View Full Version : Black Sands IC

2012-11-14, 05:39 PM
The world of Patchwerk is imperfect, incomplete. From the Scattered to the harsh lines where taiga meets rainforest and desert to the constant changes made by alien 'gods' that drift over the world, there are reminders everywhere that nothing in this world can be considered stable.

One such reminder hangs intimidatingly over the lands behind you, casting a dark shadow miles wide. You can't bring yourself to look directly at the beast, but from the corner of your eyes you can make out some of it's features. Bluish white skin, dripping with moisture, flailing tentacles, one gigantic dish-shaped orange eye, the glittering black cloud the 'god' carries along the sky.

You were halfway across the verdant green fields of Tel Ezar when the god appeared from the horizon behind it. You were on your way to find an ancient tomb in the peaks on the edge of Tel Ezar, but now you are hurriedly heading for the town of Shaw's Tower, located on the other side of the mountains, named for the powerful wizard who protects it from the unknown wills of the gods.

The sun is beginning to set, and you can see Shaw's Pass where it cuts through the mountains, the god and its black cloud loom behind you, sure to give you nightmares in the years to come. What now?

2012-11-14, 06:10 PM
Does Shaw's Pass lead to Shaw's Tower? If it does, Gnathan says to his fellow adventurers "C'mon.
"and walks through.

Laura Eternata
2012-11-14, 06:20 PM
Hold up a second, Vel Rosha raises a hand. Have any of you guys actually been here before? I'd feel safer knowing what we might be walking into. I mean, you know what tends to happen around these powerful mage types...

2012-11-14, 06:21 PM
((Yes, yes it does.))

The peaks on the edge of the field are tall, and devoid of any vegetation above the pass, which is the same verdant green of the shortgrass fields of Tel Ezar, only with a few small trees here and there. Taller and made of darker stone than the rest of the mountains around them, they loom over the deep, thin pass that cuts through them.

2012-11-14, 06:37 PM
Gnathan looks at Vel."Weeeelll... No, not really, but it'll be fun! He then continues through

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-14, 10:32 PM
I know what you mean Vel, walking through the mountains at night is dangerous, but in this case, Nathan might be right. I want to put as much distance between us and that... thing as possible. If we camp here tonight, who knows what it will do durring that time. At least we can get a bit further into the montains before we camp.

Karrak hitches his bag up over his shoulders a bit higher and looks at Ambur expectantly. What do you think?

2012-11-15, 01:34 AM
Ambur gripped his halberd tightly. He tried not to look at the monstrosity in the sky behind him, but couldn't help glancing back at it from time to time, each time stopping just before his eyes could focus on it, giving him a restless, twitching demeanour. His companions can hear him grumbling. They know he isn't happy.

At Karrak's regard, he let the halberd's haft slide to the ground with a thunk, "Huh? Oh, Shaw's Pass... yes." Knowledge Local[roll0]

"Personally, I'd be happier in the pass than out in the open like this - that being said, that thing can follow us anywhere. We're at its mercy." He hunched his shoulders and spat onto the ground, "Still, I'd prefer to have a rockface to my back should anything happen. I say we proceed."

2012-11-15, 03:14 AM
Sorry, Vel. Outvoted. Let's go!
And he keeps on going through the pass, a grin spread on his face.

Laura Eternata
2012-11-15, 07:29 AM
She sighs and rolls her eyes. I really hate you guys, she grumbles, but follows Gnathan anyway.

2012-11-15, 09:56 AM
Ambur grinned at Vel Rosha, "If we die we can blame the gnome." He looked over to where Gnathan was sauntering, "You can rest assured that if there are bandits in that pass, they'll shoot him first." Laughing at his own joke, he slapped Vel on the shoulder and followed the gnome, who's head was bobbing through the long grass up ahead.

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-15, 10:27 AM
Karrak smiles silently to himself as he takes up the rear position, keeping an eye out for anything strange behind them. Spot

plus darkvision 60 ft if it is getting dark

2012-11-15, 10:47 AM
"Come on, you lot, pick up the pace!"
He would continue at a faster pace, whistling to himself.

2012-11-15, 11:01 AM
Dragon Overlord's Spot Check:
It seems you are the only animal that dares to brave the fields with the god present. Even the plants in its shadow seem to turn away from it.

Knowledge (Local) (Ambur already knows all this thanks to his check, but the rest of you can roll as well)

DC 10
You know Shaw's Tower was founded by a wizard named Shaw, who uses his powers to protect the town from the gods and other dangers.
DC 15
The tower Shaw lives in was actually placed by the gods, but the town was made by Shaw and the people who flocked around him for protection.
DC 20
Shaw is weakening, having been tainted by extended use of the Godmist, but the townspeople are loathe to find a replacement for him.

As you near the peaks, you hear an otherworldly trumpeting from far behind you, a low, reverberating sound that makes you feel sick to your stomache and stings your ears. The god's many squirming limbs slacken and release the glittering black and gray cloud, and you can see the short grass and scattered trees and shrubs in the field bend away from the god as if brushed aside by a giant hand. Deep blue Godmist flows down from the horrible creature in the sky and is washed over you with a gust of wind that flings dirt against your eyes and threatens to bowl you over. Wind whips around you in every which direction, but predominantly towards the mountain. The black cloud hits the ground but extends far above it still, and rushes towards you at speeds you estimate to be slightly past breakneck.

2012-11-15, 11:05 AM
Gnathan would attempt to avoid the thing. (What save is that, or would it not be a save?)

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-15, 11:17 AM
Karrak runs to catch up with the others. Whatever happens next, he wants to be close to his friends. He reaches out Hold on to each other or who knows where each of us will end up.

2012-11-15, 11:21 AM
Okay! Gnathan would cancel that other attempt, run up to Karrak and hold his hand.

2012-11-15, 11:31 AM
The pale side of Ambur's face went just a little more pale, "Oh f..." the rest of the sentence was swallowed by a loud wheeze, "We all have rope, correct? Let's tie each other together. Or run. Or both. Mostly run!"

In case we decide to tie rope to each other, Use Rope
[roll0] to tie one end of the rope to myself

"I can also tell you all that getting to Shaw won't be as safe as we all want it to be." Ambur grinned apolegetically.

2012-11-15, 11:33 AM
I say... RU--UUUNN AWAAEEY! He would break off at a running pace, beckoning for the others to follow him through the pass.

Laura Eternata
2012-11-15, 03:52 PM
No time for the rope, just follow the damn gnome! Vel Rosha takes off at a sprint along the path.

2012-11-15, 04:44 PM
Woof! Woof!he would say as he ran.

2012-11-15, 04:44 PM
The cloud spreads out widthwise as it rushes towards you, blocking your view of the lands behind you, and the Godmist thickens around you, filling your vision with blue!

The cloud of black nears, and you see that it is made of countless tiny bits of black sand and ash and tiny, sharp bits of glass! The abrasive mix hits you like a hammer at first, almost knocking you over, and the swirling bits of debris and desert make hundreds of tiny cuts in your skin, none quite deep enough to draw blood but all very painful. All polishes are quickly dulled, your clothes fray, and your eyes and lungs sting. It becomes almost impossible to see more than a few feet away from yourself! You can only barely make out your companions as you all rush towards the mountain

((At this point, I ask that everyone post in spoilers, and not read each other's posts, to emphasize how hard it is to see in the sand cloud.))

2012-11-15, 04:47 PM
Help! Can anyone hear me? I think we're nearly out!
Gnathan would attempt to find his way out. ((Is that a check, or..))

Laura Eternata
2012-11-15, 05:26 PM
Vel Rosha covers her eyes and does her best not to breathe much while she struggles onward. She doesn't try to communicate with the others.

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-15, 06:32 PM
Karrak covers his mouth and nose with a cloth and continues on the path looking out for his friends. If any fall he will stop to help them.

He will take 10 to spotfor his friends as he goes. Helping his friends is more important that getting out of the storm himself,so if he takes more damage by going slower, that's fine. (He's been whipped before, he can take this too.)

If he can get all of his friends together he will get them all to lay down and cover them all with his traveling cloak. He will still take the outside so the others aren't hurt as much.

2012-11-16, 12:27 AM
Ambur tries to see where his friends went Spot: [roll0] If he sees them he will make a grab for them and try to hold on as not to split the party.
If he sees noone he will put up the hood of his cloak and forge ahead grimly.
Movement, half speed to avoid tripping.
Once it passes that the silhouette of the mountains ahead vanishes, he will hunker down and not move until the godsmist passes.

2012-11-16, 09:15 AM
((That'd be a spot or search, whichever you prefer))
The sandstorm buffets you, threatening to throw your tiny body up into the air, never to be seen again, but you can make out a hunched form over to your left, just a few feet away, it's mouth covered by a piece of cloth. Your head throbs and hurts massively, but it's nothing you can't handle.

You can hear Gnathan calling out from a few feet ahead of you, but you can't quite make out what he is saying over the racket of the storm. The sand stings, but it's nothing worse than what you've been through. The feeling growing in your stomache, however, has you ready to vomit.

You cannot make out the rest of the party, and so you forge on ahead without them. You briefly wonder if maybeit'd bebetter to find one of your fellows first, but the sharp,painful sting of the sandstorm rubbing your skin away gradually chases the thought away. Your vision flickers-you're not sure if you're blinking or blinded or what-and you swear you can hear a voice calling out to you. A familiar voice...

The sand and glass whipped up by the storm tear against your mottled and mixed flesh, each gust leaving deeper cuts than the last. Nothing life threatening yet, but still, it's worrying. You think you can make someone out ahead of you, either Vel or Karrak, but another blast of sand and glass clouds your view, and their silohuette disappears, leaving you with only a general idea of where they were.

DC 10 Spot
You can just barely make out Shaw's Pass ahead of you, the wind having apparently pushed you closer to it. The pass is mostly protected from the storm by the mountains around it. The upper edges of the thin valley are assaulted by black sand, but the lower areas are free of wind and razor-like debris.

DC 15 Spot or Search
Closer to you than the pass is a small cave entrance, agnled away from the wind. Situated on the tip of a rocky outcropping extending from the base of the mountains, it looks small from out here, but none of the sand that assaults you can be seen inside the entrance.

2012-11-16, 10:38 AM
Not like this Ambur thought grimly as he staggered forward. A voice in his head laughed insanely. Ambur shook it off and made a staggering run for the pass.

Full run for the Pass.
If required Balance Check:

2012-11-16, 10:56 AM
Gnathan would try and get out of wherever he is in.

2012-11-16, 10:57 AM
Guys, I see a cave! Follow the sound of my voice!Gnathan yells in his singing voice, rushing to the cave.

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-16, 08:58 PM
As I was at the rear of the party, I will hurriedly move toward the sound of Gnathan and then the safety of the pass. All the way, I will be looking for people first and a safe place second. (But as the party probably isn't stupid, they will be looking for safety too)

Spot for people first and safety second

Laura Eternata
2012-11-16, 09:53 PM
Hello? Vel Rosha chokes out, trying her best to ignore the pain. I... I know you're not real! You're just this damn god playing with my mind!

2012-11-17, 12:25 AM
You approach the pass, ready to get to safety, when you hear heavy footsteps behind you. At first you think it's just one of your fellow adventurers, large people like that always sound so heavy to you. But when you turn around, there's nothing there but a shadow in the storm that reaches up farther than you can see, and the footsteps grow bigger and bigger until the sound is thundering and threatening to burst your ears!

Gnathan hasn't noticed you, yet, and is still rushing towards the pass, looking over his shoulder every once in a while, but apparently unable to see you as you approach him. As you get within arms's reach of the gnome, a bright light shines down on you from the peak of the southernmost mountain in the pass. A silhouette of a person stands in front of the light, waving at you. A dark shape, large and bound in muscles, but somehow also gentle and soft. A distinct smell wafts across your nostrils, fresh milk, blood, and mountain cactus, and it awakens memories that you're sure aren't yours, memories of how a free orc might spend their infancy, cuddled in their mother's arms and bottle-fed a mix of sweet smelling liquids, instead of whipped and beaten and drowned in a trough of gruel with the rest of the cattle.

Tears come unbidden to your eyes.

You push through the storm, staggering here and there, but eventually you make your way closer to the pass, that wonderful emerald place of safety. You think you can make out two people up ahead, one is short, clearly Gnathan, and the other is larger, and sports the hunches and muscles of an orc.

The voice continues to call out for you. Ahead of you, standing at the edge of an outcropping sticking out from the base of the mountains, you can see a figure. It's familiar, someone from your youth, but you can't quite remember who...

The figure approaches you, arms open as if to embrace you, and calls out again, and a particular sour feeling wells up at the back of your throat, as if you're about to start bawling like a newborn babe.

2012-11-17, 12:57 AM
Ambur stumbles forward in his run, relief paltable in his face.
meanwhile, a thought occurs to him: Why glass? the voice of an old man cackles into his ear.
Knowledge Arcane

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-17, 02:19 AM
Karrak allows himself to bath in the false memories for a second, drinking them in and storing them deep in his heart to be remembered at a future time. He had often imagined growing up in normal curcumstances, either orc or human, but these memories were better.

After the moment passed, he hardened his heart against the mental intrusion. He might as well remember being born a half-giant centar mix, it was just as true and just as useful in the present curcumstances.

Karrak pushes on, looking for his friends and moving toward safety.


2012-11-17, 06:55 AM
Gnathan would decide to look for somewhere to find refuge instead. (Since I got 18 on my first spot check, do I not need to roll again and just have to read the DC 15 one if I get 15 or higher, or do I have to do another check? Oh well... ---> Spot check.)

Laura Eternata
2012-11-17, 12:17 PM
No... she pants, fighting back the tears. No, you're an illusion. Whoever you are, you can't be here...

OOC: Is the voice masculine or feminine?

2012-11-18, 05:00 AM
Gnathan would run into the pass, not looking back but yelling :The pass is just ahead! Follow the sound of my voi-oiiice!
of course, still singing those words.

2012-11-18, 09:37 PM
You realize that the sand is volcanic, and contains a fair bit of ash, but your head is now starting to feel heavy. You don't feel any dumber or slower, just...heavy. Your fellows up ahead approach the pass, and you feel that safety will come with just a few more steps, but Vel is nowhere to be seen...

At first it was hard to tell, but the voice is definitely feminine now, and calming, soothing. It makes you feel safe, but sad. The figure steps close to you, and reveals its face. It's been years, but you recognize her perfectly, as if the fire had just been a bad dream. Sand and glass cut at you and threaten to choke and blind you, but you feel slowed, in a stupor...

You can see Gnathan still, and he is just about to enter the 'safe' area of the pass. Just a few feet further, and you can make it, too, though the sound of crying infants now assaults your ears just as readily as the sand and glass.

Whatever's behind you is certainly following you. It gets closer and closer, the footsteps deafening you, but you're just a few feet away from the pass!

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-18, 11:33 PM
The sound of babies crying disturbs Karrak more than he would like to admit... it reminds him of his childhood a bit too much. As a past slave, he is used to pain, but as a cleric he wants to find ways to ease others pain by taking it on himself. (OOC, Do these crys still sound like orc babies or have they changed into all sorts of babies...specifically half-giant-half centar babies... Karrak thinks he is being messed with here.)
(edit: Even more OOC: I totally want to play a halfgiant/halfcentar character in some game in the future. Combine the advantages and disadvantages of both races=awesome roleplaying oppertunities.)

As he gets close to the safety of the pass (and sees Gnathan get to safety?) he looks to see if the others are there. If they aren't he will turn and look for them in the storm. If he can see them, he will wait to make sure they get to safety before him. If any are lost, he will go back into the storm to get them.

If all are safe he will go around and do the necessary first aid for scrapes and bruises.

2012-11-19, 01:21 AM
Safety first Ambur thinks as he moves towards the pass, shaking his head with annoyance at the heaviness building up inside it.
Once he reaches the pass and (if) he reaches his friends, "Any of you know seen Vel?" he coughs, spitting dusty volcanic phlegm.

2012-11-19, 10:51 AM
Gnathan would rush at his top speed to the pass, not stopping til he gets there.
He would keep yelling "WE'RE NEARLY THERE, RUUUUUN!"

Laura Eternata
2012-11-19, 03:41 PM
OOC: So if Vel recognizes the figure, who is it?

2012-11-20, 09:37 AM
((They sound like orc babies. All the little memories and sounds and feelings are purely orc.))
You make it into the pass right behind Gnathan, and Ambur soon pulls in right behind you, asking if you've seen Vel anywhere. The wind and sand aren't as bad down here, and the sound of crying fades a little, but it can still be heard when the wind gusts especially hard.

As soon as you reach the pass, your head no longer feels heavy, and the wind and sand aren't nearly as bad. In fact, it's almost pristone down here, despite the roaring wind and swirling death-storm just a few feet above your heard. Gnathan is here, panting, and Karrak is here as well, lookign around to check on everybody.

You make it to the pass, and once deeper in, where the mountain's protect you, the sand and wind don't hit you quite as hard. It's still a bit rough to breath and hard to hear, but you aren't being sandpapered to death, so that's nice. Karrak and Ambur step into the pass behind you, and Ambur asks if anyonehas seen Vel anywhere.

Who else could it be, but Lady Vel's mother, reaching out to embrace her daughter? A ghostly apparition would probably be less frightening, because you would know it's not real, but here your mother stands before you, grasping at you, pristine aside from where the storm tears at her. She tugs at you and tries to move you out of the wind, towards the rocky outcropping she came from, and you can feel her touch you, just flesh and blood, no ghostly or otherworldly nonsense.

2012-11-20, 09:44 AM
Ambur looked at the sky and fondled his spell reagents If Vel got lost, we might have to go find her, but walking back out into this muck may be suicide... are my spells going to be of any help?
Knowledge Arcane


Dragon Overlord
2012-11-21, 03:08 AM
(It is hard to have a conversation via spoilers)

(Karrak wouldn't have entered the pass without seeing Everyone else enter first, but maybe I wasn't clear enough about that.)

Are you guys okay? Karrak asks.

Karrak quick checks the others over to make sure that they are basically okay (just some wind burn and minor scrapes.) IF they are injured badly he will do first aid and cast cure spells.

IF needed
heal 1d20+3
Cure light wounds [roll1d8+1]
Cure light wounds [roll1d8+1]


If they are basically okay, Karrak will cast Status and go back out to look for Vel. IF there is an argument on who should go, I'll remind everyone that I am half-orc and therefore tougher than them, I can heal her if she is hurt, and with my spell I can find them again.

Laura Eternata
2012-11-21, 06:41 PM
You're dead... Vel tries without much success to keep her voice under control. It's physically impossible for you to have survived the fire. You're an illusion, nothing more.

Will to disbelieve: [roll0]

2012-11-23, 04:53 PM
Gnathan sits down and cries.
he announces, sobbing.

2012-11-25, 03:39 PM
Gnathan, Karrak, and Ambur:
May now read each other's posts.
As Gnathan falls to the ground crying and Karrak checks over everyone's wounds (thankfully, they are minor, and don't require divine aid), Ambur thinks over his spells. A light would probably be helpful in this storm, and while normally the sand would keep it from going far, the glass might reflect it throughout the cloud.
The wind continues to roar overhead.

The sand picks away at your mother while she fades and stares silently at you. Soon, she is gone, and you are left facing a rocky cave entrance while the wind batters you.

2012-11-25, 05:51 PM
The unconsolable gnome wailing in bitter despair snapped Ambur out of his magical musings and he stared, raised eyebrow and all, down at the crying figure. "All is not yet lost, little friend" he said, poking him slightly with the butt of his halberd, "I think I have a spell that could lead Vel to us" Provided I cast it properly and it doesn't backfire and kill us, he thought apprehensively. "Step back!" He said to his friends and - once they had stepped a good 10' away from him - cast Dancing lights out into the swirling storm.

Dancing Lights (Sp): 45 degree angle, to travel out 110' into the Tel Ezar Plain, then return for the entire spell duration
- Hopefully, rather blatantly stating: Here!
Caster Level check (For bad things) DC 10 (Cantrip)


Laura Eternata
2012-11-25, 07:12 PM
Vel lets out a slight sob. Dammit, why'd that have to work? she murmurs. She spends a long moment standing in place, her eyes sealed shut and her knees unstable. After about 30 seconds of this, she opens her damp eyes, reaches for the bow slung across her back, and heads towards the cave entrance.

If she makes it there unimpeded, she stops just inside it and takes a look around.
Search: [roll0]

Dragon Overlord
2012-11-26, 10:53 AM
Karrak watches appreciatively as Ambur’s spell goes off (hopefully, or at least he looks appreciatively at the effort.)

I pray that works. He puts a hand on Gnathan’s shoulder. Let’s give her a few minutes to find her way here. If she doesn’t come soon, I’ll go out and find her. I don’t have anything that will help me find her, but I have a spell that will help me find you two again. As long as you two remain here, I’ll be able to bring her back to this oasis in the sand.

2012-12-03, 09:34 AM
The cave is small, but shielded from the wind outside. There are a few small ferns in a corner, next to a carving of the two peaks etched into a large rock. The soil in here is fine and soft, and there are a few paw prints here and there. Something briefly illuminates the cave from behind you, casting your shadow further into the cramped enclosure.

Karrak, Ambur, and Gnathan:

Gnathan remains in his little slump, sobbing, while lights float in and out of the canyon at Ambur's behest. The glass in the wind scatters the light about, brightening it almost painfully, but it is blocked out for moments at a time by the sand int he cloud.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-05, 08:24 AM
Karrak waits for a minute, and, if Vel doesn't show up, he casts status on Ambur or Gnathan.

I'm going back out to look for her and with this spell I can find one of you guys again. Will one of you come with me roped together and the other stay here so we can find our way back? And did either of you see where she might have gone for shelter?

roll for exaustion

[roll0] DC12

Laura Eternata
2012-12-07, 09:12 AM
Eyes narrowed and bow at the ready, Vel crouches over the nearest paw print and tries to identify the creature that created it.

(Not sure what roll that is; survival? Knowledge: nature?)

2012-12-11, 06:05 AM
"C'mon, c'mon!" Ambur grumbled as he watched the shimmering light descend one last time and fade away.
He turned to Kerrak and retrieved his rope from his pack. "You want to go back out into that?" he said, jerking his head towards the mouth of the pass, where the wind was still howling. "Either we go search for her together, though best to leave Gnathan here - doesnt seem to be taking Vel's loss lightly." He glanced down at the sobbing gnome. "Otherwise you can go look for her and I'll stay here tethered to the rope. Since I'm stronger than you I could make a good attempt at dragging you back if needed..."

Use rope (Taking 20 if allowed)


2012-12-11, 04:45 PM

((Either works, but I rolled for you))
Looks like raccoon. Not uncommon in mountainous areas, but not exactly a tasty meal if it comes back while you're here.

Karrak, Gnathan, and Ambur:
Gnathan sits there, morose, but shortly begins looking through his things as if he has an idea he refuses to share.

Karrak recalls an outcropping he saw on the way towards the pass. It didn't look like much, but it might block the wind somewhat.

2012-12-11, 05:51 PM
Ambur nods at Kerrack's mention. "We could try the outcropping. Should we go together, or do you want me to stay here?"

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-11, 07:40 PM
Well, I was thinking that if Gnathan was willing to wait here and act as an anchor, the two of us could go out together. If we are roped together we won"t lose each other. And two sets of eyes are better than one. In some places people lie down in these kinds of storms. I don't think Vel would do that, but who knows. We can try the outcropping first, but walk a little bit apart to see more area. Does that sound good to you?

OOC I think I finsished casting Status and Ambur rolled his rope use last turn. If not, I'll cast now.

Karrak preps to go back out: adjusting his bag and wraping cloth around his nose and mouth.

2012-12-11, 09:11 PM
Following Kerrack's example, Ambur wraps a cloth over his nose and mouth and, somewhat reluctantly, Ambur nods in agreement and follows Kerrack out into the storm.

Laura Eternata
2012-12-12, 05:15 PM
Somewhat relieved, Vel stands back up and takes a closer look at the carving. Does anything about it catch her eye?

Search: [roll0]

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-14, 03:00 AM
Not hearing any arguement from Gnathan, Karrak and Ambur start to head back out into the storm.

Why don't you try to head straight toward the outcrop and I'll walk about 20 feet to your right. IF you see or hear anything strange, pull on the rope three times and I'll walk towards you and I'll do the same. Sound good to you?

2012-12-16, 03:41 PM
"No complaints from me. Let's hope we don't also get lost in this mess, huh?" Glarus wrapped the rope that tied the two together once around his hand and, using his halberd as a walking staff, followed Kerrack into the storm.

Spot for signs of Vel in the storm


2012-12-17, 01:31 PM
The carving is crude, and doesn't look very old. You wouldn't say it's recent, but it's not old. The moon's lines are a bit deeper and thicker than the other outlines. Something outside the cave pulses with light again, and then fades.

Karrak and Ambur:
If there were any footprints to be found at one point, the wind has wiped them away. You swear you can see someone at the corner of your eyes. Someone familiar, but definitely not Vel. The wind and sand batter you relentlessly, but it's nothing you can't handle.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-19, 11:20 PM
Karrak lets Ambur lead them toward whatever he saw before. As they walk he is searching for any strange lumps in the sand or places where someone could shelter. With his spell he also keeps track of Gnathan so he knows that they are going in roughly a straight line and that Gnathan is staying put like he should.

Spot [roll0]

2012-12-24, 01:30 AM
Ambur grits his teeth and squints against the swirling dust.
This was a terrible idea! What mad idea was this? I could hardly see anything the first time, what made me think it'd be any better the second time round?! he berated himself as he stumbled in more or less what he thought was the right direction.


-just playing out the terrible spot of my last post!

Laura Eternata
2012-12-24, 08:19 PM
Spinning around, Vel aims an arrow at the entrance and calls out, Is anyone there?

If no one responds within twenty seconds, she slowly approaches, eyes and ears strained.

Spot: [/roll]1d20+6[/roll]
Listen: [roll0]

Laura Eternata
2012-12-24, 08:20 PM
Rerolling that screwed up spot: [roll0]

2012-12-26, 02:28 PM
Out of the corners of their eyes, Karrak and Ambur spot a rocky outcropping sticking out of the mountain, and a familiar voice calls out from it! Vel!

Stumbling in the sand, the two make it close enough to the rocks that the wind is forced up and over them, and they aren't buffeted quite so badly by the sand and glass.

2012-12-28, 11:45 AM
Ambur's face lights up in a grin, immediately changing direction and running up to his friend.
"Ho there, Vel! A little windy for a stroll, isn't it?"

Laura Eternata
2012-12-28, 04:32 PM
Vel looks over but doesn't return the smile. Sorry. Got lost. Where the hell are we?

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-28, 06:25 PM
Karrak smiles in relief at seeing Vel safe.

Maybe you were the smarter one, finding a place to get out of the storm rather than wandering around in it. We aren't too far from the pass.

Checking his mental connection to Gnathan, Karrak points back the way they came.

The pass is that way, if you two are ready to out of this storm.

I would assume that Gnathan hasn't wandered too far from where we left him. Or if he was wandering, I would have felt it,

Laura Eternata
2012-12-29, 02:28 AM
Vel nods. Let's do that. I've had enough of this place. Where's Gnathan?

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-29, 02:41 AM
He is acting like an anchor so we can find our way back to the pass. Karrak points towards Gnathan wherever he is. Quietly (but still loud enough to be heard over the wind... So a quiet yell) He didn't take the storm well. I thought I heard... something in the storm. I guess he did too.

2012-12-29, 05:24 PM
"Yeah, lets get out of this wind... Lead on, Kerrak" Ambur glanced at the sky, thumped the butt of his halberd on the ground and followed Vel and Kerrak back to the pass.

2012-12-30, 04:08 AM
Stepping away from Vel's shelter, you make a steady path through the storm back to the pass, where the gnome Gnathan is still sitting with his back to the pass' entrance and murmuring to himself.

Dragon Overlord
2012-12-30, 07:04 AM
Karrak pulls the cloth off of his nose and mouth as soon as they are in the relative safety of the pass.. We found Vel, Gnathan. She is okay. Karrak pauses. Gnathan?

Is he he okay? What does the Status spell say?

2012-12-31, 06:20 PM
Gnathan is physically fine, but the stress of the storm seems to have had an upsetting effect on the already less-than-sane gnome. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get him somewhere less open and calm him down.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-04, 02:45 AM
Karrak comes up slowly to Gnathan, talking in a low, gentle voice. Gnathan? Let's get you away from the sand.

Assuming that he does start acting crazy/violent, Karrak will help him up, and start helping him further up the pass. Ambur, could you give me a hand? Vel, do you want to lead the way?

2013-01-04, 03:19 PM
Ambur nods and lends an arm to picking up Gnathan.

Laura Eternata
2013-01-05, 07:18 PM
Vel, bow drawn and arrow nocked yet again, tilts her head towards the pass and starts walking. We don't have much daylight left, she says. We'll have to hurry if we want to get to Shaw's Tower before sunset.

She tries to determine about how much longer the group has before the sun sets, and if it's realistic to think they'll be able to reach the Tower in time. Survival: [roll0]

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-06, 01:20 AM
Hearing Vel mention the setting sun, Karrak starts to look for any safe places to camp for the night if they can't make it over the pass.

Survival [roll0]

2013-01-09, 05:01 PM
Neither sun nor tower can be seen any more through the storm.

Gnathan nods and mumbles, and stands up, shaking and following Karrak's guiding hand. His skin has gone pale, and he feels clammy.

Dragon Overlord
2013-01-10, 04:51 AM

Is he having a heart attack?
Rolling heal to figure out how I can help him. (Would a cure light wounds help him? He doesn't have physical wounds.)

Heal [roll0]

(I'm assuming that the best thing is to find a place to stop and rest, but if there is anything I can do while we look for a good place to wait out the storm...)