape because it's actually made up of a very large number of individual items. Stronghold Builder's Guide renders architectural details in "stronghold spaces", which correspond roughly to a section of wall for one room. You could use Wish to ask for a wall as a single item, I think. But building a keep is going to involve a lot more than a single item.

2013-05-25, 07:49 PM
Q 1745 Additional

Yes, I'm aware of how Improved Grab works. That's not what I asked. The ability that the Dire Toad has has additional text:

If a dire toad hits an opponent that
is at least one size category smaller than itself with a bite
attack or a tongue attack, it deals normal damage and
attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking
an attack of opportunity (grapple bonus +3). If it gets a hold,
it can try to swallow the opponent.

What I'm unclear on is whether that means that it can swallow right away, or if it just means that it can swallow, as normal, at the beginning of its next turn.

Duke of Urrel
2013-05-25, 07:51 PM
Q 1749

Thanks to both Curmudgeon and Andezzar for the timely and helpful responses. Now, the second shoe must drop.

According to the SRD's description of Ride skill, "As a move action, you can attempt to control a light horse, pony, heavy horse, or other mount not trained for combat riding while in battle. If you fail the Ride check, you can do nothing else in that round."

Does this follow the same rule as the one we applied in the case of the Ride check to spur your mount? In other words, shall I assume that the rider takes this move action while the mount is already moving in the direction of the rider's choice, and at the speed of the rider's choice ... unless the Ride check fails at DC 20, in which case the mount does not move at all and simply rebels – and the rider may have to make another Ride check at DC 5 to avoid being thrown off?

Or should I assume something different, namely that when you take a move action to control an untrained mount in battle, your mount does nothing at all until you complete the move action, so that even if your Ride check succeeds, you and your mount both have only one standard move or action left to take before your turn ends?

2013-05-25, 07:58 PM
A 1749

As before, you only use your own action.

Duke of Urrel
2013-05-25, 08:05 PM
Q 1745

The Improved Grab ability of the Dire Toad states that "if it gets a hold, it can try to swallow the opponent." Does this mean right after making the grapple using Improved Grab, or at the beginning of the next turn as usual?

Q 1745 Additional

What I'm unclear on is whether that means that it can swallow right away, or if it just means that it can swallow, as normal, at the beginning of its next turn.

A 1745 Additional

The SRD has this to say about the extraordinary Swallow Whole ability: "If a creature with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent held in its mouth (see Improved Grab), it can attempt a new grapple check (as though attempting to pin the opponent)."

I think this text implies that a dire toad cannot swallow whole a victim that it holds in its mouth until its next turn begins. Unless the description of the dire toad says otherwise, I'd say that a dire toad with a tasty snack in its mouth must follow this rule and wait until its next turn to swallow. In the meantime, the dire toad's victim can make a grapple check (or several) to try to escape from its mouth.

2013-05-25, 08:49 PM
A1749 addendum: Remember that you can convert a standard action into a move action, so it's possible to spur and control in the same round, but (unless your mount is trained for war) you won't be doing anything else that round except maybe swift actions.

2013-05-26, 05:44 AM
A 1743

The spell Morality Undone in Fiendish Codex I and Lords of Madness turns one creature evil for 10 minutes/level on a failed Will save.

Mindrape, among its many other effects, can change the target's alignment to whatever you want. Duration is Instantaneous, though Break Enchantment (and presumably also Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle, though these are not specifically mentioned) will reverse the alignment change (though not any memory alterations you may care to make).

2013-05-26, 05:48 AM
Psychic Reformation
Does it require 50 XP (e.g.) for every feat/power/skill or 50 XP for the whole level?

2013-05-26, 06:11 AM
A1750: Per level.
This power costs 50 XP to manifest to reformat choices made when the character reached her current level. For each additional previous level into which the revision reaches, the power costs an additional 50 XP. The manifester and subject split all XP costs evenly.

Bolded the important bits.

2013-05-26, 09:26 AM
Q 1751

Are there any rules for detecting magic without the spell? Knowing a item is magical just by looking or examining it?
I know spellcraft can be used for somethings like that and maybe understanding the effect of a spell (or Knowledge like I seen used in 4e), but I like to know if there is a Book rule for 3.5 for what to use to know that a item is magical and the effect of the magic.

2013-05-26, 09:45 AM
A 1751


Search DC 60 will tell you if there is any active magic.

Piggy Knowles
2013-05-26, 10:29 AM
A 1751


Search DC 60 will tell you if there is any active magic.

A1751 addendum:

So will Appraise, which works a little better with magic items and has a lower DC (DC 50 instead of 60 - but of course, Search has more boosters than Appraise, so it cancels out).

2013-05-26, 10:32 AM
A 1751 (cont): An Artificer can do this at level 1, using the Artificer Knowledge class ability. 1d20 + artificer class level + int mod against a DC 15. A successful check reveals the item is magical, but no additional information is gained.

2013-05-26, 02:09 PM
Q 1752-(a)

If I'm a warlock-9/hellfire warlock-3 with a base 6d6 eldritch blast + 6d6 for the hellfire blast, would the Maximize Spell-Like Ability (Eldritch Blast) extend to the hellfire?


Likewise, if I instead took Maximize SLA on Hellfire Blast, would it just be the hellfire damage or would it be the full 12d6?


2013-05-26, 03:05 PM
Q 1753
Master throwers trip shot
Trip shot: The character makes a normal attack against the opponent with a thrown weapon. If the attack succeeds, in addition to doing damage as normal, the master thrower makes a Dexterity check with a +4 bonus... ...The benefit of this ability does not stack with the benefit of the Improved Trip feat.

Is the benefit of Improved trip just the +4 bonus to the trip attempt or does it also include the extra attack after the trip is carried out?

2013-05-26, 03:08 PM
A 1753

You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when you attempt to trip an opponent while you are unarmed. You also gain a +4 bonus on your Strength check to trip your opponent.

If you trip an opponent in melee combat, you immediately get a melee attack against that opponent as if you hadn’t used your attack for the trip attempt. Everything in the Benefit section of the feat is the Benefit.

2013-05-26, 05:10 PM
Q 1754

The descriptions of the Planar Ally and Greater Planar Ally spells in the description of the Summoner domain (SpC, p. 281) indicate that the HD limits of the beings you can call with them are 16 and 24, respectively, while the SRD lists them as 12 and 18. Which is correct? Or do casters with the Summoner domain get modified, more powerful versions?

2013-05-26, 05:32 PM
Q 1755:

Since you can improve your item familiar even without having the required Craft feats, and the descripton say nothing about Epic Craft feats...Can you give magical improvements to your item familiar that raise its value above 200.000 gp? And what about epic enhancements, like +6 to attack and damage and above?

2013-05-26, 05:56 PM
A 1754: The PHB/SRD.

From the PHB Errata:

Errata Rule: Primary Sources When you find a disagreement between two D&D® rules sources, unless an official errata file says otherwise, the primary source is correct. One example of a primary/secondary source is text taking precedence over a table entry. An individual spell description takes precedence when the short description in the beginning of the spells chapter disagrees.

The entry in the Summoner domain does not "trump" the spell text in the SRD.

2013-05-26, 06:25 PM
A1754 additional note

The numbers listed in the Summoner domain are most likely copy-and-paste errors from 3.0. In 3.0, those are the limits those spells had, and they probably copied the domain wholesale from the 3.0 source it originally came from without bothering to check for any necessary updates.

2013-05-26, 09:56 PM
Q 1756

Can the natural weapons gained by the soulmelds Claws of the Wyrm and Dragon Tail of Dragon Mage (page 83ish) be used with other natural weapons?

That is, suppose I have a bite attack. I shape Claws of the Wyrm, giving me 2 claws, and Dragon Tail, giving me a tail. If I full attack can I use my bite as my primary then both claws and the tail as secondary attacks?

2013-05-27, 01:39 AM
A 1756 Yes.

You can always use extra natural attacks as secondary natural attacks (as long as they're available, unlike a claw holding a weapon) with the required penalty.

2013-05-27, 06:31 AM
A 1756 follow-up

So just to be clear, absolutely the only time you can't is when the text says something along the lines of, "You cannot use the stinger as a natural secondary weapon—using the stinger is the only attack you can make
in a given round" (Wormtail Belt, p. 94)?

2013-05-27, 08:46 AM
A 1756 Follow Up

Yes, besides the restriction Curmudgeon already mentioned.

2013-05-27, 08:50 AM
Can Psychic Warrior use a Dorjes without any ranks in Use psionic Device?

2013-05-27, 08:53 AM
A 1757: Yes. They are power trigger items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/basics.htm#powerTrigger).

Power Trigger
This is the activation method for dorjes and psicrowns. It requires the special knowledge of power manifestation that a character of the appropriate class would know, and the formation of the appropriate command thought. If a power is on a character’s power list, the character knows how to use a power trigger item that stores that power.

2013-05-27, 10:06 AM
Q 1758
Does having the throw anything feat allow your melee weapons to be enchanted as thrown weapons?

2013-05-27, 10:31 AM
A 1758

No, the Throw Anything feat has no impact whatsoever on how enchanting works.

2013-05-27, 10:38 AM
Psionic Magic Mantle

In addition, you always treat magic and psionics as identical. Therefore, powers such as dispel psionics work for both magic and psionics.
I.e. with this mantle and with Power Resistance power i'll get a spell resist?

2013-05-27, 10:54 AM
A 1759: Yes. Do note that you typically don't need the mantle to achieve this:

Psionics-Magic Transparency
Though not explicitly called out in the spell descriptions or magic item descriptions, spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items that could potentially affect psionics do affect psionics.

When the rule about psionics-magic transparency is in effect, it has the following ramifications.

Spell resistance is effective against powers, using the same mechanics. Likewise, power resistance is effective against spells, using the same mechanics as spell resistance. If a creature has one kind of resistance, it is assumed to have the other. (The effects have similar ends despite having been brought about by different means.)

All spells that dispel magic have equal effect against powers of the same level using the same mechanics, and vice versa.

The spell detect magic detects powers, their number, and their strength and location within 3 rounds (though a Psicraft check is necessary to identify the discipline of the psionic aura).

Dead magic areas are also dead psionics areas.

This mantle is especially effective when using the psionics are different variant from p 65 of the XPH.

2013-05-27, 10:58 AM
Will Magic Missile affect a person in Null Psionics Field if it will cast outside field?

Can psion somehow get a mantle?

2013-05-27, 02:00 PM
Battle Jump + Leap Attack
Can i initiate this feats not from a height? Will the DC be 30 (10 ft. long jump + 5 feet high jump)

Power Attack + Battle Jump + Leap Attack
2H sword
PA: -5 +10
PA + LA: -5 +30
PA + LA + BJ: -5 +?

2013-05-27, 04:38 PM
A 1760

No (assuming transparency is in effect).

2013-05-27, 04:44 PM
Q 1764

The "Bow of Elvenkind", it is in Complete Champion, p. 137.

How much would it cost to add e.g. 'splitting' (+3) to it ?

The problem is that I'm not sure if it should be treated as as a +1 weapon (plus various bonuses) or a +2 weapon (plus various bonuses ... because of its 'seeking' (+1) property ... but that's restricted to a quite narrow group of possible users) for adding "+X" bonuses.

Q 1765

Are there even official rules for improving specific armors and weapons ?

2013-05-27, 04:45 PM
A 1761: Yes. An egoist can pick up the life mantle in exchange for his 5th level bonus feat via an ACF available in a Mind's Eye article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070314a). Similarly, the Erudite, a psion variant found in Complete Psionic, has an ACF that grants access to a mantle of your choice, in exchange for the 1st level bonus feat. Also found in Mind's Eye (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a).

2013-05-27, 05:24 PM
A 1762 No.
Benefit: You can execute a charge by simply dropping from a height of at least 5 feet above your opponent.
Benefit: You can combine a jump with a charge against an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a square from which you threaten your target, you deal +100% the normal bonus damage from your use of the Power Attack feat. Battle Jump requires simply dropping: i.e., a straight vertical descent. Leap Attack requires a Long Jump, in which the maximum height is only 1/4 the length of the span: i.e., the leap is mostly horizontal with only a slight downward angle at the end. It is impossible to use these feats together.

A 1763 N/A.

A 1764

A specific weapon usually lacks a formula to determine the components of its pricing. In the case of the Bow of Elvenkind there is no formula provided, so you cannot add a +3 cost enhancement as that requires knowing the weapon cost formula. You may ask your DM if they could create an item formula for your use in their game, but they can (of course) refuse.

A 1765

You cannot add +n cost enhancements if there is no formula provided for the specific armor, but you can add fixed-cost enhancements to any armor.

2013-05-27, 06:38 PM
Q 1766

Can a barbarian who is either raging, in a fit of whirling frenzy, in a state of ferocity or under the effects of berserker strength with at least 2 levels of the champion of gwynharwyf prestige class use metamagic rods to modify champion of gwynharwyf-spells cast during a rage or similar ability?

2013-05-27, 07:49 PM
Q 1767

What Monstrous Humanoid of exactly 5 racial HD has the lowest CR?

2013-05-27, 08:53 PM
Q1768 hey, if dominate person is cast on target A, say an outsider or dragon who is using polymorph to be a humanoid and then his polymorph effect wears off, does he stay dominated or not?

2013-05-27, 09:10 PM
Q1769: Do Celestial Creatures and Half-Celestials gain the (good) subtype and similarly do Fiendish Creatures or Half-Fiends gain the (evil) subtype?

2013-05-27, 09:13 PM
A 1768 Yes.

Spells either are successfully cast, or not, depending on whether a target is valid at the time. After casting, it doesn't matter if the target criteria change; the spell is already in effect.
Spell Failure

If you ever try to cast a spell in conditions where the characteristics of the spell cannot be made to conform, the casting fails and the spell is wasted.
The Spell’s Result

Once you know which creatures (or objects or areas) are affected, and whether those creatures have made successful saving throws (if any were allowed), you can apply whatever results a spell entails.

2013-05-27, 09:23 PM
Q1769: Do Celestial Creatures and Half-Celestials gain the (good) subtype and similarly do Fiendish Creatures or Half-Fiends gain the (evil) subtype?

A1769: No. Types and subtypes are explicitly mentioned; Celestial/Fiendish creatures gain (Extraplanar) on the Material Plane, as do other creatures native to other planes, while Half-Celestials and Half-Fiends usually have the (Native) subtype and are commonly native to the Material Plane. In no case are alignment subtypes mentioned.

2013-05-28, 12:03 AM
A 1767

According to this search engine (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/FindMonster.php) it is the Loxo.

2013-05-28, 01:53 AM
Vampiric Blade power
Does it regain hit points from Power Attack damage?

2013-05-28, 02:19 AM

Are there any elf variants that do not have a penalty to strength, constitution or intelligence, besides the snow elf?


Can you use both a tumble check and a jump check at the same time to reduce 20ft worth of fall damage ?

2013-05-28, 02:28 AM
A 1771

Half-elf (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/races.htm#halfElves)
Dargonesti (LA +1) +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Cha (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
Dirminesti (LA +1) +2 Str, +2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)

2013-05-28, 03:00 AM
A 1772

You don't exactly use these skills "at the same time", because otherwise they would operate to reduce the same distance from your fall. However, skill checks are not subject to the basic stacking limits, so you can apply the reductions to effective falling distance serially.

In most cases, modifiers to a given check or roll stack (combine for a cumulative effect) if they come from different sources and have different types (or no type at all), but do not stack if they have the same type or come from the same source (such as the same spell cast twice in succession). You never make a check or roll to compute your falling damage, and no modifier applies. Instead, falling damage computation is in the realm of the DM, and the falling damage rules are in the Dungeon Master's Guide. You can, though, make both Jump and Tumble checks as input into your DM's determination of falling damage.

Finally, note that for every 15 points of your Tumble check result, you can treat a fall as if it were 10 feet shorter than it really is when determining damage. See the rules in Complete Adventurer on page 103 and also here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#tumble).

2013-05-28, 03:11 AM
A1770: No. Base weapon damage dice only — Str bonus, enhancement bonus, and so on are given as examples of the things that are not included.

2013-05-28, 05:49 AM
Q 1755:

Since you can improve your item familiar even without having the required Craft feats, and the descripton say nothing about Epic Craft feats...Can you give magical improvements to your item familiar that raise its value above 200.000 gp? And what about epic enhancements, like +6 to attack and damage and above?

Since nobody has answered my question, I'm repeating it:

Does the Item Familiar feat allow a non-epic character to create a magic item with a monetary value above 200,000 gp?

If not, does the Item Familiar feat allow an epic character to create a magic item with a monetary value above 200,000 gp?

Does the Item Familiar feat allow a non-epic character to create a magic weapon with an enhancement above +10?

If not, does the Item Familiar feat allow an epic character to create a magic weapon with an enhancement above +10?

Thank you in advance.

2013-05-28, 10:56 AM
A 1755 No.

If your DM permits its use, there is still no part of the item familiars variant system which contravenes the Epic magic item rules.

2013-05-28, 02:22 PM
Q 1721

If a warlock with the Mortalbane feat (BoVD, 49) applies it to his eldritch blast, and then applies the eldritch chain shape to the blast, hitting one extra target, does the mortalbane damage apply to both targets? Does all the mortalbane damage apply to the first target and half to the second target?

I think this one got missed. Also, 2 addenda:
Q 1721a
Can Mortalbane be applied twice to an eldritch chain, once to the eldritch blast SLA and once to the blast shape SLA? If an eldritch essence that deals damage is used as well (such as vitriolic blast) can Mortalbane be applied to it as well? If so, does the thrice-mortalbane vitriolic eldritch chain do an additional 6d6 damage to appropriate targets?

Q 1721b
Can Mortalbane be applied to SLA's that deal ability damage? For instance, would a creature with a Shivering Touch SLA and Mortalbane deal 5d6 Dex damage to appropriate targets?

I don't think these have been answered. Also:
Q 1773
Does the use of the Bloodstorm Blade's Thunderous Throw ability provoke attacks of opportunity?

2013-05-28, 02:59 PM
Q 1776:

Do the movement penalties for Black Tentacles (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blackTentacles.htm) and Solid Fog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/solidFog.htm) stack?

2013-05-28, 03:50 PM
Q 1777
I don't see any disbelief saves for it, so will someone who feels a Invisible object know it is there?

2013-05-28, 04:06 PM
A 1776
No. Black Tentacles states that one moves at half one's normal speed and Solid Fog that a creature trying to pass through it has a speed of 5' regardless of its normal speed. Since both effect calculate back to the normal speed you simply use whichever is the lower - 5' or half normal.

2013-05-28, 07:07 PM
Q 1759

If I'm a warlock-9/hellfire warlock-3 with a base 6d6 eldritch blast + 6d6 for the hellfire blast, would the Maximize Spell-Like Ability (Eldritch Blast) extend to the hellfire?

Likewise, if I instead took Maximize SLA on Hellfire Blast, would it just be the hellfire damage or would it be the full 12d6?

(reposted in hopes for answer)

2013-05-28, 08:35 PM
Q 1777
I don't see any disbelief saves for it, so will someone who feels a Invisible object know it is there?

A 1777 Yes. Invisibility only makes its target unable to be seen, it does not make it appear to be absent, and other senses can detect it normally.

2013-05-31, 11:56 AM
Q1760: I'm looking through some templates and wondering what's the difference between getting a plus to level and getting a plus to CR? To illustrate my point, the Arcane-Blood template gives Level +2 CR +1, while the Corrupted template gives Level +5 CR +2. Which one do I use? Do I use both? If so, how do they interact?

2013-05-31, 12:02 PM
A 1760 It should be 1779 though

Challenge Rating and Level Adjustement are two disitnct properties. They have not much to do with each other.

CR determines how difficult the creature will be to overcome in an encounter whereas LA is a means to balance the different PCs among each other.

If you build a PC, CR is irrelevant, if you build an encounter LA is irrelevant.

2013-05-31, 01:47 PM

Another (unrelated) question:

Q1780: Concerning rebuking undead, if the cleric controlling undead (after a successful rebuke attempt) dies, do all the undead he was controlling immediately become "feral?" So if, for instance, in the middle of a fight Kabal the Black Cleric is killed, will all of his undead minions turn on his followers? If yes, are there any specific rules for how/when this happens, or is it instantaneous?

2013-05-31, 01:51 PM
Kindly ask further questions in the new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285715) so this old one can die peacefully.

2013-07-17, 06:28 AM
Q1781 Wizard casts Mislead (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Mislead) and creates an illusion. What happens if an enemy atacks and hit the illusion?

2013-07-17, 07:12 PM
A1781: Attacking is an interaction, so they have a chance to disbelieve; in certain cases, it might be auto-disbelief, if it's obvious only an illusion could (fail to) react that way. Once disbelieved, the illusion becomes translucent as normal.

2013-07-17, 07:40 PM
Q1781 Wizard casts Mislead (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Mislead) and creates an illusion. What happens if an enemy atacks and hit the illusion?

A1781: Attacking is an interaction, so they have a chance to disbelieve; in certain cases, it might be auto-disbelief, if it's obvious only an illusion could (fail to) react that way. Once disbelieved, the illusion becomes translucent as normal.

*cough* /character_count

Kindly ask further questions in the new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285715) so this old one can die peacefully.

2013-10-18, 12:48 AM
Q 1782: Regarding the feat Distant Horizon, on page 34 of Tome of Battle: Can one activate Lasting Weak Spot more than once on the same foe?