View Full Version : Need help with question?

2012-11-15, 04:20 PM
Ok playground need help. Person a on his turn moves 180ft. taking a double move action to get to a square. Person B. Cast lesser Clarity during person A's turn, perfectly legal, to go to the same square. Is there anyway that they would not collided into each other? Or no matter what would it result in a grapple roll because both in the end are in the same square?

2012-11-15, 05:34 PM
Ok playground need help. Person a on his turn moves 180ft. taking a double move action to get to a square. Person B. Cast lesser Clarity during person A's turn, perfectly legal, to go to the same square. Is there anyway that they would not collided into each other? Or no matter what would it result in a grapple roll because both in the end are in the same square?

I assume you mean lesser celerity, and no: A would have to change their move because it got interrupted and is no longer legal.

2012-11-15, 09:25 PM
Thank you very much did not know that. Saves my cleric from death, and losing all his buffs.

2012-11-15, 09:29 PM
If the two are allies, then there is no penalty for occupying the same squarre, as long as neither takes any actions, except moving out of the square.

2012-11-15, 10:15 PM
If the two are allies, then there is no penalty for occupying the same squarre, as long as neither takes any actions, except moving out of the square.

Well, if they are both medium, there IS the penalty for Squeezing. I believe it's -2 AC and -2 ToHit.
Double check that, though, I'm at work.

2012-11-16, 05:16 AM
If the two are allies, then there is no penalty for occupying the same squarre, as long as neither takes any actions, except moving out of the square.

No, you are allowed to move through your allies, but you cannot end your turn in the same square unless you are more than 2 sizes smaller or larger (or at most Tiny size regardless of the size of the other creature).