View Full Version : Is this feat worth the prereq?

2012-11-14, 01:50 PM
Got a dm who has some setting specific feats he's added to the game. I'm retiring my current character with plans on making a wizard and when I stumbled across this I thought it would be a good choice as it'll give me even greater versatility, but I thought I'd throw it at the board and see what they thought.

Quick Study (Special) Fr

You may exchange prepared spells with a short period of study.

Prerequisite: Int 17, Spell Mastery

Benefit: If you spend one hour of studying your spellbook, you may exchange a number of prepared spells equal to your Intelligence bonus for spells of equal or lesser level in your spellbook. Using this feat requires intense concentration. You must make a concentration check DC 15 for minor
distractions (ex. Unexpected noises or interruptions). Physical injury or extended distractions foil the attempt and you must start over.

2012-11-14, 01:55 PM
You should take it. It seems fairly over powered.

2012-11-14, 02:19 PM
Not sure how much use you'd see of it. At least in my experience, if you really need a different spell than what you have prepared, you need it right now, not an hour from now. (That sort of situation is what Scrolls are for). And if it's something that can wait an hour, it's usually something that can wait until tomorrow.

2012-11-14, 02:21 PM
It's a very good feat if you're in the kind of game that allows for long-range divinations followed by an hour's break and no longer. There are not many situations where you can afford to wait an hour but not eight hours.

2012-11-14, 04:08 PM
I'm not seeing a huge advantage of this over trying to pick the right spells the first time (or just some solid multipurpose spells) and leaving a few spell slots unfilled, to prep if circumstances change.

The prerequisites are ones you'd have anyway if you wanted Uncanny Forethought, so those specifically aren't too bad. But the feat for this ability seems like a waste.

2012-11-14, 04:22 PM
One key reason people like spontaneous divination is because you can burn extra spells to either play 20 questions with the universe or to identify that random thing you just picked up. This feat allows you to basically be able to use random end of day utility spells and still have a nice set up. Plus it has abuse with long duration spells (or persist metamagic) to allow you to buff yourself for tomorrow with today's spells.

2012-11-14, 04:30 PM
I'd grab uncanny forethought instead.

2012-11-14, 07:07 PM
I like the feat. I'd take it, as my wizards never seem to have the right spells prepared, and I seem to have an inability to leave slots empty. I guess it depends on your level, though. By higher levels, I'm sure you could find a more convenient way of doing that, and at low levels, it's not that useful because you haven't got that many spells anyway. If you can't find another feat to pick, I think it might be worth taking.

2012-11-14, 07:19 PM
It's a cute trick, but it seems like a wasted feat to me. Just leave a few slots (up to a quarter of your allotment, IIRC) open to do a 15 minute prep when the situation comes up.

@Suddo: divining the future doesn't work. There are only a handful of creatures in the game that can reliably read more than a few moments into the future and none of them make viable PC's unless you're playing in an epic campaign. Even those creatures would have a hard time divining their own futures.

2012-11-14, 08:12 PM
I agree with the above. If it took a minute or no time it would be crazy good. As it stands it's really hard to get any use out of it at all. Most dungeon runs are less than an hour. And in the wilderness you get ambushed before you have a chance to do anything. I could think of a couple minor tricks to do with it but nothing worth even close to 2 feats.

2012-11-14, 09:04 PM
It'd be worth it if it were faster than an hour but I wouldn't take it the way it is.

2012-11-14, 09:44 PM
It's worth taking if your DM is the sort who puts in one-way gates into outer planes.

Your "Fire Resistance" spell runs out, after all.