View Full Version : Building a Spymaster

2012-11-15, 12:41 PM
I'm about to start playing a 3.5 game, and I think I've settled on playing a Spymaster. The campaign revolves largely around roleplay, political intrigue, dealing with NPCs, etc. I was planning on just going rogue 5, then straight through Spymaster out of Complete Adventurer. Thought I'd ask for a bit of help: does anyone know of a class more suited to disguise, bluff, etc.? Are there feats that I will definitely need, other classes to mix in? I want to remain viable in combat and in dungeons, so some infiltration capability is good as well.

2012-11-15, 12:45 PM
A modified version of the Joker Bard would do you wonders. Many of the tricks and tactics employed will work marvelously for your character design.

Changeling Rogue1(racial sub)/Bard. Maybe throw in Spymaster if you're really paranoid.

Bards, in addition to party face skills, get things like Glibness (+30 to Bluff checks AND CL contest to bypass Compel Truth and Zone of Truth), can also play hell with someone trying to scry him (Fool Scry, Detect Scry).

2012-11-15, 01:06 PM
That could work out. I'll have to look into the changeling rogue, and look at bard again.